Worksheet # 13-A

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The City School

Academic Year 2020-21

Class 7
Subject: Science
Topic: The Solar System & Beyond
Worksheet # 13-A

Student’s Name: ___________________ Date: ___________

Lesson Objectives: To explain phenomena such as day and night, and the apparent movement of
the Sun (due to the movement of the Earth (rotation causing day and night and revolution causing
the seasons), to identify luminous and non-luminous objects and that the Sun is a natural source of
light and the Earth and the Moon can be seen by reflected light

Kindly refer to the textbook (ILSS Book 2); pg-258-262 for solving the questions below:

Q1: Give reasons:

a: Sun, Earth and Moon cannot be represented accurately by models or diagrams

b: Moon is a non-luminous object


c: While driving, trees and buildings seem to be moving past us.


Q2: What causes a day? Explain.


Q3: How is the night cycle different from the day cycle?
Q4: On the diagram below, label which part of the Earth will be having day and which part
will be having night? Give reason for your choice.


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