Kristina Fitri Wulandari - Problem Based Instruction and Class Discussion Learning

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Name: Kristina Fitri Wulandari

NIM: F1021191013

TEFL Methodology

Problem Based Instruction

Problem-based instruction (PBI) is a learning model that uses problems as a first step in collecting and
developing new knowledge for students who need real solutions so as to make students actively
participate in learning activities. The goals of PBI are thinking skills and problem-solving skills; Adult
modeling; An autonomous and independent learner.

Consists of 5 steps:

1) Student orientation to the problem

2) Organizing students to learn

3) Assisting student investigations

4) Develop and present the work

5) Analyze and evaluate

Application in teaching English => Teach reading, writing, and problem-solving in a road trip learning.

Step 1: To introduce this project, the teacher shows kids a variety of print or video commercials for
vacation destinations. And ask the students to talk about road trips they have taken with their families or
their friends. Once the class is excited about the topic, it's time to let them get busy.

Step 2: Students will begin by choosing 4 possible destinations for their road trip. The teacher directs and
assists students in their choices.

Step 3: The students do some research on each location they choose. Let the students determine whether
they will visit one place, make a loop from start to finish in order to see multiple locations, or whether to
travel near or far. Students will then work on planning their road trip. In this planning phase, they will be
working on activities such as what to pack? Where to stay? Sights to see? The distance that will be
traveled? Research also involved real-world reading and students will practice reading for specific
information, understanding general concepts, and applying what they read. Additionally, students will be
using lots of math skills as they work on time, money, multiplication and division, and more.

Step 4: Students present their work in the report form of a holiday packing list in a creative design. The
teacher will help them to organize and prepare it.

Step 5: The teacher reflects or evaluates and gives feedback for their holiday packing list, starting with the
city where they will visit the equipment to be brought, the place to stay while they are there, the
destination they plan to travel, and the distance they will travel.
Class Discussion Learning

Class discussion learning is learning through the means of exchanging thoughts to solve the problems at
hand. The goals of discussion (Arends, 1977): Discussions improve students' thinking and help them
structure understanding of academic material; Encourage student involvement and participation, provide
opportunities for students to express their own ideas, and motivate students to be involved in class
conversations; Helps students learn communication skills and thought processes.

The discussion learning syntax consists of five stages:

1) Starting with the teacher conveying specific learning objectives and generating motivation.

2) Focus on the discussion.

3) Hold discussions.

4) End the discussion

5) Summarize the result of the discussion

Application in teaching English => Teach about Announcement Text

Step 1: The teacher starts with ask some questions about the announcement. And then the teacher explains
to students that they will identify an announcement, its structure, and how to make it.

Step 2: The teacher makes discussion groups, and then the students choose the discussion leader
(chairman, secretary, or note-taker), arrange seating, space, targets, and so on.

Step 3: The students discuss in their respective groups, they identify an announcement, what information
they will get from that announcement, what is its structure, try to make it and they ask the teacher if there
is something unclear while the teacher goes around from one group to another.

Step 4: The teacher ends the discussion and asks students to focus again on him.

Step 5: The teacher and students together summarize the result of their learning about the announcement.
Reviewing the course of the discussion by asking for opinions from all discussion participants as
feedback. The teacher makes the main points of the discussion as conclusions accordingly with the results
of the discussion.

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