Cash and Liquidity Denitto Giantoro - 20.0102.0071

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 Date: May 21
 Class: 20B 20.0102.0071
 Teacher: Umi Rachmawati

By: noname
Source: internet

Pronunciation: AA
Directions: Practice by saying the word pairs and example sentences, then speak the
words from this reading.

Word Pairs hot-hat, cop-cap, mop-map, rub-rap, sock-suck

Example sentence: The hot cop mopped the top.

Examples from this reading: Regarded - Contribution -

Directions: Study the following keywords and definintions.

1. comprise -(v) - To make something from many parts.

2. continuous -(adj) - Non-stop.
3. contribution -(n) - Something given or offered; money given to something.
4. efficient -(adj) - Works without using extra energy and without waste.
5. maintain -(v) - To keep in same condition.
6. position -(n) - Place, status or rank.
7. crucial -(adj) - Essential, very important, necessary.
8. adequate -(adj) - Enough, in amount or quality.
9. assumes -(v) - To act as if something is true without proof or direct knowledge.
10. component -(n) - A part.
11. enterprise -(n) - A business organization.
12. contributors -(n) - One who donates to a charity or some other cause.
13. firm -(n) - Company.
14. used to -(v) - A regular action in the past.
15. is used to -(v) - To be accustomed to something.

Which words are

the hardest?
Focus on the
tough ones!

Directions: Read the following passage carefully.

All over the world small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are considered as backbone of
a country's economy. They play a key role in economic development and make an
important contribution to employment and GDP, and are important contributors to total
employment and job creation. In Jordan SMEs comprise 98.5% from the total amount of
registered companies, and 60% of formal jobs, in addition to 50% of the GDP in 2013
(1) and they are the engine of solving the unemployment.

Cash is used to pay business obligations. Cash management assumes more

importance than any other current asset and the major aim is to maintain adequate
control over cash position to keep the firm with sufficient liquid and use the excess cash
in some profitable way.

Cash is the vital component of the working capital because it keeps a business running.
It is the hub around all financial matters centre. Thus, management of cash is crucial for
the success of an enterprise. The adequacy of cash and other current assets, together
with their efficient handling, virtually determines the survival or extinction of a business
concern. Cash is an important current asset for the operations of business. It is the
basic input needed to keep the business running on a continuous basis (Abu Tabanja

No business operation is isolative of cash management. Cash is regarded as the most

important current asset for the operation of business (Olowe, 1998). Cash is the basic
input required to keep the business running on a



Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper)

ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)

Vol.7, No.2, 2016

continuous basis and it is also the ultimate output expected to be realized by selling the
services or products manufactured by the firm (Pandey, 2010).

The role of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in the world economy have
been highly emphasized as the means through which rapid industrialization and other
development goals of a nation can be realized. Small and medium sized enterprises
(SMEs) form a large part of economy and are regarded as the drivers of socio-
economic development in all countries .

Comprehension Questions
Directions: Read the following questions and answer each to the best of your ability.

1. Identify a quote from the text that you think is very important and explain why.
Answer : Cash is the vital component of the working capital because it keeps a
business running. This quote have meaning that cash is very important to
business. Isn’t just to pay obligation but how to manage the cash and running the
business. Without cash its hard to run the business.

2. If you could interview the person who wrote this text what two questions would
you want to ask? Explain why each question is important.

Answer : a. how to manage cash in the business, so they can run and survive
the business? Its very important how run and survive the business with good
cash management.

b. what will you do if there’s no cash and you want run a business? Many young
entrepreneur confused how to start the business but they don’t have a capital
cash and experience in the business.

3. What connections can you make between the text and other texts, information, or

1) Cash is used to pay business obligations.

Identify 3 important supporting 2) Cash is the vital component of the working capital
details that contribute to the because it keeps a business running.
main idea of the passage.

3) No business operation is isolative of cash


1) Thus, management of cash is crucial for the success of

Identify 2 details that are not an enterprise.
very important to the main idea
of the passage.
2) Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) form a
large part of economy and are regarded as the drivers of
socio- economic development in all country.

Write 1 brief paragraph

Cash very important to run the business. Not just to pay
summarizing the main idea of
business obligation, it’s also used for capital of the
the passage. Use the important
business. So why good cash management is needed by
details to support your
many industry.
discussion of the main idea.

