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A bank robbery

A crime was committed this morning in the North of the city. A huge amount
was stolen from the National Bank in NQS Street by four robbers carrying guns.
The robbers tell customers to stay on the floor while they take the cash money.
Unfortunately, two old people were hurting because they had stress causing a
heart attack. The grandparents are in the hospital now.

We talked to the police thirty minutes after the robbery. This what they said
“We are going to check the bank and street cameras, talk with all the customers
and the most important we have to start looking for these criminals immediately.
The robbers escaped but they are in Bogota because we close all the roads and
the turnpikes. Obviously, if people contribute us, we will catch them”.

If public can help us, or if you know something about the robbery, please
contact the National Police on 236 25 89.

By Ludwing Ericson Rincon Leal


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