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Aerial - 

Pertaining to a vehicle which travels through the air; airborne; relating to or

conducted by means of aircraft
Aurally - Pertaining to sound or the ear.
Priapic - 1.  Related to or overly concerned with male sexual activity or exhibiting excessive
male sexual activity. 2. Excessively masculine; excessively concerned with masculinity.
Binge - A short period of excessive consumption, especially of excessive alcohol
Intricacies - The state or quality of being intricate or entangled.
Fraught - The state or quality of being intricate or entangled.
Bulwark - 1. A defensive wall or rampart. 2. Defence or safeguard
Christendom - The Christian world.
interregnum - The period of time between the end of a sovereign's reign and the accession of
another sovereign.
encomium - Warm praise, especially a formal expression of such praise; a tribute.
imbroglio - A complicated situation; an entanglement
Tolstoyan - A follower of Tolstoy, who advocates and practises manual labor, simplicity of
living, non-resistance, etc., holds that possession of wealth and ownership of property are
sinful, and rejects all religious teachings not coming directly from Christ.
anathema - A ban or curse pronounced with religious solemnity by ecclesiastical authority,
often accompanied by excommunication; something denounced as accursed
calumniate - To make hurtful untrue comments about.
tanglefooted - uncoordinated or bumbling
convalescent - Recovering one's health and strength after a period of illness
exuberance - The quality of being exuberant; cheerful or vigorous enthusiasm; liveliness.
commiserate - To feel or express compassion or sympathy for (someone or something).
portmanteau - A large travelling case usually made of leather, and opening into two equal
temperance - Habitual moderation in regard to the indulgence of the natural appetites and
passions; restrained or moderate indulgence
torpor - A state of being inactive or stuporous.
allude - To refer to something indirectly or by suggestion.
reticence - tight-lippedness, discretion, avoidance of saying too much.
endeavor - A sincere attempt; a determined or assiduous effort towards a specific goal.
desultory - Jumping, or passing, from one thing or subject to another, without order,
planning, or rational connection; without logical sequence.
attic - The space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof in the
uppermost part of a house or other building, generally used for storage or habitation.
sonorous - 1. Capable of giving out a deep, resonant sound 2. Capable of giving out a deep,
resonant sound.
melancholic - Filled with or affected by melancholy—great sadness or depression, especially
of a thoughtful or introspective nature.
melancholy - Affected with great sadness or depression.
exasperate - To frustrate, vex, provoke, or annoy; to make angry.
slipshod - Wearing slippers or similarly open shoes.
velveteen - A cotton fabric with a short pile, resembling velvet.
petulant - childishly irritable
Curt - 1. Short or concise, 2. Brief or terse, especially to the point of being rude.
twitch - A brief, small (sometimes involuntary) movement out of place and then back again.
deceit - An act or practice intended to deceive; a trick
fathom - Grasp, envelopment, control.
necromancy - Divination involving the dead or death.
puerile - 1. Characteristic of, or pertaining to, a boy or boys, 2. Childish; trifling; silly.
ineffable - Beyond expression in words; unspeakable.
Twaddle - Empty or silly idle talk or writing; nonsense, rubbish.
seclusion - 1. the act of secluding, shutting out or keeping apart, 2. the state of being secluded
or shut out, as from company, society, the world, etc.
chimerical - Being a figment of the imagination; fantastic
bustle - An excited activity; a stir.
scorn - 1. To feel or display contempt or disdain for something or somebody; to despise.
2. To refuse to do something, as beneath oneself.
apropos - Of an appropriate or pertinent nature.
scorn - 1.  To feel or display contempt or disdain for something or somebody; to despise. 2.
To reject, turn down.
indignant - Showing anger or indignation, especially at something unjust or wrong.
cavalier - Not caring enough about something important.
conceited - Having an excessively favorable opinion of one's abilities, appearance, etc
querulous - Often complaining; suggesting a complaint in expression; fretful, whining.
bungling - Incompetent or inept.
bumptious - Obtrusively pushy; self-assertive to a pretentious extreme.
bland - To mix; blend; mingle.
petulant - childishly irritable
trifle - An insignificant amount.
brusquely - In a brusque manner; abruptly; rudely.
prattled - To speak incessantly and in a childish manner; to babble.
