COMM1110 Week 3: Ethical Thinking and Action

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COMM1110 Week 3

Bulletproof problem-solving toolkit application:

 Defining the problem

 Disaggregate
 Analyse

Ethical thinking and action:

 Recognising the existence of an ethical issue (Moral Awareness- involves an empathetic

 Deciding what’s right (Moral Judgement)
 Taking action to do the right thing (Ethical Behaviour)


Focus on the outcomes or consequences when deciding what’s right or wrong, consider a range of
stakeholders, intended and unintended consequences.

Utilitarianism Framework

Thinking about utility and social costs and benefits. Best action is the one with the best

Universal principles and duties (deontology) Framework

Actions can be judged as right and wrong in themselves (regardless of consequences)


Rights are specifications of important ways human beings are to be treated. They can be negative
(e.g. right not to be harmed) or positive rights (e.g. equal opportunity, truthful information)

Rights are not without limits

Not the same as interests

Interests re the things that people wish to have satisfied.

Types of Justice Framework

Distributive Justice

Procedural Justice

Interactional Justice
Care ethics framework

Main considerations are recognition of, and responsiveness to, others’ well-being needs.

View is more favourable if for example I am a family member of the party in question

Virtue ethics framework

What sort of person should I be, move to the idea of character instead of actions?

All tools have usefulness and limitations

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