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Marketing is a group of Exchange is the act of

activities designed to
expedite transactions by
Definition giving up one thing (money,
credit, labor, goods) in om e
cu st
creating, distributing, & Exchange return for something else Valu
e is a
e a s s e s sm e
nt of
sts in
pricing, and promoting Process (goods, services, or ideas). subje relative
g th e
to c
w o rt
h of

goods, services, and ideas in in o m er

rm t
d e te Cus efits
u c t. r ben
Functions includes many p ro d om e
u s t t s
e=c r cos
varied & interrelated valu om e
Marketing research is a systematic, objective cu st
activities: buying, selling,
process of getting information about potential
transporting, storing,
customers to guide marketing decisions. Buying
grading, financing,
behavior is the decision processes and actions
marketing research, and
of people who purchase and use products Marketing concept is
risk taking
the idea that an
organization should try
Behavior &
Marketing Function &
to satisfy customers’
needs through
coordinated activities

that also allow it to
Buying Behavior: achieve its
Psychological Variables: Perception, Evolution goals.
Motivation, Learning, Attitude & Personality Production Orientation
Social Variables: Reference group, Social Sales Orientation
Classes & Culture Market orientation
Environmental Froces: an approach requiring organizations to gather info
political, legal, regulatory, social, competitive, about customer needs, share that information
economic & throughout the firm, and use that information to
technological help build long-term relationships with customers

Marketing Mix the four marketing activities—product,

price, promotion, and distribution— that the firm can
Strategy & Marketing strategy is a plan of action for creating a
marketing mix for a specific target market (a specific group
control to achieve specific goals within a dynamic Marketing of consumers on whose needs and wants a company
marketing environment Mix focuses its marketing efforts)

Target Market Strategies

Total-market approach an approach whereby a firm tries to appeal to everyone and assumes that all buyers have similar needs.
Market segmentation a strategy whereby a firm divides the total market into groups of people who have relatively similar product needs.
Concentration approach a market segmentation approach whereby a company develops one marketing strategy for a single market segment
Multisegment approach a market segmentation approach whereby the marketer aims its efforts at two or more segments, developing a
marketing strategy for each.


Diva Tertia Almira - Batch 78 Class A (470320)
Developing New Products Steps Product Life Cycle Identifying products Calculate the value of a Product Pricing objectives: survival, maximization of
Idea development includes branding (process 1. Identify target customer profits & sales, & maintaining the status quo
Screening of naming & identifying 2. Identify best alternatives
Business analysis products), packaging 3. Determine product's Pricing Strategies
Product development (product’s container), & difference Pricing New Products
Test marketing labeling (of info, such as 4. Calculate value based on its Price Skimming
commercialization content & warnings) differentiation Price Penetration
Psychological Pricing
Reference Pricing



Promotion Mix Push strategy: motivate Objectives: stimulate Physical distribution is all Coverage Marketing Channels
Advertising (Paid communication intermediaries to push the demand; stabilize sales; the activities necessary to 1. Intensive
transmitted via mass medium) product down to their and inform, remind, & move products from 2. Selective
Personal selling (direct customers reinforce customers. producers to consumers, 3. Exclusive
communication with buyers) Pull strategy: create including inventory
Publicity (communication consumer demand for a planning and control,
transmitted through the mass product so that consumers transportation,
media but not paid) exert pressure on warehousing, and materials
Sales promotion (direct offering marketing channel handling
added value for buyers to members to make the
exchange) product available


Diva Tertia Almira - Batch 78 Class A (470320)

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