The Philippines A Century Hence: Chapter 9

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This chapter will discuss the essay titled: The Philippine A Century Hence written by Dr.
Jose Rizal in which he forecast the future of the country within a hundred years.
Moreover, this essay came out in a series of four articles in La Solidaridad from
September 30, 1889 to February 1, 1890 (Garcia, 2011, by Romero, 1978).

This essay was Rizal’s attempt at political

prognostication or prediction trying to
respond to the questions: what would
become of the Philippines within 100
years? Would the Philippines remain a
colony of Spain? Would it become a
province of Spain? Would it become
independent or would it be a colony of
another nation? For Rizal, it is necessary
to open the book that tells our past, before
its destiny can be predicted.

The essay “The Philippines A

Century Hence” is long essay written by
Rizal and published in La Solidaridad
explaining the causes of Filipino people’s
miseries during the four centuries of
Spanish rule.

Jose Rizal forecasted the future of the

country and he felt that it was time to
remind Spain that the French Revolution
could ushered effect in the Philippines. The
main points of the essay focused on issues
concerning abuses of human rights, lack of
freedom of speech, and lack of
representation to Spanish Cortes.

Intended Learning Outcome:

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

1. Appraise the value of understanding about the past; and

2. Framed arguments based on evidence.
This essay was written by Dr. Jose Rizal published in La Solidaridad is as relevant today.
In this long essay, Rizal explained the causes of the Filipino people’s miseries during the
four centuries of Spanish. He shares with us insights into our culture and why we must
focus on strengthening the most important backbone of the country- our values, mindsets,
and all our beliefs that had shaped our sense of national identity.

Filipinas Dentro De Cien Anos - means “The Philippines A Century Hence” is to

forecast the future of the country within a hundred years.

Three Causes of Misery of the people

came out from the articles of La

1. Spain’s implementation of the

Military Policies

• The country was depopulated

• Poverty became widespread
• Family and farmlands were
• All phases of the life of the
Filipinos was retarded

2. Deterioration and disappearance

of Filipino Indigenous Culture

• The loss of people’s confidence

in the past
• Loss of faith in the present
• Loss of hope in the future

3. Passivity and submissiveness to

Spanish Colonizers Consequences:

• They accumulated grievances against the colonial Master, which culminated

with the outbreak of uncoordinated and unsuccessful revolts
• Divide et Impera (divide and rule policy) - this policy according to Rizal, would
no longer be effective owing to the east of movement in the Archipelago
brought about by improved means of transportation

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