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Form that are possible or likely 1 happen. {Fit ins, | won't go for a walk. If + present tense + will/won't + infinitive If go to Madkid, I'l visit the Prado. 1 Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 Tbe happy... 2 She wont pass her exams ... 3 He'll come to the party . 4 Ifwe climb faster... 5 Ifyou dont invite her ‘a ifshe doesn't study more, b ifit’s at the weekend. ¢ she'll be very upset. d if[ win the race. e welll get to the top of the hill before lunch. 2 Complete the sentences in the first conditional. Use the correct form of the verbs. If we don't leave (not leave) now, we'll miss (miss) the train. 1 Your mum .. . (be) angry ifyou - (do) if (wait) forme (have) seven years bad luck. (get) time, . (send) me an e-mail? . (not find) my glasses, 1 (not be able to) watch the film. {not phone), we . (ee) them at the concert. 3 Complete the advert in the first conditional. Use the correct form of the verbs. Gare Tears Interested in an exciting trip to Europe? Then contact Euro Tours. Ifyou holiday, we different countries. Or if you? . (book) a three-week (not have) much time, we ‘ (organise) a ten-day tour. If you travel alone, Euro Tours group tours. {All you have to do is contact Euro Tours on 0987 6453. If you". 10th May, you " iscount. And if you "™ happy with your holiday, we (give) you your money back! (aot be) @ Rewrite the sentences in the first conditional. He wants to visit Madrid to see Picasso's Guernica. Ifhe visite Madrid, he'll esa Pleasso's Guernlca. 1. When you don't exercise regularly, you get fat. Ifyou dont .. 2 She might visit Paris because she'd love to. see the Eiffel Tower. Eshe ... 3 We want to get a computer to play computer games, Ifwe 4 Tomorrow might be sunny so we could have apicnic. Iit’s © Oxford University Press ETS) Pea I BAA FAA WA BTA BTA BT A A 8 A BA Ae as © Oxford University Press| Time clauses with as soon as, before, when, while, unless, as long as, provided that Alter when, as soon as, before, while, unless, as long os and provided that we use the present tense {not wilh 11 stay with Joke when | go to london next week As soon as | get my exam resvits, I'm going on holiday. Before | go out tonight, ! have to finish this essay. While I'm away, Penny's going to look afer my dog. Ton’ be able to buy a car unless I indo job soon. 1 come with you as long as | don't have to dive, You'll pass your exam provided that you do enough revision. 1 Choose the correct words. 1 You cant go to the party unless / as long as you wear fancy dress. 2 Iilgo out fora meal provided that / unless you pay. 3. They can havea party as longs / unless there isn't too much noise. 4 Welll play football tomorrow provided that J unless it isn't raining. 5S Wee going to Seville in July as longas/ ‘unless Mandy changes her mind, 6 lend you the money as iong as / unless you promise to pay me back. 7 Tilbe there at eight o'clock unless / as long as the train isn't late. 8 Wewon't be able to get into the flat provided that / unless we find our keys. 9. He's going to get a job as scon as / while he leaves school. 10 Tsaw a strange git! as long as / whille I was waiting for the bus. 2 Complete the advertisement with the correct words. ‘Shydiwing ee begicnorei Ever wanted to jump out of plane at 10,000 metres? As long as you're over eighteen and under sixty, you can, Skydive offers parachute courses for beginners. you are fit and healthy, you could be jumping from a plane in ¥ just two days, F you do your first jump, beginners complete an intensive training course. 0 .. you know how to land correctly, ‘you'll be ready for your first jump. Oe the weather is bad, you'll do your first jump on day two, We'll film you sees yOu do it! Interested? Contact Skydive 3 Combine the sentences using the words in brackets, ll tell Sue the news, I'll see her this evening. (when) Ul tall Sue the Hows whan I ses her this evening. 