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Intent of the law – it is a cardinal rule

that in seeking the meaning of a law,
- the determination of the meaning of
the first concern of the court should
the terms or words used by the parties in their
be to discover in its provisions the
intent of the lawmaker
NOTE: Interpretation of a contract is a 5. Retroactivity of the law – well-settled
question of law since a contract is in the is the rule that statutes have no
nature of law retroactive effects unless otherwise
provided therein.
Interpretation vs. Reformation 6. Law of place where contract entered
o Interpretation – the act of making into – according to the doctrine of lex
intelligible that was not before loci contractus, as a general rule, the
understood, ambiguous, or not law of the place where a contract is
obvious; it is a method by which a made or entered into governs with
meaning of a language is ascertained respect to its nature, validity,
o Reformation – that remedy in equity obligation, and interpretation.
by means of which a written
instrument is made or construed so as
to express or conform to the real
intention of the parties
ART. 1370. If the terms of a contract are
Laws, in general, as aid to interpretation clear and leave no doubt upon the intention of
of contracts the contracting parties, the literal meaning of
its stipulations shall control.
1. Modification by parties of rules of
interpretation – The parties are free If the words appear to be contrary to
to accept these rules as a whole, or to the evident intention of the parties, the latter
modify in cases not essential or shall prevail over the former.
obligatory, or to complete to the
Weight of Evidence to Justify Disregard of
extent which is legal or in conformity
with their nature
2. Acceptance by parties of the rules – 1. Terms presumed to embody will of
These supplementary norms, these the parties – it is presumed that every
legal models must be deemed contracting party knows the contents
presumed accepted if nothing is said of the contract before he signed and
to the contrary delivers it and that the words used
3. Natural and accidental elements of embody the will of the parties
contracts – The acceptance of the 2. Clear and convincing evidence
natural elements of contract is required to impugn a contract –
implied, when nothing is said by the where the terms of the contract are
parties to the contrary, and the simple and clear and it appears to
exclusion of the accidental elements, have been executed with all the
if none has been stipulated by them solemnities of the law, more than a
mere preponderance of evidence is 2. Determination by court of true
required to successfully impugn it intention – the words used by the
parties to project that intention, all the
Application and Interpretation of terms of
words not just a particular word or
contracts by courts
two, and words in context not just
1. First duty of court – the first and words standing alone, must be looked
fundamental duty of the court is the into.
application of the contract according
ART. 1371. In order to judge the intention of
to its express terms, interpretation
the contracting parties, their
being called only when such literal
contemporaneous and subsequent acts shall
application is impossible.
be principally considered.
2. Limits to interpretation – courts are
not permitted to make a new contract Courts not bound by name given to
for the parties in ascertaining their contract by the parties
intention or ignore those already
- to determine the true nature of a
made by them simply to avoid
contract, courts do not have or are not bound
seeming hardships
to rely upon the name or title given it by the
3. Equity as ground for relief – equity
contracting parties should there be
is not an antidote against the
controversy as to what they really intended to
disadvantages of a bad transaction,
enter into.
and it may not be invoked to allow a
contract to be interpreted in a manner ART. 1372. However general the terms of a
different from that impelled by its contract may be, they shall not be understood
terms to comprehend things that are distinct and
4. Submission of disputes to arbitration cases that are different from those upon
– Being an inexpensive, speedy and which the parties intended to agree.
amicable method of settling disputes,
arbitration – along with mediation, Special intent prevails over a general
conciliation and negotiation – is intent
encouraged by the Supreme Court. - as a rule, where in a contract there
Evident Intention of Parties Prevails over are general and special provisions covering
Terms of Contract the same subject matter are inconsistent, the
latter shall be paramount to and control over
1. When terms in conflict with manifest the former when the two cannot stand
intention – when the words of a together
contract are clear and readily
understandable, there is no room for ART. 1373. If some stipulation of any
construction. However, where the contract should admit of several meanings, it
words and clauses of a written shall be understood as bearing that import
contract appear to conflict or which is most adequate to render it effectual.
contravene with the manifest Meaning
intention of the parties, the latter shall
prevail over the former
If there are several interpretations and one ART. 1375. Words which may have different
interpretation makes a contract valid or significations shall be understood in that
effective while the other makes it illegal or which is most in keeping with the nature and
meaningless, the former interpretation is one object of the contract.
which is warranted by the rule stated in
ART. 1376. The usage or custom of the place
Article 1373.
