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My Reflection In Creative Non-Fiction

I was not aware of the word, "non-fiction", but after the discussion, I noticed that just about

all the papers that I read once I was in junior high school was non-fiction. As I'm not a

novelist or scenario writer, I occasionally write, but mostly I read a book because that's what

my husband wants to listen to about my story or my opinion. However, creative non-fiction

doesn't necessarily come from the lifetime of a writer’s experiences. There are some varieties

of non-fiction that I didn’t know, like the lyric essay and literary journalism, so this subject

helps me plenty. In creative non-fiction, writers try and observe, record, and thus shape

moments from the real world. I can now begin to figure out how to write a story, which I've

done previously because these topics have been supported. Creative non-fiction is different

from non-fiction regarding creativeness. Creative nonfiction should include factual and well-

informed information, keep the reader's attention, and possibly blur the lines between fact and

fiction in a literary style. It uses the same techniques as fiction, using symbols. It should be

based on true events. And it should be factual, not the same as fiction, which is our

imagination's pure commodity. You should read first when writing non-fiction to get all the

truth straight. As a student, I discovered that creative nonfiction writing has a fascinating,

story-centric format that prioritizes narrative over a listing of facts. This makes creative

nonfiction markedly different from other kinds of books related to the nonfiction genre, like

academic textbooks and also the genre of nonfiction writing that comes with different creative

writing techniques and literary styles to convey truthful, non-fictional narratives. In contrast

to more standard nonfiction subgenres, creative nonfiction writing focuses on story and tone.

During this subject material, the brainstorming sessions at school were very helpful. Writing

an honest paper looked as if it would not only have writing skills to thank for its

exceptionalism, but also the topic the person chooses to put in writing on, and therefore the

points they chose to concentrate on and that I would take comments very seriously, weighing

all on the ultimate goal I had wanted for the work and its relevance. Comments on spelling

and punctuation I would like to incorporate nearly always, but comments on word choice

changes I'd either take or leave. Words like that tackle new meanings or lose their original

ones very often within the English language, and unless I take advantage of them around other

things that appear to be of the identical racial bias, then an intelligent reader may take offense
if needed. However, my use of it failed to indicate that, so I kept it irrespective of how one or

two readers may feel about it. Creative Nonfiction opened my eyes to the possibilities I never

knew about non-fiction forms of writing. I always believed nonfiction to be restrictive and

limited, in what is often written, to only telling exactly what happened. During this class, I

discovered that there is a lot more you can do with this style, and it can easily be combined

with other classes. By using creative non-fiction, one can add depth when writing an

assignment, making it more enjoyable to write down, but also to read. Choices of point of

view, time in and out of a scene, explicit information, and data that's left to be questioned by

the reader, can make any written form more interesting, more enlightening, and more

memorable. I've noticed that my writing has not only improved throughout this course, during

this class itself but also in many of my other classes that need written assignments and this

can be an awfully interesting topic that I do know very well. As someone who loves using

imagery and inventive literary tools in my writing, I've encountered issues with how realistic

the writing sounds. Creative Nonfiction is a challenging genre for many writers because it

requires them to tell true stories realistically and honestly, leaving little room for creative

freedom. I feel a balance may be made, and introducing more creativity and freedom to

nonfiction can add a brand new layer to honest and truthful storytelling. So my experience in

our subject Creative non-fiction is to finalize whether the story is non-fiction supported our

activities, we can learn how to write stories or drama books. As a student. Maybe what I've

learned may be applied. I think in what I do base on the discussion that it's important to find

out creative non-fiction so that the stories we make or start are going to be well received by

the reader. It also allows the kid to show their opinions and develop their voice. It also

improves their logical skills.

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