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Data Given:
Field moisture content (ω) = 10.500 % Assumed at RL 85.500m RL
Bulk density of soil (gbulk) = 1.910 gm/cc
Specific gravity of soil (G) = 2.670
Ground surface level = R.L. 92.503
Maximum scour level = R.L. 91.240
Founding level = R.L. 85.500
Width of foundation (B) = 8 m
Length of foundation (L) = 11
Diameter of circular foundation (D) = 0 m
Unit weight of water (gw) = 1 gm/cc

Cohesion © = kg/cm 2

Depth of overburden (Df) = 91.24 - 85.500 = 5.740 m

Dry density of soil (gd) = gbulk /(1+ω/100) = 1.729 gm/cc
Void Ratio = e = G/ g d -1 = 0.54 0.55
Hence General Shear Failure
Submerged unit weight (gb) = (G X gw + e) / (1 + e) - 1 = 1.081 gm/cc
Overburden pressure(q)=gb X Df X 100/1000 = 1.081 X 5.740 X100/1000
= 0.621 kg/cm 2

N= 25 Assumed RL 85.500m Founding Level

Correction due to overburden(N') :

From figure-1 of I:S: 2131-1981,
For q 0.621 kg/cm 2, correction factor = 1
So, correction due to overburden (N') = 25 X 1 = 25

Correction due to dilatancy(N") :

N" = 15+1/2*(N'-15)
= 15 + 1/2 * ( 25 - 15 ) = 20
From figure-1 of I:S: 6403-1981,
For N" 20 , f 30 deg
For general shear failure:
For f = 30 deg
Bearing capacity factors:
Nc = 30.14
Nq = 18.400
Nv = 22.4

Shape factors:
Rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709
Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df X ÖNf/B [ÖNf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 5.74 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.249
dq = dv = 1+0.1X Df X Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 5.74 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.124

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1
W' 0.5

qd = CNc*Sc*dc*ic +q(Nq-1)Sq*dq*iq+1/2*Bg*Nv*Sv*dv*iv* W'

= 0 X 30.14 X 1.145 X 1.249 X 1
+ 0.621 X ( 18.4 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.124
X 1 + 8 X 1.910 X 22.4 X 0.709
X 1.124 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1

= 20.727 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 20.727 / 2.5 + 0.621

= 8.9114 kg/cm 2
= 89.114 T/m2

For local shear failure:

f ' = tan-1(0.67tan f) = 21.148
tanf = 0.577
f' = 21.148 deg
N'c = 16.182
N'q = 7.378
N'v = 6.650

Shape factors:
rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df Ö Nf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 5.74 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.249
dq = dv = 1+0.1 Df ¨ Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 5.74 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.124

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1

qd' =2/3* CN'cScdcic +q(N'q-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgN'vSvdviv W'

= 0 X 16.182 X 1.145 X 1.249 X 1
X 2 / 3 0.621 X ( 7.378 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.124
X 1 + 8 X 1.910 X 6.650 X 0.709
X 1.124 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1
= 7.122 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 7.122 / 2.5 + 0.621

= 3.4694 kg/cm 2
= 34.694 T/m2

For intermediate shear failure :

= 20.727 - 13.605 / 0.200 X -0.01
= 21.089 Kg/cm2

\S.B.C = 21.089 / 2.500 + 0.621

= 9.056 Kg/cm 2
= 90.56 T/m2
Data Given:
Field moisture content (ω) = 11.000 % Assumed in rock layer reported
Bulk density of soil (gbulk) = 1.912 gm/cc
Specific gravity of soil (G) = 2.650
Ground surface level = R.L. 92.063
Maximum scour level = R.L. 91.240 Floor Protected Level
Founding level = R.L. 86.400
Width of foundation (B) = 8 m
Length of foundation (L) = 11
Diameter of circular foundation (D) = 0 m
Unit weight of water (gw) = 1 gm/cc

Cohesion © = kg/cm 2

Depth of overburden (Df) = 91.24 - 86.400 = 4.840 m

Dry density of soil (gd) = gbulk /(1+ω/100) = 1.723 gm/cc
Void Ratio = e = G/ g d -1 = 0.54 0.55
Hence General Shear Failure
Submerged unit weight (gb) = (G X gw + e) / (1 + e) - 1 = 1.073 gm/cc
Overburden pressure(q)=gb X Df X 100/1000 = 1.073 X 4.840 X100/1000
= 0.519 kg/cm 2

N= 60

Correction due to overburden(N') :

From figure-1 of I:S: 2131-1981,
For q 0.519 kg/cm 2, correction factor = 1
So, correction due to overburden (N') = 60 X 1 = 60

Correction due to dilatancy(N") :