incessantly - In a manner without pause or stop, especially to the point of annoyance; not
effusion - An outpouring of speech or emotion.
sardonic - Scornfully mocking or cynical.
blotch - An uneven patch of color or discoloration.
exultation - The act of exulting; lively joy at success or victory, or at any advantage gained;
rapturous delight; triumph.
incredulous - Skeptical, disbelieving, or unable to believe.
succinctly - In a succinct manner, concisely.
succinct - brief and to the point
countenance - Favour; support; encouragement
omniscient - Having total knowledge.
recalcitrant - Marked by a stubborn unwillingness to obey authority.
trepidation - A fearful state; a state of hesitation or concern.
expostulation - 1. (countable) The act of reasoning earnestly in order to dissuade or
remonstrate. 2. (uncountable) A comment of earnest reasoning meant to dissuade or
despotism - government by a singular authority, either a single person or tight-knit group,
which rules with absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way.
sentinel - A sentry or guard.
inexorable - Unable to be persuaded; relentless; unrelenting.
vindictiveness - The condition of being vindictive.
vindictive - Having a tendency to seek revenge when wronged, vengeful.
assuage - To calm down, become less violent (of passion, hunger etc.); to subside, to abate.
bereavement - The state of being bereaved; deprivation; especially the loss of a relative by
incessant - Without pause or stop; not ending, especially to the point of annoyance.
schism - A split or separation within a group or organization, typically caused by discord.
secede - To split from or to withdraw from membership of a political union, an alliance or an
sinewy - Having or showing nervous strength.
languidly - In a languid manner, without force or effort, in a manner requiring little energy or
brusquely - In a brusque manner; abruptly; rudely.
vehemence - 1. An intense concentration, force or power. 2. A wild or turbulent ferocity or
fury. 3. Eagerness, fervor, excessive strong feeling.
transcendent - 1. surpassing usual limits 2. Beyond the range of usual perception 3. freefrom
constraints of the material world.
abstruse - 1. Concealed or hidden out of the way; secret. 2. Difficult to comprehend or
understand; recondite; obscure; esoteric.
intricate - Having a great deal of fine detail or complexity.
abhor - 1. To regard with horror or detestation; to shrink back with shuddering from; to feel
excessive repugnance toward; to detest to extremity; to loathe. 2. To fill with horror or
egotism - 1. A tendency to talk excessively about oneself. 2. A belief that one is superior to or
more important than others.
vanity - Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own abilities, appearance or achievements.
didactic - Instructive or intended to teach or demonstrate, especially with regard to morality.
weary - Having the strength exhausted by toil or exertion; tired; fatigued.
tread - To step or walk (on or over something); to trample.
impertinent - 1. insolent, ill-mannered, 2. irrelevant
Dogmatic - Adhering only to principles which are true a priori, rather than truths based on
evidence or deduction.
charlatan - A malicious trickster; a fake person, especially one who deceives for personal
charlatanism - 1. The state of being a charlatan 2. An act of a charlatan
cavalier - Not caring enough about something important.
cavalierly - In a cavalier manner.
prosaic - Overly plain, simple or commonplace, to the point of being boring; humdrum; dull;
tirade - A long, angry or violent speech; a diatribe.
glistened - To reflect light with a glittering luster; to sparkle, coruscate, glint or flash.
inestimable - Not able to be estimated; not able to be calculated, computed or comprehended,
as because of great scale, degree or magnitude.
fervent - Exhibiting particular enthusiasm, zeal, conviction, persistence, or belief.
speck - A very small thing; a particle; a whit.
sombre - Dull or dark in colour.
legible - Being clear enough to be read, readable, particularly for handwriting.
antagonistic - Contending or acting against.
vacillation - 1. Changing location by moving back and forth. 2. Indecision in speech or
treatise - A formal, usually lengthy, systematic discourse on some subject.
sacristy - A room in a church where sacred vessels, books, vestments, etc. are kept.
Sometimes also used by clergy to prepare for worship or for meetings.
stir - To incite to action; to arouse; to instigate; to prompt; to excite.
Shear - To remove the fleece from a sheep etc by clipping.
