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Modul Bahasa Inggris.

Kelas / Jurusan : XI. / Semua Jurursan.

Kompetensi Dasar ( K D ) 3.19 : Menerapkan funsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
teks interaksi transaksional isan dan tulis yang melibatkan
tindakanmemberi dan memintak informasi terkait keadaa,
tindakan, kegiatan, kejadian tanpa perlu menyebutkan
pelakunya dalam teks ilmiah, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. ( Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan Passive
voice )

Materi Pembelajaran.


Kalimat active adalah : Kalimat yang subjecnya melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan.

Ciri cirinya : Kata kerjanya ( Predikatnya ) berawalan me dan ber.

Example : The boy drinks milk every morning.

My father buys two magazines every month.
Mother cooks rice in the kitchen

Kalimat Passive adalah : Kalimat yang subjectnya dikenai sesuatu pekerjaan.

Ciri cirinya : Kata kerjanya ( Predikatnya ) berawalan di dan ter.

Example : Milk is drunk by the boy everymorning.

Two magazines are bought by my father everymonth.
Rice is cooked by mother in the kitchen.

Cara merobah kalimat active menjadi kalimat Passive adalah sbb :

1. Rumusnya : Subject + tobe + Past Participle ( Verb III )

2. Object pada kalimat active menjadi Subject pada kalimat Passive.

Subject pada kalimat active menjadi object pada kalimat passive.
3. Pemakaian tobe pada setiap tenses :
-. Simple Present tense : is , am, are.
-. Simple Past tense : was , wewre.
-. ........ Continuous Tense : being.
-. .........Perfect Tense. : been.
-. Future Tense / Modals . : be.

1. Simple Present Tense. : tobe : is am , are.

Actve : Subject + Infinitive + Object + adverd.

Passive : Subject + tobe ( is , am , are ) + Object + adverb.

Example : Active : Tono writes a letter.

Passive : A letter is written by Tono.
Active : Tono writes two letters.
Passive : Two letters are written by Tono.
Active : Mother fries fish in the kitchen.
S P O Adverb
Passive : Fish is fried by mother in the kitchen.
S P O Adverb
Active : The post man deliver the mail every day.
S P O Adverb
Passive : The mail is delivered by the post man every day.
S P O Adverb

Active : He calls me in te house.

S P O Adverb

Passive : I am called by him in the house.

S P O Adverb

2. Simple Past Tense. : tobe : was , were

Active : Subject + Past tense ( Verb II ).

Passive : Subject + Tobe ( was , were ) + Past Participle ( Verb II ).

Example : Active : Tono wrote a letter last night.

S P O Adverb
Passive : A letter was written bt Tono last night.
S P O Adverb
Active : Fire destroyed th house Yesterday.
S P O Adverb
Passive : The hose was destroyed by fire Yesterday.
S P O Adverb
Active : Tono wrote two letters last night.
S P O Adverb
Passive : Two letters were written by Tono last night.
S P O Adverb
Active : He called me in te house.
S P O Adverb
Passive : I was called by him in the house.
S P O Adverb

3. ................ Continuous tense. : tobe : being.

A . Present Continuous Tense. ( tobe : is , am , are ).

Active : Subject + is , am , are + Present Participle ( Verb ing ) + Object + .........

Passive : Subject + is , am , are + being + Past Participle ( Verb III ) m + Object + ....

Example : Active : Tono is writing a letter now

S P O.
Passive : A letter is being written by Tono now.
Active : Tono is writing two letters now.
Passive : Two letters are being written by Tono now.
B . Past Continuous Tense. ( tobe : was , were ).

Active : Subject + was , were + Present Participle + object + .......

Passive : Subject + was , were + being + Past Participle ( Verb III ) + object + .....

Example : Active : Father was reading a news paper last night.

S P O Adverb
Passive : A news paper was being read by father last night.
S P O Adverb

Active : They were building a house two months ago.

S P O Adverb
Passive : A house was being built by them two months ago.
S P O Adverb

4. ..................... Perfect Tense. : been.

Presnt Perfect Tense.

Active : Subject + Have / has + Past Participle ( Verb III ) + Object + ........
Passive : Subject + have / has + been + Past Participle ( Verb III ) + Object + ......

Example : Active : Tomy has studied English

Passive : English hasbeen studied by Tomy.
Active : Tomy has written a letter.
Passive : A letter has been written by Tomy.
Active : Tomy has written two letters.

5. Future Tense . / Modalas : tobe : be.

A . Future Tense.

Active : Subject + Shall / Will + infinitive ( Verb I ) + Object + ..........

Passive : Subject + Shall / Will + be + Past Participle ( Verb III ) + Object + ....

Example : Active : We shall watch the film.

Passive : The film shall be watched by us.
Active : Adi will write a letter.
Passive : A letter will be written by Adi.
B . Modals.

