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Lecture No.

What is Oral Communication? Discuss the principle of Oral
Communication and its channel or media.

Ans: Oral Communication refers to the exchange of information orally

among the sender and the receivers.
“Oral Communication expresses the ideas through the spoken words.”-
The Principle of Oral Communication:
1.Pre preparation: It is really important to get prepared both in
physical and mental state before starting the oral communication.
2.Proper Presentation: The information of oral communication
should be presented properly.
3.Simplicity: The goal of oral communication is to make the
audience clear about the information. So the language should not be
hard to understand. Rather it should be more specific, simple and easy.
4.Legality: The language should be lawful and logical. Though it is
an oral approach, it should be delivered cautiously.
5.Brevity : Effective oral communication desires to be brief.
6.Control of voice : The voice should be sweet, lucid, and gentle. If it
is rough, it may weaken the relation
7.Efficiency: The speaker should be efficient and skilled in his oral
speech with his subordinates.
8.Maintaining Coherence : The speaker should maintain coherence
while delivering his speech.
9.Personality : It is very important for oral communication. Speech
may be the main consideration of the speaker, but it is also equally
important to maintain a positive appearance. For that positive
personality speaker should not overlook the outfit, gesture, courtesy etc.
10.Emotion and feelings : It should not contain the personal feelings
and emotions of the speaker. It must be given performance to the
feelings and emotions of the receiver.
11.Planning: There must have an organized plan for effective oral
12.Acting: It is very fruitful means of oral communication. Acting
may be the body language or the movement.
Various channel or media of Oral Communication:
Oral communication may take place through different forms. Mainly oral communication can be divided
into two major groups.
(A) Mechanical Media
(B) Non mechanical Media

Mechanical Media

1) Telephone : One of the most important mechanical media/channel of oral communication is telephone.
Telephone is widely used in business communication, giving feedback is possible under this system.

2) Microphone: Through the microphone the sender can send message at a time to large member of

3) Television : Television is most popular mechanical channel. Television is another mechanical devise
used for oral communication with a view to transmitting message to a mass population. Actually, it is the
media to broadcast the message.

4) Radio: This is the oldest mechanical channel through which the receivers only receive. It can be said
that it is a one way communication media. The message is transmitted from the sender to receiver. Receivers
are not facilitated to send immediate feedback.
Non Mechanical Media:
1. Conversation: When some people exchange information, their views, opinions,
etc. among them at any place and time, it is conversation.
2. Interview: Talking on pre-determined topics between an interviewer and
interviewee is called an interview.
3. Committee Meeting: A committee is a group of people which is formed to
perform specific assignments. The member of the committee sit together time to time
for group discussion which lie under the preview of oral communication.
4. Close door Meeting : The top authority sometimes arranges close-door meeting
with the executives for discussion on important issues of the organization. The
member attended in the meeting, orally share their views and ideas among
5. Group Meeting : When some people join together to participate in discussion
on a particular issue, it is called group meeting.
6. Counselling : It is very effective media of oral communication. Counselling
service is adopted by the authority for their subordinates.
7. Conference: At the conference the supervision and the employees can discuss orally on their
mutual interest.
8. Prize giving ceremony: Sometimes a special prize giving ceremony is arranged where managers,
workers, and other business people join together and exchange their opinions.
9. Formal Training Course: Formal training courses are very helpful for oral communication. It
gives an opportunity for discussion and trains the employees practically.
10. Public Relation: Public relation is very powerful oral communication. The top level
management and lower level management can discuss various important issues of the company.
11. Inspection of factory and office : Some times service officers visit to the factory and the office
and talk to the concerned employees and staffs and motivate them to work efficiently. Here the
inspector should be skillful in oral communication.
12. Personal secretary Method: The Secretary tries to communication orally with their boss.
In the conclusion, it can be said that oral communication is easy and less expensive method.

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