Data Gathering Procedure

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Data Gathering Procedure

This section will discuss the instrument that will be used in gathering the needed

data for the study. Firstly, the researchers will draft a questionnaire and then be

validated by the experts in this field. Then, the researchers will ask a permission to

conduct the study by writing formally to the rightful authorities of General Santos City,

where the study will be conducted.

Upon approval, the researchers will conduct a survey to the respondents

by distributing the questionnaire to them and the given questionnaire will be answered

briefly and concisely by the respondents. After the total return of the questionnaire, the

data will be collected and classified. The results of the study will be identified as proofs

of this research study.

Formulate questionnaire & validation

Asking permission to conduct the study

by writing formally to the rightful
authorities of General Santos City

Distribution of questionnaires

Collection of the answered


Data classification and analysis

Interpret the findings as proofs of the

research study

Figure 3: Data Gathering Procedure of the Study

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