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By: noname
Source: internet

Pronunciation: Y
Directions: Practice by saying the word pairs and example sentences, then speak
the words from this reading.

Word Pairs Yellow-mellow, yes-mess, yawn-lawn, year-near

Example sentence: You yearly yank yellow yo-yo's.

Examples from this reading: Particularly - Contributor - Annual -

Directions: Study the following keywords and definintions.

1. annual -(adj) - Once a year.

2. competent -(adj) - Able to do something well, but not specially talented.
3. contributor -(n) - One who donates to a charity or some other cause.
4. emergence -(n) - A coming into view.
5. perspective -(n) - Opinions and way of seeing things.
6. prevention -(n) - The act of stopping something.
7. exploit -(v) - To use someone or something for one's own advantage without
concern for what happens to the other.
8. approximately -(adv) - Not exactly, roughly, about.
9. finance -(v) - Provide the money for a project.
10. fraud -(n) - Crime committed by lying.
11. found -(v) - To locate something.
12. assets -(n) - Money, or anything that can be sold to get money.
13. industry -(n) - Businesses of the same type; businesses concerned wit goods.
14. consumers -(n) - An organism that gets its energy from other organisms.
15. array -(n) - A group of things arranged in order.

Which words are

the hardest?

Focus on the
tough ones!

Directions: Read the following passage carefully.

1. Read the entire passage quickly and generate questions using the graphic organizer below.
2. Read the passage again more carefully and try to answer your questions.

Thick Questions Thin Questions

Big questions that you need to THINK and Smaller questions that you can find the answer
SEARCH to find the answers to. to RIGHT IN THE TEXT.
Why does the author think that…? What…?
What would happen if …? Who…?
Why does…? When…?

Questions Possible Answers Questions Possible Answers

Fraud has quickly become a multi-billion dollar problem for the banking and finance
industry. A report by The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE, 2018)
found that organizations lose approximately 5% of their annual revenues to fraud. To
put this in perspective, according to a business insider article (2019) the top five
banks in the world reported revenues of just over $1300 trillion, this would equate to
over $65 billion in fraud losses for these companies alone. The emergence of fast
fraud, which is where cybercriminals exploit weaknesses in digital fraud prevention
systems to steal customer assets, is a major contributor to the fraud losses banks
experience daily.

With technology driving a rise in new channel offerings and user interfaces to
improve customer experience, new threats are challenging how banks fight fraud in
this digital banking era. Cybercriminals are using an array of strategies and tactics to
exploit banks and trap their consumers into unwillingly giving up their assets. A
significant increase in digital transactions has also created an attractive environment
for fraudsters who look to hide their illicit activities within millions of transactions
occurring every day. These developments mean that organizations may be obliged
to proactively use advanced and competent technology to win the fight against fraud.
A report by Experian (2019) indicates that 55% of businesses reported an increase
in loss online related to fraud in 2018, predominantly around account origination and
account takeover attacks, particularly damaging to brand reputation.

The 2019 KPMG Global Fraud Survey highlights three fraud typologies that are
increasing across all regions from the Middle East to North America. These are
online scams, card not present (CNP), and cyber/online fraud. According to the
report, less than 25% of fraud losses are recovered, showing how critical it is for
banks to effectively detect and prevent fraud from occurring across all channels.

Question 1: Identify a quote from the text that you think is very important and explain

Question 2: If you were asked to edit this text down to half its length, what details
would you remove?

Question 3: Write 3-5 sentences summarizing the text.

Question 4: What is the tone of this text?

Question 5: What is the purpose of this text?

Focus on Grammar
Some words and phrases show that the speaker or writer does NOT have personal
knowledge that something is true. For example, in the sentence People say they are
getting divorced" the speaker is not certain about the divorce.
What is uncertain in the sentence(s) below?

Directions: Identify how the equivocations is used in the sentence(s) below

1. To put this in perspective, according to a business insider article( 2019) the

top five banks in the world reported revenues of just over$ 1300 trillion, this
would equate to over$ 65 billion in fraud losses for these companies alone.
2. A report by Experian( 2019) indicates that 55% of businesses reported an
increase in loss online related to fraud in 2018, predominantly around account
origination and account takeover attacks, particularly damaging to brand
reputation.The 2019 KPMG Global Fraud Survey highlights three fraud
typologies that are increasing across all regions from the Middle East to North

Word Roots & Stems

Rule: The suffix er adds "one who" to the meaning of a word, like driver.

Directions: Identify the word that ends with -er in each sentence and write it on the

1. To put this in perspective, according to a business insider article ( 2019 ) the

top five banks in the world reported revenues of just over$ 1300 trillion , this
would equate to over$ 65 billion in fraud losses for these companies alone.

2. The emergence of fast fraud, which is where cybercriminals exploit

weaknesses in digital fraud prevention systems to steal customer assets , is a
major contributor to the fraud losses banks experience daily.

3. To put this in perspective, according to a business insider article ( 2019 ) the

top five banks in the world reported revenues of just over$ 1300 trillion , this
would equate to over$ 65 billion in fraud losses for these companies alone.

Directions: Fill in the blanks below, just as in the models.

actor act + or Denzel Washigton is her favorite actor.

fighter ____________ ________________________________________________

dancer ____________ ________________________________________________

builder ____________ ________________________________________________

painter ____________ ________________________________________________

teacher teach + er My teacher gives us a lot of homework.

Vocabulary Practice
Directions: Use the word bank to identify the word that best completes the sentence.

Annual competent contributor emergence perspective prevention

Exploit approximately finance fraud found assets
industry consumers array

1. He is a _______________ drummer but a great pianist.

2. The store had an _______________ of shirts.
3. All animals are _______________ because they have to eat to live.
4. She was arrested for bank _______________.
5. The oil company _______________ed the land and left it polluted.
6. The _______________ of the mouse from the hole surprised everyone.
7. Christmas is an _______________ holiday.
8. He has a good _______________ on what we should do.
9. The space ship was too expensive for a company so it was
_______________d by the government.
10. The tobacco _______________ markets a very profitable product.
11. Toothpaste is good for the _______________ of cavities.
12. She owned a house, which was her largest _______________.
13. I lost my keys but Joe _______________ them.
14. There were _______________ 500,000 people at the protest.

Vocabulary Practice
Directions: Write the letter of word that matches the definition on the line. If it helps,
feel free to also draw a line between the definition and the matching word.

A. annual
B. competent
C. contributor
D. emergence
E. perspective
F. prevention
G. exploit
H. approximately
I. finance
J. fraud
K. found
L. assets
M. industry
N. consumers
O. array

1. _______ Able to do something well, but not specially talented.

2. _______ A group of things arranged in order.

3. _______ An organism that gets its energy from other organisms.

4. _______ Crime committed by lying.

5. _______ To use someone or something for one's own advantage without
concern for what happens to the other.

6. _______ A coming into view.

7. _______ Once a year.

8. _______ Opinions and way of seeing things.

9. _______ Provide the money for a project.

10. _______ Businesses of the same type; businesses concerned wit goods.

11. _______ The act of stopping something.

12. _______ Money, or anything that can be sold to get money.

13. _______ One who donates to a charity or some other cause.

14. _______ To locate something.

15. _______ Not exactly, roughly, about.

Vocabulary Practice
Directions: For each of the words in the box, write an original sentence using the
word. Circle the vocabulary word in each sentence. Be sure to write a sentence that
would help the reader better understand the meaning of the word.

Annual competent contributor emergence perspective prevention

Exploit approximately finance fraud found assets
industry consumers array














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