Worksheet 05 C

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The City School

Academic Year 2020-21

Class 7
Subject: Science
Topic: Elements and Compounds
Worksheet # c

Student’s Name: ___________________ Date: ___________

Lesson Objective: To describe formation of compounds

Kindly refer to the textbook (ILSS Book 2); pg-69 & 70 for solving the questions below:

Q1. When magnesium is placed in air, no new substances are formed but when magnesium
is burnt in air, a white solid, magnesium oxide, is formed.
a: What can you infer about the formation of a compound from the observation above?

b: Write a word equation for the above chemical reaction.


c: In the above chemical reaction, is the compound magnesium oxide formed from 2
elements, 2 compounds or an element and a compound? Explain.

Q2. Copper (II) oxide is a black solid formed from the elements copper and oxygen. Copper
is a reddish brown metallic solid and oxygen is a colourless gas at room temperature.
a: What can you infer about the properties of a compound and its constituent elements
from the example of Copper (II) oxide?

b: When copper (II) oxide combines chemically with hydrogen, copper and water are
(i) Write a word equation for this chemical reaction.

(ii) Are the products formed element (s) or compound (s)?

Q3. Write word equations for the following chemical reactions:
a: oxygen, hydrogen and carbon react to form glucose

b: copper carbonate decomposes to form copper, carbon dioxide and water


c: magnesium burns in air to form magnesium oxide


d: sulphuric acid reacts with iron filings to form iron sulphide and hydrogen gas

e: sodium hydroxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to form water and sodium chloride

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