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Define TPC
2. Define centre of Pressure
3. What is free surface effect
4. State the formula for calculating centre of pressure
5. Define FWA
6. What is MCTC
7. What do you understand by transverse BM
8. State Attwood formula and its use
9. Define GM
10. State wall sided formula and what is its use
11. Explain the effect freeboard and beam have on the stability of a vessel
12. Write a note on stability of a vessel at large angles of heel
13. Derive FWA formula
14. Derive TPC formula
15. Explain how list with zero GM can be calculated
16. Derive a formula for transverse BM
17. Derive formula for calculating COP for curvilinear with horizontal ordinates
18. Derive formula for calculating COP for curvilinear with vertical ordinates
19. Explain how partially full tank affects the stability of a vessel
20. Derive a formula for calculating angle of loll.
21. What is critical period during dry docking?
22. What is critical instant during dry docking?
23. What do you understand by virtual loss GM during dry docking?
24. What is synchronized rolling?
25. What is the dynamical stability?
26. List different types of dry docks available. What is the difference between dry
docking and grounding as far as stability calculations are concerned?
27. What is angle of loll?
28. What are the dangers of deck cargo?
29. What do you understand by parametric rolling?
30. What do you understand by rolling synchronism?
31. Differentiate between dry docking and grounding
32. Explain theory of rolling and synchronism
33. Explain parametric rolling
34. What are the dangers to a vessel with heavy list
35. Explain the sequence of corrective action for a vessel at angle of loll
36. Explain how dynamical stability of ship can be calculated by GZ curve
37. List precautions to be taken when carrying deck cargo – with respect to stability of a
38. Derive a formula for calculating virtual GM during dry docking by KG method
39. Derive a formula for calculating virtual GM during dry docking by KM method
40. State the purpose of statical stability curve.
41. What is bilging?
42. What is permeability?
43. Define shearing force.
44. Define bending moment
45. What is loadicator?
46. What is the purpose of inclining experiment?
47. State the formula for permeability
48. State the precautions for conducting inclining experiment
49. What are the effects of bilging?
50. What do you understand by load curve?
51. Explain how SF can be calculated
52. Explain how BM can be calculated
53. Compare a beam with a vessel with respect to stresses experienced
54. Explain how SF and BM of box shape vessel can be calculated
55. Explain different bilging cases with a midship compartment of a box shape vessel
56. List the uses of loadicator
57. Explain inclining experiment
58. Explain the role of freeboard during bilging

Define TPC
Tonnes Per Centimetre (TPC) is the number of tonnes required to cause the ship
to sink or rise by one centimetre.

Define FWA
Fresh Water Allowance FWA is the increase in draft when a ship goes from SW
to FW or vice versa.

Define Centre of Pressure

Centre of pressure is that point through which the thrust or total pressure may be
considered to act.

What is Free Surface Effect ?

When a vessel with a slack tank rolls at sea, the liquid in the slack tank would
move towards the lower side during each roll, thereby causing the angle of roll
and the period of roll to increase. Because the vessel behaves as if her GM has
been reduced, we say that a slack tank causes a virtual (imaginary) loss of GM.
This is called Free Surface Effect.

State the formula for calculating centre of pressure

Pressure = depth x density
The depth ‘z’ of the centre of pressure (COP) below the water surface (WS)
may be calculated by the formula z = I * ws
Where I * ws: is the moment of inertia or second moment of the immersed area
about the water surface expressed in m4 metres
A : is the area of the immersed portion in sq. mtrs
d : is the depth in metres of the geometric centre of the immersed portion below
the water surface

What is MCTC
MCTC is called the Moment to change Trim by 1 cm. To change the Trim i.e
the difference between the Forward and Aft draft by 1 cm, we need to move
weights in the fore and aft line of the ship.This then brings about a moment, and
the moment required to change the trim by 1 cm is given by:
MCTC = (W x GMl) / 100 x L
Where W is the displacement of the vessel in tonnes
GMl is the longitudinal metacentric height (m)
L is the Length between perpendiculars (m)
Since GMl is very large more than the ship’s length, use of BMl instead of GMl
will not make any appreciable change in the value of MCTC.