Yearn - To long, have a strong desire (for something).
solitary - One who lives alone, or in solitude; an anchoret, hermit or recluse.
veil - A cover; disguise; a mask; a pretense
whet - To stimulate or make more keen.
parchment - Material, made from the polished skin of a calf, sheep, goat or other animal, used
like paper for writing
tapestry - A heavy woven cloth, often with decorative pictorial designs, normally hung on
fidget - To wiggle or twitch; to move around nervously or idly
unsheathed - Not protected by a sheath.
sheath - Anything that has a similar shape to a scabbard for a sword that is for the purpose of
holding an object that is longer than it is wide; a case
infidel - One who does not believe in a certain religion.
strait - Narrow; restricted as to space or room; close.
rueful - Causing, feeling, or expressing regret or sorrow.
teeming - Abundantly filled with especially living things.
disembark - To remove from on board a vessel; to put on shore; to land; to debark.
incessantly - In a manner without pause or stop, especially to the point of annoyance; not
corral - An enclosure or area to concentrate a dispersed group.
capricious - Impulsive and unpredictable; determined by chance, impulse, or whim
whinnying - A gentle neighing
boulder - A large mass of stone detached from the surrounding land.
detour - A diversion or deviation from one's original route.
dune - A ridge or hill of sand piled up by the wind.
herald - A messenger, especially one bringing important news.
exultant - Very happy, especially at someone else's defeat or failure.
avert - To turn aside or away.
prod - 1. To poke, to push, to touch. 2. To encourage, to prompt.
Suffuse - To spread through or over something, especially as a liquid, colour or light; to
imperceptibly - Not noticeably, too small to be detected, too little to be perceived.
dungeon - An underground prison or vault, typically built underneath a castle
capricious - Impulsive and unpredictable; determined by chance, impulse, or whim
prognostication - A statement about or prior knowledge of the future
brandish - To move or swing (a weapon) back and forth, particularly if demonstrating anger,
threat or skill.
treason - The crime of betraying one’s own country.
wearisome - Tiresome, tedious or causing fatigue.
ravage - To devastate or destroy something.
despise - To regard with contempt or scorn.
symphony - an extended piece of music of sophisticated structure, usually for orchestra
beseech - To beg or implore
avidly - In an avid manner; greedily; eagerly
veritably - In a veritable manner; in a way that truly and accurately describes something.
veritable - true or real
decrepit - Weakened or worn out from age or wear.
eking - The act or process of adding.
preternatural - Beyond or not conforming to what is natural or according to the regular course
of things; strange; inexplicable; extraordinary; abnormal
cankle - (slang) An obese or otherwise swollen ankle that blends into the calf without clear
proffered - An offer made; something proposed for acceptance by another; a tender
Gait - Manner of walking or stepping; bearing or carriage while moving
deign - To condescend; to do despite a perceived affront to one's dignity.
Limp - 1. To happen; befall; chance 2. To come upon; meet.
Lilt - To do something rhythmically, with animation and quickness, usually of music.
lilting - Having a lilt; with energy, spirit and sprightliness; lively and cheerful.
apace - Quickly, rapidly, with speed.
hamartia - The tragic flaw of the protagonist in a literary tragedy.
jagged - Having a rough quality.
amputee - A person who has had one or more limbs removed.
sophomore - The second in a series, especially, the second of an artist’s albums or the second
of four years in a high school (tenth grade) or university.
embellish - To make more beautiful and attractive; to decorate.
festoon - To decorate with ornaments, such as garlands or chains, which hang loosely from
two tacked spots.
mosy - To set off, get going; to start a journey.
fetish - 1.  An irrational, or abnormal fixation or preoccupation; an obsession 2. Sexual
attraction to or arousal at something sexual or nonsexual, such as an object or a part of the
evangelical - Pertaining to the doctrines or teachings of the Christian gospel or Christianity in
endearing - Inspiring love or affection, often in a childlike way
demented - Insane or mentally ill.
dishevel - To throw into disorder; upheave.
swishing - The movement that produces such a sound.
cohort - A group of people supporting the same thing or person
barretted - To put (hair) into a barrette.
braids - A style of hair in which the hair is interweaved into thin locks.
feign - To make a false show or pretence of; to counterfeit or simulate.
reclusive - Of, characterized by, or preferring privacy and isolation; secluded
pretentious - Intended to impress others; ostentatious.
flail - To wave or swing vigorously
wail - A prolonged cry, usually high-pitched, especially as of grief or anguish.
bereft - Deprived of, lacking, stripped of, robbed of.
alleyway - A narrow street formed by the proximity of adjacent buildings.
double entendre - A phrase that has two meanings, especially where one is innocent and
literal, the other risqué, bawdy, or ironic; an innuendo.
squints - To look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight, or as a threatening
Splinter - To cause to break apart into long sharp fragments.