1 Rob will phone us. He'll arrive. (as soon as) 2 Til get ready. You'll decide where to go. (while) 3 He'll let you see the painting. He'll finish it tomorrow. (when) 4 Let's do something. It'll be too late, (before) 5 Tim will fail his driving text. He must practise more. (unless) ConpinoNALS ‘Complete. ewe don't hurry, we»... (be) late. ( 3 2 If see her |. Tbe a our meen , | Reetezed by be 3° Ifyou're hungry, | ——~ (make) you a sandwich. i le i 4 ithe — a -———~ (not come) to the party, | will be very upset. i Loreena use i 5 ifshe . (G0) to Paris, she'll send me a postcard. i Regarding the verb to be, 6 ifwe (not be) busy, we'll come with you. ‘we use am, is, ae in 7 fhe does that again, dad (be) very angry. | sentences and 8 fhe ___ (not finish) his homework, he won't go out. |} am not, isn't, aren't in | 9 fhe ~~ (come), I'll tall to him. negative sentences, if 10 ifshe (hurry), she won't be late, il fut doesn't get up eaty, he will be late for school. |! | Heshe ten’t busy, she witt || come with us. Nj UL tfi¢rains,we (not go) our. 12. If they are lave, they (iss) the bus. 2 Complete. J) Ennene= (NOt ba) busy,|_—.__. (come) with you, 2 Hie (rain), we —____ (stay) at home. 31 (call) you if! _____ (have) time. 140 Ifshe (not study) hard, she (not pass) the test. 5 leche weather .__...__. (be) nico, we. (gu) to the beach. 6 You—_____ (get) fat if you __ (not stop) eating so much. 7 KI. (See) John, |_____. (tell) him about the party. 8 Mum (be) very angry if | — (not tidy) my room, 9 Ifwe_____ (not leave) now, we (miss) the bus, 10 You (not go) to the party Ifyou (not do) Your homework, 3. Match and make sentences, | wear a coat a get wee 2. go to bed late b have an accident 3° touch that hot pan © not be cold 4 take an aspirin d_ be tired tomorrow 5 not take an umbrella with you e._ feel better 6 not hurry f burn yourself 7 drive too fast g loseit 8 leave your bag here h be late U tfyou 2 Ifyou 3 Ifyou 4 Ifyou 5 Ifyou 6 Ifyou 7 Ifyou 8 Ifyou & Complete with the second con. liftenal. In the second type of conditional I} speech, ifs followed by past | simple. Regarding the verb t be ‘we can use were in all persons ( || lie Were, iFshe were etc.). fhe had time, he would help us. fhe didn’t eat so much, he would be thinner. Ifhe weren't so lazy, he would (fhe (exercise), he would be healthier if (be) you, | would call the police. 1... (buy) a new jacket if | had some money. t 2 3 24 1 (not help) him if | were you, 5 6 7 {would travel round the world if { Wfshe had time, she (go) to the gym. i (meet) an alien, | wouldn't be scared. >8 if! (go) to New York, ! would visit the Empire Seate building. (win) the lottery. 5 Lovie at Stanley's answers and torm senktnces. Use the second conditicasl. What would you de it? ! \ What would you do fyou won £10001 | i a spend it b save it ‘What would you do if you met your favourite actor? a fant b ask for an autograph ‘What would you do if you found a bag full of money on a bus? a giveit othe police yb keep ie ‘What would you do If you saw an alfent ‘ 2 take a picture of it” = start running 55. What would you do if you were alone on a desert island? 4. go fishing every day” = start crying 6 What would you do if you saw a ghost? 4 scream b say hello“ 7 What would you do if you saw a tiger in your garden? a keep te asa pet b not touch it Stanley Davis ne LN a Second conditional Second conditional Use We use the second conditional to talk about slivations which are imaginary or unlikely to happen. {Fl won the lotery, 'd ly o the moon. Form IF-+ past tense + would/wouldh't + infinitive If Clore had enough money, she'd buy @ motorbike. ‘1 Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 Sheld be better at tennis ... 2 What would you do .. 3 Ifhe played less football 4 Ifyou didnt stay up so late . 5 Ifhe could travel in time ... 