N" = 15+1/2*(N'-15)
= 15 + 1/2 * ( 60 - 15 ) = 37.5
From figure-1 of I:S: 6403-1981,
For N" 37.5 , f = 30 deg

For general shear failure:

For f = 30 deg
Bearing capacity factors:
Nc = 30.14
Nq = 18.400
Nv = 22.4

Shape factors:
Rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709
Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df X ÖNf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 4.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.210
dq = dv = 1+0.1X Df X Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 4.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.105

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1
W' 0.5

qd = CNc*Sc*dc*ic +q(Nq-1)Sq*dq*iq+1/2*Bg*Nv*Sv*dv*iv* W'

= 0 X 30.14 X 1.145 X 1.210 X 1
+ 0.519 X ( 18.4 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.105
X 1 + 8 X 1.912 X 22.4 X 0.709
X 1.105 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1

= 18.141 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 18.141 / 2.5 + 0.519

= 7.7753 kg/cm 2
= 77.753 T/m2 221.8 T/sqm reported in CBH data

For local shear failure:

f ' = tan-1(0.67tan f) = 21.148
tanf = 0.577
f' = 21.148 deg
N'c = 16.182
N'q = 7.378
N'v = 6.650

Shape factors:
rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df Ö Nf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 4.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.210
dq = dv = 1+0.1 Df ¨ Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 4.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.105

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1

qd' =2/3* CN'cScdcic +q(N'q-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgN'vSvdviv W'

= 0 X 16.182 X 1.145 X 1.210 X 1
X 2 / 3 0.519 X ( 7.378 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.105
X 1 + 8 X 1.912 X 6.650 X 0.709
X 1.105 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1
= 6.182 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 6.182 / 2.5 + 0.519

= 2.9918 kg/cm 2
= 29.918 T/m2

For intermediate shear failure :

= 18.141 - 11.959 / 0.200 X -0.01
= 18.832 Kg/cm2

\S.B.C = 18.832 / 2.500 + 0.519

= 8.052 Kg/cm 2
= 80.52 T/m2
Data Given:
Field moisture content (ω) = 11.000 %
Bulk density of soil (gbulk) = 1.912 gm/cc
Specific gravity of soil (G) = 2.660
Ground surface level = R.L. 91.343
Maximum scour level = R.L. 91.240 Floor Protected Level
Founding level = R.L. 86.400
Width of foundation (B) = 8 m
Length of foundation (L) = 11
Diameter of circular foundation (D) = 0 m
Unit weight of water (gw) = 1 gm/cc

Cohesion © = kg/cm 2

Depth of overburden (Df) = 91.24 - 86.400 = 4.840 m

Dry density of soil (gd) = gbulk /(1+ω/100) = 1.723 gm/cc
Void Ratio = e = G/ g d -1 = 0.54 0.55
Hence General Shear Failure
Submerged unit weight (gb) = (G X gw + e) / (1 + e) - 1 = 1.075 gm/cc
Overburden pressure(q)=gb X Df X 100/1000 = 1.075 X 4.840 X100/1000
= 0.520 kg/cm 2

N= 60

Correction due to overburden(N') :

From figure-1 of I:S: 2131-1981,
For q 0.520 kg/cm 2, correction factor = 1
So, correction due to overburden (N') = 60 X 1 = 60

Correction due to dilatancy(N") :

N" = 15+1/2*(N'-15)
= 15 + 1/2 * ( 60 - 15 ) = 37.5
From figure-1 of I:S: 6403-1981,
For N" 37.5 , f = 30 deg

For general shear failure:

For f = 30 deg
Bearing capacity factors:
Nc = 30.14
Nq = 18.400
Nv = 22.4

Shape factors:
Rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709
Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df X ÖNf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 4.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.210
dq = dv = 1+0.1X Df X Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 4.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.105

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1
W' 0.5

qd = CNc*Sc*dc*ic +q(Nq-1)Sq*dq*iq+1/2*Bg*Nv*Sv*dv*iv* W'

= 0 X 30.14 X 1.145 X 1.210 X 1
+ 0.520 X ( 18.4 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.105
X 1 + 8 X 1.912 X 22.4 X 0.709
X 1.105 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1

= 18.167 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 18.167 / 2.5 + 0.520

= 7.7869 kg/cm 2
= 77.869 T/m2 226.5 T/sqm reported

For local shear failure:

f ' = tan-1(0.67tan f) = 21.148
tanf = 0.577
f' = 21.148 deg
N'c = 16.182
N'q = 7.378
N'v = 6.650

Shape factors:
rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df Ö Nf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 4.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.210
dq = dv = 1+0.1 Df ¨ Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 4.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.105

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1

qd' =2/3* CN'cScdcic +q(N'q-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgN'vSvdviv W'

