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(APIIT: Serial Number)

PLS V1.0

Project Log Sheet – Supervisory Session

Notes on use of the project log sheet:
1. This log sheet is designed for meetings of more than 15 minutes duration, of which there must be at minimum SIX (6) during
the course of the project (SIX mandatory supervisory sessions).
2. The student should prepare for the supervisory sessions by deciding which question(s) he or she needs to ask the supervisor and
what progress has been made (if any) since the last session, and noting these in the relevant sections of the form, effectively
forming an agenda for the session.
3. A log sheet is to be brought by the STUDENT to each supervisory session.
4. The actions by the student (and, perhaps the supervisor), which should be carried out before the next session should be noted
briefly in the relevant section of the form.
5. The student should leave a copy (after the session) of the Project Log Sheet with the supervisor and to the administrator at the
academic counter. A copy is retained by the student to be filed in the project file.
6. It is recommended that students bring along log sheets of previous meetings together with the project file during each
supervisory session.
7. The log sheet is an important deliverable for the project and an important record of a student’s organisation and learning
experience. The student must hand in the log sheets as an appendix of the final year documentation, with sheets dated and
numbered consecutively.

Student’s name: ………………………………………….... Date: ……………Meeting No: ……...

Project title: ……………………………………………...………………………Intake:……………

Supervisor’s name: …………………………………….….. Supervisor’s signature: ………...…

Items for discussion (noted by student before mandatory supervisory meeting):



Record of discussion (noted by student during mandatory supervisory meeting):



Action List (to be attempted or completed by student by the next mandatory supervisory meeting):



Note: A student should make an appointment to meet his or her supervisor (via the consultation system) at least ONE (1) week prior to a
mandatory supervisor session – please see document on project timelines. In the event a supervisor could not be booked for consultation,
the project manager should be informed ONE (1) week prior to the session so that a meeting can be subsequently arranged.

Project Log Sheet

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