8 he'd visit the future. b held have more time to do his homework. © you wouldnt be so tired. d if she practised more often. e ifyou sawa UFO? 2 Complete the sentences in the second conditional. Use the correct form of the verbs. They'd go (go) to the beach if it waa (be) hotter. . (lend) her the book if he (have) it. you + (do) iF .- (meet) a famous film star? . (speak) to (ask) her to? 4 (not play) computer games all the time, he .. (not get) so many headaches. 5 Ifall cars... .» (be) electric, there (be) less pollution. ‘ Rewrite the sentences in the second conditional, Twant to call her, but I can't remember her phone number. TET know hor phons aumbor, I'd call har. 1. She wants to travel around the world, but she's afraid of flying. Shed oa 2 Twantto have my own flat, but 'm too young. If 3 I'm busy at college so I don't often see my friends. MI 4. He's overweight because he never exercises. He... 5 Iwant to be a model, but I'm not tall enough. Ifl... 6 Iwant to surf the Internet, but I don't have computer. Ta 7 He wants to write more often, but he hasn't got the time. Held. @ Answer the questions. What would you do if you won £10,000 Ud buy a big motorbike. 1 What would you do if you won £10,000? 2 What would you do if you met your favourite pop singer? 3. What would you do if you found some money in the street? 4 What would you do if you saw an accident? 5 What would you do if you saw a ghost? © Oxdord University Press VVV VEU ELV TT ET BT OT TS I Ho 24 112.2 112.3 tag tag EJERSICIOS Completa las siguientes frases, 1 don’t know the answer, IfT...knew, the answer, I'd tell you. 2 Ihave car. Lcouldn’e travel very much if -didn’s have’ a car, 3 Tdon't want eo go out. f1 nnennnn 80 BO OU, go. 4 Wehavea’t gota key. Ifwe— key, we could get into the house. 5 Pmnot hungry. would have something to at if. 6 ‘Sueenjoys her work, She wouldn’s do it if she. 7 You can’t drive. If you... 8 Hespeaks too fuse, could understand 9 Thave alotto do today. fT. more slowly. nnn 80 MUCH 10 do, we could go oUt. (Completa las frases con fa forma correcta de-los verbos entre paréntesis, 1 I he.hed.. che money, he would buy a fast car, (hefhave) Be. waulde be happy if she lived in the country. (she/not/be) wenn t0 Italy. (Igo) 6 What would youdoif.. 7 Wsnota very good hotel. ~v~ennnnmennnen there if Twere you. (Unot/stay) 8 ft nearer London, we would go there more often. (wellive) 2 Iesa pity you have to gonow, -—vnntnnn hice if you had more time, (t/be) tr rape Being to take the job. ae nn beta the slay) 11. Idon't know anything about cars. Ifthe car broke down, (Vnotiienow) 12. Tf youcould change one thing in the world, what... alot of money? (you/win) we (have) a bigger house T (swatch) it it i ‘we (buy) a bigger house every day (be) the same I (be) bored we (have) some pictures on the wall the air (be) cleaner 1 Pd buy that jacket if lt was a. bit cheaper, 2 I there was a good film on TV tonight, 3 This room would be nicer if... 4 lf there wasn’t so much traffic, 5 Life would be boring if 6 If Lbad nothing to do, 7 Wecould invite all our friends to stay if... 8 Lfwehad more money, -eemnnun ‘Completa las frases como consideres conveniente. 1 Pd goto the dentistif Ahad a twotnache,. 2 II could go anywhere in the world, .. 3 wouldn't be very happy if... 4 Td buy ahouseif, : 5 Hel saw an accident in the street, 6 The world would be a better place if Traduce al inglés: 1 ‘Si tuvieras 60 afios no correrias tan rapido. 2 Se enfadaria Jenny si no la telefoneéramos para ir al cine? 3, Losnifosestarin contents silos llevaramos al cine, (levar = take) 4 Sino hiciera frio saldsfamos a dar un paseo, & gi hemana seria més feliz si no tuviera tantos problemas. (rants = 20 many) § Si viviéramos en Londres ifamos al teatro mas a menudo, 7 Simo estuviera tan cansado te ayudaria. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES, THE FIRST CONDITIONAL. 