Either, Neither, Any, Every, Or, Nor EXPLANATION

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Put given verbs in to the correct form to make sure the subject and verb

Two singular in present
subjects connected simple
by or ortense
nor require a singular verb.
1. Ten Ex:dollars
My aunt or my
(BE) uncle is arriving
…..………… by train
a high pricetoday.
to pay.
2. singular
Two Here (BE) …..…………
subjects connected your birthday or
by either/or presents.
neither/nor require a singular verb.
3. The Ex:repairs
NeithertoJuanour nor
(COST)is …..…………
staying at home much more
at the than we were expecting.
4. One-third of the people (BE) …..………… unemployed.
When I is one of the two subjects connected by either/or or neither/nor, put it second and
5. An
follow it orange
with theand a banana
singular verb am. (BE) …..………… all he has in his hands.
6. Only Ex: a few hundred
Neither she nor of I amthese animals
going to the (REMAIN)
party next Sunday. …..………… today.
7. Each
When of thesubject
a singular girls participating
is connected by in that
or ormusic
nor toprogramme
a plural subject,(SING) …..…………
put the well.
plural subject last
8. Either Mark
and use a plural verb. or his wife (BE) …..………… fond of parachuting.
9. Part Ex:of this
The form bowl
serving (SEEM) or the …..…………
plates go on thatto beshelf.
10. The
When majority
a singular andof the employees
plural subject are(HAVE) connected …..…………
by either/oruniversity degrees.
or neither/nor, put the plural
subject last and use a plural verb.
11. His Ex:wife or hisJenny
Neither mother nor (HAVE)
the others …..…………
are available.to take care of him at hospital.
As12.a A motorbike
general rule, useanda plural
a house verb(BE)
with …..………… two things
two or more subjects whenhe they
connected by and.
13. HeEx: often tells our friends that my family
A car and a bike are my means of transportation.
(BE) …..………… rather big.
14. Susan is the teacher who (WRITE) …..………… this piece of music.
Sometimes the subject is separated from the verb by words such as along with, as well as,
15. Everyone (HAVE) …..………… their own ideas about the best way to bring up
besides, or not. Ignore these expressions when determining whether to use a singular or plural
16. The staff members (BE) …..………… in disagreement about the findings.
Ex: The politician, along with the newsmen, is expected shortly.
17. Every student (HAVE) …..………… to wear uniform on Mondays.
The pronouns each, everyone, every one, everybody, anyone, anybody, someone, and
18. There (BE, NOT) …..………… very many weekends between now and Christmas.
somebody are singular and require singular verbs. Do not be misled by what follows of.
19. All I need (BE) …..………… a roof over my head and a decent meal.
Ex: Each of the girls sings well.
20. There (BE) …..………… too many people chasing too few jobs.
With words that indicate portions—percent, fraction, part, majority, some, all, none,
remainder, and so forth —look at the noun in your of phrase (object of the preposition) to
21. There (BE) …..………… money in sport these days.
determine whether
22. Five years (BE)to use a singular or
…..………… theplural verb. Ifsentence
maximum the object forofthat
preposition is singular,
use a singular verb. If the object of the preposition
23. Either the actors or the director (BE) …..………… at fault. is plural, use a plural verb.
Ex: Fifty
24. There (COME)percent of the pies have
…..………… disappeared.
the most wanted actress!
25. Neither Linda nor I (BE) …..………… abletake
either and neither are subjects, they always singularthis
to operate verbs.
Ex: Neither of them is able to speak French.
26. Most artists (FIND) …..………… it almost impossible to make a living from art alone.
and there …..…………
have generallywho beenstole
labeled as adverbs
it, but they'reeven thoughtothey
all afraid tell indicate
28. I In sentences
think part ofbeginning
her problem with here
(BE)or there, the subject
…..………… that shefollows
verb. carefully enough.
Ex: There
29. Believe me. are
All two cats a(BE)
of them and one…..…………
dog in her house.not very good indeed.
Use a singular verb with sums of money
30. The price of those jeans (BE) …..………… reasonable.or periods of time.
Ex: Ten dollars is a high price to pay.
31. There the (BE) pronoun
…..………… who, that, or which ismuch
not/nothing the subject of a verbhere.
to do around in the middle of the
32. Would The pronounswho
everyone who,(WISH)
that, and…..…………
which becometosingular attendor theplural
let me to the noun
know by Friday
directly in front of them. So, if that noun is singular, use a singular verb. If it is plural, use a
33. A verb.
large majority of people (APPROVE) …..………… of the death sentence.
Ex: Sarah
34. Either of usis(BE)
the scientist
…..………… who writes
doing the job.
35. Neither
Collective of them
nouns such as(BE)
team …..…………
and staff may available
be either tosingular
speak right now.
or plural depending on their use
theHe is one of the men who (DO) …..………… the work.
37. When youfootball
Ex: The run, each team foot
are(LEAVE) …..…………
flying to Africa for the timethe ground
being. before the other (COME)
…..………… down.
Verbs in Present Continuous, Past Continuous or Present Perfect
1. Neither my father nor I (GO) …..………… to their wedding anniversary tomorrow.
2. Neither of my colleges (WEAR) …..………… traditional dress today.
3. The news of the discovery (SPREAD) …..………… all over the country.
4. The police (LOOK) …..………… for a very dangerous bank robber.
5. My son and my daughter (HAVE) …..………… breakfast at home when he phoned.
6. Neither Jimmy nor his friends (STUDY) …..………… Japanese.
7. The government (HAVE) …..………… an urgent meeting.
8. When I looked at the sky, it seemed that every bird (FLY) …..………… to that old
9. Her brother or her boyfriend (PICK) …..………… her up at the airport.
10. A number of warm clothes (BE) …..………… for sale in the shop since September.

