English (T1) 2018-2019

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Invigilator's Sign:_____________


Date : 20.09.2018 (FUNCTIONAL)

Name:_____________________________ Roll.No___________ _MARKS:20 TIME: 1/2hrs.

I. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and spellings : (5marks)
a) To act with _________ is not an easy task. (eargouc)
b) She came down the stairs _____________because the floor was wet.
c) She gets all her ____________ from the super market. (rrecyog)
d) Animesh not only passed but also won a ____________.
e) The soldiers ____________ their duty post bravely.(approached/approched)
f) My mother as well as my sister attended the _____________
g) The ______________ of our visitor was a surprise to me.
h) It was a question of honour and ____________ for me. (prestege/prestige)
i) This cloth is ____________ to that. (fill in the blank with the antonym of
j) We keep the guards for the_____________ of our property. (fill in the blank
with the Noun form of the word ‘protect’)

II. Give one word similar in meaning to the underlined word: -(5marks)

a) The soldier was hurt with this act of betrayal. He will never forget this ___________
throughout his life.
b) This must have been a very painful experience for her. But still she has never
complained ever since this ___________ has begun.
c) Mr Sharma operates a lathe. He is a ____________ by profession.
d) People betray themselves by thinking that they can eat whatever they want without
harming their health. It is their way of ___________ themselves.
e) He was in captivity and was released only after six months of ____________.
III. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word:-(5marks)
Normally I have _______ banana and some coffee ________ breakfast. My sister

prefers ________ have ________ milk and ______ boiled egg. My mother _________

just tea and a toast. Only my father __________ a proper breakfast every day. He

__________ has a cup of tea, two toasts ________ butter, jam and __________ fruits.

IV. Correct the errors in the following sentences and rewrite them:- (5marks)

a)My uncle Balaram, which is a computer engineer at Noida, came to see us yesterday.


b) In olden times court jesters was appointed to crack jokes and to amuse the kings.


c) The moon gets it’s light from the sun.


d) The thief broke up my house and stole all the valuables.


e) My brother is more wiser than me.

Date : 20.09.2018 SUBJECT: ENGLISH


A.1 Read the following passage carefully: (8 Marks)

Trees are of importance not only to man but also to birds and animals. The branches of
trees give shelter to millions of birds and the forests give shelter to numerous wild
animals. We value trees not only for their usefulness but also for their beauty. They
refresh our eyes and soothe our nerves. Perhaps that is why the sages  of olden days
were drawn to the forests, and chose to be in the company of Nature. In modern times
when Rabindranath Tagore started a school, he too chose a place full of trees and called
it Shanti Niketan  or the home of peace.
Once upon a time large areas of India were covered with forests full of numerous kinds
of trees. As the population grew, trees began to be cut down for man’s use. That is how
the wonderful forests described in our ancient poems got destroyed, and a great part of
our forest wealth was lost. Now we are trying to replace this loss, and our government
wants trees to be planted all over the country. Since trees are the country’s wealth we
must consider it our sacred duty to protect them. We should plant new trees wherever
we can and look after them well. We all must understand that saving these ‘Mute Little
Soldiers’ is the dire need of the present time, if we want this army to fight for our

A.1 On the basis of the reading of the above passage, answer the following questions in

1. How are trees important for birds and animals? (1)

2. Why did the sages in olden days make forests their homes? (1)

3. Mention the reason that became the cause for the destruction of the wonderful forests.(1)
4. How can we replace the loss of forests? (1)
5. What is meant by ‘Shanti Niketan’? Who started it? (1)

6. We value trees not only for their usefulness but also for their beauty. (Frame a suitable
question) (1)

7. Who do the ‘Mute Little Soldiers’ refer to and why? (2)

A.2 Read the following poem carefully: (7 Marks)

One fine morning, we visited the zoo

It was pleasant and full of dew.
Blessed we felt under the open blue
There I saw some creatures of God,
But their movements were confined and barred
Down in the dumps their lives looked hard.
We first saw some sweet little birds
Melancholy in their eyes cannot be expressed in words.
There were some deer running anxiously
“We fear your presence”, said they helplessly.
I could not see any tigers, for there were none
They said poachers have killed them one by one.
How can you be so cruel and insolent,
To kill our friends, who are so innocent?
Look in their eyes, there is a spark of love
God wants us to take care of them and serve.
Let’s learn the lesson of co-existence in nature
For there is something divine in every creature.

