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An Internship Report

IT Management

Bishal Dhakal
TU registration no: 7-2-39-1996-2015
Shankar Dev Campus

A internship Report Submitted to

Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University

in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Information Management


I take this opportunity to express my deepest and sincere gratitude to my supervisor Mr.
Manoj Maharjan for his insightful advice , motivating suggestions , invaluable guidance ,
help and support in successful completion of this report and also for his constant
encouragement and advice .
With profound regard I gratefully acknowledge my immediate supervisor Mr. Manoj
Maharjan for his regular help and support during my tenure at Subedi Foundation
International Education Services Also I would like to express my deep gratitude to
all the other colleagues for their continuous and regular support , co-operation , and
coordination .
Finally , yet more importantly , I would like to express my deep appreciation to my family
and friends for their perpetual support and encouragement throughout the Bachelor’s Degree
Table of Contents
Introduction 1-4
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objective 2
1.2.1General Objectives 2
1.2.2 Specific Objectives 2
1.3Methodology 2
1.3.1 Organization selection 2
1.3.2 Placement 3
1.3.3 Duration 3
1.3.4 Activities Performed 4
1.3.5 Tools Used 4

Brief introduction of industry 5-7

2.1 Introduction to IT Industry 5
2.2 IT Industry In Nepal 5-6
2.3 Scope of IT 6
2.4 History of IT 6-7
2.5 Opportunities and challenges 7

Brief introduction of organization 8-9

3.1 Introduction of the Subedi Foundation 8
3.2 Objectives of the Subedi Foundation 8
3.3 Mission of the Subedi Foundation 8
3.4 Vision of the Subedi Foundation 9

Analysis of activities done / Problems solved / Observed gap 10-15

4.1 Activities 10-11
4.1.1Requirement Analysis…………………………………………………..10
4.3 System Design 11
4.4 System Testing 15

Conclusion 16
Conclusion 16
Lesion learnt 16

List of figures
Usecase diagra
Sequence diagram...................................................................................13
Activity diagram.....................................................................................14
Organization Structure…………………………………………………………3
List of Tables
Duration Tabl
Test Case Module........................................................................................15

1.1 Background

A Bachelor In Information Management (BIM) degree is an undergraduate degree requiring

four years of study to acquire. This degree is a hybrid program with a mix of management
and information technology courses. It provides professional training to student by combining
information technology with managerial skills. It is a blend of IT and Management.

As a mandatory part of BIM program, all the students have to undergo at least eight weeks of
internship program with an objective of gaining practical knowledge about the emerging
technologies scattered around the globe. Internship is the platform to utilize our academic
knowledge into practical implementation.

During my tenure , I managed online website and application of the organization. The
website is an approach to achieve business goals in which technology for information
exchange enables or facilitates execution of activities in and across value chains as well as
supporting decisions making that underlies those activities, These three key models of Online
Website B2B is viewed as dealing with manufacturing and wholesale activity , and B2C as
dealing with retailing and service industry , C2C e-commerce consist of online customer
auctions , with providing a platform for buyer and seller to engage in the selling and purchase
of retail goods .

Internship helped me understand the dynamics and need of the website management. I got an
excellent opportunity to work in management of online units The online in the company falls
on the category of B2C website where customers interact with the business house for services
and goods.

It helped me to understand the overall aspects of web application designing and development,
the standards and the rules to follow while developing any application. It helped me to get
touch with various tools and be familiar with its usability.

1.2 Objectives

As we now that in BIM program , internship is a mandatory task to perform as it helps for the
student to explore the path of their interest .

1.2.1 General Objectives :

The objective of the study is to prepare a system which helps to solve some sort of problem .
 Students can also use an internship to determine if they have an interest in a particular
career , to create a network of contacts , or to gain school credit .
 The wise decision must be taken to have a great career throughout the life .
 The internship provides several paths and helps to clear the dilemma and expertise in
particular chosen field.

1.2.2 Specific Objectives

● To analyze the practical implication of theoretical knowledge and acquired during the
BIM program.
● To understand he major functions along with products and services of the
● To know about the current emerging technologies being used .
● To know about the problems faced in software industry.
● To know about the ethics , working culture and conventions of the industry.

1.3 Methodology
Methodology refers to the detailed explanation of the processes involved in performance of
an activity or the particular subject matter.

1.3.1 Organization Selection

There are many choices to select the organization for the students. Students can choose any
type of the organizations from the list provided for the internship program .But before
selecting , the fore most thing we need to take care is the interested area and future
opportunities of the student who can set a milestone for the further progress. As in search of
internship I happened to find out about Subedi Foundation International Education Services
were looking for interns and I applied along and after two days I got a call for interview . I
went into interview , gave my best and got selected .