Active : Subject + Modals + Infinitive ( Verb I ) + Object + .........

Passive : Subject + Modals + be + Past Participle ( Verb III ) + .......

Examples : Active : Linda Can make cake.

Passive : Cake can be made by Linda.

Active : He must finish the work today.

S P O Adverb
Passive : The woerk must be finished by him today.
S P O adverb

Passive voice in Negative form’

Rumus : Subject + tobe + not + Past Participle ( Verb III ) + Object + .......

Example : I was not invited to the party.

This house will not be sold.
Frenchis not spoken all over the world.
The exercises have not been done by the student.
Active : Fery doesn’t buy a magazine.
Passive : A magazine is not bought by Fery.
Passive voice in Interogative form.

Rumus : Tobe + Subject + Past Participle ( Verb III ) + Object + ......... ?

Example : A : Was your house built two years ago ?

B : Yes, It was.
No, It wasn’t
A : Was this book published in 1980 ?
B : Yes, It was.
No, It wasn’t
A : Are you taught by Mr John ?.
B : Yes, I am.
No, Iam not.
A : Has the letter been sent ?
B : Yes, It has.
No, It hasn’t.
A : Will the contract besigned tomorrow ?
B : Yes, It will.
No, It won’t.
A : Is your motorcycle being repaired ?.
B : Yes, It is.
No, It isn’t.

Passive Voice with Question words.

Rumus : Question words + tobe + Subject + Past Participle ( Verb III ) + ......... ?

Example : A : When was this house built ?

B : This house was built in 1970.
A : How was the building destroyed ?.
B : The building was destroyed by fire.
A : Why is the boy punished by the teacher ?.
B : He is punished because of coming late.
A : When willthe bridge be finished ?.
B : The bridge will be finished next month.
A : What is being built near your house ?
B : A new road is being built near my house.
A : By whom mustthe contract be signed ?.
B : The contract must be signed by the manager
Exer cises : Chang into Passive voice.

1. Active : Susi helps mother every day.

Passive : ...........

2. Active : Susi washes plates at home everyday.

Passive : ............

3. Active : Her servant doesn’t close the door.

Passive : .............

4. Active : Does She speak English everyday ?.

Passive : .........

5. Active : How many times does Tuty sweep the yard every day ?
Passive : .......

6. Active : Chairil Anwar wrote AKU.

Passive : .............

7. Active : My brother broke the windowpane yesterday.

Passive : .........

8. Active : Did John Repaired your motorcycle lat week ?

Passive : .............

9. Active : Father didn’t read news paper last night.

Passive : ...........

10. Active : Where did Tuty buy her dictionary ?.

Passive : ............

Kelas : XI. Semua Jurusan.

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris .

N Kompetensi Dasar ( K D ). Materi. Kegiatan / Tugas siswa. Tugas

1 Menerapkan funsi sosial, struktur Passive Voice : Pesrta Didik membuat contoh I . Simple Present Tense.
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks -. Simple Present Tense. kaliamat Ative menjadi Kalimat ( + ) : Active : ...................
interaksi transaksional isan dan tulis Passive voice dari setiap tenses ( + ) : Passive : ....................
-. Simple Past Tense dalam bentuk ( + ), ( - ) , ( ? ) dan
yang melibatkan tindakanmemberi 2.
dan memintak informasi terkait
-. Present Contiuous Tense. Question Words masing masing 5 3 dst sampai 5 kemudian ( - ), ( ? ) , Question words.
keadaa, tindakan, kegiatan, kejadian -. Present Perfect Tense. contoh Kalimat
tanpa perlu menyebutkan pelakunya -. Future Tense / Modals. II . Present Continuous. Dst III, IV, ..........
dalam teks ilmiah, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
( Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan
Passive voice )

K D 3.19.

Choose as the best answere A, B, C, or D.

Incomplete Dialogue.

