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Read the following instructions carefully.


1. Do this activity in a group

2. For each group consists of three students (Maximum four students)
3. Read the following questions and discuss the answers with your group members
The questions are: (Task 1)
a. Do you think film is an important invention? Why or why not?
b. Do you have a favorite hero or heroine from: a film, a story/legend, or a real life?
c. What do you think makes these people heroic?

Task 2:
a. Think of one film you think the most-see movie or have watched before. Make its review
in good managed paragraph. Discuss it with your group members.
b. One group only reviews one film.
c. Before doing (task 2), please read and pay attention to the example of film review on the
next page.
4. For each group only SUBMIT/UPLOAD ONE file on schoology (submission column)
5. Write your group members name and student number identity on the top
6. Write all of the answer of task 1&2 in Ms.word
7. Make sure that your file can be opened and read
Read the example below of film review

Paragraph 1: explain about the character and the characteristics of the actor
Paragraph 2: explain the plot of the film
Paragraph 3: give information about setting of places, time, mention the soundtrack of the
film, write your comment of the actor performance
Paragraph 4: state your opinion the film is recommended or not as well as explain your

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