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Question Bank: Student Check-ins

80 Questions Across Well-Being, SEL Skills, Relationships, and

Classroom Feedback

Version: February 2021

About This Resource
This resource is for school and district teams who recognize the power of
student voice and want to ensure that every student has consistent,
individualized supports around well-being and SEL skills this school year.
Inside, you’ll find an introduction to student check-ins in Panorama and the
complete set of check-in questions available in Panorama. 

Table of Contents
Introduction to Student Check-ins in Panorama …………………………………….. 3

How to Administer a Student Check-in With Panorama ………………………….. 4

Check-ins Question Bank ………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Student Well-Being ……………………………………………………………………………………. 6

SEL Skills and Competencies …………………………………………………………………… 9

Classroom Feedback ……………………………………………………………………………….. 13

Panorama Education is the #1 social-emotional learning measurement tool,

according to a 2020 report from the Tyton Partners and the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation. Millions of students and adults take Panorama’s SEL and
school climate surveys every year. 2
What Are Student Check-ins in Panorama?
“How are our students doing? Who needs Panorama Education’s new check-ins tool
our support now?” makes it possible for caring adults to: 

This year, checking in on students— • Check in on student well-being and

support; gather instant classroom
frequently and consistently—is critical to
feedback; and conduct an interim
creating a safe and supportive learning
SEL skills and competencies check.
environment. Check-ins are a powerful way It is quick and easy to build a check-
to elevate student voice on a weekly or in with Panorama’s question bank
monthly basis, and to identify the students (see pages 5-14).
who need extra help right now
academically, socially, and emotionally.  • Explore check-in results instantly 

for individual students and groups 

of students.

Check-ins are a light, flexible companion to
annual/bi-annual SEL and school climate • Quickly deliver school-wide or
measurement and can be administered targeted supports in response to
right inside the Panorama platform. student voice data.

Who Uses Panorama?

District and school teams partner

with Panorama to understand
student voice and coordinate
interventions. Users may include:

• District coordinators and

• Principals
• Counselors
• Teachers
• Interventionists
• Behavior coaches

Hear why district leaders partner with Panorama for SEL. 3
How to Administer a Student Check-in
With Panorama
Student check-ins are perfect to include
in morning meetings, advisory periods,
small group interventions, or general
class time.

Here are the steps to creating a student

check-in with Panorama:

1. Select Questions to Ask Your

In Panorama, there are pre-loaded Pictured above: The check-in builder in Panorama.
check-in question sets to get you started.
Or, you can build your own check-in by
3. Send the Check-in to Students
selecting questions from the bank.
via a Unique URL
The questions span many themes, Once your check-in is ready, it’s time to
including: well-being, supportive launch. Send the link to students via
relationships, safety, support and email, paste it onto a Google Slides or
inclusion, classroom feedback, and SEL PowerPoint presentation, or chat it out to
skills and competencies. You can add, your students on Google Hangouts or
remove, or rearrange questions from 
 Zoom. Students can access the check-in
the pre-built question sets. We by entering their student ID.
recommend choosing two to five
questions per check-in. 4. Review Your Responses
After you launch a check-in, student
2. Decide Which Students You’d responses will appear in real-time on
Like to Hear From your Panorama dashboard.
Panorama syncs up with your student
That way, you can quickly follow up with
roster automatically. You can create a
individual students, plan interventions for
check-in for all of the students on the
individual students or small groups, or
roster, or all of the students you have
plan school-wide or district-wide Tier 1
access to in Panorama.
practices and programs in response. 4
Overview: Check-ins Question Bank
The questions in this bank (free response and multiple choice) are appropriate for grades 3-12,
with select questions more appropriate for grades 6-12. We invite educators to use these
questions free of charge. We just ask that you cite Panorama Education so that others may find
this resource as well.

Student Well-Being — P. 6
 Classroom Feedback — P. 13

• Recommended for: Teachers, counselors, or • Recommended for: Classroom teachers

school administrators who want to better who would like to hone their instructional
understand student well-being and supports. practice, gather feedback on how class
went “today,” and understand how each
• Sending Frequency: Bi-weekly or less student learns best.
frequently; consider a rotating set of
 • Sending Frequency: Daily or weekly, but
not the same question(s) every day.