Mangle - To change, mutilate or disfigure by cutting, tearing, rearranging etc.
remnants - The small portion remaining of a larger thing or group.
insofar - To such a degree or extent
contemporaneous - Existing or created in the same period of time.
insipid - Adjective
Unappetizingly flavorless
ensnare - To entrap; to catch in a snare or trap.
bacchanalia - Any wild, orgiastic party or celebration.
angst - Emotional turmoil; painful sadness.
smother - To suffocate; stifle; obstruct, more or less completely, the respiration of something
or someone.
metastasize - To spread to other sites in the body; to undergo metastasis.
slither - to slide
unblemished - Free from evil or corruption.
soliloquy - The act of a character speaking to themselves so as to reveal their thoughts to the
stoically - In a manner that endures pain and hardship without outwardly showing suffering
or expressing complaint.
pauper - One living on or eligible for public charity.
blasphemous - Lacking piety or respect for the sacred. Resembling blasphemy.
perilous - Dangerous, full of peril.
elicit - To evoke, educe (emotions, feelings, responses, etc.); to generate, obtain, or provoke
as a response or answer.
corral - A circle of wagons, either for the purpose of trapping livestock, or for defense.
lascivious - Wanton; lewd, driven by lust, lustful.
premonition - A strong intuition that something is about to happen (usually something
negative, but not exclusively).
compartmentalize - To separate something into different categories or compartments.
sectarianism - Rigid adherence to a particular sect, denomination, ideology, or party.
cranium - The skull of a vertebrate.
vacuous - Empty; void; lacking meaningful content.
tread - To step or walk (on or over something); to trample.
styrofoam - Expanded polystyrene foam, such as is used in cups and packaging.
gait - Manner of walking or stepping; bearing or carriage while moving.
coterie - An exclusive group of people, who associate closely for a common purpose; a
commemorate - To honour the memory of someone or something with a ceremony or object.
entomb - To deposit in a tomb.
sarcophagus - A stone coffin, often inscribed or decorated with sculpture.
digress - To step or turn aside; to deviate; to swerve; especially, to turn aside from the main
subject of attention, or course of argument, in writing or speaking.
rub - A difficulty or problem.
inexorable - Unable to be persuaded; relentless; unrelenting.
promiscuous - Indiscriminate in choice of sexual partners.
promiscuity - The state or quality of being promiscuous.
poignant - Evoking strong mental sensation, to the point of distress; emotionally moving.
grimace - A contorted facial expression, often expressing contempt or pain.
pedophilic - Of, relating to, or pertaining to pedophilia.
pedophilia - Sexual attraction to children by adults.
perennially - constantly
appendical - Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of an appendix or appendices.
relapse - To fall back again; to slide or turn back into a former state or practice.
reverie - A state of dreaming while awake; a loose or irregular train of thought; musing or
meditation; daydream.
litany - A prolonged or tedious list.
infuriating - Extremely annoying, frustrating or irritating
enamored - in love
unencumbered - Not burdened with worries, cares or responsibilities.
irreconcilable - Unable to be reconciled; opposed; uncompromising.
flummoxed - Confused, perplexed or flustered.
infantile - Pertaining to infants.
askew - Turned or twisted to one side.
gratuitous - Given freely; unearned.
gore - Blood, especially that from a wound when thickened due to exposure to the air.
sodomy - Any of several forms of sexual intercourse held to be unnatural, particularly
bestiality or historically homosexuality, but also (sometimes) anal or oral sex.
crinkle - To fold, crease, crumple, or wad.
ubiquitous - Being everywhere at once: omnipresent.
idyllic - Extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.
permissiveness - The relative likelihood of something or someone to grant permission or
allow something to happen.
confetti - Small pieces or strips (streamers) of colored paper generally thrown about at festive
occasions, especially at weddings
pontoon - A floating structure supporting a bridge or dock.