shall be borne in mind in the interpretation of
the ambiguities of a contract, and shall fill the
omissions of stipulations which are ordinarily
ART. 1374. The various stipulations of a
contract shall be interpreted together,
attributing to the doubtful ones that sense Allegations and Proof of Customs and
which may result from all of them taken Usages
1. Where custom or usage general in
Interpretation of Various character – if a custom or usage be
Stipulations/Separate Writings of a general in character, and therefore,
Contract presumed to be known by the parties,
the rule is that such custom or usage
1. Conflicting provisions of contract –
may be proved without being
as in statutes, the provisions of a
specifically pleaded.
contract should not be read in
2. Where custom or usage local in
isolation from the rest of the
character – if the custom or usage be
instrument but, on the contrary,
local in character, the party who
interpreted in the light of other related
proposes to rely upon it should aver in
its pleadings, and a local custom or
2. Contract contained in several
usage applying to a special or
documents – where the contract is
particular kind of business may not be
contained in several document or in
proved to explain even the ambiguous
two or more separate writings all of
terms of a contract, unless the
them must be taken together to
existence of such custom or usage is
determine the intention of the parties
3. Business forms – business forms,
e.g., order slip, delivery charge
invoice and the like, are not always
ART. 1377. The interpretation of obscure
fully accomplished to contain all the
words or stipulations in a contract shall not
necessary information describing in
favor the party who caused the obscurity.
detail the whole business transaction
4. Titles/separability clause in Meaning
contracts – titles given to sections of
a contract may be restored to for the A written agreement should, in case
purpose of determining the scope of of doubt or ambiguity, be taken contra
the provisions and their relation to proferentum, i.e., be given an interpretation
other portions thereof. which will be favorable to the other who,
upon the faith of which, has incurred an the intention or will of the parties, the
obligation contract shall be null and void.
Contracts of Adhesion
- contracts whose provisions have Rules in case doubts are impossible to
mostly been drafted by one party, and the settle
only participation of the other party is signing
1. Gratuitous contracts – if the doubt
of his signature or his “adhesion” thereto on
refers to incidental circumstances of a
the “take it or leave it” basis, without the right
gratuitous contract, such
to modify it.
interpretation should be made which
1. Contracts of insurance – the rule in would result in the least transmission
Art. 1377 is generally applied to of rights and interests
contracts of insurance which are
EXAMPLE: R gave his car to E. It is not
liberally construed in favor of the
clear, whether the contract is a donation or a
insured and strictly and most strongly
against the insurer, resolving all
ambiguities against the latter The contract should be presumed as a
mere commodatum because it would transmit
The rule also applies to:
the lesser rights than donation since R retains
2. Contracts in bills of lading his ownership of the car.
3. Contracts between a lawyer and his
2. Onerous contracts – if the contract is
Validity of Contract of Adhesion
onerous, the doubts should be
- contracts of adhesion are not resolved in favor of the greatest
entirely prohibited and are as binding as reciprocity of interests.
ordinary contracts, the reason being the one
EXAMPLE: D borrowed from C 15,000 at
who adheres to the contract is in reality free
18% interest. It cannot be determined from
to reject it entirely; if he adheres, he gives his
the terms of the contract whether the loan is
consent but cannot modify.
payable in 6 months or in 1 year.
ART. 1378. When it is absolutely impossible
It must be assumed that the period
to settle doubts by the rules established in the
agreed upon is 1 year which results in a
preceding articles, and the doubts refer to
greater reciprocity of interest since D can use
incidental circumstances of a gratuitous
the money for 1 year, and C, on the other
contract, the least transmission of rights and
hand, can earn interest due for 1 year instead
interest shall prevail. If the contract is
of only 6 months.
onerous, the doubt shall be settled in favor of
the greatest reciprocity of interests. 3. Principal object of contract – if the
doubt refers to the principal object of
If the doubts are cast upon the
the contract and such doubt cannot be
principal object of the contract in such a way
resolved, thereby leaving the
that it cannot be know what may have been
intention of the parties unknown, the meaning of the language when such
contract shall be null and void. characters are difficult to decipher or
the language is not understood by the
EXAMPLE: S sold his land to B. S has many
lands. It cannot be determined which land
8. Of two constructions, that sense is to
was intended by the parties to be the subject
prevail against the party in which he
of the sale.
understood it or which is most
Therefore, the contract shall be null favorable to the party in whose favor
and void and it is as if the parties have not the provision was made
entered into any contract at all. 9. Of two constructions, one in favor
and the other against natural right, the
former is to be adopted.
