Power and Morality: Year 11 English Ext 1

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Year 11 English Ext 1

Power and By Sina Hafezi

Morality 1
Creative Writing

As the sun rose Liam woke up from his simulation box. The year was 2049 and Liam at a young
age was lucky enough to live in the past, and the intergalactic life where the biggest physical
change of the world took place. Liam is now 20 and rules the galaxy, but the recent war on earth
has brought questions about Liam’s abilities as a leader and moral person. Liam became the
president of the United States in the year 2035 and his obsession with power caused a massive
war across the earth, Liam has now conquered most of Africa and Europe, however with newly
acquired land Liam now seeks to maintain control.

As Liam left a black Mercedes pulled up in front of his home, which you could barely see through
the thick fog. As the black Mercedes stopped, 3 men in black suits appeared and opened the
door and Liam slowly walked in. “Good Morning Sir” 1 st man said, “Good morning, how is the war
going?” said Liam.” The war is going as planned, however, we are met with resistance” 1 st man
said. Liam has only been ruling for a year when his father became sick, so at the time he was
unable to make clear decisions. “The countries we have conquered to now need to become
stable and people must be on our side or else the land could be lost, so we don’t have much
time. What do you want to do?” the 1 st man said. Liam was clueless, so he told the agents to
take him to his father at the centre of the city. Liam ran through the white marble entrance to
meet his father at the start of his room.” Father I have come to see you, I need your assistance”
Liam Said, “What is it, son?”. As Liam explains the situation to his father, he replies to him “A
ruler must find his way to conquer and maintain his lands, as the times change so do the
methods”. Liam was frustrated, but his father remembered that he had the time machine hidden
under the house.” Son if you are unsure, you can use the time machine, it will allow you to make
your choice”.

Liam swiftly hopped back into the car and went straight back to his house, whilst going back
Liam and the 3 men came up with 3 plans and they were going to test each one and if one failed
then they simply go went back in time. Liam’s first idea was through the deception of his people,
through his manipulation and an experimental chemical called “The cure”, Liam went into the
time machine and set the year for 2040, the year who took control of most of Europe and caused
a civil war. The first trace of rebellion sparked panic within Liam’s Government, to decrease the
threat to Liam’s power a drug had been crafted. A drug, which entailed ultimate control – the
control of the subconscious. So, each week the citizens of the city are issued with a supply of
what the Government and their chemists named: ‘The Cure’.

Injected twice a day, morning and night, the citizens became like nobles they honoured Liam. At
first, it was believed to have worked in allowing Liam to maintain his power, then as years wore
on, the effect of the drugs became more profound. The effects worsen with age and the citizen

quickly realised Liam’s deception and a revolution occurred as a result before it was too late
Liam went back inside the time machine and went back to the year 2049, he later finds out that
in that dimensions he was overruled by a man named 2843 who was the leader of the revolution,
things did not go to plan. As Liam heads back, he was ready to initiate his next plan, his citizen
did not respect him nor feared him he realised the only way for him to be feared is to strengthen
his military. He went back to the time machine and set the year for 2037, the day his father lost
most of his military strength over the pacific sea, the pacific was important it was found to be
the largest resource supply and was needed to capture for expanding the military as a resource
was running out back at home. Liam was now determined to cease the revolution, he is now in
the year 2037 and meets his father, to help fight the pacific battle, 2 months later the battle was
won Liam has strengthened his military and the Government propaganda has spread tanks and
armoured vehicles roamed the streets, the people who resisted were shot dead and the world
was constantly surveillance, it became a dystopia what you would see in the hunger games. The
world was on fire and constant suppression made things worse for Liam, although no one dared
to challenge him, no one also dared to work with Liam. 2 years have passed since Liam has used
the time machine, at night, dogs prowled the streets. Enormous paws slapped the pavement as
they wandered through the darkness, jerking at their chain restraints. Muzzles encased their
muscular heads, the leather gristly with saliva and stained by pollution. The police walked beside
them, holding thick ringed chains that collared the beasts. The Guard, as the city called them.
The city itself was as grey and bleak as any other in this dying world. It was a vast monotony of
glass and steel, shaped by years of destruction and chaos, this is what Liam called power.
Although brutality and being feared to help him remain in power, like most things the citizen
became rebellious, the government couldn’t stop all of them, after all the government relied on
the citizen, what good are when they try to overthrow Liam’s regime.