= 0 X 16.182 X 1.145 X 1.210 X 1
X 2 / 3 0.520 X ( 7.378 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.105
X 1 + 8 X 1.912 X 6.650 X 0.709
X 1.105 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1
= 6.191 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 6.191 / 2.5 + 0.520

= 2.9968 kg/cm 2
= 29.968 T/m2

For intermediate shear failure :

= 18.167 - 11.975 / 0.200 X -0.01
= 18.511 Kg/cm2

\S.B.C = 18.511 / 2.500 + 0.520

= 7.925 Kg/cm 2
= 79.25 T/m2
Data Given:
Field moisture content (ω) = 11.000 % rock assumed
Bulk density of soil (gbulk) = 1.995 gm/cc assumed
Specific gravity of soil (G) = 2.720
Ground surface level = R.L. 90.043
Maximum scour level = R.L. 91.240 Rock Level Floor Protected Level
Founding level = R.L. 86.400
Width of foundation (B) = 8 m
Length of foundation (L) = 11
Diameter of circular foundation (D) = 0 m
Unit weight of water (gw) = 1 gm/cc

Cohesion © = kg/cm 2

Depth of overburden (Df) = 91.24 - 86.400 = 4.840 m

Dry density of soil (gd) = gbulk /(1+ω/100) = 1.797 gm/cc
Void Ratio = e = G/ g d -1 = 0.51 0.55
Hence General Shear Failure
Submerged unit weight (gb) = (G X gw + e) / (1 + e) - 1 = 1.137 gm/cc
Overburden pressure(q)=gb X Df X 100/1000 = 1.137 X 4.840 X100/1000
= 0.550 kg/cm 2

N= 60 Assumed in rock

Correction due to overburden(N') :

From figure-1 of I:S: 2131-1981,
For q 0.550 kg/cm 2, correction factor = 1
So, correction due to overburden (N') = 60 X 1 = 60

Correction due to dilatancy(N") :

N" = 15+1/2*(N'-15)
= 15 + 1/2 * ( 60 - 15 ) = 37.5
From figure-1 of I:S: 6403-1981,
For N" 37.5 , f = 30 deg

For general shear failure:

For f = 30 deg
Bearing capacity factors:
Nc = 30.14
Nq = 18.400
Nv = 22.4

Shape factors:
Rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709
Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df X ÖNf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 4.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.210
dq = dv = 1+0.1X Df X Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 4.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.105

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1
W' 0.5

qd = CNc*Sc*dc*ic +q(Nq-1)Sq*dq*iq+1/2*Bg*Nv*Sv*dv*iv* W'

= 0 X 30.14 X 1.145 X 1.210 X 1
+ 0.550 X ( 18.4 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.105
X 1 + 8 X 1.995 X 22.4 X 0.709
X 1.105 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1

= 19.114 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 19.114 / 2.5 + 0.550

= 8.1957 kg/cm 2
= 81.957 T/m2 223.4 T/sqm reported in hard rock

For local shear failure:

f ' = tan-1(0.67tan f) = 21.148
tanf = 0.577
f' = 21.148 deg
N'c = 16.182
N'q = 7.378
N'v = 6.650

Shape factors:
rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df Ö Nf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 4.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.210
dq = dv = 1+0.1 Df ¨ Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 4.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.105

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1

qd' =2/3* CN'cScdcic +q(N'q-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgN'vSvdviv W'

= 0 X 16.182 X 1.145 X 1.210 X 1
X 2 / 3 0.550 X ( 7.378 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.105
X 1 + 8 X 1.995 X 6.650 X 0.709
X 1.105 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1
= 6.518 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 6.518 / 2.5 + 0.550

= 3.1574 kg/cm 2
= 31.574 T/m2

For intermediate shear failure :

= 19.114 - 12.596 / 0.200 X -0.04
= 21.420 Kg/cm2

\S.B.C = 21.420 / 2.500 + 0.550

= 9.118 Kg/cm 2
= 91.18 T/m2
Data Given:
Field moisture content (ω) = 13.000 %
Bulk density of soil (gbulk) = 1.995 gm/cc
Specific gravity of soil (G) = 2.720

Ground surface level = R.L. 89.415 As per GAD

Maximum scour level = R.L. 91.240
Founding level = R.L. 85.000
Width of foundation (B) = 8 m
Length of foundation (L) = 11
Diameter of circular foundation (D) = 0 m
Unit weight of water (gw) = 1 gm/cc