Wreath - Something twisted, intertwined, or curled.
succulent - juicy or lush
narcissist - Egoist, egocentric, person full of egoism and pride.
malevolent - having an evil or harmful influence
stoic - A person indifferent to pleasure or pain.
perseverant - enduring or persistent
paragon - A person of preeminent qualities, who acts as a pattern or model of some given
(especially positive) quality.
eviscerate - To remove a bodily organ or its contents.
scoot - To walk fast; to go quickly; to run away hastily.
yearning - A wistful or melancholy longing.
wistful - Sad and thoughtful.
lacquer - A similar finish, baked onto the inside of cans.
potbelly - a large, swollen, or protruding abdomen; a paunch
sagging - A manner of wearing pants or shorts below the waist, revealing some or all of the
phantasm - something seen but having no physical reality; a phantom or apparition.
specters - A ghostly apparition, a phantom
apparition - An act of becoming visible; appearance; visibility.
abominable - Very bad or inferior.
slacken - To gradually decrease in intensity or tautness; to become slack.
metronomic - Regular, periodic and repetitive, like a metronome.
missive - A written message; a letter, note or memo.
ottoman - A low stool or thick cushion used to rest the feet or as a seat.
grimace - A contorted facial expression, often expressing contempt or pain.
beachhead - an initial success that ensures the possibility of further advances in a project; a
despicable - Fit or deserving to be despised; contemptible; mean; vile; worthless
numinous - Related to a numen; indicating the presence of a divinity
disavow - To strongly and solemnly refuse to own or acknowledge; to deny responsibility for,
approbation of, and the like; to disclaim; to disown.
putrid - Rotting, rotten, being in a state of putrefaction.
addled - confused, mixed up
inevitably - In a manner that is impossible to avoid or prevent.
flabby - Yielding to the touch, and easily moved or shaken; hanging loose by its own weight;
lacking firmness; flaccid.
Welled -To have something seep out of the surface.
vitrine - A glass-paneled cabinet or case, especially for displaying articles such as china,
objets d'art, or fine merchandise.
curtsied - A small bow, generally performed by a woman or a girl, where she crosses one calf
of her leg behind the other and briefly bends her knees and lowers her body in deference.
innuendos - A derogatory hint or reference to a person or thing. An implication, intimation or
extricate - To free, disengage, loosen, or untangle.
fetish - Sexual attraction to or arousal at something sexual or nonsexual, such as an object or
a part of the body.
ecstatic - Extremely happy
transfigure - To transform the outward appearance of something; to convert into a different
form, state or substance.
impending - Approaching; drawing near; about to happen or expected to happen.
palliative - Minimising the progression of a disease and relieving undesirable symptoms for
as long as possible, rather than attempting to cure the (usually incurable) disease.
brethren - the body of members, especially of a fraternal, religious or military order
conspicuous - Noticeable or attracting attention, especially if unattractive.
commiserate - To feel or express compassion or sympathy for (someone or something).
unfathomable - Impossible to fathom or understand; incomprehensible.
goad - To incite or provoke.
memoir - An autobiography; a book describing the personal experiences of an author.
eponymous - Of, relating to, or being the person or entity after which something or someone
is named.
armada - Any large army or fleet of military vessels.
sentry - A guard, particularly on duty at the entrance to a military base.
Ruse - a trick
excruciating - Causing great pain or anguish, agonizing
obituary - A biography of a recently deceased person, written by a journalist and published in
a newspaper.
indomitable - Incapable of being subdued, overcome, or vanquished.
irrevocably - In an irrevocable manner; beyond recall; in a manner precluding repeal.
irrevocable - Unable to be retracted or reversed; final.
gag - A joke or other mischievous prank.
inexorable - Unable to be persuaded; relentless; unrelenting.
eulogy - An oration to honor a deceased person, usually at a funeral.
lectern - A similar stand to support a lecturer's notes.
ghoulish - Of or pertaining to corpses and graverobbing.
aggrandize - To make great; to enlarge; to increase.
extol - To praise; to make high.
infuriate - To make furious or mad with anger; to enrage
rotund - Having a round or spherical shape; circular; orbicular.
hearse - A carriage or vehicle specially adapted or used for transporting a dead person to the
place of funeral or to the grave.
hitch - A hidden or unfavorable condition or element; a catch.
emeritus - Retired, but retaining an honorific version of a previous title
infernal - Of or relating to hell, or the world of the dead; hellish.