Therefore, MCTC = W x BMl / 100 L

What do you understand by transverse BM

Transverse Metacentric BM also referred to as BMt is the vertical distance

between the COB and the transverse metacentre M or Mt.
and is calculated by the formula: BM = I / V
Where I is the Moment of Inertia or the second moment of the water plane
area about the centre line of the ship expressed in m4
V is the volume of displacement in m3
BM so obtained would be in metres

For rectangular water plane the formula: BM = I /V = LB3 / 12V

For box shaped vessel the formula: BM = LB3 /12V = LB3 /12LBd
= B2 / 12d
For triangular shaped vessel BM = LB3 /12 (LBd /2) = B2 /6d

Define GM

It is the vertical distance between the Centre of Gravity ( COG / G) and the
metacentre (M). It is called the Metacentric height. GM is termed +ve when G is
below M or KG is less than KM and –ve when G is above M or KG is greater
than KM. When G & M coincide, it is called neutral stability

Explain the effect freeboard and beam have on the stability of a vessel.

On Freeboard
Greater freeboard means:
No change in initial Fluid GM.
Deck edge immerses at a greater angle of heel.
GZ values are unaffected until the deck edge immerses but thereafter GZ values
are greater.
Greater angle of stability.

On Beam
Greater beam ( breadth ) means:
Greater initial Fluid GM.
Deck edge immerses at a small angle of heel.
Greater values of GZ at all angles of heel.
Greater range of stability
Derive FWA formula

Consider a ship floating in SW at load Summer draft at waterline WL.

Let volume of SW displaced at this draft be ‘V’.
Now let W1L1 be the waterline for the ship when displacing the same mass of
fresh water.
Let ‘v’ be the extra volume of water displaced in FW.
Total volume of fresh water displaced will be V + v.
Mass = Volume x density
Mass of SW displaced = 1.025V
Mass of fresh water displaced = 1.000 (V + v)
But mass of FW displaced = Mass of SW displaced, since the weight of the ship
does not change.
1.025V = 1.000(V + v)
Or 1.025V – 1.000V = v
Or 0.025V =v
0.025 = v / V
or 25 / 1000 = v / V
Or 25V = v x 1000
v = 25V/ 1000
or v = V / 40
Assume that ‘w’ is the mass of SW in volume v and ‘W’ in volume V,
Then, replacing the factor as obtained above we get:
w = W/40
But w is a factor that is a product of the FWA and the TPC
Now since the FWA is in mm and the TPC is in cm, they both have to be
converted to metres
w = FWA x TPC
We also know: w = W / 40
Therefore, FWA x TPC = W / 40
Or FWA = (W / 40) / TPC
Or FWA = W
40 TPC

Derive TPC formula

Increase in u/w volume = Area of the water plane --- (call it A) x 1 cm height
Or W = A /100 x density of SW
Or W = A / 100 x density of FW
Or W = A / 100 x density of DW
Explain how list with zero GM can be calculated

When the initial GM fluid is zero and a weight is shifted transversely, the
approximate list caused can be calculated by the formula:

Tan Θ = 3√ 2 GG1 / BM

Derive the formula for list when Initial GM is zero

The derivation of the formula is as follows:

G Z G1

B B1

In the above figure B & G are the initial positions of the COB and the COG.
G1 is the position of the COG after the transverse shift of weight. The ship will
now incline transversely until th COB shifts to B1 which is directly under G1

If you now insert the horizontal line GZ you will notice that GZ represents the
listing lever.

As per wall sided formula GZ = Sin Θ = (GM + ½ (BM Tan 2 Θ)

But as you will see from the foregoing figure
GZ = GG1 Cos Θ
So, GG1 Cos Θ = Sin Θ ( GM + ½ BM Tan 2 Θ)
Inserting GM = 0 and dividing both sides by Cos Θ
GG1 = ½ (BM Tan3Θ) or Tan Θ = 3√ 2 GG1 / BM
Derive a formula for transverse BM

For rectangular water plane the formula is :

BM = I /V = LB3 / 12V
Where I is the Moment of Inertia or the second moment of the water plane
area about the centre line of the ship expressed in m4
V is the volume of displacement in m3
BM so obtained would be in metres