1.3.2 Placement

I pursued my internship in Subedi Foundation lnternational Education Services PVT LTD,
Putalisadak, Kathmandu . I Was placed at ERP Department of the company under the direct
supervision of Mr. Sanjay Rijal the senior IT officer . As an intern , I was new to the
organization and the employees . Because of my friendly trait , I was able to be close with my
colleagues .Due to which , the goal achievement process was easier , fun and hence short
lived . I not only learned to write code but also learned to interact with human mind with
divergent mindsets . Besides all , I developed a habit of raising questions.

Figure: -1.1 Organizational Structure of Subedi Foundation

1.3.3 Duration

For a Bim program , Tribhuvan University has prescribed a minimum of three credit hours
for the internship . It is equivalent to eight weeks i.e. two months. However, as per the
company policy, I was there as an intern for three months.

Department Backend Development

Join Date 01th June , 2019
End Date 01th August , 2019
Office Hours 10am -5pm
Working days 6
Holidays Saturday

Table 1.3.3 : Duration Table

1.3.4 Activities Performed

During the tenure , I had to complete the website of Subedi Foundation. The activities that I
performed are :
 The different functional and non functional requirements were broken down into
small modules and analyzed properly.
 My colleagues provided me the material to get familiar with the technologies being
used . I made my hands dirty with it .
 Backend logical integration of logic with the frontend
 Deploy and document the entire system

1.3.5 Tools Used

During the internship program various tools are required to complete the given tasks . Tools
used are as follows:-
● Html /Css/JavaScript
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for documents
designed to be displayed in a web browser.

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS describes how HTML elements are to be

displayed on screen, paper, or in other media.

JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, or just-in-time compiled programming language
with first-class functions

● Backend : PHP
PHP is a server side scripting language. that is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic
websites or Web applications


2.1 Introduction to IT Industry

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become one of the basic
requirements of the modern society. In today’s digital era, we use mobile devices to perform
the tasks of our daily life. It is difficult to think of any event without the use of digital
devices. Information Technology (IT) is one of the world’s fastest growing economic
activities, which envisages easier flow of information at various levels in the desired pattern.
The Information Technology enabled Services (ITeS) sector has not only changed the way
the world looks at our country but has also made significant contributions to the Indian
economy. This session will introduce the basic concepts and ideas related to Information
Technology (IT) and IT enabled Services (ITeS).

IT, more than any other industry or economic facet, has an increased productivity,
particularly in the developed world, and therefore is a key driver of global economic growth.
Economies of scale and insatiable demand from both consumers and enterprises characterize
this rapidly growing sector.

The Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) explains 'information

technology' as encompassing all possible aspects of information systems based on computers.
Both software development and the hardware involved in the IT industry include everything
from computer systems, to the design, implementation, study and development of IT and
management systems.
Owing to its easy accessibility and the wide range of IT products available, the demand for IT
services has increased substantially over the years. The IT sector has emerged as a major
global source of both growth and employment.

2.2 IT Industry in Nepal

Developing countries like Nepal must overcome their isolation from the global economy and
become competitive in the promotion of their goods and services , In developing countries ,
affordable advanced communication facilities also have great potential to change the entire

development paradigm , creating an economy which can in turn be used to provide food ,
coupled with an IT-friendly policy from the government sector , Internet usage will and
should grow. However, future growth will be determined largely by the following factors:

● Development of National economy

● IT policy of the government.
● Infrastructure (Communication and technical equipments).
● Increase Literacy.

2.3 Scope of IT

It is real that, career in IT is one of the most highly paying jobs with full opportunities. There
are highly paying job are easily available in domestic and international companies after
graduation. Evaluating the talent of employee , his/her creativity , aspiring mind , the salary
may varies. To get job in IT company you should have the skills. Skill is main thing. Your
skill determine and control your income or earning. It is real that, career in IT is one of the
most highly paying jobs with full opportunities. There are highly paying job are easily
available in domestic and international companies after graduation. Evaluating the talent of
employee , his/her creativity , aspiring mind , the salary may varies. To get job in IT
company you should have the skills. Skill is main thing. Your skill determine and control
your income or earning. The following are the list of common careers for IT graduates: -
● System Analyst
● Project Manager
● Software Developer
● Web Developer
● Web Designer
● Database Developer
● QA (Quality Assurance) Officer
● Technical Writer
● Artificial Intelligence
● Ethical Hacking

2.4 History of IT in Nepal

The history of IT in Nepal dates back to not more than a couple of decades. The IT sector is
an emerging area in Nepal. The Government of Nepal has identified IT and business process
outsourcing (BPO) as one of the 5 priority potential export service sectors in the Nepal Trade
Integration Strategy (NTIS) 2010. IT has the potential to generate high growth, investment,
and significant profits in the coming years and is expected to be one of the most significant
growth contributors to the Nepali economy.