• Follow-up Action: Teachers and counselors
can review the answers and follow up with • Follow-up Action: Use the information to
individual students who answered a 
 plan the next day’s lesson, reflect on
certain way. teaching practices, augment Tier 1 supports,
and follow-up with specific students.

SEL Skills and Competencies — P. 9

• Recommended for: School administrators
who would like to conduct interim SEL 
 Q: Are the questions available in multiple
languages? Yes! Schools and districts who
check-ins in between district-wide
partner with Panorama can administer
administrations of the Panorama SEL Survey.
these questions in English, Arabic,
Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Tagalog,
• Sending Frequency: Monthly or less and Spanish.

Q: How were these questions developed?
• Follow-up Action: Reflect on trends in Panorama developed these questions
students’ social-emotional growth, use the following best practices in survey design.
information to plan or adjust Tier 1 They are grounded in scholarly literature 

programming, and plan action or on positive psychology, learning science,
interventions for individual students or and educational psychology. Some
groups of students. questions are from existing Panorama
survey instruments. 5
Student Well-Being

Question Response Options

1 How are you feeling today?  I feel terrible I feel okay I feel good I feel great!

What emotion are you feeling the most

2 Excited Happy Loved Angry Sad Worried

During the past week, how often did you Almost Once in a Almost
3 never while
Sometimes Frequently
feel excited?

During the past week, how often did you Almost Once in a Almost
4 never while
Sometimes Frequently
feel happy?

During the past week, how often did you Almost Once in a Almost
5 never while
Sometimes Frequently
feel loved?

During the past week, how often did you Almost Once in a Almost
6 never while
Sometimes Frequently
feel safe?

During the past week, how often did you

feel hopeful?*
 Almost Once in a Almost
7 never while
Sometimes Frequently

*Recommended for 6-12 only

During the past week, how often did you Almost Once in a Almost
8 never while
Sometimes Frequently
feel angry?

During the past week, how often did you Almost Once in a Almost
9 never while
Sometimes Frequently
feel lonely?

During the past week, how often did you Almost Once in a Almost
10 never while
Sometimes Frequently
feel sad? Student Well-Being 6

Student Well-Being

Question Response Options

During the past week, how often did you Almost Once in a Almost
11 never while
Sometimes Frequently
feel worried?

During the past week, how often did you

12 feel frustrated?* Almost Once in a
Sometimes Frequently
never while always

*Recommended for 6-12 only

13 Do you feel bullied by other students? Yes No

Would you like to talk privately with an

14 adult from school about how you’re Yes No

feeling or something on your mind?

I’ve been I’ve been I’ve been I’ve been

15 How have you been sleeping recently? sleeping sleeping sleeping sleeping
terribly okay well great!

What was the best part of the past week [Free

16 response]
for you?

What was the hardest part of the past [Free

17 response]
week for you?

18 What can teachers or other adults at [Free

school do to better help you?

If we had free breakfast at school, how

19 Not at all A little bit A lot
much would that help you?

If you could do laundry at school, how

20 Not at all A little bit A lot
much would that help you?

If you could get free clothes (like jackets

21 and shoes) at school, how much would Not at all A little bit A lot

that help you?

If we could improve your internet access

22 outside of school, how much would that Not at all A little bit A lot

help you? Student Well-Being 7

Student Well-Being

Student Well-Being
Pre-Built Question Sets in Panorama*

• Raise Your Hand: Question 14

• Emotion Pulse Check: Questions 1, 2, 14
• Well-Being Narrative: Questions 16, 17, 18
• Emotion 360: Questions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

*These are the pre-built question sets in the Panorama platform. Users can add, remove, or
rearrange questions in these sets—or build their own check-in from the All Questions tab. Student Well-Being 8

SEL Skills and Competencies

Question Response Options

How sure are you that you can complete all Not at all
 Somewhat Quite
23 sure sure sure sure sure
the work that is assigned in your class?