Cohesion © = kg/cm 2

Depth of overburden (Df) = 91.24 - 85.000 = 6.240 m

Dry density of soil (gd) = gbulk /(1+ω/100) = 1.765 gm/cc
Void Ratio = e = G/ g d -1 = 0.54 0.55
Hence General Shear Failure
Submerged unit weight (gb) = (G X gw + e) / (1 + e) - 1 = 1.116 gm/cc
Overburden pressure(q)=gb X Df X 100/1000 = 1.116 X 6.240 X100/1000
= 0.697 kg/cm 2

N= 50

Correction due to overburden(N') :

From figure-1 of I:S: 2131-1981,
For q 0.697 kg/cm 2, correction factor = 1
So, correction due to overburden (N') = 50 X 1 = 50

Correction due to dilatancy(N") :

N" = 15+1/2*(N'-15)
= 15 + 1/2 * ( 50 - 15 ) = 32.5
From figure-1 of I:S: 6403-1981,
For N" 32.5 , f = 30 deg

For general shear failure:

For f = 30 deg
Bearing capacity factors:
Nc = 30.14
Nq = 18.400
Nv = 22.4

Shape factors:
Rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df X ÖNf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 6.24 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.270
dq = dv = 1+0.1X Df X Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 6.24 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.135

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1
W' 0.5

qd = CNcScdcic +q(Nq-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgNvSvdviv W'

= 0 X 30.14 X 1.145 X 1.270 X 1
+ 0.697 X ( 18.4 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.135
X 1 + 8 X 1.995 X 22.4 X 0.709
X 1.135 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1

= 22.954 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 22.954 / 2.5 + 0.697

= 9.8783 kg/cm 2
= 98.783 T/m2

For local shear failure:

f ' = tan-1(0.67tan f) = 21.148
tanf = 0.577
f' = 21.148 deg
N'c = 16.182
N'q = 7.378
N'v = 6.650

Shape factors:
rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df Ö Nf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 6.24 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.270
dq = dv = 1+0.1 Df ¨ Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 6.24 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.135

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1

qd' =2/3* CN'cScdcic +q(N'q-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgN'vSvdviv W'

= 0 X 16.182 X 1.145 X 1.270 X 1
X 2 / 3 0.697 X ( 7.378 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.135
X 1 + 8 X 1.995 X 6.650 X 0.709
X 1.135 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1
= 7.913 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 7.913 / 2.5 + 0.697

= 3.8617 kg/cm 2
= 38.617 T/m2

For intermediate shear failure :

= 22.954 - 15.042 / 0.200 X -0.01
= 23.657 Kg/cm2

\S.B.C = 23.657 / 2.500 + 0.697

= 10.160 Kg/cm 2
= 101.60 T/m2
Data Given:
Field moisture content (ω) = 10.020 %
Bulk density of soil (gbulk) = 1.995 gm/cc
Specific gravity of soil (G) = 2.720

Ground surface level = R.L. 90.050 As per GAD

Maximum scour level = R.L. 91.240
Founding level = R.L. 84.000
Width of foundation (B) = 8 m
Length of foundation (L) = 11
Diameter of circular foundation (D) = 0 m
Unit weight of water (gw) = 1 gm/cc

Cohesion © = kg/cm 2

Depth of overburden (Df) = 91.24 - 84.000 = 7.240 m

Dry density of soil (gd) = gbulk /(1+ω/100) = 1.813 gm/cc
Void Ratio = e = G/ g d -1 = 0.50 0.55
Hence General Shear Failure
Submerged unit weight (gb) = (G X gw + e) / (1 + e) - 1 = 1.147 gm/cc
Overburden pressure(q)=gb X Df X 100/1000 = 1.147 X 7.240 X100/1000
= 0.830 kg/cm 2

N= 61

Correction due to overburden(N') :

From figure-1 of I:S: 2131-1981,
For q 0.830 kg/cm 2, correction factor = 1
So, correction due to overburden (N') = 61 X 1 = 61

Correction due to dilatancy(N") :

N" = 15+1/2*(N'-15)
= 15 + 1/2 * ( 61 - 15 ) = 38
From figure-1 of I:S: 6403-1981,
For N" 38 , f = 30 deg

For general shear failure:

For f = 30 deg
Bearing capacity factors:
Nc = 30.14
Nq = 18.400
Nv = 22.4

Shape factors:
Rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df X ÖNf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 7.24 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.314
dq = dv = 1+0.1X Df X Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 7.24 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.157

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1
W' 0.5

qd = CNcScdcic +q(Nq-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgNvSvdviv W'

= 0 X 30.14 X 1.145 X 1.314 X 1
+ 0.830 X ( 18.4 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.157
X 1 + 8 X 1.995 X 22.4 X 0.709
X 1.157 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1

= 26.471 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 26.471 / 2.5 + 0.830

