Mock Exam

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Name of the course : Morality of Commercial Life

Course code : 30J302-B-6
Date of the examination :X
Duration of the examination: 3 hours
Lecturer: Willem van der Deijl ANR: 965260 (Willem) and 134484 (Pilar)
and Pilar Lopez-Cantero

Telephone number of the secretary’s office the Department: 2773

Code of honor

Students who participate in this examination adhere to the following:

I will take this examination to the best of my abilities, without seeking or

accepting the help of any source not explicitly allowed by the conditions of the

I have neither given nor received, nor have I tolerated others’ use of
unauthorized aid.

Not complying with the statement invalidates the examination for summative
use, that is, a grade will not be assigned to your completed examination.

Firm action will be taken in the event that academic fraud is discovered.
Dear students,

This exam consists out of five questions, worth 24 points in total. The final question is
a discussion question. Your final grade is determined by a division of the points that
you got by 24. 13.2 points are sufficient for a passing grade. In the real exam, there
will be 20 points, and 11 points will be sufficient for a passing grade (5.5).
Be precise and clear in your writing, as both will contribute to your grade.

You submit your exams by uploading it to Canvas>Morality of Commercial


Do not include your name in the exam or the file name, but include your student
number (SNR). Name the file ‘[Exam_Student number]’
Every question has a word target and a word limit. The word target provides an
indication of the number of words you need for a good answer. A word limit describes
a strict limit. We will not grade whatever exceeds the limit.
Good luck,

Willem and Pilar

Question 1: Ethical theories in business
Word target: 80-100 for each part (80-100 for a., and 80-100 for b.)
Word limit: 150 for each part

Many vaccine-producing corporations, such as Moderna, are facing a dilemma. They are
running behind on many of the deals that they have made with, mostly, developed
countries for the development of vaccines. They can either distribute vaccines more
evenly (also to developing countries), but this would come at the cost of profit
(because developing countries will likely pay less) and comes at the risk of contract
breach (which in turn, may cost them profits, due to fines).

a. What is the utilitarian solution to this problem? Describe the most important
considerations. 2 points
b. What is the deontological solution to this problem? Describe the most important
considerations. 2 points

Question 2: Tax Evasion

Word target: 80-100 for each part
Word limit: 150 for each part

a. Explain in your own words what tax competition between countries entails. Explain
why we may expect countries like The Netherlands to be tax havens. 2 points
b. In The Netherlands, during the 2017 government formation for Rutte III, the
negotiating parties agreed that the dividend tax – a tax paid primarily by foreign
owners of Dutch shares – would be abolished, while no party had campaigned, or
planned, for the abolishment of this tax. Explain the democratic argument against tax
competition, using this example. 2 points
Question 3: Corporate Social Responsibility
Word target: 100-120 for each part
Word limit: 150 for each part

Worldwide, but particularly in West Africa, many children still work in chocolate
plantations. Use this example in this question.

a. Explain why, according to Milton Friedman, social issues, such as child laboring in
the chocolate industry, should not be resolved by corporations? 2 points

b. Provide two counter-arguments to Friedman’s argument to this effect. Use the

example of children laboring in the chocolate industry. 2 points

c. Explain the difference between “following the law” and “being a good corporate
citizen”, again, building on this example. 2 points
d. Explain why childfree chocolate production is a responsibility that is likely to be
ascribed to multinational corporations, according to the Corporate Citizen Approach. 1

Question 4: Free Market

Word target: 100-120 for each part
Word limit: 150 for each part

a. Given your understanding of free markets, explain an argument for a free

market in the case of the Covid-19 vaccine. 2 points.
b. Provide an argument against a free market in the case of the Covid-19 vaccine. 2
Question 5: discussion question
Word target: 300
Word limit: 350

Recently, in The Netherlands and elsewhere, debates have resurfaced on preferential

hiring: should organizations, and corporations in particular, give an advantage in the
hiring process to those candidates who are underrepresented in the profession and/or
at the corporation? Take a position on this question, and provide a clear
argumentation. 5 points

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