When complicated ideas are discussed in

Not at all
 Somewhat Quite
24 class, how sure are you that you can sure sure sure sure sure
understand them?

How sure are you that you can learn all the Not at all
 Somewhat Quite
25 sure sure sure sure sure
topics taught in your class?

How sure are you that you can do the hardest Not at all
 Somewhat Quite
26 sure sure sure sure sure
work that is assigned in your class?

How sure are you that you will remember what Not at all
 Somewhat Quite
27 sure sure sure sure sure
you learned in your current class, next year?

In school, how possible is it for you to change: Not at all A little Somewhat Quite Completely
28 possible to possible to possible to possible to possible to
Being talented change change change change change

In school, how possible is it for you to change: Not at all A little Somewhat Quite Completely
29 possible to possible to possible to possible to possible to
Giving a lot of effort change change change change change

In school, how possible is it for you to change: Not at all A little Somewhat Quite Completely
30 possible to possible to possible to possible to possible to
Behaving well in class change change change change change

In school, how possible is it for you to change: Not at all A little Somewhat Quite Completely
31 possible to possible to possible to possible to possible to
Liking the subjects you are studying change change change change change

In school, how possible is it for you to change: Not at all A little Somewhat Quite Completely
32 possible to possible to possible to possible to possible to
How easily you give up change change change change change

In school, how possible is it for you to change: Not at all A little Somewhat Quite Completely
33 possible to possible to possible to possible to possible to
Your level of intelligence change change change change change SEL Skills and Competencies 9

SEL Skills and Competencies

Question Response Options

During the past 30 days, how carefully did you Not carefully Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
34 at all carefully carefully carefully carefully
listen to other people's points of view?

During the past 30 days, how much did you Cared a

Did not care 
 Cared a
 Cared Cared 

35 at all little bit somewhat quite a bit
care about other people's feelings? amount

During the past 30 days, how well did you get

Got along
Did not get Got along a Got along Got along
36 along with students who are different from along at all little bit somewhat pretty well

During the past 30 days, how clearly were you Not at all Slightly 

37 clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly
able to describe your feelings?

During the past 30 days, when others

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
38 disagreed with you, how respectful were you respectful respectful respectful respectful respectful
of their views?

During the past 30 days, to what extent were A

39 you able to stand up for yourself without Not at all A little bit Somewhat Quite a bit tremendous
putting others down?

During the past 30 days, to what extent were A

40 you able to disagree with others without Not at all A little bit Somewhat Quite a bit tremendous
starting an argument?

During the past 30 days, how often did you Almost Once in a Almost all
41 never while
Sometimes Frequently
the time
compliment others' accomplishments?

When you get stuck while learning something

Not at all 
 Somewhat Quite 
42 new, how likely are you to try to learn it in a likely likely likely likely likely
different way?

How sure are you that you can figure out a Not at all
 Somewhat Quite
43 sure sure sure sure sure
good way to get your schoolwork done well?

Before you start on a challenging project, how Almost Once in a Almost all
44 often do you think about the best way to do it? never while
Sometimes Frequently
the time SEL Skills and Competencies 10

SEL Skills and Competencies

Question Response Options

Overall, how well can you figure out how to Not 
 Somewhat Quite 
45 well at all well well well well
learn things?

Please tell us about the level of effort you are

 Somewhat Quite 
46 putting into your class. How hard do you try to Not hard at all
hard hard hard hard
get involved in discussions during class?

When your teacher is speaking, how hard do Not 

47 hard at all hard hard hard hard
you try to pay attention?

How much effort do you put into your Almost A little bit of Some 
 Quite a lot of tremendous
48 no effort effort effort effort amount of
homework for this class?

 Somewhat Quite 

49 Overall, how hard do you try in class? hard at all hard hard hard hard

How much effort do you put into learning all Almost A little bit of Some 
 Quite a lot of tremendous
50 no effort effort effort effort amount of
the material for this class? effort

How often are you able to pull yourself out of Almost Once in a Almost all
51 never while
Sometimes Frequently
the time
a bad mood?

When everybody around you gets angry, how Not relaxed Slightly
 Somewhat Quite

52 at all relaxed relaxed relaxed relaxed
relaxed can you stay?

