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Volume XX, Issue 3 March 2011

This Month’s Meeting

“The Tales of Two Lonnies”
Sandy Patterson

1st Vice President:

Cody Patterson

2nd Vice President:

David Linton

Sheryl Governale
Lonnie Fausett will be informing us on how to sell our gold and
Secretary: Lonnie McCollouch will be telling us about refining gold. Great infor-
Alan Meyer mation from both of them, so you won’t want to miss this meeting!

Dave Deheer

Claims Director: President’s message on page 2.

Lonnie Fausett
Treasurer’s Report on page 2. This will be your last newslet-
Members at Large: Article on page 3 . ter if you have not paid your
Mike Governale
Kim Patterson Member sale items on page 4. dues! Send your dues to:
Donale Richan Raffle winners on page 5. NUPA
Leo Richan
Bob Shriber Business Ads on page 5. P.O. Box 13301
Hal Berry
Upcoming events on page 6. Ogden, Utah 84412
Newsletter Editor: Calendar of Events on page 7.

Donale Richan

Check out the N.U.P.A. website at: or
Current precious metal prices:
Gold: $1419.60
Silver: $35.90
From as of Mar. 13, 2011

Another month closer to spring and summer. It sure is taking its sweet ___ time
getting here. The weather just likes to tease us by letting us see how good it can
be before going back to how bad it can be. You still have plenty of time to get your
equipment oiled, greased, cleaned and ready to go.
Don’t forget the Rock Show coming up in April. There will be a sign-up sheet at
this month’s meeting. We are going to Topaz Mountain April 23 and 24, Easter
weekend. The Rock Club is supposed to be down there also and hopefully we can
get together with them. There will be sign-up sheets for this trip also. Donale and
Leo Richan will be the hosts for this field trip.
May 7 at 9:00 am will be road clean-up. If you haven’t helped with that little chore,
you need to try it. It’s work, but fun and we go to breakfast after on the club’s
May 14 will be the Spring Fling at the Shady Lane Park in Pleasant view, same as
always. The club furnishes hamburgers and hot dogs/bratwursts, club members
are asked to bring salads, deserts, chips, etc. This is a good opportunity to meet
other club members, talk about gold prospecting trips and finds and just have an
enjoyable afternoon. It usually starts around 10 am and goes to whenever.
No definite date for Osceola or Crescent Creek yet, but probably in May for both if
we can work it out.
I enjoyed Gary Holt’s talk last month about the Lost Josephine Mine. I was hoping
he would let our club plan an outing there, but guess not. The speaker’s this
month will be Lonnie and Lonnie, talking about where, how and ways to use your
gold and make it more profitable. Be sure to attend.
I will be asking you for comments on how much members would be willing to pay
for a Christmas dinner, so be thinking about it.
See you on March 22, 2011.
Sandy Patterson

What do you think of the newsletter printing? Isn’t the color fabulous?
Cleve Burr is the man! He has the Xerox ColorQube! It does low-cost
color, you only pay for what you use! It’s a great innovation with a
breakthrough in solid ink advanced multifunction technology. No more
runny ink cartridges...the ink is a solid chunk! Just think what this
would do for your work! If you’d like to learn more, contact Cleve Burr
Treasurer’s Report at 801-400-6830. You can see the quality in your hands when you read
Checking: $761.51 the newsletter! For those of you who get the email version of the
newsletter, you’re going to have to take my word on this...but I’m im-
Savings: $5,643.52 pressed with it!