= 11.4185 kg/cm 2
= 114.185 T/m2

For local shear failure:

f ' = tan-1(0.67tan f) = 21.148
tanf = 0.577
f' = 21.148 deg
N'c = 16.182
N'q = 7.378
N'v = 6.650

Shape factors:
rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df Ö Nf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 7.24 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.314
dq = dv = 1+0.1 Df ¨ Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 7.24 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.157

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1

qd' =2/3* CN'cScdcic +q(N'q-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgN'vSvdviv W'

= 0 X 16.182 X 1.145 X 1.314 X 1
X 2 / 3 0.830 X ( 7.378 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.157
X 1 + 8 X 1.995 X 6.650 X 0.709
X 1.157 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1
= 9.192 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 9.192 / 2.5 + 0.830

= 4.5070 kg/cm 2
= 45.070 T/m2

For intermediate shear failure :

= 26.471 - 17.279 / 0.200 X -0.05
= 30.789 Kg/cm2

\S.B.C = 30.789 / 2.500 + 0.830

= 13.146 Kg/cm 2
= 131.46 T/m2
Data Given:
Field moisture content (ω) = 15.230 %
Bulk density of soil (gbulk) = 1.985 gm/cc
Specific gravity of soil (G) = 2.670

Ground surface level = R.L. 90.193

Maximum scour level = R.L. 91.240
Founding level = R.L. 85.000
Width of foundation (B) = 8 m
Length of foundation (L) = 11
Diameter of circular foundation (D) = 0 m
Unit weight of water (gw) = 1 gm/cc

Cohesion © = kg/cm 2

Depth of overburden (Df) = 91.24 - 85.000 = 6.240 m

Dry density of soil (gd) = gbulk /(1+ω/100) = 1.723 gm/cc
Void Ratio = e = G/ g d -1 = 0.55 0.55
Hence General Shear Failure
Submerged unit weight (gb) = (G X gw + e) / (1 + e) - 1 = 1.077 gm/cc
Overburden pressure(q)=gb X Df X 100/1000 = 1.077 X 6.240 X100/1000
= 0.672 kg/cm 2

N= 40

Correction due to overburden(N') :

From figure-1 of I:S: 2131-1981,
For q 0.672 kg/cm 2, correction factor = 1
So, correction due to overburden (N') = 40 X 1 = 40

Correction due to dilatancy(N") :

N" = 15+1/2*(N'-15)
= 15 + 1/2 * ( 40 - 15 ) = 27.5
From figure-1 of I:S: 6403-1981,
For N" 27.5 , f = 30 deg

For general shear failure:

For f = 30 deg
Bearing capacity factors:
Nc = 30.14
Nq = 18.400
Nv = 22.4

Shape factors:
Rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df X ÖNf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 6.24 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.270
dq = dv = 1+0.1X Df X Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 6.24 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.135

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1
W' 0.5

qd = CNcScdcic +q(Nq-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgNvSvdviv W'

= 0 X 30.14 X 1.145 X 1.270 X 1
+ 0.672 X ( 18.4 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.135
X 1 + 8 X 1.985 X 22.4 X 0.709
X 1.135 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1

= 22.368 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 22.368 / 2.5 + 0.672

= 9.6197 kg/cm 2
= 96.197 T/m2

For local shear failure:

f ' = tan-1(0.67tan f) = 21.148
tanf = 0.577
f' = 21.148 deg
N'c = 16.182
N'q = 7.378
N'v = 6.650

Shape factors:
rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df Ö Nf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 6.24 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.270
dq = dv = 1+0.1 Df ¨ Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 6.24 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.135

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1

qd' =2/3* CN'cScdcic +q(N'q-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgN'vSvdviv W'

= 0 X 16.182 X 1.145 X 1.270 X 1
X 2 / 3 0.672 X ( 7.378 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.135
X 1 + 8 X 1.985 X 6.650 X 0.709
X 1.135 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1
= 7.700 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 7.700 / 2.5 + 0.672

= 3.7525 kg/cm 2
= 37.525 T/m2

For intermediate shear failure :

= 22.368 - 14.668 / 0.200 X 0.00
= 22.372 Kg/cm2

\S.B.C = 22.372 / 2.500 + 0.672

= 9.621 Kg/cm 2
= 96.21 T/m2
Data Given:
Field moisture content (ω) = 13.920 %
Bulk density of soil (gbulk) = 1.981 gm/cc
Specific gravity of soil (G) = 2.660

Ground surface level = R.L. 92.013

Maximum scour level = R.L. 91.240
Founding level = R.L. 86.200
Width of foundation (B) = 8 m
Length of foundation (L) = 11
Diameter of circular foundation (D) = 0 m
Unit weight of water (gw) = 1 gm/cc