1. Diane : What was the name of the food we ate last night ?.
Sita : That was rendang ........... by my mother.
A. It was make.
B. It was made.
C. It has made.
D. It had made.
2. Reporter : Were there any victims in the incident when the band had a show ?.
Committee : .......... and more than twenty of their fans were injured.
Reporter : Had the police investigated this case ?.
A. Ten were reporting killed.
B. Ten were reported to kill.
C. Ten reported were killed.
D. Ten were reported killed.
3. Rudi : Why are you so late today ?.
Tino : Sorry, Rud. My car ...........
Rudi : So, you came here on foot.
Tino : Yes, I did.
A. is repairing.
B. has just repaired.
C. will be repairing.
D. is beeing repaired.
4. Totok : It’s a romantic song. Who sings it ?.
Rudi : It ............. by Kirey.
A. was sung.
B. is being sung.
C. was being sung.
D. is sung.
5. Maria : Rina, Did you listen to the morning news broadcast by the RCTI this
morning ?.
Rina : No, I didn’t. What was the news about ?.
Maria : Well, the news reader said that drinking water ............ contaminated
by chemical substance.
She warms us not to use the water for a few days.
A. had been.
B. has been.
C. had.
D. is.
6. Interviewer : Are you sure that you will be the most suitable for the post ?.
Applicant : Yes, sir. When will the announcement be, sir ?.
Interviewer : If you are received, you will be ........... by phone or by letter.
A. called.
B. call.
C. calling.
D. was called.
7. Teacher : People used candles for a light in the seventeenth century.
Students : Was electricity used for a light in the seventeeth century.
Teacher : ofcourse not. The candles .............. used for a light.
A. was.
B. is.
C. were.
D. are.
8. Man X : Who will send the letter to wulan ?.
Man Y : It ............ by Dita.
A. is sent.
B. being sent.
C. will sent.
D. will be sent.
9. Riki : I have to present our project tonight. Do you think you can make it soon ?.
Dian : Don’t worry. The work ........... by 5:00 p.m.
Riki : I know I can count on you.
A. would be done.
B. will be finished.
C. finished on time.
D. is on my side.
10. Gina : Why did you sleep so late last night ?.
Belo : We ........ by a loud noise during the night.
A. woke up.
B. are woken up.
C. were woken up.
D. were waking up.

Kelas / Jurusan : XI. / Semua Jurusa.

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris.

No Kompetensi Dasar. ( K D ) Materi Bentuk Soal. Soal. Jawaban

2 3.19. Menerapkan funsi sosial, Passive Voice : Pilihan Ganda. Choose as the best answere A, B, C, or D.
struktur teks, dan unsur -. Simple Present Tense. Incomplete Dialogue.
kebahasaan teks interaksi -. Simple Past Tense 1. Diane : What was the name of the food we ate
transaksional isan dan tulis
-. Present Contiuous Tense. last night ?.
yang melibatkan Sita : That was rendang ........... by my mother.
tindakanmemberi dan -. Present Perfect Tense.
A. It was make.
memintak informasi terkait -. Future Tense / Modals. B. It was made.
keadaa, tindakan, kegiatan, C. It has made.
kejadian tanpa perlu
D. It had made.
menyebutkan pelakunya dalam
2. Reporter : Were there any victims in the incident
teks ilmiah, sesuai dengan
when the band had a show ?.
konteks penggunaannya.
Committee : .......... and more than twenty of their
( Perhatikan unsur
kebahasaan Passive voice ) fans were injured.
Reporter : Had the police investigated this case?.
A. Ten were reporting killed.
B. Ten were reported to kill.
C. Ten reported were killed.
D. Ten were reported killed.
3. Rudi : Why are you so late today ?.
Tino : Sorry, Rud. My car ...........
Rudi : So, you came here on foot.
Tino : Yes, I did.
A. is repairing.
B. has just repaired.
C. will be repairing.
D. is beeing repaired.
No Kompetensi Dasar. ( K D ) Materi Bentuk Soal. Soal. Jawaban
2 3.19. Menerapkan funsi sosial, Passive Voice : Pilihan Ganda. 4. Totok : It’s a romantic song. Who sings it ?.
struktur teks, dan unsur -. Simple Present Tense. Rudi : It ............. by Kirey.
kebahasaan teks interaksi -. Simple Past Tense A. was sung.
transaksional isan dan tulis
-. Present Contiuous Tense. B. is being sung.
yang melibatkan C. was being sung.
tindakanmemberi dan -. Present Perfect Tense.
D. is sung.
memintak informasi terkait -. Future Tense / Modals. 5. Maria : Rina, Did you listen to the morning news
keadaa, tindakan, kegiatan, broadcast by the RCTI this morning ?
kejadian tanpa perlu Rina : No, I didn’t. What was the news about ?.
menyebutkan pelakunya dalam Maria : Well, the news reader said that drinking
teks ilmiah, sesuai dengan
water ............ contaminatedby chemical
konteks penggunaannya.
substance.She warms us not to use the
( Perhatikan unsur
water for a few days.
kebahasaan Passive voice )
A. had been.
B. has been.
C. had.
D. is.
6. Interviewer : Are you sure that you will be the most
suitable for the post ?.
Applicant : Yes, sir. When will the announcement
be, sir ?.
Interviewer : If you are received, you will be ...........
by phone or by letter.
A. called.
B. call.
C. calling.
D. was call
No Kompetensi Dasar. ( K D ) Materi Bentuk Soal. Soal. Jawaban
2 3.19. Menerapkan funsi sosial, Passive Voice : Pilihan Ganda. 7. Teacher : People used candles for a light in the
struktur teks, dan unsur -. Simple Present Tense. seventeenth century.
kebahasaan teks interaksi -. Simple Past Tense Students : Was electricity used for a light in the
transaksional isan dan tulis
-. Present Contiuous Tense. seventeeth century.
yang melibatkan Teacher : ofcourse not. The candles ..............
tindakanmemberi dan -. Present Perfect Tense.
used for a light.
memintak informasi terkait -. Future Tense / Modals. A. was.
keadaa, tindakan, kegiatan, B. is.
kejadian tanpa perlu C. were.
menyebutkan pelakunya dalam D. are.
teks ilmiah, sesuai dengan
8. Man X : Who will send the letter to wulan ?.
konteks penggunaannya.
Man Y : It ............ by Dita.
( Perhatikan unsur
A. is sent.
kebahasaan Passive voice )
B. being sent.
C. will sent.
D. will be sent.
9. Riki : I have to present our project tonight. Do you
think you can make it soon ?.
Dian : Don’t worry. The work ........... by 5:00 p.m.
Riki : I know I can count on you.
A. would be done.
B. will be finished.
C. finished on time.
D. is on my side.
10. Gina : Why did you sleep so late last night ?.
Belo : We ........ by a loud noise during the night.
A. woke up.
B. are woken up.
C. were woken up.
D. were waking up.
Kompetensi Dasar ( K D ) 3.20. : Menganalisis fungsi sosial. Struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan untuk
menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang pengandaian jika terjadi suatu keadaan /
kejadian / peristiwa di masa yang akan datang sesuai dengan konteks