4 ESO © Ifyou hurry, we'll eatch the bus. >>>>>> If+ present + Future © Ifyou don’t hurry, we'll miss the bus >>>> If+ present + Future © Unless you hurry, we'll miss the bus, >>>> Unless + present + Future ° The price of oil goes up ifthere is a shortage >>> Present + if present The price of oil goes up when/whenever there is a shortage. When itis very cold, 1 dou’t cycle to work Ifyou are tired, go to bed. (don't go out)! >>>> Ift present + Imperative HEyou are hmgry, you ean make yourself sndwich, >> Tepreseat + modal Ifyou are ill, you should go to the doctor’s Ifhe invites me, I might go to the ifmy parents phone me, Imus go me at once. If somebody invites you to drink alcohol, you musin’¢ accept. 1, Rewrite the underlined words using the words in brackets, a. They won’t let her go into the concert unless she has a ticket. (IF) b, We won’t go and see that film if you don’t want to. (UNLESS) c. The doctor will not see you if you do not telephone him. (UNLESS) 4. You can’t go and stay at the the Johnsons’ unless they invite vou. (IF) e. You can’t be a sailor unless you can swim. (IF) £ Our team will be in trouble if we don’t win on Saturday. (UNLESS) eenone 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets or a modal + verb a. Ifyou don’t feel well, (go) to bed! & ‘Whenever I go on holiday, 1 (always/visit) museums. (dress) wannly Fits cold! 4. You Goad) tis book ff you have time. gL you got Spain in Aust, the weather (be) very warm indeed. ££ Whenever I do my homework, I (isten) to music at the same time. g. You (take) thé Baby for a walk if he’s restless. b. If you boil sugar, it (turn) into carame i. If she is angry, she Got/do) ier homework. Always the samel! bu re __"_“Greeze) water, it (tum) to ice. eeseerns (lore) ts vera sor] peocemon dhe mouse (use) the one in my office. (charge) more than $40, I (not pay). Whar ‘the pe, (ery). n (Get) plenty of exercise and fresh air whenever 1 ) to the mountains. o. Unless the lawyer (be) there personally, it (Ge) dificult to reach an ent with the old man. p. Ifyou (not watet) plants, they__(die). @. When he (smoke), he (not feel) well. 3. Make sentences based on the following situations. Use if, if..... wot or wiless. Example: J think it will rain tomorrow. We'll have to stay indoors. Ifit rains tomorrow, we'll have to stay indoors 1. You are driving much too fast. A police car might stop you. 2. want to organize a successful party. First of all I will choose a good location. 3. John wants to go to the football match. He must buy a ticket. 4. Sonia wants to lear to play tennis. She can take lessons from a professional. 5.1 won't go to the dentist on my own. Please come with me. 6. You dontt like my cooking. Don't eat it 7.1 might finish about ten o'clock tonight. I'll ring you then. 8. You have no parking permit. You can't park here, 9. David must practise more to be a really good pianist. 10. You must be more polite or people won’t like you. 11. You have to have a visa to enter China 4, Write the questions for the following answers 1. If the bus is late, we can take a taxi. What can we do if the bus is late? 2'Yes, I will come to the party ifI don’t have to work 3. David will buy if he passes his driving test. 4. No, [ won't speacto him even if he apologises, 5. I will put the picture in my home ifT buy a new one. FUTURE TIME CLAUSES, (time conjunction + subject + vert... , subject + verb+ As soon as | see her, I will tell her the truth Pll send her a mail as soon as | finish it The moment she arrives, we can have dinner [clean my tecth before Igo to bed When you come home, feed the dog! The ‘is cooler after it rains. After he finishes work, he’ll go home PH call you when I receive the parcel Before you hit the ground, your parachute will open Start studying once you arrive home ‘The plane won't take off til the fog its, Twon’t go for a walk until the rain stops

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