Business process outsourcing is a major emerging area in IT in Nepal. These IT entities are
often referred to as ITES-BPO (informational technology enable services-business process
outsourcing). The existing players in ITES-BPO in the market serve both the domestic and
international market. Three types of companies are involved in the ITES-BPO sector: local
solution providers focusing on the local market, export-oriented providers (e.g., offshore
center), and hybrid providers (both local and export oriented).

An IT Park is being established in Banepa in Kavre District. The total investment in this
venture is estimated to be around NPR 270 million (USD 2.70 million). The government is
preparing to give a 50% tax subsidy to companies operating in the Park. The Park is expected
to develop software, promote IT-based business and provide services, as well as promote
investors in related fields. The credit for introducing internet among the people mainly goes
to the private sector. Although the internet was initially limited only to email services, in
1995, a company Mercantile Communications finally started the internet services in the
country. In 1998, Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA), a telecommunications
regulatory body, was formed as per the Telecommunications Act 1997.

2.5 Opportunities and Challenges

Along with its various usage, if well recognized and properly implement then the IT has lots
of opportunities as bellows: -
● High quality IT Education market .
● High number of students pursuing computer science and IT education.
● Huge market , less innovation
● Increasing number of working people

The changing dynamics of the world in IT brings different threats .We also have various
challenges to face with the use of Information Technology as bellows: -
● IT development concentrated in a few cities only.
● Barrier to search effective manpower and market environment
● Lack of advanced tools and equipment and market environment
● Intellectual property theft and corporate espionage


3.1 Introduction of the Subedi Foundation International Education

Services Pvt.Ltd.
Subedi Foundation, Nepal's Highly Trusted Educational Service Provider Institute which is
legally registered private company under the Ministry of Industry, Government of Nepal. It is
well organized professional service oriented company established to support students and
immigrants. On the basis of highest level of satisfaction, success rate and proper guidance,

Subedi Foundation Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading Educational organization in the sector of
Website industry. We aim to achieve long-range performance not for today only. Everybody
is seeking for the best opportunities in education industry. We can fulfill the gap for the
perfect solution of education industry. We generally produce varieties of website and on the
other hand, we promote the education in versatile ways.

From our small but resolute beginning, we have made major inroads into the education
market, capturing key areas of product and service, and established a record of
accomplishment of success in delivering high quality innovation, business analytics products
and services.

We have a proven and commendable record in delivering the best quality software
engineering products and services, standing out for quality in this rapidly expanding sphere of
innovation business.

Subedi Foundation partners with our clients to help them achieve their business and
Education needs. We have experience, knowledge and skills to advice, design, engineer and
implement solutions to medium to large scale systems that take businesses to new heights.

3.2 Objectives of Subedi Foundation

● To provide quality customer service.

● Collaborate with customer to provide best solution.
● To provide most innovative Education.
● To improve technical and analytical skill of employees.
● To create performance focused culture within an organization.

3.3 Mission of Subedi Foundation

The mission of Subedi Foundation is to provide best educational services to the client.Our
aim is to build long-term partnerships with our customers. With their support, we aim to
maximize the potential of our traditional business, through a combination of enhanced quality
of service, creative marketing, innovative pricing and cost efficiency.
At the same time, we will pursue profitable growth by migrating our customer to new wave
products and services. We will interlink each & every business people and their customers, in
villages and cities with worldwide business people, without categorizing then into classes.

3.4 Vision of Subedi Foundation

Vision of Subedi Foundation is to become one the best education Companies in Nepal and
extend its business overseas. To provide Innovative education Solutions and education related
Services with a global vision for business enterprises in a developing competitive



4.1 Activities Performed

During the internship various works were assigned that gave me learning opportunity. Some
of the activities were :-

4.1.1 Requirement Analysis

Requirement analysis includes the tasks to determine the needs or conditions to meet for a
new or altered product or project taking account of the possibly conflicting requirements of
the various stakeholders, analyzing, documenting, validating and managing software or

system requirements. Requirement for a system defines its constraints on operation as well as
. I helped to build up my network, leadership skills in IT officer level. The required
project task were assigned and appropriate resources were also identified with the help from
mentor. The organization also clarified about the current state of the application, its goals,
and its current plans and then assigned the task. As the organization believed in informal
and friendly environment, it aided in boosting the team spirit, communication and
interaction with the team was common. I had done my best to make the internship period

Studying workflow of an organization

It includes how the flow of work occurs regarding the clients requirement, strategy designing,
implementation and final results.