11. The number of dogs (DECREASE) …..…………nowadays.

12. None of his children (GET) …..………… fat and tall those days.
13. Someone (CALL) …..………… you outside, Linda.
14. Look! Two-fourths of the bottle of water (CHANGE) …..………… its colour.
15. His mother or his father (VISIT) …..………… him on their summer holiday.
16. At this time last Sunday both of us (TAKE) …..………… part in the final exam.
17. What …..…………the basketball team (DO) …..………… when their coach
announced blood test result?
18. The majority of Vietnamese people (NOW, ENJOY) …..………… Tet holiday at
19. Thirty percent of the city (SLEEP) …..………… when the earthquake happened.
20. Each of the nurses (WORK) …..………… when the fire started.

21. The boy together with his friends (WALK) …..………… to school.
22. The price of oil (RISE) …..………… sharply.
23. House prices (FALL) …..………….
24. The local council (JUST, SET) …..………… up a committee to study recycling.
25. It rained the first day but the remainder of the trip (BE) …..………… lovely.
26. Interest rates (RISE) …..………… by two percentage points.
27. A new family (MOVE) …..………… in next door.
28. Letters of complaint (SURPRISE) …..………… few in number
29. In this school, most of the children (COME) …..………… from the Chinese
30. Neither bread nor pizza (BE) …..………… available for two recent weeks.

31. Not only his wife but also his children (WAIT) …..………… for him.
32. One of her dogs (MISS) …..………… for ten days.
33. They are the students whose names (BE) …..………… already well known.
34. The party (BE) …..………… in government for four years since the 1960s.
35. …..………… anyone (SEE) …..………… my glasses anywhere?
36. There (BE) …..………… an increasing number of cases of the disease.
37. The doctors along with their General Director (GET) …..…………annual bonus.
38. Each of the companies (GO) …..………… to support a local charity.
39. Not many people (HEAR) …..………… of him.
40. (BE) …..………… there anyone you knew at the meeting?
Verbs in Passive Voice
1. Most of animals (INOCULATE) …..………… against a nation wide epidemic.
2. Part of my steak (NOT, COOK) …..………… properly.
3. Fifty percent of the pie (EAT) …..………… by the children.
4. Every teacher (REQUEST) …..………… to take part in the festival.
5. The sleeping bag or the warm clothes (KEEP) …..………… in the attic.
6. Of all her books, none (SELL) …..………… as well as the first one.
7. Twenty percent of his income (STEAL) …..………….
8. All of his books (WRITE) …..………… in English.
9. None of the eggs (BREAK) …..………… since they came.
10. A priceless collection of vases (DESTROY) …..………….