Slug - a shot or drink
precocious - Characterized by exceptionally early development or maturity.
scour - To search an area thoroughly.
mound - A natural elevation appearing as if thrown up artificially; a regular and isolated hill,
hillock, or knoll.
nihilism - A philosophical doctrine grounded on the negation of one or more meaningful
aspects of life.
slur - an insult or slight
beatific - blessed, blissful, heavenly
excruciate - To inflict intense pain or mental distress on (someone); to torture.
swig - To drink (usually by gulping or in a greedy or unrefined manner); to quaff.
unconscionable - Excessive, imprudent or unreasonable.
voracious - Having a great appetite for anything
plop - A sound or action like liquid hitting a hard surface, or an object falling into a body of
indefatigable - Extremely persistent and untiring.
teeming - Abundantly filled with especially living things.
bequeath - To hand down; to transmit.
lesion - A wound or injury
fathom - Grasp, envelopment, control
Harangue - A tirade or rant, whether spoken or written.
incessant - Without pause or stop; not ending, especially to the point of annoyance.
expropriation - The act of expropriating; the surrender of a claim to private property; the act
of depriving of private propriety rights.
endeavor - A sincere attempt; a determined or assiduous effort towards a specific goal.
inept - Not able to do something; not proficient; displaying incompetence.
disparate - Composed of inherently different or distinct elements; incongruous.
coerce - To restrain by force, especially by law or authority; to repress; to curb.
boulevard - A broad, well-paved and landscaped thoroughfare.
thoroughfare - a passage
Codices - an early manuscript book
swirl - To twist or whirl, as an eddy.
Eddy - A current of air or water running back, or in an opposite direction to the main current.
whence - From where; from which place or source.
melancholy - Affected with great sadness or depression.
persevere - To persist steadfastly in pursuit of an undertaking, task, journey, or goal, even if
hindered by distraction, difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement.
facade - The face of a building, especially the front view or elevation.
edifice - A building; a structure; an architectural fabric, especially a large and spectacular one
confound - To confuse; to mix up; to puzzle.
startle - To excite by sudden alarm, surprise, or apprehension; to frighten suddenly and not
seriously; to alarm; to surprise.
poise - A condition of hovering, or being suspended.
inscrutable - Difficult or impossible to comprehend, fathom or interpret.
decanter - A receptacle for decanted liquor, especially a crystal bottle with a stopper.
weary - Having the strength exhausted by toil or exertion; tired; fatigued.
chivalry - Courteous behaviour, especially that of men towards women.
earnest - Seriousness; reality; actuality.
bemused - 1. deeply thoughtful; preoccupied 2. perplexed and bewildered
vindictiveness - A malevolent desire for revenge.
factotum - A general servant.
plausible - Seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable; credible
tartly - In a tart manner; sourly or bitterly.
hysterical - Provoking uncontrollable laughter.
emphatically - In an emphatic manner; with emphasis
emphatic - Stated with conviction.
vehemence - An intense concentration, force or power.
incredulous - Skeptical, disbelieving, or unable to believe.
acquit - To declare or find not guilty; innocent.
imperceptibly- Not noticeably, too small to be detected, too little to be perceived.
baize - A thick, soft, usually woolen cloth resembling felt; often colored green and used for
coverings on card tables, billiard and snooker tables, etc.
despairing - Feeling, expressing, or caused by despair; hopeless.
inquest - A formal investigation, often held before a jury, especially one into the cause of a
exonerate - To free from accusation or blame.
admonish - To warn or notify of a fault; to reprove gently or kindly, but seriously; to exhort.
exasperated - Greatly annoyed; made furious.
perjury - The deliberate giving of false or misleading testimony under oath.
pallid - Appearing weak, pale or wan.
petulant - childishly irritable
implore - To call upon or pray to earnestly; to entreat.
apposite - Strikingly appropriate or relevant; well-suited to the circumstance or in relation to
lilt - To do something rhythmically, with animation and quickness, usually of music.
mellow - Soft or tender by reason of ripeness; having a tender pulp.
bosom friend - a very good friend
baleful - Miserable, wretched, distressed, suffering.
shifty - Having the appearance of being dishonest, criminal or unreliable.