ART. 1379. The principles of interpretation 10. Usage may be the basis to determine
stated in Rule 123 of the Rules of Court shall the true character of an instrument.
likewise be observed in the construction of
contracts. ***
Principles of Interpretation in the Rules of INTRODUCTION to the FOLOWING
1. The language of a writing shall have Rescissible contract – they are the
the legal meaning it bears in the place least infirm or defective. They are
of execution, unless the parties valid because all the essential
intended otherwise requisites of a contract exist but by
2. An instrument with several reason of injury or damage to one of
provisions or particulars shall be the parties or to third persons, such as
construed so as to give effect at all. creditors, the contract may be
3. In case of conflict between a general rescinded. Thus, the defect is
and a particular provision, the latter external. Until such contracts are
shall prevail; so a particular intent rescinded in an appropriate
will control the general one proceeding, they remain valid and
4. The circumstances under which the binding upon the parties.
instrument was made, including the Voidable contracts – they are also
situation of the subject thereof and of valid until annulled unless there has
the parties to it, may be considered in been a ratification. In a voidable
its interpretation. contract, the defect is caused by vice
5. Terms are presumed to have been of consent.
used in their ordinary and generally Unenforceable contracts – they
accepted meaning unless intended to cannot be sued upon or enforced
have been used in a different sense unless they are ratified. As regards the
6. In case of conflict, the written words degree of defectiveness, voidable
prevail over the printed form contracts are further away from
7. Experts and interpreters may be asked absolute nullity than unenforceable
to declare the characters or the
contracts. In other words, an 6. The object of the contract must not
unenforceable contract occupies an legally be in the possession of third
intermediate ground between a persons who did not act in bad faith
voidable and a void contract. 7. The period for filing the action for
Void or inexistent contracts – they rescission must not have prescribed
are absolutely null and void. They
have no legal effect at all and cannot
be ratified ART. 1381. The following contracts are
1. Those which are entered into by
guardians whenever the wards whom
ART. 1380. Contracts validly agreed upon they represent suffer from lesion by
may be rescinded in the cases established by more than one-fourth of the value of
law. the things which are the object thereof
2. Those agreed upon in representation
Rescissible contract – are those validly
of absentees, if the latter suffer the
agreed upon because all essential elements
lesion stated in the preceding number
exist and, therefore, legally effective, but in
3. Those undertaken in fraud of
cases established by law, the remedy of
creditors when the latter cannot in any
rescission is granted in the interest of equity.
other manner collect the claims due
Meaning of Rescission them
4. Those which refer to things under
- an equitable remedy granted by law litigation if they have been entered
to the contracting parties and sometimes even into by the defendant without the
to third persons in order to secure reparation knowledge and approval of the
of damages caused them by a valid contract, litigants or of competent judicial
by means of the restoration of things to their authority
condition prior to the celebrations of said 5. All other contracts specially declared
contracts. by law to be subject to rescission
Requisites of Rescission Terms:
1. The court must be validly agreed o Ward – a person under guardianship
upon by reason of some incapacity
2. There must be lesion or pecuniary o Absentee – a person who disappears
prejudice or damage to one of the from his domicile, his whereabouts
parties or to a third person being unknown, and without leaving
3. The rescission must be based upon a an agent to administer his property.
case especially provided by law o Accion pauliana – the action to
4. There must be no other legal remedy rescind in fraud of creditors
to obtain reparation for the damage
5. The party asking for rescission must
be able to return what he is obliged to
restore by reason of the contract
Rescission for Breach of Contract and contract are legally in possession of third
Rescission by Reason of Lesion persons who did not act in bad faith.
1. Rescission for breach of contract – In this case, indemnity for damages
is not predicated on injury to may be demanded from the person causing
economic interests of the party the loss.
plaintiff but on the breach of faith by
the defendant, that violates the
reciprocity of between the parties. Effect of Rescission
2. Rescission by reason of lesion or
economic prejudice or economic 1. Obligation of mutual restitution –
prejudice – the cause of action is rescission creates the obligation of
subordinated to the existence of that mutual restitution. There is no
prejudice, because it is raison d’etre obligation to restore if nothing has
as well as the measure of the right to been received. When the court
rescind. declares a contract rescinded, the
parties must return to each other (a)
ART. 1382. Payments made in a state of the object of the contract with its
insolvency for obligations to whose fruits and (b) the price thereof with
fulfillment the debtor could not be compelled legal interest
at the time they were effected, are also 2. Abrogation of contract – when a
rescissible. rescission is granted, it has the effect
of abrogating the contract in all
ART. 1383. The action for rescission is
respects. The party seeking rescission
subsidiary; it cannot be instituted except
cannot ask performance as to part and
when the party suffering damage has no other
rescission as to remainder.