11. Everyone involved in the accident (QUESTION) …..………… by the police.

12. A large number of invitations (SEND) …..………….
13. Almost all the passengers on the ferry (REPORT) …..………… to be French.
14. The government (EXPECT) …..………… to announce its/their tax proposals today.
15. The party that (ELECT) …..………… to power has no experience of government.
16. Someone (MUST, SEE) …..………… what happened.
17. A small number of children (EDUCATE) …..………… at home.
18. All animals (TELL) …..………… to have to eat in order to live.
19. The remains of lunch (REMOVE) …..………… out of the table.
20. Small numbers of children (BEAR) …..………… at home.

21. Each boy and each girl (GIVE) …..………… two paper-flags before the match.
22. The whole school (ENCOURAGE) …..………… by Joel's success in the
23. Large numbers of unemployed people (COUNT) …..…………. recently.
24. Fifty years after he died his remains (RETURN) …..………… to his homeland.
25. None of local businessmen (INVITE) …..………… to the trade.
26. Each and every one of the flowers (BELIEVE) …..………… to have its own colour
and smell.
27. Small amounts of land (USE) …..………… for keeping animals.
28. Paul and Alison (EXPECT) …..………… to start a family soon.
29. The quality of materials (DECIDE) …..………… by David.
30. Most of Asian men (THINK) …..………… to love football.

31. The car or the bikes (DAMAGE) …..………… by the accident.

32. Not every newspaper (PRODUCE) …..………… in vast numbers.
33. The annual cost of income support to unmarried mothers (AMOUNT) …..…………
to £700 million since last December.
34. The right amount of sand (NOT, DELIVER) …..………….
35. The cost of those T-shirts (DECIDE) …..………… by the shop owner.
36. Not all of birds (SAY) …..………… to be able to fly.
37. A great number of birds (SAVE) …..………… since they established the
38. No one (INFORM) …..………… of the bad news.
39. The cost of labour (NOW, EXPECT) …..………… to increase day after day.
40. Thousand years (BELIEVE) …..………… to be a long time.
KEYS (Note: The most importance of these practice exercises is to make subject and
verb agree not to put verbs in the right tense, so KEYS are just for reference and please
don’t consider them as the only answer for each sentence)

Verbs in present simple tense

1. Ten dollars is a high price to pay.
2. Here are your birthday presents.
3. The repairs to our car cost much more than we were expecting.
4. One-third of the people are unemployed.
5. An orange and a banana are all he has in his hands.
6. Only a few hundred of these animals remain today.
7. Each of the girls participating in that music programme sings well.
8. Either Mark or his wife is fond of parachuting.
9. Part of this form seems to be missing.
10. The majority of the employees have university degrees.

11. His wife or his mother has to take care of him at hospital.
12. A motorbike and a house are two things he loves most.
13. He often tells our friends that my family is rather big.
14. Susan is the teacher who writes this piece of music.
15. Everyone has their own ideas about the best way to bring up children.
16. The staff members are in disagreement about the findings.
17. Every student has to wear uniform on Mondays.
18. There aren't very many weekends between now and Christmas.
19. All I need is a roof over my head and a decent meal.
20. There are too many people chasing too few jobs.

21. There's money in sport these days.

22. Five years is the maximum sentence for that offence.
23. Either the actors or the director is at fault.
24. There comes the most wanted actress!
25. Neither Linda nor I am able to operate this machine.
26. Most artists find it almost impossible to make a living from art alone.
27. Everyone knows who stole it, but they're all afraid to tell anyone.
28. I think part of her problem is that she doesn't listen carefully enough.
29. Believe me. All of them are not very good indeed.
30. The price of those jeans is reasonable.

31. There's not/nothing much to do around here.

32. Would everyone who wishes to attend the dinner let me know by Friday
33. A large majority of people approve of the death sentence.
34. Either of us is capable of doing the job.
35. Neither of them is available to speak right now.
36. He is one of the men who do the work.
37. When you run, each foot leaves the ground before the other comes down.

