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Lecture No.

What is meant by Communication Method? What are the types of communication
Methods? How you select the best media or Methods of Business Communication?

Ans: The way sender send the messages to the desired receiver effectively is called the
Communication Method.
“The media of communication is the is the method used to convey the messages to
the intended receiver.”- Bartol and Martin
There are major two types of media or method of communication. They are:
1.Verbal Communication
2. Nonverbal Communication
A. Verbal Communication
Communication which is based on oral or written form is called
verbal communication. Language and word communication are the two
types of verbal communication.
“Verbal communication is the written or the oral used of word
communication.”- Barton and Martin

2. Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal Communication non word communication. It refers to
use gesture or facial expression to share ideas, express the thoughts. It
neither involves written nor oral form of communication.
“Nonverbal Communication includes any communication occurring
without use of words.”-Himstreet and Bay
Media(Method) &Communication

Verbal Communication Nonverbal Communication

Oral Written Visual

Communication Communication Communication

Speaking Listening 1.Letter
4.Circular Audio Visual
5.Report Communication
(electronic devices)
7.Electronic Devices

Diagram: Types of Communication Media or Method

Best selected methods of Communication:
Business companies always select the best method channel proved for
communications. Some of the acceptable ways of communications are the following:
1. Cost: Cost is one the major factors of communication channels. For
communication it is notable that how much cost of term is expected.
2. Confidentiality: Some data are very restricted for both the sender and the
receiver as well. So, it should be decided that which source they going to use for
sharing this confidential data. The source can be telephone, mobile or internet.
3. Safety and Security: Written documents of a company should be safe and
secured at the same time. So, they need to use reliable post services or registered
courier services. For example DHL, FADEX etc. can be safe and secure for physical
documents to share.
4. Influence: Sometimes messages need to be influential. These messages usually
convey good news like greetings, invitations etc. These invitations need to be more
5.Urgency: Sometimes documents or messages send to the receiver are very
important. That time cost is no matter. Rather, choosing the right channel for
conveying the message is more important.
6. Distance: Before sending the message, it is important to know the distance. The
channel will differ on the basis of it. The distance can be same building, same area,
same country or other country. So, it is important to choose the right channel on the
basis of distance.
7. Time and Date: In this purpose, it will depend on the messages or documents. If it
is inland, then we need to take local communication channel. On the other hand, if it is
overseas then we need to choose a dependable and at the same time faster channel.
8. Resources: Communication depends on the resources that the company have.
Availability of staffs, manpower, management team etc. are required resources for
better communication.
9. Written Documents: written documents are easier to carry and send to the
receiver by any communication channel.
10. Recipient Choice: Sometimes communication channels are selected by the
recipient. Because of it, the recipient need to qualified enough and concerned about
the right situation at the same time.
These are the main factors to choose a better communication channel.
Md. Anisur Rahman
Assistant Professor

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