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Choose the correct verb forms in italics:

1. I've always enjoyed to travel/ traveling.

2. It's no use to complain/ complaining.
3. What about to go/ going abroad?
4. We decided to see/ seeing the world.
5. I refuse to stand/ standing still.
6. There's no point in sit/ sitting around.
7. I can't stand to do/ doing nothing.
8. I put off to go/ going abroad ll my life.
9. It's worth to spend / spending my savings.
10. I expect to live/ living for a few more years.
11. I've always been interested in to look/ looking at nature.
12. I'm looking forward to watch/ watching...

2. Write sentences about what life would be like now if these things had not been
invented or discovered. Use mixed conditional sentences:

Electric lightbulbs, a vaccine for cholera, printing, penicillin, the atomic bomb,
computers, guns, the wheel, cloning, cars.

Example: If electric lightbulb hadn't been invented, we would still have to use candles.

3. Complete these sentences saying what things would have happened in the past if
the world was different. Use mixed conditionals.

1. If the Earth was covered by sea, ...

2. If humans had small brains,...
3. If spaceships could travel at the speed of light,...
4. If humans lived 200 years,...
5. If there were intelligent robots, ...
Example: If I wasn't afraid of spiders, I would have picked it up.
4. Match the prefixes with the words to make the opposites

Prefixes: dis, il, ir, im, in, mis, un

Verbs: appear, believe, do, dress, pack, qualify, understand
Adjectives: comfortable, convinient, correct, efficient, honest, legal, patient,
responsibile, sensitive.
5. Translate and use in a sentence:

apprehensive, daunted, unscathed, placid, gratitude.


Bodovi Ocjena
0 - 14 1
15 - 18 2
19-22 3
23-26 4
27 - 30 5

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