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Multicultural Classroom

By: Jacqueline DiPaolo

Kindergarten/Holidays Around the World
Holidays Around the World!
6.1.4D.13- Describe how culture is expressed through and influenced by the
behavior of people.

6.1.4D.20- Describe why it is important to understand the different cultures in an

interconnected world.

6.1.4D.17- Explain the role of historical symbols, monuments, and holidays and how
they affected the American identity.
Physical Environment
1: Around the room there will be multiple objects 3. Posters will be hung up ahead of time around
set up that represent a variety of different the room that will talk about all of the holidays
holidays. Even if, for example, each student around the world so that students can read them
celebrates Christmas, having that variety of as they please. These posters will consist of lots
holidays is still extremely important so the of pictures rather than words because that will
students can learn about diversity and the be more pleasing to the kindergartens.
different holidays.
2. The bulletin board will have been made ahead
2: In the library section of the classroom there of time to represent the theme of holidays
will be multiple books out that will talk about all around the world. It will consist of the student
the different holidays around the world so that made snowman from the activities and it will be
students will be able to read them and educate educational because it will include all the
themselves on the holidays. holidays.
1. The lesson will start off with communication 3. It’s also important for the teacher to
between the teachers and students about what communicate with the students that they do not
the students know and what they don’t know have to share what holiday they celebrate or
about the holidays around the world that the their religious beliefs if they’re uncomfortable.
student celebrates and the ones that they may The lesson is meant to be educational and not
not celebrate. meant to make any students uncomfortable.

2. An important part of the holidays around the 4. It is important for the teacher to remember
world lesson is also the communication between that kindergartners might not have a great grasp
the teachers and parents. Ahead of time the of the concept of holidays. There will be lots of
teachers will inform the parents about this lesson questions that the teacher might have to answer
topic so that they are comfortable and so that which is a good sign. The teacher should always
their children are comfortable. be open to discussion.
Activity 1: The students will use a small piece of Activity 3: Each students will revive their own
white paper in the shape of a circle and create a individual paper, in which the students will fill out
snowman with the paper, markers, and ribbon questions about the holiday they celebrate, how
provided. On their snowman they can create they celebrate it, what their favorite part is, and
whatever they want that represents the holiday finally they will draw a picture to represent that
that they celebrate such as a Christmas tree, or holiday.
Activity 4: The students will sit in a circle and
Activity 2: The students will be allowed to bring have a class discussion about which holidays
one thing from home that represents the holiday they celebrate. Not all students are required to
in which they celebrate for a show and tell. The participate in the discussion, it is just a nice way
students can talk about their item to educate for the class to connect and for everyone to talk
other students, and to better express about how they celebrate the holiday season in
themselves. whichever way they please
Works Cited

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