Materi Pembelajaran.

CONDITIONAL SENTENCE ( Kalimat Pengandaian ).

Condition = keadaan.
Conditional sentence ( kalimat pengandaian ) terdiri dari dua bagian kalimat yaitu : Induk
Kalimat ( main clause ) dan Anak Kalimat ( if clause ).
Dalam Bahasa Inggris , Kalimat pengandaian terdiri dari 3 ( tiga ) type Yaitu :
1. Future Possible / Type I.

Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang akan terjadi / dilakukan dimasa yang akan
datang bilamana suatu syarat dapat dipenuhi.

Example : If you study hard , You will pass exam.

If clause. Main clause.

If she invites me , I will come to her birth party.

If you win the game , you will get the prize .
If you come , I shall be happy.
If you cry , They will laugh at you.
If I have a gun , I will go hunting .
If I am fine , I shall come to your house.
If You don’t understand , I shall teach you.
If you don’t mind , I will help you.
If you go to jakarta , you will see Monas.

If + Simple Present Tense + Future Tense.

UNLESS . = If not. ( jika tidak ).

Unless digunakan untuk menggantikan if not untuk pernyataan negative.

Example : If you don’t study hard , you won’t pass the exam.
Unless you study hard , you won’t pass the exam.
If we don’t leave now , we will be late.
Unless we leave now , we will be late.

2. Present Unreal / type II.

Digunakan bila kita ingin menghayalkan sesustu yang berbeda / bertentangan dengan
keadaan yang ada sekarang.

Example : If you won the game , you would get the prize.

If you studied hard , you would pass the exam.

If he came , I should be happy.
If I had a car , I should take you every where.
If you didn’t understand , I should teach you .
If I were a fish , I should swim every where I like.
If I were a bird , I should fly high .
If I were a president , I should give you much money.
If you were a flower , I would be the stalk.
If he were not busy , he would help you.

If + Simple Past Tense + Past Future Tense ( S + Should/Would + Inf +....... )

3. Past Unreal / type III.

Digunakanbila kita ingin menghayalkan suatu kemungkinan lain yang akan terjadi pada
waktu lampau yang bertentangan dengan peristiwa yang sebenarnya.

Example : If they had written a letter , he would have reflied it.

If you had studied hard , you would have passed the exam.
If you hadn’t understood , I would have taught you.
If I had passed my examination , I would have become a doctor.
If I had seen you yesterday, I would have given you much money.
If you had won the game , you would have gotten the prize.
If you had told her the truth , she wouldn’t have been anggry.

If + Past Perfect Tense + Past Future Perfect Tense ( S + Should/ would + have + Vb III )
Exercise : Use the correct verb .

1. If she ( be ) at home , I will ask her to go together.

Jawab : ........

2. You ( help ) him , if she asked ?

Jawab : .........

3. Where you ( go ) if you had known english well ?.

Jawab : : ...........

4. If today ( be ) Sunday , I would go to beach.

Jawab : ........

5. They will go shopping , if the rain ( stop ).

Jawab : .........

6. If mother ( give ) me some money , I would have bought what I need.

Jawab : ..........

7. If I ( know ) how to play a piano , I would play for you every night.

Jawab : ........

8. I ( visit ) my girl friend , If today were Saturday.

Jawab : ..........