Verbs in Present Continuous, Past Continuous or Present

Perfect tense
1. Neither my father nor I am going to their wedding anniversary tomorrow.
2. Neither of my colleges is wearing traditional dress today.
3. The news of the discovery is spreading all over the country.
4. The police are looking for a very dangerous bank robber.
5. My son and my daughter were having breakfast at home when he phoned.
6. Neither Jimmy nor his friends are studying Japanese.
7. The government are having an urgent meeting.
8. When I looked at the sky, it seemed that every bird was flying to that old
9. Her brother or her boyfriend is picking her up at the airport.
10. A number of warm clothes have been for sale in the shop since September

11. The number of dogs is decreasing nowadays.

12. None of his children is getting fat and tall those days.
13. Someone is calling you outside, Linda.
14. Look! Two-fourths of the bottle of water is changing its colour.
15. His mother or his father is visiting him on their summer holiday.
16. At this time last Sunday both of us were taking part in the final exam.
17. What were the basketball team doing when their coach announced blood
test result?
18. The majority of Vietnamese people are now enjoying Tet holiday at home.
19. Thirty percent of the city was sleeping when the earthquake happened.
20. Each of the nurses was working when the fire started.

21. The boy together with his friends is walking to school.

22. The price of oil has risen sharply.
23. House prices have been falling.
24. The local council have just set up a committee to study recycling.
25. It rained the first day but the remainder of the trip was lovely.
26. Interest rates have risen by two percentage points.
27. A new family has/have moved in next door.
28. Letters of complaint were surprisingly few in number
29. In this school, most of the children have come from the Chinese
30. Neither bread nor pizza has been available for two recent weeks.

31. Not only his wife but also his children have waited for him.
32. One of her dogs has been missing for ten days.
33. They are the students whose names have been already well known.
34. The party has been in government for four years since the 1960s.
35. Has anyone seen my glasses anywhere?
36. There has been an increasing number of cases of the disease.
37. The doctors along with their General Director has got annual bonus.
38. Each of the companies is going to support a local charity.
39. Not many people have heard of him.
40. Was there anyone you knew at the meeting?

Verbs in Passive Voice

1. Most of animals are being inoculated against a nation wide epidemic.
2. Part of my steak isn't cooked properly.
3. Fifty percent of the pie has been eaten by the children.
4. Every teacher is requested to take part in the festival.
5. The sleeping bag or the warm clothes are kept in the attic.
6. Of all her books, none have been sold as well as the first one.
7. Twenty percent of his income has been stolen.
8. All of his books are written in English.
9. None of the eggs has got broken since they came.
10. A priceless collection of vases was destroyed.
11. Everyone involved in the accident has been questioned by the police.
12. A large number of invitations have been sent.
13. Almost all the passengers on the ferry were reported to be French.
14. The government is/are expected to announce its/their tax proposals today.
15. The party that was elected to power has no experience of government.
16. Someone must have seen what happened.
17. A small number of children are educated at home.
18. All animals are told to have to eat in order to live.
19. The remains of lunch were removed out of the table.
20. Small numbers of children are born at home.

21. Each boy and each girl have been given two paper-flags before the match.
22. The whole school is/are encouraged by Joel's success in the
23. Large numbers of unemployed people have been counted recently.
24. Fifty years after he died, his remains were returned to his homeland.
25. None of local businessmen is invited to the trade.
26. Each and every one of the flowers is believed to have its own colour and
27. Small amounts of land were used for keeping animals.
28. Paul and Alison are being expected to start a family soon.
29. The quality of materials is decided by David.
30. Most of Asian men are thought to love football.

31. The car or the bikes have been damaged by the accident.
32. Not every newspaper is produced in vast numbers.
33. The annual cost of income support to unmarried mothers has amounted to
£700 million since last December.
34. The right amount of sand was not delivered.
35. The cost of those T-shirts is decided by the shop owner.
36. Not all of birds is said to be able to fly.
37. A great number of birds have been saved since they established the
38. No one was informed of the bad news.
39. The cost of labour is now expected to increase day after day.
40. Thousand years is believed to be a long time.

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