On the basis of the reading of the above poem, complete the following sentences: 

a) In the zoo, the movements of the creatures are ______________.

b) The poet finds himself unable to express in words the ___________________
c) The deer in the zoo seem to run anxiously as they fear the presence of
d) The tigers face the danger of _________________.
e) The poet wants us to learn the lesson of _______________________.
f) Find the words from the passage which mean:
i) heavenly
ii) a person who hunts illegally

B.1 Time management is the cornerstone of success. Planning your week ahead helps you to
manage time effectively. Write a speech in about 120 words on the ‘Importance of
Managing Time for Hobbies and Leisure Activities’ to be delivered in the morning assembly
of your school.
(You may take ideas from the unit ‘Hobbies’ of ‘My English Reader’) ( 7 Marks )
B.2 Complete the following dialogues between two friends about Diwali celebration(You
may take ideas from the unit ‘Celebrations’ of ‘My English Reader’) ( 5 Marks )

Animesh: Hi Krish!What’s going on?

Krish: I wanted to _______________________________________________

Animesh: Sorry , I can’t as we are planning to host a grand party to celebrate Diwali this

Krish: That’s great .__________________________________?

Animesh: Of course, _____________________________________ decorations?
Krish: I would love to do that.
 Animesh: _________________________, in fact bring your family as well, as there will be
Pooja too of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha.
Krish: _____________________________________part of it.

B.3 School friends make life exciting and thrilling, don’t they? Can you imagine a life
without your friends? Describe a memorable experience which you had with your friends
during a school trip.(You may take ideas from the unit ‘Thrill in School Life’ of My English
Reader) (word limit: 80 words) (3 Marks )


C.1 Do as Directed:-( 7marks)

1) She won’t tell us the truth,__________ ?( Add a suitable Question Tag )
2) The ant carries a grain of rice for a long distance. (Change the sentence from
Singular to Plural )
3) Each child __________ given a prize on the Annual Day. (Fill in the blank with
the suitable verb)
4) This dress ___________ (cost) one thousand rupees last year. (Fill in the blank
with the correct form of the verb given in brackets)
5) _____________ days’ rest will do you good. (fill in the blank with a Determiner)
6) Neither Madhu nor Gopi _________ (is/are) present today.
7) State whether ‘forgive’ is a (regular/irregular) verb. Also write its past tense form

C.2 Edit The Following Passage: ( 3 Marks )

I am very excite. a) __________
Its my sister’s birthday on Monday. b) __________
I am writing a invitation to invite her c) __________
Friends. Each one of us are planning d) __________
to give her an surprise party. We have e) __________
already place an order for a delicious cake. f) ___________


Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:-

I This was a problem .Daddy had decided to be a shunter, but he did not want to give
up the bright green ice-cream cart. At last, he found a way out.

a) What is the duty of a shunter? (1)

b) What was the problem faced by little Daddy? (1)
c) What solution did he find out to solve the problem? (2)

II. No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
a) How do the squirrels remain busy? (1)
b) How do streams look in broad daylight? (1)
c) Why can’t the poet admire the beauties of nature? Explain. (2)

III I committed a theft when I was fifteen. I had run into a debt of about twenty five
a) What did Gandhiji do at the age of fifteen and why? (1)
b) How did he clear the debt? (1)
c) Why did Gandhiji resolve never to steal again? And what did he decide to do?

IV We may all command the present,

If we act and never wait.
a) Why should one command the present? (1)
b) Do you think time is precious? How should one value it? (2)

D.2Answer the following question in detail :-

1.Why did the elephant’s mother stop him from helping the forester? (2)

D.3 Imagine yourself as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.Write a ‘Thank You Note’for your
father for having taught you the object lesson in Ahimsa. ( 50 Words) (3)

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