I want to thank Bob Shriber for a few emails he recently sent me from an organization (that I now
vaguely remember hearing about from a friend of mine where I worked) called USA-ALL or Utah Shared
Access Alliance. They are acting on behalf of the people of Utah to stop the implementation of the De-
partment of Interior (DOI) Wild Lands Policy. One of the things they asked for was oversight hearings,
and they got them! They are working on protecting access to public lands in Utah and the entire coun-
I want to include some of the highlights of what the emails said.
“The USA-ALL president Paul Anderson, Executive Director Michael Swenson met with the senior
staff from Senators Hatch and Lee and Congressmen Bishop and Chaffetz offices. They reported to
their members that ALL of these members of Congress are 100% with us and are working hard to pro-
tect Utah. They then had a productive meeting with Senator Barraso's (R-WY) natural resource legisla-
tive assistant. The purpose was to discuss some possible legislative action to protect access to public
land and rural communities. After a quick lunch we attended the Congressional oversight hearing from 2
-7 PM. It was a very long hearing but proved interesting and even entertaining at times. Congressman
Bishop was on top of his game as he made statements and questioned witnesses. Again ALL of Utah is
lucky to have Congressman Bishop and his exceptional staff on our side. Witnesses of some notoriety to
Utah were Governor Herbert and Commissioner Mike McKee. Both did a great job. Governor Herbert
came across, cool, articulate, reasoned, and yet aggressive. Commissioner McKee really illustrated the
significant harm Wild Lands would likely have on local economies and rural communities. There were also
many other county commissioners and other experts. All did well. It really was great to see so many
members of Congress who seem to be on our side and who really grilled BLM Director Abbey and Wilder-
ness activist Peter Metcalf, owner and CEO of Black Diamond Equipment in Salt Lake City, UT. SUWA
had a good number of people there with their yellow "Wild Utah" buttons. Had we not shown up it would
have looked as though most in attendance were in favor of the Wild Lands policy. SUWA and USA-
ALL\AMA had fairly equal numbers there and helped restore balance to the gallery and provide support
for sympathetic members of Congress and friendly witnesses. To have not been at this hearing would
have been mistake and a missed opportunity.
There were no other obvious environmental groups represented there nor were there any other pro-
OHV access groups present. Based on much of the hearing and testimony (and the fact that Wild Lands
rescinds the Utah Leavitt Norton agreement) it is increasingly clear to us that Utah has become the
epicenter for these issues (we in no way are diminishing the significant impact bad policy has on other
western states or how much they may care) and the 2 Utah based organizations (USA-ALL and
SUWA) on opposite sides of these national issues seem to be leading the charge for their respective
supporters. It is ironic that 2 groups focused on land use policy in Utah are the face of opposing views
on the national stage. We can't help but see that we at USA-ALL and our partners at the AMA are
packing a lot of water for not only Utah and our members but indeed for the entire country. We are at
the tip of the spear. Lets just hope we have the support and ability to prevail on these arguments. The
alternative or a loss would be disastrous.”
Another website that would be interesting to visit is:
This organization, USA-ALL or Utah Shared Access Alliance, works on donations. If you are
interested in helping them, contact them at:

Dave Linton is starting a collection box at the meetings for

“Stamps For Cancer”. All you need to do is tear off the
stamps you get on your mail and bring them in. (Don’t worry
about tearing them too close, he says, because they pay per
pound for the stamps!) This means when you get that birthday
card, Mom’s day, Dad’s day, anni-
versary card, Christmas card,
cheer-up card, any letter or card, (even a Newsletter)...just
tear off the stamp and bring it in! This is another way we
can help the fight against cancer!

How would you like to win a RP-4 Concentrating Table valued at

$2,200.00? Or how about a Keene 151 Vibrostatic Drywasher
valued at $1,500.00? 1 Ounce Placer gold, a Fisher Metal Detec-
tor, 20 One-ounce Englehardt Silver Rounds, or maybe a Keene
Super Concentrator?
Public Lands for the People (PLP) is having a fundraising raffle on
June 16, 2011, and these were just some of the prizes! Our club
is going to buy some of the raffle tickets to help the PLP!
There are many more prizes to win, too! Like a 14kt Lapis Lazuli Pendant, a Diamond ring, 1-
year Membership Golden Caribou Mining, a Sunray XL–1 Detector Probe, a Keene A-5 (a)
Sluice Box and Copper Ore Book Ends!
Be sure to come to the meetings to learn more!

Map Quest really needs to start their directions

on # 5. I’m pretty sure I know how to get out of
my own neighborhood.