Daily Updates
It includes the requirement and work to be done on the daily basis by consulting with the
intern supervisor.

Helping in Organizational Project

It included the project given by the supervisor and the tasks to be done on each day.

4.3System Design

System design is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces,
and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. System design is therefore the process
of defining and developing systems to satisfy specified requirements of the user .

Use case:

A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user’s interaction with the system
that shows relationship between the user and different use cases in which the user is involved.
A use case diagram can identify the different types of users of a system and other types of
will often accompany the different use cases.

Fig : 4.4 Use case Diagram

In the above diagram, there are two actors involved. They are admin and user (public). The
admin has more privilege and use case than user. Admin has privilege of adding pages,
adding news, upload files for download, add user and add slideshows. The user have certain
privilege of viewing downloads, subscription of newsletters and view the news.


An Entity-Relationship Diagram is data modeling technique that graphically illustrates an
information system’s entities and the relationship between those entities.

Figure: - 4.2 ER diagram of Organization

Sequence Diagram:

A sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. It depicts the
objects and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged
between the objects needed to carry out the functionality of the scenario.

Figure: - 4.3 Sequence Diagram for Online Booking

Class Diagram

Class Diagram is an illustration of the relationships and source code dependencies among
classes in UML. It is used when developing at object oriented approach to show the classes
and their relationship in the system.

Figure: - 4.4 Class diagram for online ordering website

4.4 System Testing:

Testing is a process, which reveals errors in program. It is the major quality measure
employed during software development. During testing, the program is executed with a set of
conditions known as test cases and the output is evaluated to determine whether the program
is performing as expected. Testing is a process for executing a program with the intent to
cause and discover errors. The goal of testing is :
 To force a program to work efficiently
 To discover the causes of those errors
 To revise the program to eliminate errors
The test case of Login Module can be shown in table below:

Test case id 1

Module to be tested Login Module

Assumption Username not empty and null

Password not empty and null

Test Data Username =”bishaldhakal”


Username=”admin” password=”pass”
Test Steps SELECT username,password,status
FROM Admin_user WHERE
username=username AND
password=password AND status=Y
Expected Result False ,True

Result False, True

Comments Login is validated through database

Table 4.1 Test case for login module


5.1 Conclusion

The three months tenure of internship period has been helpful in developing practical
knowledge in the real world. During this period, a complete system was developed by the
interns and was given the opportunity to work on real world projects which solved real world
problems. During the period, the interns got the opportunity to eork in group and expose
theoretical knowledge into practical and learned to face with the actual working environment.
Not only to fulfill their educational degree but also to practice the knowledge gained in
colleges, internship period has been very fruitful. In these three months interns can gain more
practical knowledge than that in four years of study in college. In this period we could focus
on the fields of our interest.

Internship was a wonderful experience to work closely and under supervision of highly
professional and talented group of people who have a great experience, knowledge and sense
of determination. This is helpful for one to develop IT managerial skills necessary to succeed
in the challenging and competitive job environment in the real world.

5.2 Lessons Learnt

Working as an intern in web bank Nepal has been a great experience in learning new things
and gaining practical knowledge about the working of a software company. This internship
period will surely be helpful in the future for one to start a career in programming. The
internship program was a great opportunity to student like me. This program helped me to
gain real knowledge of real world scenario of organization that I wish to follow as my career
path in future. It helped me a lot develop technical skills and knowledge in programming,
testing, and debugging of project. This internship has provided intern with experiences that
knowledge academic period fails to provide.

To summarize , the most interesting and beneficial knowledge was the proficiency in php
programming language and the several other framework related with it. Not only proficiency
in specific programming language, it made me able to think in code and live in code. It
helped a lot to make me a good problem solver and analyzer.


 Ian Somerville(2014). Software Engineering (9th ed.) Pearson Education Inc

 Roger S. Pressman (2016). Software Engineering (7th ed.) McGraw-Hill Companies
 Jurafskv, Daniel & James Martin (2008). Introduction to Database Management
Systems.(2nd ed.). Prentice Hall
 A Grimes,Roger.(2017,august 10). IT’s 9 biggest security threats. Retrieved from



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