9. If it rains today , I ( stay ) at home.

Jawab : ............

10. If I ( be ) a bird , I would fly in the sky.

Jawab : ..........

Kelas : XI. Semua Jurusan.

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris .

N Kompetensi Dasar ( K D ). Materi. Kegiatan / Tugas siswa. Tugas

1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial. Conditional Sentence. Peserta didik membuat contoh I. Type I.
Struktur teks, dan unsur - Type I Kalimat Pengandaian.. (
kebahasaan untuk - Type II. Conditional Sentence ) Type I, 1 . ..........
- Type III. 2 . ............ dst
menyatakan dan menanyakan II, III. Masing masing 5
tentang pengandaian jika kalimat.
terjadi suatu keadaan /
kejadian / peristiwa di masa
yang akan datang sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaan –

K D 3.20.

Choose as the best answere A, B, C, or D.

Incomplete Dialogue.

1. Riza : What would you give me, if you’re sent abroad ?

Reka : If I were sent abroad, I ............ a dictionary for you .
A. Bought .
B. Will buy .
C. Would buy .
D. Would have bought.
2. Dwi : Yiyis, will you come to Emmy’s birthday party ?
Yiyis : If she .......... me, I ..............
A. Invites – will come .
B. Will invite – come .
C. Invited – would come .
D. Invtes – come .
3. Aryo : What would you do if you got the first prize ?
Dino : If I got the first prize I would ............
Aryo : So would I .
A. Go around the world .
B. Bought a new and expensive car .
C. Saved my money in a bank .
D. Gave some to other people who need it .
4. Mother : Drink your milk, Nia !
Nia : I’m sorry, mum. I’m full .
Mother : Nia, If you want ............. you must drink it .
A. You are healthy .
B. That you are healthy .
C. In a healthy condition .
D. To be healthy .
5. Yuda : What would you do if you were accepted in this firm ?
Affa : I would .............. if I ............. accepted in this firm .
A. Worked hard – were .
B. Works hard – am .
C. Worked hard – was .
D. Work hard – were .
6. Mr. Black : Why are you getting rush to leave, Bill ?.
Billy : Oh, if I miss the 8 o’clock train, ....................
Mr. Black : Oh I see.
A. I wouldn’t get the ticket.
B. I will be late for work.
C. I am going to take the bus.
D. I wouldn’t get there on time.
7. Anie : Raja Ampat island in Papua is wonderful diving spot, don’t you think so?
Windi : Absolutely yes. If we had some more holidays , ..................
A. We will stay longer there.
B. We wouldn’t have a good time.
C. We would have been so excited.
D. We would do many sport activities.
8. Devit : I don’t have enough money to pay this computer. If you lend me
Rp. 1,500,000, .....................
Yunte : With pleasure.
Devit : Thanks, I’ll Pay back tomorrow.
A. I won’t buy that one.
B. I would be pleased.
C. I will get the new one.
D. I would have been all right.
9. Hanna : I really want to continue my study, but my parents can’t afford it.
Safa : What will you do then ?
Hanna : ......................
A. If I had a good chance, I would try it.
B. If I get a scholarship, I will enter the college.
C. If my parents permit me, I will enter the university.
D. If I studied hard , I could pass the examination.
10. Erni : I need a lot of money to cover my brother’s surgery.
Tom : If you sold your car, you .......... much money for it .
A. Will get.
B. Can get.
C. Would get.
D. Would got.

Kelas / Jurusan : XI. / Semua Jurusa.

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris.

