Plant Assignment Part 1

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Name: Haya Raza

In Class Assignment Part 1

Plants: Anatomy, Growth and Function

1. Write the overall formula for photosynthesis and explain its components.

The formula for photosynthesis is:

Solar Energy
Carbon dioxide + Water Glucose + oxygen

Plants take energy from incoming solar radiation and convert it to chemical energy. It uses carbon dioxide
and water to form glucose and oxygen.

Glucose is made up of a molecule called carbohydrates and it consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
atoms. Carbohydrates are main source of chemical energy and plants can meet their needs of chemical
energy in the environment that has enough light, carbon dioxide and water.

2. Draw and label the general parts of a vascular plant.

3. Name and give the function of the two types of vascular tissues.

The two types of tissues are Xylem Tissue and Phloem Tissue and it transports water and nutrients and
supports the plant body.

4. What are the three types of ground tissues?

The three types of ground tissues are parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma 

5. Distinguish between monocots and eudicots.

In monocots the veins are parallel to each other; they have parallel venation while eudicots have branching
venation, or they have network of veins.

6. Describe the four functions of leaves.

- They carry out photosynthesis and gas exchange.

- They have specializations that help protect the plants and some are responsible for
storing carbohydrates and/or water.
- Some leaves are specialized for storage (e.g. an onion bulb is made up of leaves
modified to store water and carbohydrates.)
- Many species produce a chemical in their leaves to repel herbivores (e.g. nicotine that
is produced by the leaves of tobacco plant, deters herbivores.

7. Draw and label the internal structure of a vascular leaf.

8. Explain the benefits of the organization and shape of palisade mesophyll cells.

- Palisade mesophyll contains many chloroplasts because of its elongated and cylindrical shape.
- It maximizes the amount of light the plant can collect and use for photosynthesis.

9. Give and explain two uses of leaves to humans.

- They provide important nutrients and food energy in diets of humans ( e.g. dark green leafy
vegetables are very nutritious. Moreover, they contain important minerals and vitamins. Also
provide nutrients that protect our cells from damaging.)
- They are used as construction materials by humans (e.g. in tropical countries, the thatched roofs are
made from the leaves of palm trees)

10. Give the functions of stems.

Vascular tissues in the leaves are connected to the vascular tissues in the roots by stems which allows the
water and dissolved substances to be transported throughout the plant body. Moreover, it supports the
leaves and reproductive organs. Its raises leaves and flowers and raising leaves and flowers are important
for plants. Furthermore, in some species, water and carbohydrates are also stored by them and they have
adaptions that help the plant prevent from injuries and herbivores.

11. Label the following diagram.

Cork heartwood
Cambium Phloem




12. Contrast herbaceous and woody stems.

Herbaceous plants have stems that do not contain wood and they are relatively piable, carry out
photosynthesis and have thin epidermis while woody plants have stems that contains wood and they are
relatively hard, have bark and usually not carry photosynthesis.

13. Explain the formation of growth rings in a stem.

In spring, vascular cambium grows rapidly which produce large xylem cells that have thin cell walls which
forms light colored wood known as spring wood while in summer, less xylem cells are produced which have
thick cell walls which forms dark colored wood known as summer wood. And together these layers makes
up the growth rings and each wood have light color on one side and dark color on the other side.

Tracheid Sieve cells

Tracheid Vessel elements Sieve tube elements

companion cells

14. Fill in the following table.

15. Outline three uses of plant stems to humans.

- Human uses plant stem for Fuel (e.g. ethanol, wood)

- They uses plant stems for food (e.g. sugarcane, potatoes, maple syrup and asparagus)
- They uses plant’s stems for dyes (e.g. indigo, used to dye jeans)
16. One of the stems is a monocot, the other is a eudicot. How do you tell them apart?

First one is Monocot and b) is eudicot because in first the centre of vascular cylinder has parenchymal cells
while in eudicot xylem are at the centre of the root.

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