legal means to obtain reparation for the same
3. Obligation of third person to restore
ART. 1384. Rescission shall be only to the – the clause “he who demands
extent necessary to cover the damages rescission” applied also to third
caused. persons. Of course, if the third person
has nothing to restore, the article does
The entire contract need not be set aside by
not apply.
rescission if the damage can be repaired or
covered by partial rescission. When Rescission Not Allowed
ART. 1385. Rescission creates the obligation 1. If the party who demands rescission
to return the thing which were the object of cannot return what he is obliged to
the contract, together with their fruits, and the restore under the contract
price with its interest; consequently, it can be 2. Neither shall rescission take place, if
carried out only when he who demands the property is legally in the
rescission can return whatever he may be possession of a third person who
obliged to restore. acted in good faith.
Neither shall rescission take place Mutual Dissent – where the parties agree to
when the things which are the object of the cancel their contract and mutually return the
object and cause thereof. This is to be Under the second paragraph, the sale
distinguished from rescission to E is not presumed fraudulent. The
creditors of R must show that the
ART. 1386. Rescission referred to in Nos. 1
conveyance will prejudice their
and 2 of Article 1381 shall not take place with
rights. However, the presumption of
respect to contracts approved by the courts.
fraud will arise in case the sale was
ART. 1387. All contracts by virtue of which made by R after some judgment has
the debtor alienates property by gratuitous been rendered against him or some
title are presumed to have been entered into writ of attachment has been issued
in fraud of creditors, when the donor did not against him.
reserve sufficient property to pay all debts
contracted before the donation. b) Suppose again that C, a creditor of R,
has obtained a judgment or writ of
Alienations by onerous title are also attachment in his favor. Then R sold
presumed fraudulent when made by persons to D another parcel of land which has
against whom some judgment has been not been levied upon or attached.
rendered in any instance or some writ of The sale to D is also presumed
attachment has been issued. The decision or fraudulent because the law says “the
attachment need not refer to the property decision or attachment need not refer
alienated, and need not have been obtained by to the property alienated.”
the party seeking the rescission.
In addition to these presumptions, the c) E is another creditor of R. Does he
design to defraud creditors may have proved have the right to rescind the sale to D?
in any other manner recognized by the law of Yes, because the law says that “the
evidence. decision or attachment . . .need not
have been obtained by the party
EXAMPLES: seeking the rescission.”
(1) Alienation by gratuitous title. — R
made a donation of a parcel of land to E.
Before the date of the donation, R had ART. 1388. Whoever acquires in bad faith
contracted several debts. the things alienated in fraud of creditors, shall
indemnify the latter for damages suffered by
With the donation to E, the remaining them on account of the alienation, whenever,
property of R is not sufficient to pay all his due to any cause, it should be impossible for
debts. him to return them. \
Under the first paragraph, the donation is If there are two or more alienations,
presumed fraudulent unless proved the first acquirer shall be liable first, and so
otherwise. on successively.
(2) Alienation by onerous title. — Summary: If it is impossible for a purchaser
a) Suppose in the preceding example, in bad faith to return the thing alienated in
the contract is a sale. fraud of creditors, he shall pay for damages
to the creditors.
EXAMPLES: other person has a right to, or interest in, such
property and pays a full and fair price for the
(1) S sold his car to B in order to avoid the
same, at the time of such purchase, or before
payment of his debt to C, his creditor. B knew
he has notice of the claim or interest of some
of S’s purpose.
other person in the property.
If the sale is rescinded, B must return the car.
ART. 1389. The action to claim rescission
Should the car be destroyed with or without
must be commenced within four (4) years.
his fault, then C is entitled to be indemnified
for damages by B. For persons under guardianship and
for absentees, the period of four (4) years
(2) Suppose, B transferred the car to D who
shall not begin until the termination of the
also acted in bad faith. Then D sold it to E
former’s incapacity, or until the domicile of
who did not know of the purpose behind the
the latter is known.
previous conveyance.
Persons entitled to bring the action for
As the first acquirer. B is liable first. If he
cannot pay, then D will be liable.