No Kompetensi Dasar. ( K D ) Materi Bentuk Soal. Soal. Jawaban

2 Menganalisis fungsi Conditional Sentence. Pilihan Ganda. Choose as the best answere A, B, C, or D.
sosial. Struktur teks, dan - Type I Incomplete Dialogue.
unsur kebahasaan untuk - Type II. 1. Riza : What would you give me, if you’re sent abroad ?
- Type III. Reka : If I were sent abroad, I ............ a dictionary for
menyatakan dan
you .
menanyakan tentang
A. Bought .
pengandaian jika terjadi B. Will buy .
suatu keadaan / C. Would buy .
kejadian / peristiwa di D. Would have bought.
masa yang akan datang 2. Dwi : Yiyis, will you come to Emmy’s birthday party ?
sesuai dengan konteks Yiyis : If she .......... me, I ..............
penggunaan – A. Invites – will come .
nya B. Will invite – come .
C. Invited – would come .
D. Invtes – come .
3. Aryo : What would you do if you got the first prize ?
Dino : If I got the first prize I would ............
Aryo : So would I .
A. Go around the world .
B. Bought a new and expensive car .
C. Saved my money in a bank .
D. Gave some to other people who need it .
No Kompetensi Dasar. ( K D ) Materi Bentuk Soal. Soal. Jawaban
2 Menganalisis fungsi Conditional Sentence. Pilihan Ganda. 4. Mother : Drink your milk, Nia !
sosial. Struktur teks, dan - Type I Nia : I’m sorry, mum. I’m full .
unsur kebahasaan untuk - Type II. Mother : Nia, If you want ............. you must drink it .
- Type III. A. You are healthy .
menyatakan dan
B. That you are healthy .
menanyakan tentang
C. In a healthy condition .
pengandaian jika terjadi D. To be healthy .
suatu keadaan / 5. Yuda : What would you do if you were accepted in this
kejadian / peristiwa di firm ?
masa yang akan datang Affa : I would .............. if I ............. accepted in this
sesuai dengan konteks firm .
penggunaan – A. Worked hard – were .
nya B. Works hard – am .
C. Worked hard – was .
D. Work hard – were .
6. Mr. Black : Why are you getting rush to leave, Bill ?.
Billy : Oh, if I miss the 8 o’clock train, ....................
Mr. Black : Oh I see.
A. I wouldn’t get the ticket.
B. I will be late for work.
C. I am going to take the bus.
D. I wouldn’t get there on time.
No Kompetensi Dasar. ( K D ) Materi Bentuk Soal. Soal. Jawaban
2 Menganalisis fungsi Conditional Sentence. Pilihan Ganda. 7. Anie : Raja Ampat island in Papua is wonderful diving
sosial. Struktur teks, dan - Type I spot, don’t you think so?
unsur kebahasaan untuk - Type II. Windi : Absolutely yes. If we had some more
- Type III. holidays , ..................
menyatakan dan
A. We will stay longer there.
menanyakan tentang
B. We wouldn’t have a good time.
pengandaian jika terjadi C. We would have been so excited.
suatu keadaan / D. We would do many sport activities.
kejadian / peristiwa di 8. Devit : I don’t have enough money to pay this computer.
masa yang akan datang If you lend me Rp. 1,500,000, .....................
sesuai dengan konteks Yunte : With pleasure.
penggunaan – Devit : Thanks, I’ll Pay back tomorrow.
nya A. I won’t buy that one.
B. I would be pleased.
C. I will get the new one.
D. I would have been all right.
9. Hanna : I really want to continue my study, but my
parents can’t afford it.
Safa : What will you do then ?
Hanna : ......................
A. If I had a good chance, I would try it.
B. If I get a scholarship, I will enter the college.
C. If my parents permit me, I will enter the university.
D. If I studied hard , I could pass the examination
No Kompetensi Dasar. ( K D ) Materi Bentuk Soal. Soal. Jawaban
2 Menganalisis fungsi Conditional Sentence. Pilihan Ganda. 10. Erni : I need a lot of money to cover my brother’s
sosial. Struktur teks, dan - Type I surgery.
unsur kebahasaan untuk - Type II. Tom : If you sold your car, you .......... much money for
- Type III. it .
menyatakan dan
A. Will get.
menanyakan tentang
B. Can get.
pengandaian jika terjadi C. Would get.
suatu keadaan / D. Would got.
kejadian / peristiwa di
masa yang akan datang
sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaan –
Kompetensi Dasar ( K D ) 3.21 : Menganalisis struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan
fungsi sosial teks factual report dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan
tentang teks ilmiah faktual tentang orang, binatang, benda, gejala dan
peristiwa alam dan sosial, sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks pembelajaran
di pelajaran lain

Materi Pembelajaran.

Simple Past Tense.

FUGSINYA : Digunakan untuk menyataka suatu kejadia / Kegiatan yang ter jadi pada
suatu waktu tertentu dimasa lampau dan tidak ada hubungannya dengan
( Simple Past Tense is used indicate an action completed in the past )

Formula ( Rumus ) .

( + ) : Positive.

Suject Verb Adverbof tie ( Kata Keterangan Waktu

I Yesterday = Kemarin.
We Yesterday Afternoon = Kemarin sore.
You The day before yesterday = kemarin
They Past Tense ( Verb II dulu
He ) This morning = tadi pagi.
She Last week = minggu yg lalu.
It Last mont = bulan yg lalu.
Last year = tahun yg lalu..
Many years ago = bertahun tahun
ygg lalu.
Three years ago = tiga hari yg lalu.

Example : I met Your uncle in the hospital Yesterday.

They Saw me at school this morning.
We Watched TV lastnight..
My Fater left for Singapore lastmonth.
She helped her mother yesterday afternoon.

( - ) : Negative.

