Kristina Fitri Wulandari - Analyzing Video - TEFL

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Name: Kristina Fitri Wulandari

NIM: F1021191013

1. Oral Approach & Sıtuatıonal Language Teachıng

The activity that matches the theory of language of Oral Approach & Situational
Language Teaching method based on the video I watch is when the teacher shows
activity in the teaching of English structure in vocabulary in the oral practice of
structures. When first the teachers give some list vocabulary about fast food, like
burger, sandwich, fried chicken. This method has emphasized the structure as
being to increase speaking ability. its focus on oral language and structure.

The activity that matches the theory of language learning of Oral Approach &
Situational Language Teaching method based on the video I watch is when the
teacher teaches vocabulary about fast food and then the teacher invites students to
imagine that they are in a restaurant by using the words "I like" and "I don't like"
the teacher focuses on the implementation of its usage while in a restaurant.

The activity that matches the objectives of Oral Approach & Situational Language
Teaching method based on the video I watch is when the teacher corrects the
students' pronunciation errors when mentioning one by one the vocabulary about
fast food.

The activity that matches the types of activity of Oral Approach & Situational
Language Teaching method based on the video I watch is when the teacher
presents the sentence "I like" and "I don't like" and applies the use of this sentence
when the students want to order at a restaurant. It uses dialogue conversation and
sentence structure practice and pronunciation practice and the teaching media or
tools is pictures. And then students match the vocabulary with the picture.
The activity that matches the learner roles of Oral Approach & Situational
Language Teaching method based on the video I watch is when the students repeat
the vocabulary after the teacher one by one. And then the teacher asks a question
like "do you know what a chocolate bar in Spanish?" to make the students
participate in the class. And also teacher asks students to answer what the fast food
that they like and don't like.

The activity that matches the teacher roles of Oral Approach & Situational
Language Teaching method based on the video I watch is when the teacher give an
example of the use of "I like" and "I don't like" when in a restaurant. And when the
teacher asks students what fast food they like and students answer based on the
vocabulary list that has been listed previously.

2. Audio-Lingual Method

The activity that matches the theory of language of the Audio-Lingual method
based on the video I watch that the language delivery in this video does not only
listen to the voice of the teacher but also the students give an active response in the
learning process. It drills students in the use of grammatical sentence patterns. The
grammatical structure used in this video is listen-repeat-write.

The activity that matches the theory of language learning of the Audio-Lingual
method based on the video I watch is by using the repetitions that the teacher did in
this video, they would form a habit to remember the new sentences they learned.

The activity that matches the objectives of the Audio-Lingual method based on the
video I watch is when the teacher continuously corrects pronunciation errors made
by students. students are required to be able to listen and understand well the
contents of the dialogue.
The activity that matches the activity types of the Audio-Lingual method based on
the video I watch when the teacher makes a dialogue with his hands using socks
like a conversation between two people. And then teacher repeats the dialogue
again and students repeat after her, and then the teacher makes a repetition of the
sentence "I'm going to the post office" And then the students repeat it again. And
then the teacher becomes one person and students become another person and use
the same dialogue. And then alternating roles. And then the teacher separates the
class into two groups and do the dialogue again, And then separated the students
based on genders.

The activity that matches the student roles of the Audio-Lingual method based on
the video I watch is at the beginning of the video the teacher asks students to listen
to the dialogue carefully, and then the students imitate the dialogue that has been
done by the teacher.

The activity that matches the material roles of the Audio-Lingual method based on
the video I watch is the material that comes from the teacher and has been prepared
beforehand. it is shown when the teacher says "I'm going to give you a dialogue
and read it, and then listen to me very carefully" and also the teacher uses another
picture to make other meanings especially some pictures of the place.

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