1. The injured party or the defrauded
If B acted in good faith, the good or bad faith
of D is not important, except where D
2. His heirs, assigns, or successors in
connived with S to make B a mere innocent
interest; or
intermediary in which case D can be held
3. The creditors of the above entitled to
(3) Without making any inquiry, B bought a
Right of Ordinary Creditors to Sue for
parcel of land from S, who is not the
registered owner, although the land object of
the transaction is registered. May B be An ordinary creditor (e.g., lender) does not
considered a purchaser in good faith? have such material interest as to allow him to
sue for rescission of a contract of sale of real
No. “One who buys from one who is not the
property by his debtor.
registered owner is expected to examine not
only the certificate of title but all factual
circumstances necessary for him to determine
if there are any flaws in the title of the
transferor or in his capacity to transfer the RESCISSIBLE CONTRACTS
ART. 1390. The following contracts are
*** voidable or annullable, even though there
may have been no damage to the contracting
Bad faith – does not simply connote bad
judgments or negligence. It imports a
dishonest purpose or some moral obliquity 1. Those where one of the parties is
and conscious doing of wrong. incapable of giving consent to a
Purchaser in good faith – one who buys the
property of another without notice that some
2. Those where the consent is vitiated by Rescission: barred from such
mistake, violence, intimidation, indemnification
undue influence or fraud.
ART. 1391. The action for annulment shall
These contracts are binding unless they are be brought within four (4) years. This period
annulled by a proper action in court. They are shall begin:
susceptible of ratification.
In case of intimidation, violence or
Meaning of annulment undue influence, from the time the defect of
the consent ceases.
Annulment is a remedy as well as a
sanction provided by law, for reason of In case of mistake or fraud, from the
public interest, for the declaration of the time of the discovery of the same.
inefficacy of a contract based on a defect or
And when the action refers to
vice in the consent of one of the contracting
contracts entered into by minors or other
parties in order to restore them to their
incapacitated persons, from the time the
original position in which they were before
guardianship ceases.
the contract was executed.
NOTE: Direct court action is necessary to
Difference between action for annulment
annul a voidable contract.
and action for rescission
ART. 1392. Ratification extinguishes the
1. Annulment: based on vitiation of
action to annul a voidable contract.
Rescission: based on lesion to one of Ratification – one under no disability
the parties or to a third person voluntarily adopts and gives sanction to some
defective or unauthorized contract, act, or
2. Annulment: may be brought only by proceeding which, without his subsequent
a party to the contract sanction or consent, would not be binding.
Rescission: also, by a third person
who suffered damage by reason of the Effects of Ratification
contract - it cleanses the contract from all of its
3. Annulment: a principal action defects from the moment it was constituted.
Rescission: subsidiary The contract thus becomes valid.
4. Annulment: presupposes that the
contract is legally defective ART. 1393. Ratification may be effected
Rescission: the contract was validly expressly or tacitly. It is understood that there
entered into is a tacit ratification if, with knowledge of the
5. Annulment: seeks the imposition of reason which renders the contract voidable
sanction by law on the guilty party for and such reason having ceased, the person
reason of public interest who has a right to invoke it should execute an
Rescission: a remedy allowed by law act which necessarily implies an intention to
on ground of equity waive his rights.
6. Annulment: Allowed even if the Kinds of Ratification
plaintiff has been indemnified
1. Express
2. Implied or tacit ART. 1397. The action for the annulment of
contracts may be instituted by all who are
thereby obliged principally or subsidiarily.
However, persons who are capable cannot
For implied ratification: allege the incapacity of those with whom they
contracted; nor can those who exerted
o There must be knowledge of the intimidation, violence, undue influence, or
reason which renders the contract employed fraud, or caused a mistake base
voidable their action upon these flaws of the contract.
o Such reason must have ceased
o The injured party must have executed Party entitled to bring an action to annul
an act which necessarily implies an
1. The plaintiff must have an interest in
intention to waive his right
the contract
For express ratification: 2. The victim and not the guilty party or
the party responsible for the defect is
o The same as those for implied the person who must assert the same
ratification except that the express
ratification is effected expressly Right of strangers to bring action

Confirmation, ratification, or recognition 1. Person without material interest in

contract – has no legal capacity to
o Confirmation – tends to cure the vice challenge the validity of such contract
of nullity 2. Creditors of victim or aggrieved
o Ratification – is for the purpose of party – strangers, therefore, even the
giving authority to a person who creditors of the victim or aggrieved
previously acted in the name of party, are without right or personality
another without authority to bring the action for they are not
o Recognition – merely to cure a defect obliged by the contract, principally or
of proof subsidiarily, unless they are
ART. 1394. Ratification entered into by an prejudiced in their rights with respect
incapacitated person may be ratified by: to one of the contracting parties, and
can show detriment which would
a. A guardian positively result to them from the
b. The injured party himself, provided, contract in which they had no
he is already capacitated intervention.
