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A very good morning I would like to bid to the chairperson, honorable

judges, timekeepers and members of the audience.

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to begin my speech today with a question.

What did one wall say to the other wall? Can you guess the answer? The answer is

I'll meet you at the corner. Is it funny or is it not? Well, never mind. By now, you

can definitely guess the topic of my speech today right. Yes, I will talk about

S.M.I.L.E. Mother Teresa once said that “Peace begins with a smile” and an

unknown author said that “A smile is a powerful weapon; you can even break the

ice with it”.

Have you ever thought what a smile is? Yes, very often we smile and do not

pay attention to the fact that smile is a very important action from physical and

emotional point of view. In fact, we do not know very important things

concerning a smile. For instance, do you know that there is great variety of


Yes, there are more than eighteen types of smiles, which are used for

different purposes and in different situations. To create a smile, a man should use

more than fifty muscles at once. Even if you try to fake a smile, it is possible to

understand that by the look of your eyes.

A smile can make a person happier: it provokes a release of endorphins

that makes our emotional state better. See, how many surprising facts about a

smile can be found!

Someone once said that “a smile confuses an approaching frown.”   Smiles are

an international sign for friendliness and happiness.   Smiling is a great way to

build a connection among people. It’s like a bridge between two hearts. Smiling is

also the simplest, easiest and cheapest way of improving our looks and even


The fact is, it takes only 17 muscles to smile, but we need about 43 muscles to

frown. So why do we have to waste our energy frowning when we could just be

smiling. When we smile, our brain releases endorphins that can make us feel

happier and better. I found out that women smile a lot more than men and they

are easier to greet another person than men.

Ladies and gentlemen, this look at the smile over simplifies a somewhat

already a simple idea.   When a baby is born or a first kiss comes to pass, a smile

can crop up, but it can also be a sign of malice on the face of a murderer before

he pulls the trigger or a thief who robs a store.   When worn with a patronizing

air, a smile can cause more harm than it brightens the world.  
When speaking, ones facial expression sets the tone of the conversation.  

Body language of any kind affects the message being given but facial expression is

the most noticeable.   A smile or a frown can turn a potential argument into a

civilized dialogue, and vice versa a scowl can turn a pleasant exchange into a

much more strained conversation.  

A smile that crinkles the nose and scrunches the cheeks is known to be

genuine and can brighten a day and erase brooding thoughts, whereas a smile

that goes no further than the mouth and leaves the rest of the face in its original

position can be easily seen as fake and cause a lack of faith between the two


The smile has been commercialized just like many other unexceptional

objects in today’s society.   Wal-Mart, the famous shopping mall in America is

probably the most well known for using the smile in their advertising.   Their

bright yellow smiley face signifies the store’s slogan to roll back prices, and is

recognized by the majority of American cities.   Interestingly enough Wal-Mart

has begun to take steps to trademark the smiley face that is used in their

commercials as well as many other places around the world causing a small

scandal.   That smiling face brings to people’s attention that the prices are low

enough to be happy about and that the current customers are happy with the
prices.   On the other hand, some people have started to become annoyed with

the idea of a smiley face due to its over use in the media and other forms of

communication such as in instant messaging.

OK, now here are the 25 ways to make people smile and maybe there are more ways but I just
found around 25.

1. Greet your neighbor today and make eye contact.

2. Send some flower to your partner or spouse at work.
3. Give your partner a surprise call at work just to say Hi..
4. Compliment your co worker's appearance today
5. Send a surprise and unusual gift to your parents like cakes, flower, books, or chocolate.
6. Donate something to charity like your money, your books etc
7. Hold the door for someone who is walking behind you.
8. Send a card to your friend or family member letting them know what a good friend and family
they are.
9. Call your granny for no reason.
10. Tell your kids that you love them.
11. Take a friend out for lunch.
12. Share your funny stories with friends.

A smile costs nothing but gives much.  It enriches those who receive

without making poorer those who give.  It takes but a moment, but the memory

of it sometimes lasts forever.  None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along

without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it.  Yet a smile

cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no

value to anyone until it is given away.  Some people are too tired to give you a

smile.  Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no

more to give. 
It takes a lot of work from the face to let out a smile, but just think what

good smiling can bring to the most important muscle of the body... the heart. 

~Author Unknown

No matter how grouchy you're feeling,

You'll find the smile more or less healing.
It grows in a wreath
All around the front teeth—
Thus preserving the face from congealing.
~Anthony Euwer

So, do you want to put a smile on someone's face today ? You may try those steps above. It won't
cost you a dime and be carefull smile could be very contagious :) 

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