Cohesion © = kg/cm 2

Depth of overburden (Df) = 91.240 - 86.200 = 5.040 m

Dry density of soil (gd) = gbulk /(1+ω/100) = 1.739 gm/cc
Void Ratio = e = G/ g d -1 = 0.53 0.55
Hence General Shear Failure
Submerged unit weight (gb) = (G X gw + e) / (1 + e) - 1 = 1.085 gm/cc
Overburden pressure(q)=gb X Df X 100/1000 = 1.085 X 5.040 X100/1000
= 0.547 kg/cm 2

N= 40

Correction due to overburden(N') :

From figure-1 of I:S: 2131-1981,
For q 0.547 kg/cm 2, correction factor = 1
So, correction due to overburden (N') = 40 X 1 = 40

Correction due to dilatancy(N") :

N" = 15+1/2*(N'-15)
= 15 + 1/2 * ( 40 - 15 ) = 27.5
From figure-1 of I:S: 6403-1981,
For N" 27.5 , f = 30 deg

For general shear failure:

For f = 30 deg
Bearing capacity factors:
Nc = 30.14
Nq = 18.400
Nv = 22.4

Shape factors:
Rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df X ÖNf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 5.04 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.218
dq = dv = 1+0.1X Df X Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 5.04 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.109

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1
W' 0.5

qd = CNcScdcic +q(Nq-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgNvSvdviv W'

= 0 X 30.14 X 1.145 X 1.218 X 1
+ 0.547 X ( 18.4 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.109
X 1 + 8 X 1.981 X 22.4 X 0.709
X 1.109 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1

= 19.070 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 19.070 / 2.5 + 0.547

= 8.1751 kg/cm 2
= 81.751 T/m2

For local shear failure:

f ' = tan-1(0.67tan f) = 21.148
tanf = 0.577
f' = 21.148 deg
N'c = 16.182
N'q = 7.378
N'v = 6.650

Shape factors:
rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df Ö Nf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 5.04 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.218
dq = dv = 1+0.1 Df ¨ Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 5.04 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.109

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1

qd' =2/3* CN'cScdcic +q(N'q-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgN'vSvdviv W'

= 0 X 16.182 X 1.145 X 1.218 X 1
X 2 / 3 0.547 X ( 7.378 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.109
X 1 + 8 X 1.981 X 6.650 X 0.709
X 1.109 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1
= 6.504 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 6.504 / 2.5 + 0.547

= 3.1485 kg/cm 2
= 31.485 T/m2

For intermediate shear failure :

= 19.070 - 12.566 / 0.200 X -0.02
= 20.348 Kg/cm2

\S.B.C = 20.348 / 2.500 + 0.547

= 8.686 Kg/cm 2
= 86.86 T/m2
Data Given:
Field moisture content (ω) = 11.000 % water content 15.53% clayey sand
(Assumed in hard rock/ stray boulder because of data not furnished)
Bulk density of soil (gbulk) = 1.923 gm/cc
Specific gravity of soil (G) = 2.680

Ground surface level = R.L. 93.503 93.106

Maximum scour level = R.L. 91.240
Founding level = R.L. 87.400
Width of foundation (B) = 8 m
Length of foundation (L) = 11
Diameter of circular foundation (D) = 0 m
Unit weight of water (gw) = 1 gm/cc

Cohesion © = kg/cm 2

Depth of overburden (Df) = 91.240 - 87.400 = 3.840 m

Dry density of soil (gd) = gbulk /(1+ω/100) = 1.732 gm/cc
Void Ratio = e = G/ g d -1 = 0.55 0.55
Hence General Shear Failure
Submerged unit weight (gb) = (G X gw + e) / (1 + e) - 1 = 1.086 gm/cc
Overburden pressure(q)=gb X Df X 100/1000 = 1.086 X 3.840 X100/1000
= 0.417 kg/cm 2

N= 60

Correction due to overburden(N') :

From figure-1 of I:S: 2131-1981,
For q 0.417 kg/cm 2, correction factor = 1
So, correction due to overburden (N') = 60 X 1 = 60

Correction due to dilatancy(N") :

N" = 15+1/2*(N'-15)
= 15 + 1/2 * ( 60 - 15 ) = 37.5
From figure-1 of I:S: 6403-1981,
For N" 37.5 , f = 30 deg

For general shear failure:

For f = 30 deg
Bearing capacity factors:
Nc = 30.14
Nq = 18.400
Nv = 22.4

Shape factors:
Rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df X ÖNf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 3.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.166
dq = dv = 1+0.1X Df X Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 3.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.083

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1
W' 0.5

qd = CNcScdcic +q(Nq-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgNvSvdviv W'