ART. 1395. Ratification does not require the 3. Plaintiffs in a representative suit –
conformity of the contracting party who has allowed to take action for annulment
no right to bring the action for annulment ART. 1398. An obligation having been
(guilty party). annulled, the contracting parties shall restore
ART. 1396. Ratification cleanses the to each other the things which have been the
contract from all its defects from the moment subject matter of the contract, with their
it was constituted. fruits, and the price with its interest, except in
cases provided by law.
In obligations to render service, the value UNENFORCEABLE CONTRACTS
thereof shall be the basis for damages.
ART. 1403. The following contracts are
ART. 1399. When the defect of the contract unenforceable, unless they are ratified:
consists in the incapacity of one of the
1. Those entered into the name of
parties, the incapacitated person is not
another person by one who has given
obliged to make any restitution except insofar
no authority or legal representation,
as he has been benefited by the thing or price
or who has acted beyond his powers
received by him.
2. Those that do not comply with the
ART. 1400. Whenever the person obliged by Statute of Frauds as set forth in this
the decree of annulment to return the thing number. In the following cases an
can not do so because it has been lost through agreement hereafter made shall be
his fault, he shall return the fruits received unenforceable by action, unless the
and the value of the thing at the time of the same, or some note or memorandum
loss, with interest from the same date. thereof, be in writing, and subscribed
by the party charged, or by his agent;
If the thing is lost without his fault, there is
evidence, therefore, of the agreement
no more obligation to return such thing. But
cannot be received without the
in such a case, the other cannot be compelled
writing, or a secondary evidence of its
to restore what in virtue of the decree of
annulment he is bound to return.
a) An agreement that by its terms is
ART. 1401. The action for annulment of not to be performed within a year
contracts shall be extinguished when the from the making thereof
thing which is the object thereof is lost b) A special promise (by guarantor)
through the fraud or fault of the person who to answer for the debt, default, or
has a right to institute the proceedings. miscarriage of another (principal)
c) An agreement made in
If the right of action is based upon the consideration of marriage, other
incapacity of any one of the contracting than a mutual promise to marry
parties, the loss of thing shall not be an d) An agreement for the sale of
obstacle to the success of the action, unless goods, chattels, or things in
said loss took place through the fraud or fault action, at a price not less than Five
of the plaintiff. hundred pesos, unless the buyer
ART. 1402. As long as one of the contracting accept and receive part of such
parties does not restore what in virtue of the goods and chattels, or the
decree of annulment he is bound to return, the evidences, or some of them, of
other cannot be compelled to comply with such things in action, or pay at the
what is incumbent upon him (unless the party time some part of the purchase
offers to pay for the thing lost under his care). money; but when a sale is made
by auction and entry is made by
*** the auctioneer in his sales book, at
the time of the sale, of the amount
and kind of property sold, terms
of sale, price, names of the property relations both with respect to their
purchasers and person on whose present and future property.
account the sale is made, it is a
Donations by reason of marriage
sufficient memorandum.
(donations propter nuptias) – are those
e) An agreement for the leasing for a
which are made before its celebration, in
longer period than one year, or for
consideration of the same and in favor of one
the sale of real property of an
or both of the future spouses
interest therein.
f) A representation as to the credit of Modes of satisfaction of the statute
a third person
3. Those where both parties are 1. The giving of a note or memorandum
incapable of giving consent to a 2. Acceptance and receipt of part of the
contract. goods (or things in action) sold
3. Payment at the time some part of the
purchase price
Unenforceable contracts – those that cannot Enforceability of electronic transactions
be enforced in court or sued upon by reason
of defects provided by law until and unless - electronic data message, electronic
they are ratified according to law. documents, and electronic signatures have
the same legal effect validity and
Binding force of unenforceable contracts enforceability as any other document or legal
- valid but unenforceable unless they
are ratified ART. 1404. Unauthorized contracts are
governed by Article 1317 and the principles
Kinds of unenforceable contracts
of agency in Title X of this Book.
1. Those entered into in the name by one
ART. 1405. Contracts infringing the Statute
without or acting in excess of
of Frauds, referred to in No. 2 of Article
authority (in which case, this is
1403, are ratified by the failure of the object
known as unauthorized contract)
of prestation of oral evidence to prove the
2. Those that do not comply with the
same, or by the acceptance of benefits under
Statute of Frauds
3. Those where both parties are
incapable of giving consent Modes of ratification under the Statute
Statute of Frauds – is descriptive of statutes 1. Failure to object – the failure to so
which require certain classes of contracts to object amounts to a waiver and makes
be in writing the contract as binding as if it had
been reduced to writing
Marriage settlements (ante-nuptial
2. By acceptance of benefits – one who
contracts) – are agreements entered into the
has enjoyed the benefits of a
future spouses before the celebration of
transaction should not be allowed to
marriage and in consideration thereof, for the
repudiate its burden.
purpose of fixing the conditions of their
ART. 1406. When the contract is enforceable after regaining capacity, ratifies the
under the Statute of Frauds, and a public contract, it becomes voidable.
document is necessary for its registration in
ART. 1408. Unenforceable contracts cannot
the Registry of Deeds, the parties may avail
be assailed by third persons.
themselves of the right under Article 1357.