For box shaped vessel the formula is :

BM=I/V=LB3/12V=LB3/12LBd = B2 / 12d

For triangular shaped vessel the formula is:

BM=I/V = LB3 /12 (LBd /2) = B2 /6d

Derive formula for calculating COP for curvilinear with horizontal



y dx

Considering the elemental strip:

Area of elemental strip = y.dx
1st moment about WS = y.dx.x = yx.dx
By parallel axes
I *ws of element strip = y.dx3+ y dx.x2
Since dx is very small, dx3 is negligible
Therefore, I *ws of element strip = yx2.dx

Considering the whole immersed portion:

Area = Σy.dx
Ist moment about ws = Σ yx.dx
I *ws = Σ yx2.dx
So, if y, yx and yx2 are put through Simpson’rules, the immersed area, the first
moment of area about ws and the moment of inertia of the immersed area about
ws can be obtained.

SOP of Area functions = y x SM

SOP of 1stMoments *ws functions = SOP of Area functions x Levers
SOP of I*ws functions = SOP of 1st Moment *ws functions x Levers

Z = I*ws= h/3 (SOP for I*ws)

Ad h/3 (SOP for 1st mom)
So, z = SOP of I*ws function
SOP of 1st mom *ws function
KP = Sounding - z
Thrust = Pressure at GC x Immersed area
= Depth of GC x density x Area
= SOP 1st Moment of Area x density

Derive formula for calculating COP for curvilinear with vertical ordinates

w s

Considering the elemental strip:

Area = y.dx
1st moment about TT = y.dx.y/2 = (y2.dx) / 2
I*TT immersed area = (y3.dx) / 3
So, if y, y2/2 and y3/3 are put through Simpson’s rules the immersed area,
the first moment of area about TT and the moment of inertia of the immersed
area about TT may be obtained

SOP of Area functions = y x SM

SOP of y2 function = SOP of Area function x Levers
SOP of y3 function = SOP y2 function x Levers
Area = h /3 (SOP Area function)
Ist moment about TT = h (SOP y2 function)
3 2
I*TT immersed area = h (SOP y3 function)
3 3
Depth of GC below TT = Ist moment about TT
h /3 (SOP Area function)
By theorem of parallel axis:
I*GG = I*TT – h /3 (SOP Area function) x depth of GC below TT
I*ws = I*GG + h /3 (SOP Area function) x (h + depth of GC below TT)2
Z = I*ws= I*ws
Ad h /3 (SOP Area function) (h + depth of GC below TT)

KP = Sounding – Z

Derive a formula for calculating angle of loll.

At the angle of loll, GZ = 0

Therefore either Sin Θ = 0 or (GM +1/2 BM Tan2 Θ )= 0
If Sin Θ = 0 then Θ = 0
But then angle of loll cannot be zero, therefore
(GM +1/2 BM Tan2 Θ) = 0
½ BM Tan2 Θ = 0
½ BM Tan2Θ = -GM
BM Tan2Θ = -2GM
Tan2 Θ = - 2GM

Tan Θ = √ -2GM

The angle of loll is caused by a negative GM, therefore Tan Θ = √ -2GM


Or Tan Θ = √ 2GM

State wall sided formula and what is its use

For small angles of heel up to about 15 ° wherein KM and hence GM may be

considered constant, GZ = GM x Sin Θ

The use of Wall sided formula is for calculating the moment of statical stability
at large angle of heel exceeding 15 degrees
GZ = Sin Θ (GM + ½ BM xTan 2 Θ
Write a note on stability of a vessel at large angles of heel
State Attwood formula and its use
Explain how partially full tank affects the stability of a vessel

When a vessel with a slack tank (partly full) tank rolls at sea, the liquid in the
slack tank would move towards the lower side during each roll thereby causing
the angle of roll and the period of roll to increase. Since the vessel behaves in
such a manner, we say that a slack tank causes a virtual (imaginary) loss of GM.

The virtual loss of GM can be calculated quite easily and is called Free Surface
Correction (FSC). In order to indicate whether FSC has been applied or not, the
GM before subtracting FSC is called “Solid GM” and after subtracting FSC is
called “ Fluid GM”.