= 0 X 30.14 X 1.145 X 1.166 X 1
+ 0.417 X ( 18.4 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.083
X 1 + 8 X 1.923 X 22.4 X 0.709
X 1.083 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1

= 15.619 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 15.619 / 2.5 + 0.417

= 6.6648 kg/cm 2
= 66.648 T/m2

For local shear failure:

f ' = tan-1(0.67tan f) = 21.148
tanf = 0.577
f' = 21.148 deg
N'c = 16.182
N'q = 7.378
N'v = 6.650

Shape factors:
rectangular footing B= 8 L= 11 --
Sc = 1.145455
Sq = 1.145455
Sv = 0.709

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df Ö Nf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 3.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.166
dq = dv = 1+0.1 Df ¨ Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 3.84 X 1.732 / 8
= 1.083

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1

qd' =2/3* CN'cScdcic +q(N'q-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgN'vSvdviv W'

= 0 X 16.182 X 1.145 X 1.166 X 1
X 2 / 3 0.417 X ( 7.378 - 1 ) X 1.14545 X 1.083
X 1 + 8 X 1.923 X 6.650 X 0.709
X 1.083 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1
= 5.264 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 5.264 / 2.5 + 0.417

= 2.5227 kg/cm 2
= 25.227 T/m2 221.9T/sqm Reported
in confirmatory borelog
For intermediate shear failure :
= 15.619 - 10.355 / 0.200 X 0.00
= 15.777 Kg/cm2

\S.B.C = 15.777 / 2.500 + 0.417

= 6.728 Kg/cm 2
= 67.28 T/m2
Data Given:
Field moisture content (ω) = 15.000 %
Bulk density of soil (gbulk) = 1.870 gm/cc
Specific gravity of soil (G) = 2.660
Ground surface level = R.L. 93.000
Maximum scour level = R.L. 93.000
Founding level = R.L. 86.200
Width of foundation (B) = 9.45 m
Length of foundation (L) = 8.5
Diameter of circular foundation (D) = 0 m
Unit weight of water (gw) = 1 gm/cc

Cohesion © = kg/cm 2

Depth of overburden (Df) = 93 - 86.200 = 6.800 m

Dry density of soil (gd) = gbulk /(1+ω/100) = 1.626 gm/cc
Void Ratio = e = G/ g d -1 = 0.64 between 0.55 to 0.75
Both local shear failure & General shear failure
Submerged unit weight (gb) = (G X gw + e) / (1 + e) - 1 = 1.015 gm/cc
Overburden pressure(q)=gb X Df X 100/1000 = 1.015 X 6.800 X100/1000
= 0.690 kg/cm 2

N= 22

Correction due to overburden(N') :

From figure-1 of I:S: 2131-1981,
For q 0.690 kg/cm 2, correction factor = 1
So, correction due to overburden (N') = 22 X 1 = 22

Correction due to dilatancy(N") :

N" = 15+1/2*(N'-15)
= 15 + 1/2 * ( 22 - 15 ) = 18.5
From figure-1 of I:S: 6403-1981,
For N" 18.5 , f = 30 deg

For general shear failure:

For f = 30 deg
Bearing capacity factors:
Nc = 30.14
Nq = 18.400
Nv = 22.4

Shape factors:
Rectangular footing B= 9.45 L= 8.5 --
Sc = 1.222353
Sq = 1.222353
Sv = 0.555

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df X ÖNf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 6.8 X 1.732 / 9.45
= 1.249
dq = dv = 1+0.1X Df X Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 6.8 X 1.732 / 9.45
= 1.125

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1
W' 0.5

qd = CNcScdcic +q(Nq-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgNvSvdviv W'

= 0 X 30.14 X 1.222 X 1.249 X 1
+ 0.690 X ( 18.4 - 1 ) X 1.22235 X 1.125
X 1 + 9.45 X 1.870 X 22.4 X 0.555
X 1.125 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1

= 22.686 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 22.686 / 2.5 + 0.690

= 9.7644 kg/cm 2
= 97.644 T/m2

For local shear failure:

f ' = tan-1(0.67tan f) = 21.148
tanf = 0.577
f' = 21.148 deg
N'c = 16.182
N'q = 7.378
N'v = 6.650

Shape factors:
rectangular footing B= 9.45 L= 8.5 --
Sc = 1.222353
Sq = 1.222353
Sv = 0.555

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df Ö Nf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.732 ]
= 1+0.2 X 6.8 X 1.732 / 9.45
= 1.249
dq = dv = 1+0.1 Df ¨ Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 6.8 X 1.732 / 9.45
= 1.125

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1

qd' =2/3* CN'cScdcic +q(N'q-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgN'vSvdviv W'