Right of a party where contract is
For the application of this provision, there ART. 1409. The following contracts are
must be a valid agreement and the agreement inexistent and void from the beginning:
must not infringe the Statute of Frauds.
1. Those whose cause, object or purpose
1. Accordingly, a party to an oral sale of is contrary to law, morals, good
real property cannot compel the other customs, public order or public policy
to put the contract in a public 2. Those which are absolutely simulated
document for purposes of registration or fictitious
because it is unenforceable unless, of 3. Those whose cause or object did not
course, it has been ratified. exist at the time of the transaction
2. Similarly, the right of one party to 4. Those whose object is outside the
have the other execute a public commerce of men
document is not available in a 5. Those which contemplate an
donation of realty when it is in a impossible service
private instrument because the 6. Those where the intention of the
donation is void. parties relative to the principal object
of the contract cannot be ascertained
ART. 1407. In a contract where both parties
7. Those expressly prohibited or
are incapable of giving consent, express or
declared void by law
implied ratification by the parent, or
guardian, as the case may be, of one of the These contracts cannot be ratified. Neither
contracting parties shall give the contract the can the right to set up the defense of illegality
same effect as if only one of them were be waived.
Void contracts – those which, because of
If ratification is made by the parents certain defects, generally produce no effect at
or guardians, as the case may be, of both all. They are considered as inexistent from its
contracting parties, the contract shall be inception or from the very beginning.
validated from the inception. (Usually if illegal)
When unenforceable contract becomes a Inexistent contracts – refer to agreements
voidable contract which lack one or some or all of the elements
or do not comply with the formalities which
o If both parties are incapacitated, it is
are essential for the existence of a contract
o If the parent or guardian of one of the
parties, or one of the parties himself
Characteristics of Void or Inexistent NOTE: “in pari delicto” means “in equal
Contracts fault”
1. Produces no effect whatsoever, being In pari delicto – a universal doctrine which
void or inexistent from the beginning holds that no action arises, in equity or at law,
2. It cannot be cured or validated either from an illegal contract; no suit can be
by time or ratification maintained for its specific performance, or to
3. The right to set up the defense for the recover the property agreed to be sold or
declaration of illegality, inexistence, delivered, or money agreed to be paid, or
or absolute nullity cannot be waived damages for its violation; and where the
4. The action or defense for the parties are in pari delicto, no alternative relief
declaration of its illegality, of any kind will be given to one against the
inexistence, or nullity does not other.
ART. 1412. If the act in which the unlawful
5. The defense of illegality, inexistence,
or forbidden cause consists does not
or absolute nullity is not available to
constitute a criminal offense, the following
third persons whose interests are not
rules shall be observed:
directly affected
6. It cannot give rise to a valid contract 1. When the fault is on the part of both
7. Its invalidity can be questions by parties, neither may recover what he
anyone affected by it has given by virtue of the contract, or
demand the performance of the
ART. 1410. The action or defense for the
other’s undertaking
declaration of the inexistence of a contract
2. When only one of the contracting
does not prescribe.
parties is at fault, he cannot recover
ART. 1411. When the nullity proceeds from what he has given by reason of the
the illegality of the cause or object of the contract or ask for the fulfillment of
contract, and the act constitutes a criminal what has been promised him. The
offense, both parties being in pari delicto, other, who is not at fault, may demand
they shall have no action against each other, the return of what he has given
and both shall be prosecuted. Moreover, the without any obligation to comply
provisions of the Penal Code relative to the with his promise
disposal of effects or instruments of a crime
ART. 1314. Interest paid in excess of the
shall be applicable to the things or the price
interest allowed by the usury laws may be
of the contract.
recovered by the debtor, with interest thereon
This rule shall be applicable when from the date of the payment
only one of the parties is guilty; but the
ART. 1414. When money is paid or property
innocent one may claim what he has given,
delivered for an illegal purpose, the contract
and shall not be bound to comply with his
may be repudiated by one of the parties
before the purpose has been accomplished, or
before any damage has been caused to a third
person. In such case, the courts may, if the
public interest will thus be subserved, allow amount in excess of the maximum price
the party repudiating the contract to recover allowed may recover such excess.
the money or property.