FSC depend on the length and breadth ( mainly breadth) of the slack tank. The
quantity of liquid in the slack tank makes only a very small difference. FSC can
be calculated by the formula FSC = i x di

V x do

Where i is the moment of inertia of the slack tank surface about its centreline in
V is the volume of displacement of the ship in m3
di is density of liquid in the slack tank in tm3
do is the density of water outside (in which the ship is floating) in tm3
FSC is the free surface correction in m caused by this slack tank

Since displacement = volume of displacement x density of water displaced, the

denominator in the above formula may be substituted by W ( displacement in
tonnes). The formula then becomes:
i x di

FSC = -------, where i x di is called free surface moment in tm.

Since I is in m4 and di is in tm3, i.di would be in tm and is hence called the Free
Surface Moment or FSM.
When several tanks are slack on a ship, the FSM of each tank is calculated
separately and then added together to obtain the total FSM. This total FSM
divided by the final W of the ship would give the total FSC of all the slack
On a ship, the ‘i’ of each tank about the tank’s centre line is readily available in
the stability particulars supplied by the shipyard.

What is critical period during dry docking?

The interval of time between the stern post landing on the keel blocks and the
ship taking the keel blocks overall during dry docking is referred to as the
critical period.

What is critical instant during dry docking?

The most dangerous time is at the end of the critical period, called the Critical
Instant, when virtual loss of weight of the ship, is acting at the stern frame only
and is maximum while the side shores are all not yet wedged tight. It is called
critical instant because maximum loss of GM occurs at this instant. If GM
becomes negative, the ship may capsize or slip from block.

What do you understand by virtual loss GM during dry docking?

During this critical period part of the weight of the ship is being borne by the
blocks and this creates an upthrust at the stern which increases as the water level
falls in the drydock. The upthrust causes a virtual loss in metacentric height and
it is essential that positive effective metacentric height be maintained
throughout the critical period or the ship will heel over and perhaps slip off the
blocks with disastrous results.

List different types of dry docks available. What is the difference between
dry docking and grounding as far as stability calculations are concerned?

 Marine Slipways.
 Floating Dry-dock.
 Graving Dry-dock.
 Mechanical Lift dry-docks.
The size of the ship usually determines which type is used.
 The Marine Slipway consists a cradle of wood or steel with rollers on
which the ship may be hauled out of the water along a fixed inclined track
leading up the bank of a waterway. A Marine Slipway is ideal for small
ships upto 5000 tons.

 A floating dry dock is a salvage platform that has floodable buoyancy

chambers in a "U" shaped cross-section that can support a ship. When
valves are opened to fill the chambers with water, the dry dock floats
lower in the water, allowing a ship to be moved into position inside. When
the water is pumped out of the chambers, the dry dock rises and the deck
is cleared of water allowing work to proceed on the ship’s hull.
From the shipmaster’s point of view, a floating drydock has one big
advantage over a graving type drydock: the drydock itself can be made to
have a trim in order to offset any adverse trim that the ship may have.

 The mechanical lift dry-dock is somewhat similar in action to the floating

dry dock. The vessel, after taking up on the keel and bilge blocks in the
dock, is bodily lifted clear of the water. The mechanical platform dock has
much more flexibility than other types and has increased greatly in size
and use.

 The graving dry-dock is the most common these days:

 A graving dock is a multi-purpose dock. It can be used for new
building, for repair, and for maintenance.
 It is built by an excavation in the ground with a thick concrete base
supported, if necessary, by piling and surrounded on three sides by
earth held back by stone, cement, or steel supports, or a combination
of these materials.
 The entrance, or seaward end of the dock, is usually closed by a heavy
gate of the sliding or open/close hinged type. The dock is flooded, the
gates are opened, and the ship enters the dry dock and is positioned
over the keel blocks. The gates are then closed, the dock is pumped
out and the ship settles on the keel blocks. This process is reversed
when the ship is ready to leave the dock.
 The keel blocks as well as the bilge blocks are placed on the floor of
the dock in accordance with the "docking plan" of the ship.
 Some fine-tuning of the ship's position is done by divers while there is
still some water left to manoeuvre about. It is extremely important that
supporting blocks conform to the structural members so that the ship
is not damaged when the blocks support its weight.
 Some ships have protruding constructions such as domes that
requiring hull of the ship be supported several meters from the bottom
of the dry-dock
After the stern has taken to the blocks, part of the weight of the ship gets
transferred to the blocks. Call it P tonnes. This is equivalent to the
discharge of weight from the location of the stern frame. Both KG and
AG of the discharged weight are zero metres. This results in:
a) Decrease in the hydraft of the ship
b) Decrease in the trim by the stern
c) Virtual rise of COG of the ship and consequent virtual loss of GM
The value of P at the stern frame increases as the water level drops
until the bow also takes to the blocks. Thereafter, P acts along the
entire keel and not only at the stern frame. The most dangerous time is
at the end of the critical period called the critical instant when P acting
at the stern frame only is maximum while the side shores are all not
yet wedged tight.

Calculation of P
1. During the critical period:
During the critical period the force P acts only at the after
perpendicular of the ship. So, its distance from the COF is the AF
of the ship. Trim = TM / MCTC = P x AF / MCTC
Or P = trim x MCTC / AF
2. After the critical period
3. After the ship has taken to the blocks at both ends, further drop in
the level of water would cause further transfer of weight to the keel
blocks but this would act all along the ship’s length and not only at
the stern frame. This increase of P after the critical period may be
calculated by multiplying the drop in water level after the critical
period by the TPC. The results obtained by this method are
approximate as TPC of a ship is not constant but changes with

What is angle of loll?

What is the dynamical stability?

Dynamical stability at any angle of heel is the work done in heeling the ship to
that angle. It is expressed in tonne- metre – radians. It is the product of the
displacement of the ship and the area under the curve of statical stability upto
the angle of heel for which it is desired to calculate for dynamical stability.

What are the dangers of deck cargo?

Vessel with deck cargo will have weight distribution both above and below the
main deck. Because of this, the KG of the vessel with deck cargo will be
numerically greater than the KG of the vessel without deck cargo. This will
result in lower GM value for a vessel with deck cargo. Since RM = GZ x Sin if
GM reduces, the Righting Moment RM of the vessel also reduces. Thus the
ability to upright herself against heeling forces reduces. Thus the effect of deck
cargo is to reduce the stability of the vessel due to reduction of GM

What is synchronized rolling? 

How to determine:

Vessel rolling heavily.

There is no period of lull, rolling angle is almost same or increasing in
every roll.
Vessel is encountered by the same phase of wave almost all the times.


Synchronized rolling to be determined immediately.

Occurs when the period of roll is equal or nearly equal to the apparent
period of encountered wave.
A very dangerous and undesirable condition.
Successive waves tend to increase the angle of roll of the vessel,
thereby produce danger of capsize.
More dangerous in small vessels or vessels with low stability.
Most dangerous when a beam sea is experienced and the ship reaches
a greater maximum inclination at each trough and crest of wave.
Danger of cargo shift.
Danger of damage to vessel.
Corrective actions:
Change apparent period of waves by:

Alteration of course
Alteration of speed

Change vessels rolling period by changing GM

By ballasting
By deballasting
Shifting of ballast, FO, FW etc and changing transverse position of G.

What do you understand by parametric rolling?

When the rolling period is equal to or twice the wave encounter period. When
the crest is in amid ship position, the ship rolls the maximum and also the GM is
reduced to minimum.
The most dangerous situation is when the ship pitches twice for every roll.
When the vessel pitches into the crest, the buoyancy increases and pushes the
ship on to other side causing violent roll, and this coupled with reduced GM
when the crest is amid ship, can cause the ship to capsize.
Action - Ship speed and course should be reduced in such a way that the above
condition is not met. For ship's loading condition with high GMs, i.e. shorter
natural roll period say around 10 second, the waves that could cause the
pitching period around 5 seconds are usually not very high and therefore
unlikely to initiate parametric rolling in head/stern seas. So the way to reduce
the roll is by heading into the sea.
For ship's loading conditions with low GMs, i.e. long natural roll periods,
parametric roll in head/stern seas of moderately high sea state is likely.
Container ships are more prone for parametric rolling.

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