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Discrete Probability Distributions

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Memorial University

September 28, 2016

Memorial University of Newfoundland, September 28, 2016


Conditional Probability (Multiplicative Rule)

A welfare agency employs 10 workers. Periodically, a supervi-
sor selects 2 forms at random and audits them for illegal de-
ductions. Unknown to the supervisor, 3 of the workers have
regularly awarded illegal deductions to applicants. What is the
probability that both of the workers chosen have been giving
illegal deductions?
Counting Techniques (Multiplicative Rule)
There are 20 candidates for 3 different executive positions. How
many different ways could you fill the positions?

Memorial University of Newfoundland, September 28, 2016


Counting Techniques (Multiplicative Rule)

Suppose that there are 5 dangerous military missions each re-
quiring one soldier. In how many different ways can 5 soldiers
from a squadron of 100 be assigned to these 5 missions?
Bayes’ Rule
A company that manufactures video cameras produce a basic
model and a deluxe model. Over the past year, 40% of the
cameras sold have been of the basic model. of those buying
the basic model, 30% purchase an extended warranty, whereas
50% of all deluxe purchasers do so. if you learn that a randomly
selected purchaser has an extended warranty, how likely is it
that he/she has a basic model.

Memorial University of Newfoundland, September 28, 2016

Examples: Random Variables

For each of the rvs defined below, describe the set of possible values
and state whether the variable is discrete or continuous.
X = Number of voters in a sample of 500 who support the
Y = Amount of pesticide (in mgs/lt) found in a sample of
discharge water from a chemical company.
Z = Number of STAT 2550 students in a sample of 250 that
love statistics.
U = Length of time a randomly selected Prof. is late to a
50minute class.
V = Distance between a point target and a shot aimed at a
point in a coin-operated target game.
Consider the outcome of my attempt to log on to MUN web-
mail. Define, Z = the number of successes in one attempt.

Memorial University of Newfoundland, September 28, 2016

Examples: Random Variables
For each of the pmfs defined below, State whether it is valid or
not valid.

0.2, if x = 0, 3
p(x) =
0.3, if x = 1, 2.

 0.25, if x = −2
p(x) = 0.5, if x = −1
0.2, if x = 0.

x 10 11 12 13 14
p(x) 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2
Consider the pmf of X given by
x 1 2 4 10
p(x) 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2
Find µ, σ 2 , σ.
Memorial University of Newfoundland, September 28, 2016
Examples: Binomial Random Variable

Suppose that only 20% of all drivers come to a complete stop at

an intersection having flashing red lights in all directions when
no other cars are visible. What is the probability that, of 20
randomly chosen drivers coming to an intersection under these
(a) At most 6 will come to a complete stop ?
(b) Exactly 6 will come to a complete stop ?
(c) At least 6 will come to a complete stop ?
(d) How many of the next 20 drivers do you expect to come to
a complete stop ?
Twenty percent of all telephones of a certain type are submit-
ted for service while under warranty. Of these, 60% can be
repaired whereas the other 40% must be replaced with new
units. If a company purchases ten of these telephones, what
is the probability that exactly two will end up being replaced
under warranty ?
Memorial University of Newfoundland, September 28, 2016
Examples: Poisson Random Variable

Suppose the number X of tornadoes observed in a particular

region during a 1-year period has a Poisson distribution with
λ = 8.
(a) Compute P(X ≤ 5) (b) Compute P(6 ≤ X ≤ 9) (c)
Compute P(X ≥ 10) (d) How many tornadoes can be expected
to be observed during the 1-year period ? What is the standard
deviation of the number of observed tornadoes ?
The number of requests for assistance received by a towing
service is a Poisson process with rate α = 4 per hour.
(a) Compute the probability that exactly ten requests are re-
ceived during a particular 2-hour period. (b) If the operators of
the towing service take a 30-min break for lunch, what is the
probability that they do not miss any calls for assistance ? (c)
How many calls would you expect during their break ?

Memorial University of Newfoundland, September 28, 2016

Examples: Uniform Distribution

Uniform Distribution
Suppose X is a Uniform random variable with c = 2 and d = 4,
(a) Find f (x)
(b) the mean and standard deviation of X
(c) P(2.4 ≤ X ≤ 3.7). (d) P(X < 2)
(e) P(µ − σ ≤ X ≤ µ + σ)
(f) Find a such that P(X ≥ a) = 0.5

Memorial University of Newfoundland, September 28, 2016

Thank you!

Memorial University of Newfoundland, September 28, 2016

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