Subjec Helping Verb + Verb ( Kata Kerja ) Adverb of Time ( Kata

t Not Keterangan Waktu )
I Yesterday = Kemarin.
We Yesterday Afternoon = Kemarin
You sore.
They Did + not The day before yesterday =
He Didn’t kemarin dulu
She = tidak Infinitive ( Verb I ) This morning = tadi pagi.
It Last week = minggu yg lalu.
Last mont = bulan yg lalu.
Last year = tahun yg lalu..
Many years ago = bertahun
tahun ygg lalu.
Three years ago = tiga hari yg
Example : I didn’t meet your Uncle in the hospital Yesterday.
They didn’t see me at school this morning.
She didn’t give me money two days ago.
My Father didn’t leave for Singapore lastmonth.

( ? ) : Interrogative.

Helping Subject Verb Adverb of Time ( Kata

Verb. Keterangan Waktu )
I Yesterday = Kemarin.
We Yesterday Afternoon = Kemarin
You sore.
Did They The day before yesterday =
He kemarin dulu
She Infinitive ( Verb This morning = tadi pagi.
I) Last week = minggu yg lalu.
Last mont = bulan yg lalu.
Last year = tahun yg lalu..
Many years ago = bertahun tahun
ygg lalu.
Three years ago = tiga hari yg

Example : A ; Did you meet my Uncle in the hospital Yesterday ?

B : Yes, I did.
No, I didn’t.
A : Did she give you money two days ago ?.
B : Yes, She did.
No, She didn’t.
A : Did your father leave for Singapore lastmonth ?.
B : Yes, He did.
No, He didn’t.

Simple Past Tense by Using Question Words.

Formula ( Rumus ). Question Words + did + Subject + Infinitive + ...........

Example : A ; When did you buy your book ?

B : I I bought my book lastmonth.
A : How much did you buy ?.
B : I bought Rp 150,000.
A : What time did tou go to bed lastnight ?
B : I went to bed at a half pat nine lastnight.

Kelas : XI. Semua Jurusan.

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris .

N Kompetensi Dasar ( K D ). Materi. Kegiatan / Tugas siswa. Tugas

1 Menganalisis struktur teks dan unsur Simple Past Tense 1 . Peserta didik membuat laporan
kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan tentang orang, binatang, benda,
fungsi sosial
teks factual report dengan
gejala dan peristiwa alam dengan
menyatakan dan menanyakan menggunakan tenses Simple Past
tentang teks ilmiah faktual tentang Tense.
orang, binatang,benda, gejala dan
peristiwa alam 2 . Peserta didik membuat ontoh
dan sosial, sederhana, sesuai dengan
konteks pembelajaran
Kalimat Simple Past Tense dalam
di pelajaran lain bentuk ( + ) , ( - ) , ( ? ) dan
Question Words minimal 5 dalam
setiap bentuk.

K D 3.21.

Choose as the best answere A, B, C, or D.

Incomplete dialogue

1. Giring : I haven’t seen Maria since morning. Where is she now .?

Ariel : ......................
A. She went out for a meeting .
B. She came here two days ago .
C. She mightbe in the conference room .
D. She could have seen you this morning .
2. Amalia : I bought this watch here yesterday . but when I got home ...
Shopkeeper : May I see the receipt ? We ‘ll change it with the new one .
A. It didn’t work at all .
B. I lost my new clock .
C. My son broke his watch.
D. There’s no service centre address .
3. Melodi : Where did you get this antique batik ? I like the design of it .
Wilda : I from my grand mother three years ago .
A. Get .
B. Getting .
C. Got .
D. Gets .
4. Laura : I didn’t see you at the meeting last Monday . Where were you ?
Gisella : I went to lombok .
Laura : How was your trip ?
Gisella : It was exciting . I .............. many wonderful places when I was there
A. Visit.
B. VisitS
C. Visited .
D. Would visit .
5. Maria : It’s hard to get the train tickets inthis holiday season .
Winny : Thank God . My family has already had return tickets to
Maria : When did you buy your tickets ?
Winny : ....................................
A. Any day now .
B. Some time tomorrow .
C. A week ago.
D. Next weekend .
6. Tom : Hey,And. Where were you yesterday ?
I thought we were supposed to meet for football practice .
Andi : I’m sorry . I didn’t feelwell, so ................
A .I called you .
B. I went home .
C. I forgot to practice football .
D. I met you .
7. Woman : I couldn’t get a clear picture on the television. ................ two
days ago
Man : You should follow the trouble shooting steps in the manualbook
You’ll get a clear picture .
A. I buy here .
B. I will buy here .
C. I bought here .
D. I have bought .
8. Ani : Have you copied the contract ?
Ika : Yes, .........................
Ani : Good. You are my best secretary .
A. I usually forget the copy .
B. The contract is still on your desk .
C. I got the contract already .
D. I did it yesterday .
9. Tia : Did you see the headline in the paper ?
Rian : ....................... I was only interested in sport section .
A. I did not read the front page .
B. Yes, I saw her this morning .
C. No, I didn’t see him .
D. She read it yesterday .
10. Visitor : Why is this place so messy ?
Host : I’m sorry, .................... but we’ll tidy it up as soon as possible.
A. It’s not a problem, right .
B. Can you help us clean it .
C. The office boy didn’t come this week .
D. The receptionist will inform you letter .