How often are you able to control your Almost Once in a Almost all
53 never while
Sometimes Frequently
the time
emotions when you need to?

54 Once you get upset, how often can you get Almost Once in a
Sometimes Frequently
Almost all
never while the time
yourself to relax?

When things go wrong for you, how calm are Not calm 
 Quite Extremely
55 at all calm calm calm calm
you able to stay? SEL Skills and Competencies 11

SEL Skills and Competencies

Question Response Options

How often does your teacher make you Almost Once in a Almost all
56 never while
Sometimes Frequently
the time
explain your answers?

When you feel like giving up, how likely is it Not at all
 Somewhat Quite 
57 likely likely likely likely likely
that your teacher will make you keep trying?

How much does your teacher encourage you Does not
Encourages Encourages Encourages me a
58 encourage me
me a little me some me quite a bit tremendous
to do your best? at all

How often does your teacher take time to Almost Once in a Almost all
59 never while
Sometimes Frequently
the time
make sure you understand the material?

Overall, how high are your teacher's Slightly 
 Somewhat Quite 
60 Not high at all
high high high high
expectations of you?

SEL Skills and Competencies

Pre-Built Question Sets in Panorama*

• Growth Mindset: Questions 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33

• Social Awareness: Questions 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41
• Self-Efficacy: Questions 23, 24, 25, 26
• Learning Strategies: Questions 42, 43, 44, 45
• Classroom Effort: Questions 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
• Emotion Regulation: Questions 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
• Rigorous Expectations: Questions 56, 57, 58, 59, 60

*These are the pre-built question sets in the Panorama platform. Users can add, remove, or
rearrange questions in these sets—or build their own check-in from the All Questions tab. SEL Skills and Competencies 12

Classroom Feedback

Question Response Options

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely

61 How focused were you during class today? focused focused focused focused focused

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely

62 How interesting was class today? interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting

Not at all Slightly
 Somewhat Quite 

63 How clearly did I teach things in class today? clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly

Did not enjoy Enjoyed 
 Enjoyed Enjoyed Enjoyed 

64 How much did you enjoy class today? it at all a little bit somewhat quite a bit a lot!

Did not try Tried 
 Tried Tried Tried 

65 How hard did you try in class today? at all a little bit somewhat quite a bit a lot!

How much did students in class help each Did not help Helped 
 Helped Helped Helped

66 at all a little bit somewhat quite a bit a lot!
other learn today?

Not at all Slightly
 Somewhat Quite 

67 How included did you feel in class today? included included included included included

What’s the most important thing you learned [Free

68 response]

What questions do you have about what we [Free

69 response]
learned today?

70 What was confusing for you today? response]

71 What was your favorite part of class today? response] Classroom Feedback 13

Classroom Feedback

Question Response Options

What else would you like me to know about [Free

72 response]
your experience in class today?

If your friend missed class today and asked

73 you to explain the lesson, what would you tell response]

74 What’s the biggest thing I could have done [Free

better today?

What’s the biggest thing I could do better [Free

75 response]
tomorrow to help you learn?

What’s the biggest thing you could have done [Free

76 response]
better today?

What’s the biggest thing you could do better [Free

77 response]
tomorrow to help yourself learn?

78 What got in the way of your learning today? response]

Classroom Feedback
Pre-Built Question Sets in Panorama*

• Check for Understanding I: Questions 63, 69, 70

• Check for Understanding II: Question 73
• Rose and Thorn: Questions 71, 72, 78
• Improving from Today: Questions 75, 77
• Support and Inclusion: Questions 66, 67
*These are the pre-built question sets in the Panorama platform. Users can add, remove, or
rearrange questions in these sets—or build their own check-in from the All Questions tab. Classroom Feedback 14

About Panorama
Panorama helps educators act on data to improve student
outcomes. Today, 17,000 schools and 1,500 districts serving
10 million students trust Panorama, including the New York Request a Demo
City Department of Education, Dallas Independent School
District, and San Francisco Unified School District.

Get in Touch: (617) 356-8123

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