eccentric - Deviating from the norm; behaving unexpectedly or differently.
dope - Information, usually from an inside source, originally in horse racing and other sports.
evasive - Directed towards avoidance or escape; evasive action.
peruse - 1. To read completely. 2. To look over casually; to skim.
galling - vexing, humiliating
queer - Weird, odd or different
laconically - In a terse manner, given to using few words.
terse - abruptly or brusquely short
brusque - Rudely abrupt, unfriendly.
corroborated - Strengthened; confirmed; rendered more certain.
aspersion - An attack on somebody's reputation or good name, often in the phrase to cast
aspersions upon….
asperity - Harshness, as of temper.
truculent - Eager or quick to argue, fight or start a conflict.
alcove - A small recessed area set off from a larger room.
amiably - In an amiable manner; in a friendly or pleasant manner.
tremulous - Trembling, quivering, or shaking.
perch - (figurative) a position that is overly elevated or haughty
flustered - Confused, befuddled, in a state of panic by having become overwrought with
implore - To beg urgently or earnestly.
rumble - (slang) A street fight or brawl.
crumple - A crease, wrinkle, or irregular fold.
genially - In a genial manner; gaily; cheerfully.
insinuation - The act of gaining favor, affection, or influence, by gentle or artful means; —
formerly used in a good sense, as of friendly influence or interposition.
unctuously - Insincerely and excessively charming
commiserate - To feel or express compassion or sympathy for (someone or something).
tersely - In a brief, concise, or to the point manner.
tremulous - Trembling, quivering, or shaking.
revulsion - A sudden violent feeling of disgust.
incredulous - Skeptical, disbelieving, or unable to believe.
fling - An act of throwing, often violently.
sprawl - To sit with the limbs spread out.
probate - The legal process of verifying the legality of a will.
dismay - 1. (Noun) A sudden or complete loss of courage and firmness in the face of trouble
or danger; overwhelming and disabling terror; a sinking of the spirits. 2. (Verb) To disable
with alarm or apprehensions; to depress the spirits or courage of; to deprive of firmness and
energy through fear; to daunt; to appall; to terrify.
dismayed - Having the emotion of dismay.
pensive - Having the appearance of deep, often melancholic, thinking.
peremptorily - In a peremptory manner; in a commanding tone, brooking no delay.
peremptory - Accepting no refusal or disagreement; imperious, dictatorial.
solicitor - In many common law jurisdictions, a type of lawyer whose traditional role is to
offer legal services to clients apart from acting as their advocate in court. A solicitor instructs
a barrister to act as an advocate for their client in court, although rights of audience for
solicitors vary according to jurisdiction.
interpose - To interrupt a conversation by introducing a different subject or making a
accessory - Assisting a crime without actually participating in committing the crime itself.
sordid - Morally degrading.
deprecatory - That deprecates; apologetic or disparaging
asperity - Harshness, as of temper.
indignant - Showing anger or indignation, especially at something unjust or wrong.
brandish - To move or swing (a weapon) back and forth, particularly if demonstrating anger,
threat or skill.
ineffectual - 1. weak, indecisive; lacking forcefulness 2. unable or insufficient to produce
effect; futile
beckon - To wave or nod to somebody with the intention to make the person come closer.
belligerent - Acting violently towards others.
flinch - To make a sudden, involuntary movement in response to a (usually negative)
stimulus; to cringe.
chortle - A joyful, somewhat muffled laugh, rather like a snorting chuckle.
intonation - The rise and fall of the voice in speaking.
coax - To carefully manipulate into a particular desired state, situation or position.
astride - With one’s legs on either side.
crafty - Skillful at deceiving others; characterized by craft
staggering - Incredible, overwhelming, amazing.
stagger - An unsteady movement of the body in walking or standing as if one were about to
fall; a reeling motion
stifle - To repress, keep in or hold back.
despairing - Feeling, expressing, or caused by despair; hopeless.
fret - To be anxious, to worry.
incriminate - To accuse or bring criminal charges against.
obstinate - Stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course, usually with implied
unreasonableness; persistent.
dangle - To hang loosely with the ability to swing.
expostulate - To protest or remonstrate; to reason earnestly with a person on some
impropriety of conduct.
incredulous - Difficult to believe; incredible.
gruff - having a rough, surly, and harsh demeanor and nature.

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