Wet Suit: Small wet suit for sale. Used but in good condition. Contact Donale at 801-589-2445
Items For Sale: Arctic Cat Snowmobile, low mileage, excellent condition...$1000. Western Field
12 Gauge pump shotgun, variable choke...$110. Appliance lift. BC (before China)...$35.00. Acety-
lene torch (commercial use) with rechargeable bottle, use for copper pipe soldering, brazing, sil-
ver solder. will melt silver...$125.oo. 20 gallon steel fuel tank. Fits pickup truck bed, great for car-
rying gasoline safely, rather than individual plastic cans...$90.00. 5 gallon Steel Jerry fuel cans,
$5.00 each. Empty 12 gauge shotgun shells for reloading. Over 100 casings. Great if you reload.
Cost less than 5 cents to reload each shell. Contact Frank Kuba at 801-643-5090.

Post your items here. It’s free to club members!


The problem with the gene pool is

that there is no lifeguard!

Do you have a business you’d like to see advertised in

the newsletter? Well here’s the breakdown of the cost. Door Prize Winners
Just let the newsletter editor have the information.

Bob Shriber
Ad Size 3 Months 6 Months 12 Months
Crevice Brush
1/4 page $3.00 $5.50 $10.00
Arlen Coats
1/2 page $4.50 $8.00 $15.00 Snappy Grips
Full Page Business Ad for 1 month $8.00
Donale Richan
20x Microscope Keychain
Cleve Burr Steve Larsen
Blue Pearls
Service & Solutions Executive (donated by David Linton)
Xerox Corporation
Cell : 801.400.6830 Just as a reminder, winners of
Fax : 801.535.8516 the door prizes are asked to bring
r efr eshm ent s for Ma rc h’s
Email: Meeting.
The Treasurer will gladly
reimburse you for this expense if
you give her your receipt.

Raffle Winners
Hal Berry
Dowsing Rods
Bob Henderson
Collection Box
Paul Silcox
Leo Richan
Claire Mackey
Sm. Nugget
Keith Wilcox
Lg. Nugget

March 22...General Meeting @ 7:00 pm. Lonnie

Fausett will be informing us on how to sell our gold and Lonnie
McCollouch will be telling us about refining gold. Great informa-
tion from both of them, so you won’t want to miss this meeting!
April 8, 9, & 10...Gemstone Junction Show...The club
will need volunteers for set-up and tear-down. Set-up will be on
Wednesday, April 6th, as always, this lets the vendors do their
set-up on Thursday, April 7. The club receives a space for free
doing this. We will also be needing people to man our booth for
al three days! This can be a lot of fun and a great way to meet
interesting people who might be interested in joining our club!
April 12...Board of Directors Meeting @ 7:00 pm.
April 22, 23, & 24...Topaz Mountain Outing ... Head towards Lyndyl Utah (comes be-
fore Delta on highway 6). About 5-6 miles south of Lyndyl, turn right on highway 174. You’ll go
past a BIG power plant on that road! Keep heading west for about 40-45 miles. Not quite sure
the exact distance! We’ll have signs up (hopefully) by the time you start to head out for the week-
end. Normally, Leo and I like to park in a little spot just after the pavement ends and the road be-
comes dirt (but still great to travel on). On Saturday night we’ll all get together for a potluck at
around 6:00pm, so plan on having some good food and conversation! For more information on
this outing, email us at or call 801-589-2445 or 801-589-2042
May 7...Road Clean-up...We meet at 9:00 am at Rocky Point in North Ogden. We’ll have
breakfast after we’re finished!
May 14...Spring Fling...This will be held at the Shady Lane Park again this year. The address
is 600 W. between 2700 N. and Pleasant View Drive. More info later.
May 20, 21 & 22...Rock Your World Show...This year, this event will be held at the
South Town Center. More info to come!
Upcoming Outings: Dates aren’t set yet!
May, June...Osceola and Crescent Creek
July...NUPA 5
Also we need to know how much you’d be willing to pay for your Christmas Din-
ner, so we can determine where we will be going this year.
Make sure you come to the meetings and put your input in for what and
where you’d like to do and go!

Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of it’s troubles,

it empties today of it’s strength.

March 2011
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 Director’s 9 10 11 12
Meeting 7:00pm
@ Airport

13 Daylight Savings 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 General 23 24 25 26
Meeting 7:00pm
@ Airport

27 28 29 30 31

April 2011
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 Director’s 13 14 15 16
Meeting 7:00pm
@ Airport

17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Topaz Mountain Outing

24 25 26 General 27 28 29 30
Meeting 7:00pm
@ Airport

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