= 0 X 16.182 X 1.222 X 1.249 X 1
X 2 / 3 0.690 X ( 7.378 - 1 ) X 1.22235 X 1.125
X 1 + 9.45 X 1.870 X 6.650 X 0.555
X 1.125 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1
= 7.885 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 7.885 / 2.5 + 0.690

= 3.8440 kg/cm 2
= 38.440 T/m2

For intermediate shear failure :

= 22.686 - 14.801 / 0.200 X 0.09
= 16.334 Kg/cm2

\S.B.C = 16.334 / 2.500 + 0.690

= 7.224 Kg/cm 2
= 72.24 T/m2
Data Given:
Field moisture content (ω) = 11.000 % Assumed in hard rock/ stray boulder level
Bulk density of soil (gbulk) = 1.928 gm/cc
Specific gravity of soil (G) = 2.670

Ground surface level = R.L. 94.013

Maximum scour level = R.L. 93.000
Founding level = R.L. 87.400
Width of foundation (B) = 9.45 m
Length of foundation (L) = 8.5
Diameter of circular foundation (D) = 0 m
Unit weight of water (gw) = 1 gm/cc

Cohesion © = kg/cm 2

Depth of overburden (Df) = 93 - 87.400 = 5.600 m

Dry density of soil (gd) = gbulk /(1+ω/100) = 1.737 gm/cc
Void Ratio = e = G/ g d -1 = 0.54 0.55
Hence General Shear Failure
Submerged unit weight (gb) = (G X gw + e) / (1 + e) - 1 = 1.086 gm/cc
Overburden pressure(q)=gb X Df X 100/1000 = 1.086 X 5.600 X100/1000
= 0.608 kg/cm 2

N= 50

Correction due to overburden(N') :

From figure-1 of I:S: 2131-1981,
For q 0.608 kg/cm 2, correction factor = 1
So, correction due to overburden (N') = 50 X 1 = 50

Correction due to dilatancy(N") :

N" = 15+1/2*(N'-15)
= 15 + 1/2 * ( 50 - 15 ) = 32.5
From figure-1 of I:S: 6403-1981,
For N" 32.5 , f = 32 deg

For general shear failure:

For f = 32 deg
Bearing capacity factors:
Nc = 36.532
Nq = 24.360
Nv = 32.652

Shape factors:
Rectangular footing B= 9.45 L= 8.5 --
Sc = 1.222353
Sq = 1.222353
Sv = 0.555

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df X ÖNf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.804 ]
= 1+0.2 X 5.6 X 1.804 / 9.45
= 1.214
dq = dv = 1+0.1X Df X Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 5.6 X 1.804 / 9.45
= 1.107

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1
W' 0.5

qd = CNcScdcic +q(Nq-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgNvSvdviv W'

= 0 X 36.532 X 1.222 X 1.214 X 1
+ 0.608 X ( 24.36 - 1 ) X 1.22235 X 1.107
X 1 + 9.45 X 1.928 X 32.652 X 0.555
X 1.107 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1

= 28.371 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 28.371 / 2.5 + 0.608

= 11.9566 kg/cm 2
= 119.566 T/m2 213.1 T/sqm reported in CBH data

For local shear failure:

f ' = tan-1(0.67tan f) = 22.717
tanf = 0.625
f' = 22.717 deg
N'c = 18.031
N'q = 8.715
N'v = 8.374

Shape factors:
rectangular footing B= 9.45 L= 8.5 --
Sc = 1.222353
Sq = 1.222353
Sv = 0.555

Depth Factors:
dc = 1+0.2 X Df Ö Nf/B [Ö Nf = tan (p/4+f/2) = 1.804 ]
= 1+0.2 X 5.6 X 1.804 / 9.45
= 1.214
dq = dv = 1+0.1 Df ¨ Nf/B
= 1+0.1X 5.6 X 1.804 / 9.45
= 1.107

Inclination factor:
ic = 1
iq = 1
iv = 1

qd' =2/3* CN'cScdcic +q(N'q-1)Sqdqiq+1/2*BgN'vSvdviv W'

= 0 X 18.031 X 1.222 X 1.214 X 1
X 2 / 3 0.608 X ( 8.715 - 1 ) X 1.22235 X 1.107
X 1 + 9.45 X 1.928 X 8.374 X 0.555
X 1.107 X 1 X 0.5 / 2 X 0.1
= 8.695 kg/cm 2

S.B.C = 8.695 / 2.5 + 0.608

= 4.0864 kg/cm 2
= 40.864 T/m2

For intermediate shear failure :

= 28.371 - 19.676 / 0.200 X -0.01
= 29.631 Kg/cm2

\S.B.C = 29.631 / 2.500 + 0.608

= 12.461 Kg/cm 2
= 124.61 T/m2

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