“Sir, I’m afraid it’s too late, the citizen has broken into the white house, we must go back,” the 1 st
man said. Liam grabbed everything and ran for the nearest exit to the time machine and went
back to the year 2049. As time went on Liam was running out of ideas, both of his previous plans
failed to give long term power over his empire, but he still one plan under his sleeves, he
gathered data from his two supercomputers, he realised that the only way to get the citizen on
his side he must be kind and affectionate to the people or demand what they want. He set the
year for 2030 the year his father was hated by his citizens, over the war in the middle east. He
quickly went to the palace balcony and told his father he is from the future and told me
everything, a speech was given to the public for the promise of freedom and security. Since then,
Liam has been ruling for 20 years, he now 30. But little did he know that the people around him
were slowly becoming a threat, until one day he at the centre of the palace he was stabbed by
his brother who was 20 at the time and was jealous of his brother. His last words “why bother?
Why would you do this?” Liam said, “I am sorry brother, I was getting sick of you and plus it was
easy for me to overcome you”. As Liam took his last breath the sword began to twist in him,
screaming in pain he took his last breath and closed his eyes……… to be continued.

In my creative story there are many different representations of the book “The Prince” by

The story is about a prince named Liam, who conquered many parts of the world with help of his
father and now he is struggling to keep it. The story draws upon many different themes of power.
The story has three main scenes, I have done this to show some of the key ideas presented by

In chapters XV through XVII Machiavelli asks whether being feared or loved is preferable. This is
represented in my story as the main character named Liam is a prince from the future, which he
finds himself in a situation to maintain his newly conquered land and the respect of his citizens,

“The countries we have conquered to now need to become stable and people must be on our
side or else the land could be lost, so we don’t have much time what do you want to do?”. This is
when Liam tries 3 three different methods of ruling, deception, kindness, and military force.

In the quote “Since then, a prince must know how to make use of the nature of the beast, he
should choose from among the beasts the fox and the lion; for the lion cannot defend itself from
traps, while the fox cannot protect itself from the wolves. It is, therefore, necessary to be a fox to
recognize the traps, and a lion to frighten the wolves.” Uses simile and symbolism indicate that a
ruler should be cunning to his subjects or those who may wish to overthrow him. As a result, the
subject shall protect their strong ruler, fear him for his strength, and avoid any attempts to kill
him. This leads to the idea of whether it ‘is it better for a Prince to be loved or feared?’. This is
also represented in my story as Liam tries his first two methods of deception and kindness to be
loved by his citizens and not be met with resilience by his own when trying to conquer the rest of
the world. However, failing as Machiavelli suggested that being loved means others can easily
overrule you, which happened to Liam as he was attacked by the leader of rebels after realising
Liam and poisoned his citizen and without a strong military meant no one feared him.

Machiavelli supports the use of the military to gain power and protect the kingdom. However, he
does not support oppression. His views emanate from the notion that good military power leads
to a good rule of law. He supports this idea by stating, “And the principal foundation of all states,
the new as well as the old or the mixed, are good laws and good armies. Since good laws cannot
exist where there are no good armies and the where good armies exist there must be good

laws”. Machiavelli is right to advise the Prince that the subjects’ loyalty is a good defence than a
structure of a fortress. These ideas are portrayed in the third methods which Liam tried to use
military oppression which seen in the quote “ Liam was now determined to cease the revolution,
he is now in the year 2037 and meets his father, to help fight the pacific battle, 2 months later
the battle was won Liam has strengthened his military and the Government propaganda has
spread tanks and armoured vehicles roamed the streets, the people who resisted were shot
dead and the world was constantly surveillance, it became a dystopia what you would see in the
hunger games”. Although this plan worked in the beginning Liam became paranoid in which acts
of oppression occurred which caused him to lose power.

In conclusion, I have effectively represented Machiavelli’s ideas of deception, be kind or feared

and military power in the book “The Prince” and the outcome of his ideas.

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