Coding and Its Functions: Morales 1

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Morales 1

Felipe Morales

Mrs. Pritchett

7th grade English

9 April 9, 2021

Coding and its Functions

If you could create something with coding what would you create? Why

would you create it? Would it help everyone or just certain people? Coding started

in the early 1950s by programs and languages. Coding is made by languages and

programs that tell the computers and phones what to do. There are many languages

in coding but the basic ones are HTML, Java Script, and CSS. Coding is really

useful in many ways because it helps to make all technological products, systems,

and even games we use nowadays are made by using coding.

“Learning to write programs stretches your mind, and helps you think better,

creates a way of thinking about things that I think is helpful in all domains.” Bill Gates.

Just like he said coding helps you gaining knowledge and thinking in a more dynamic

way. If everyone in the world learned how to code and put their minds together, then the

world would have much more technology, which would make life way easier. With only

some people knowing how to code the world has had amazing inventions that have

made technology much more advanced. Some examples are phones and computers.

Both of them are made through coding and have made technology have a different

meaning. Coding will help both people and the world in many ways.

Coding opens many possibilities for jobs. Some of the richest people in the
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world have jobs associated with coding. The founders of Amazon and Apple, for

example, are the richest in the world. Some other jobs related to coding are

programmers, mobile app developers, building robots, etc. If you learn to code when

you are young you will have more possibilities for your future and certainly contributes

to develop plenty of solutions for every day’s life. Technology will shape the future of


“Any fool can write a code that a computer can understand. Good programmers

write code that humans understand.” Martin Fowler (software developer). Coding is in

many ways similar to humans. Just like humans, computers also have languages. One of

the more advanced languages is Python. In total, there are more than 2500 languages for

coding. After all, computers and humans aren´t that different.

Computers and humans have also many differences. While humans are alive and

control themselves, computers aren´t alive and receive orders from codes. Computers

are also made through codes that were made by humans. Computers are the creation

from humans. In the future computers will be more advanced and will have more things

to do, for example, providing solutions for human´s lives.

After my research, I have discovered that coding is a really important part of our

life. People use coding to make extraordinary inventions, such as computers, smart

phones, systems, games, and intelligent devices (Roomba), etc. Our lives would be

really different without coding. Without it, we wouldn´t be able to make certain things

we can do nowadays, for example we would not be able to find information so fast.

After all, coding is one of the basics of our current lives.

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Works Cited
“Computer Program.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,
“What Is Coding?” Computer Science Degree Hub, 19 Feb. 2021,
Reeves, Sasha, et al. “What Is Coding and Why Should You Learn It?” GoodCore
Blog, 22 June 2020,
“Learn Coding 101 - Kick-Start Your Career.” Codecademy,
“RNA Não Codificante (NcRNA) (Vídeo).” Khan Academy, Khan Academy,
“Python For Beginners.”,
Real Python. “11 Beginner Tips for Learning Python Programming.” Real
Python, Real Python, 26 June 2020,
Marco Soares

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