Kelas / Jurusan : XI. / Semua Jurusa.

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris.

No Kompetensi Dasar. ( K D ) Materi Bentuk Soal. Soal. Jawaban

2 Menganalisis struktur teks dan - Simple Past Tense. Pilihan Ganda. Choose as the best answere A, B, C, or D.
unsur kebahasaan untuk
fungsi sosial teks factual report Incomplete dialogue
dengan menyatakan dan 1. Giring : I haven’t seen Maria since morning. Where is
menanyakan tentang she now .?
teks ilmiah faktual tentang Ariel : ......................
orang, binatang, benda, gejala
A. She went out for a meeting .
dan peristiwa alam
dan sosial, sederhana, sesuai B. She came here two days ago .
dengan konteks pembelajaran C. She mightbe in the conference room .
di pelajaran D. She could have seen you this morning .
lain 2. Amalia : I bought this watch here yesterday . but
when I got home ... ........................
Shopkeeper : May I see the receipt ? We ‘ll change it with
the new one .
A. It didn’t work at all .
B. I lost my new clock .
C. My son broke his watch.
D. There’s no service centre address .
3. Melodi : Where did you get this antique batik ? I like the
design of it .
Wilda : I from my grand mother three years
ago .
A. Get .
B. Getting .
C. Got .
D. Gets .
No Kompetensi Dasar. ( K D ) Materi Bentuk Soal. Soal. Jawaban
2 Menganalisis struktur teks dan - Simple Past Tense. Pilihan Ganda. 4. Laura : I didn’t see you at the meeting last Monday .
unsur kebahasaan untuk Where were you ?
melaksanakan Gisella : I went to lombok .
fungsi sosial teks factual report Laura : How was your trip ?
dengan menyatakan dan
Gisella : It was exciting . I .............. many wonderful
menanyakan tentang
teks ilmiah faktual tentang
places when I was there
orang, binatang, benda, gejala A. Visit.
dan peristiwa alam B. VisitS
dan sosial, sederhana, sesuai C. Visited .
dengan konteks pembelajaran D. Would visit .
di pelajaran 5. Maria : It’s hard to get the train tickets inthis holiday
lain season .
Winny : Thank God . My family has already had return
tickets to Surabaya.
Maria : When did you buy your tickets ?
Winny : ....................................
A. Any day now .
B. Some time tomorrow .
C. A week ago.
D. Next weekend .
6. Tom : Hey,And. Where were you yesterday ?
I thought we were supposed to meet for football
practice .
Andi : I’m sorry . I didn’t feelwell, so ................
A .I called you .
B. I went home .
C. I forgot to practice football .
D. I met you .
No Kompetensi Dasar. ( K D ) Materi Bentuk Soal. Soal. Jawaban
2 Menganalisis struktur teks dan - Simple Past Tense. Pilihan Ganda. 7. Woman : I couldn’t get a clear picture on the television.
unsur kebahasaan untuk ................ two days ago
melaksanakan Man : You should follow the trouble shooting steps in
fungsi sosial teks factual report the manual book You’ll get a clear picture .
dengan menyatakan dan
A. I buy here .
menanyakan tentang
teks ilmiah faktual tentang
B. I will buy here .
orang, binatang, benda, gejala C. I bought here .
dan peristiwa alam D. I have bought .
dan sosial, sederhana, sesuai 8. Ani : Have you copied the contract ?
dengan konteks pembelajaran Ika : Yes, .........................
di pelajaran Ani : Good. You are my best secretary .
lain A. I usually forget the copy .
B. The contract is still on your desk .
C. I got the contract already .
D. I did it yesterday .
9. Tia : Did you see the headline in the paper ?
Rian : ....................... I was only interested in sport
section .
A. I did not read the front page .
B. Yes, I saw her this morning .
C. No, I didn’t see him .
D. She read it yesterday .
No Kompetensi Dasar. ( K D ) Materi Bentuk Soal. Soal. Jawaban
2 Menganalisis struktur teks dan - Simple Past Tense. Pilihan Ganda. 10. Visitor : Why is this place so messy ?
unsur kebahasaan untuk Host : I’m sorry, .................... but we’ll tidy it up as
melaksanakan soon as possible.
fungsi sosial teks factual report A. It’s not a problem, right .
dengan menyatakan dan
B. Can you help us clean it .
menanyakan tentang
teks ilmiah faktual tentang
C. The office boy didn’t come this week .
orang, binatang, benda, gejala D. The receptionist will inform you letter .
dan peristiwa alam
dan sosial, sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks pembelajaran
di pelajaran

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