4. What is the tone of this text?

Answer : The tone of the text is persuasive

5. What is the purpose of this text?

Answer : To inform the reader about how important cash and liquidity is use for Industry.

Focus on Grammar
When we expect an action to happen, like "The alarm clock is supposed to ring at 7:00"
or a condition to exist, as in "It is supposed to be cold tomorrow" we use "supposed to."
Sometimes people say "expected to", but it is less common in conversation.
What is expected in the sentence(s) below?

   Directions: Identify how the Modals-expectations is used in the sentence(s) below

1. 7, No.2, 2016continuous basis and it is also the ultimate output expected to be

realized by selling the services or products manufactured by the firm( Pandey,
Word Roots & Stems
Rule: The suffix ous changes a noun into an adjective, like dangerous.

Directions: Identify the word that ends with -ous in each sentence and write it on the

1. It is the basic input needed to keep the business running on a continuous basis
( Abu Tabanja 2005 )

Directions: Fill in the blanks below, just as in the models.

gaseous gas + eous Above 100 degrees C., water becomes gaseous.

furious (fury-y) + ious When you pull her tail, the cat gets furious.

mysterious (Mystery-y) + ious They act so mysterious.

spacious (Spacy-y) + ious That building have spacious garage.

nervous (nerves - es) + ous I was nervous when he drove fast.

glorious (glory-y) + ious Eid Mubarak its glorious day for moslem peoples.

Vocabulary Practice
Directions: Use the word bank to identify the word that best completes the sentence.
comprise continuous contribution efficient maintain position
crucial adequate assumes component enterprise contributors
firm used to is used to

1. Water is crucial for life.

2. When she started school she hated the schedule, but now she is used to it.
3. There is contribution traffic on the highway, 24 hours a day.
4. The show store is a small enterprise but it is growing.
5. The wealthy man made a firm to the charity.
6. She bought a new component for her stereo.
7. Older sports cars are difficult maintain but fun to drive.
8. The store has a good position on the corner of two busy streets.
9. The cake is comprised of flour, sugar, eggs, and butter.
10. Small cars are more efficient than big cars.
11. I used to sleep late on Sundays.
12. The pay is adequate. You can pay your bills, but you won't save any money
working there.
13. He works for a real estate continuous in the city.
14. I assumes the train would be on time, but it was late.

Vocabulary Practice
Directions: Write the letter of word that matches the definition on the line. If it helps, feel
free to also draw a line between the definition and the matching word.

A. comprise
B. continuous
C. contribution
D. efficient
E. maintain
F. position
G. crucial
H. adequate
I. assumes
J. component
K. enterprise
L. contributors
M. firm
N. used to
O. is used to

1. Crucial Essential, very important, necessary.

2. Is used to To be accustomed to something.

3. Continuous Non-stop.

4. Firm A business organization.

5. Contribution Something given or offered; money given to something.

6. Component A part.

7. Maintain To keep in same condition.

8. Position Place, status or rank.

9. Comprise To make something from many parts.

10. Efficient Works without using extra energy and without waste.

11. Contributors One who donates to a charity or some other cause.

12. Used to A regular action in the past.

13. Adequate Enough, in amount or quality.

14. Entrepreneur Company.

15. Assumes To act as if something is true without proof or direct
Vocabulary Practice
Directions: For each of the words in the box, write an original sentence using the word.
Circle the vocabulary word in each sentence. Be sure to write a sentence that would
help the reader better understand the meaning of the word.

comprise continuous contribution efficient maintain position

crucial adequate assumes component enterprise contributors
firm used to is used to

1. I used to wake up late on Sunday.

2. That is very crucial moment.

3. I assumes that today is gonna be rain.

4. I hope, I can maintain the project this time.

5. That truck is used to carry the good and many stuff.

6. It has to be done more efficient.

7. We have adequate inventories of the product to meet local demand .

8. That cake comprise the sugar and egg.

9. With potential to be reinstated in your previous positions.

10. That engine car have many components inside it.

11. We're dealing with one of the largest lobbying firms in the country.

12. He contributed much money to relieving the poor.

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