ART. 1418. When the law fixes, or
Recovery where contract for an illegal authorizes the fixing of the maximum
purpose number of hours of labor, and a contract is
entered into whereby a laborer undertakes to
1. The contract is for an illegal purpose
work longer than the maximum thus fixed, he
2. The contract is repudiated before the
may demand additional compensation for
purpose has been accomplished or
service rendered beyond the time limit.
before any damage has been caused to
a third person ART. 1419. When the law sets, or authorizes
3. The court considers that public the setting of a minimum wage for laborers,
interest will be subserved by allowing and a contract is agreed upon by which
recovery laborer accepts a lower wage, he shall be
entitled to recover the deficiency.
“Article 1414 is one instance (the other is Art.
1416.) when the law allows recovery by one ART. 1420. In case of a divisible contract, if
of the parties even though both of them have the illegal terms can be separated from the
acted contrary to law.” (Report of the Code legal ones, the latter may be enforced.
Commission, p. 27.)
Where the consideration is entire and single,
ART. 1415. Where one of the parties to an the contract is indivisible (or entire) so that if
illegal contract is incapable of giving part of such consideration is illegal, the
consent, the courts may, if the interest of whole contract is void and unenforceable.
justice so demands, allow recovery of money
Divisible contract Vs. Divisible obligation
or property delivered by the incapacitated
person. Divisible contract: the test is divisibility of
its cause; refers to the cause
ART. 1416. When the agreement is not
illegal per se but is merely prohibited, and the Divisible obligation: the test is susceptibility
prohibition by the law is designed for the of partial performance; refers to the
protection of the plaintiff, hey may, if public prestation or object
policy is thereby enhanced, recover what he
has paid or delivered. ART. 1421. The defense of illegality of
contracts is not available to third persons
NOTE: The rule on pari delicto has been whose interests are not directly affected.
interpreted as applicable only where the fault
on both sides is, more or less, equivalent. It Meaning, if the interest of the third person is
does not apply where one party is literate or prejudiced, he may use the defense of
intelligent and the other one is not. illegality of contract.

ART. 1417. When the price of any article or ART. 1422. A contract which is the direct
commodity is determined by statute, or by result of a previous illegal, is also void and
authority of law, any person paying any inexistent.
NATURAL OBLIGATIONS right to recover the same from the obligee
who has spent or consumed it in good faith.
ART. 1423. Obligations are civil or natural.
Civil obligations give a right of action to ART. 1428. When, after an action to enforce
compel their performance. Natural a civil obligation has failed, the defendant
obligations, not being based on positive law voluntarily performs the obligation, he
but on equity and natural law, do not grant a cannot demand the return of what he has
right of action to enforce their performance, delivered or the payment of the value of the
but after voluntary fulfillment by the obligor, service he has rendered.
they authorize the retention of what has been
ART. 1429. When a testate or intestate heir
delivered or rendered by reason thereof.
voluntarily pays a debt of the decedent
Some natural obligations are set forth in the
exceeding the value of property which he
following articles.
received by will or by the law of intestacy
ART. 1424. When a right to sue upon a civil from the estate of the deceased, the payment
obligation has lapsed by extinctive is valid and cannot be rescinded by the payer.
prescription, the obligor who voluntarily
NOTE: The heir is not personally liable
performs the contract cannot recover what he
beyond the value of the property he received
has delivered or the value of the service he
from the decedent.
has rendered.
ART. 1430. When a will is declared void
ART. 1425. When without the knowledge or
because it has not been executed in
against the will of the debtor, a third person
accordance with the formalities required by
pays a debt which the obligor is not legally
law, but one of the intestate heirs, after the
bound to pay because the action thereon
settlement of the debts of the deceased, pays
prescribed, but the debtor later reimburses the
a legacy in compliance with a clause in a
third person, the obligor cannot recover what
defective will, the payment is effective and
he has paid.
ART. 1426. When a minor between eighteen
Legacy – is the act of disposition by the
and twenty-one years of age who has entered
testator in separating from the inheritance for
into a contract without the consent of the
definite purposes, things, rights, or a definite
parent or guardian, after the annulment of the
portion of his property.
contract voluntarily returns the whole thing
or price received, notwithstanding the fact the
he has not been benefited thereby, there is no
right to demand the thing or price thus
ART. 1427. When a minor between eighteen
and twenty-one years of age, who has entered
into a contract without the consent of the
parent or guardian, voluntarily pays the sum
of money or delivers a fungible thing in
fulfillment of the obligation, there shall be no

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