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File: Frans_Hals_-_Portret_van_(...).jpg (151 KB, 817x1000)

/mg/ - maths general Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)15:42:09 No.13216886 ▶
>>13217394 >>13217933 >>13218149 >>13218153 >>13218362 >>13220000 >>13223454

Formerly >>13183436 →

Reminder it took more than a thousand years for the cartesian plane to be invented

Discussion Guidelines:

1. Talk maths.

2. Your question is, in fact, stupid. Go ask it in >>>/sci/sqt

3. You're too old to start a maths degree and you're not getting into that PhD
program. Go fish for pats on the back at >>>/sci/scg

4. If you aren't going to post maths then at least make an attempt to be funny.

>> Dr. Anonymous, PhD 05/31/21(Mon)16:14:05 No.13216977 ▶

File: 1590869462602.png (145 KB, 400x459)

First for m/a/th

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)16:24:25 No.13217010 ▶ >>13217200

Is Alan. U.Kennington's DG book based or nah

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)17:12:43 No.13217200 ▶ >>13219330

File: 453755284-H.jpg (59 KB, 1020x700)


It's likely a bad source to learn DG from. Almost certainly a bad choice to start with.

I like that some people do those "infinite napkin" things, although I also find it sad that you
have those 50yo incel guys who would probably appear shizo if you spoke to them. At least I
think Terry Davis was a talented "good old incel shizo". In math, those guys are usually
mediocre and with just too much time on their hand, due to their condition.

There's various of those projects, and I think one trait that signifies that they are not completely cringe is if the
effort becomes open source to some extent at one point. oeis is of course great and groupprops is nice too. I know
many of them.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)17:31:03 No.13217288 ▶ >>13217317 >>13217356

Is combinatorics useful to anything outside of combinatorics?

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)17:36:04 No.13217317 ▶


epic probability puzzles

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)17:44:05 No.13217356 ▶


Quantum Field Theory (Feynman diagrams, etc.) and computation/algorithms comes to mind.
Also graph theory if you don't count that as combinatorics itself.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)17:51:36 No.13217394 ▶

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>>13216886 (OP)

>You're too old to start a maths degree and you're not getting into
that PhD program

Rude. Have fun playing with numbers while I play with my dick.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)18:04:14 No.13217452 ▶ >>13217475 >>13218084

I'm giving up on maths. I'm just too old already and I realized I'm dumb and low IQ. Not everyone manages to
accomplish their dreams I guess... some people were just born to suffer...

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)18:09:58 No.13217475 ▶


IQ is just a social construct designed to keep people down.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)19:31:10 No.13217749 ▶ >>13217765 >>13217809

File: 1619550291268.jpg (497 KB, 1280x1656)

Is introductory level abstract algebra necessary before studying

something more specific?

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)19:35:27 No.13217765 ▶ >>13217908


If you mean something more specific within algebra technically probably not. As in most textbooks on say
commutative algebra for instance atiyah macdonald will technically define all the terms they are using like rings
and stuff. But you might find it quite unapproachable if you're seeing the material for the first time even if
technically its possible for you to understand it.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)19:46:04 No.13217809 ▶


Yes, Algebra and Analysis should be known by everyone regardless of what they choose to specify at in the future.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)20:07:08 No.13217908 ▶


That's what I meant. There is some appeal in struggling it out with something like Atiyah-Macdonald, instead of
some 600+ page mega-tome.

Only after I finish with complex, though.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)20:13:37 No.13217933 ▶ >>13218021

>>13216886 (OP)

You forgot the discord link.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)20:35:52 No.13218021 ▶


you forgot your anime avatar, tranny.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)20:55:54 No.13218084 ▶


>some people were just born to suffer...

All of them

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)21:10:31 No.13218149 ▶

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>>13216886 (OP)

>dont "introduce
variables" for proof
>-1 point

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)21:11:56 No.13218153 ▶ >>13218163

>>13216886 (OP)

Newfag here. How do I into mathematics?

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)21:13:41 No.13218163 ▶


Mathematics is a broad term...

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)21:15:44 No.13218174 ▶ >>13218323

How many of you anons read philosophical works and if you do, why and what are they? That other thread on
philosophy prompted this question. While philosophy occasionally interests me, I've never wanted to actually read
a book by a philosopher.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)22:08:45 No.13218323 ▶ >>13218332 >>13218439 >>13218552

File: props.jpg (1.03 MB, 3001x1836)


Wittgenstein (young) and Stirner were the most influential non-textbook writers for me, which
is not to say I hold their views. I have a lot more /lit/ memes in my shelf than I read. I read a
few hundred pages of Kan and Kierkegaard, and then Land and Fisher. Maybe others.

As far as epistemology and ontology go, I don't see it separated much from physics and math,
as long as you haven't chosen your formal axioms.

And now it's time for memes:

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)22:10:05 No.13218326 ▶

File: xWMng.png (6 KB, 339x170)


>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)22:11:44 No.13218330 ▶ >>13218345 >>13218371 >>13218653

File: 1600241433793.jpg (35 KB, 474x664)

>they added faggot reddit rules for their thread

>they're trying to bully autodidacts while studying dying masturbatory fields filled with do-nothing
pseuds and increasing numbers of chinks and mudslimes

>le at least attempt to be funny :)


>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)22:12:07 No.13218332 ▶ >>13218342



I knew someone would post this lol.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)22:16:27 No.13218342 ▶ >>13218356 >>13218665

File: stirnholio.png (16 KB, 991x1753)


I actually think it's admirable, even if... quirky.

Ma boy Urs trying to do something more relevant than proving stable homotopy theory theorems
or whatnot.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)22:17:15 No.13218345 ▶


Go back to discord with the rest of the scum there and never come back.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)22:22:33 No.13218356 ▶ >>13218375


Yeah I think it's nice that someone knowledgeable is trying something like this. I once even tried to read David
Corfield's "Towards a Philosophy of Real Mathematics" to see what this was all about.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)22:24:04 No.13218362 ▶ >>13220114

>>13216886 (OP)



>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)22:29:35 No.13218371 ▶ >>13218408

File: __inaba_tewi_touhou_drawn(...).png (232 KB, 984x1032)


>faggot reddit rules

>calling a literal shitpost with some

extra links in it "rules"

You guys are hilarious sometimes.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)22:30:32 No.13218375 ▶

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I started reading Corfield latest book, which jumps on the HoTT train. However it discussed too many
basic things to get me hooked. But that guy is, I think, a philosopher first.

And that's far away from Urs' ambitions. The latter in part originate from Lawvere's goal of formulating
fluid dynamics (and other physics I suppose) with categories/topoi logic/math.

I feel what Urs is (or would be, in the best case) achieving, however, is only develop more
mathematical tools to do his physics. And not, in fact, a science of logic. I'm not sure if all this "logic"
reflects on science in an ontological kind of way.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)22:39:05 No.13218408 ▶ >>13224566


They're all fucking off to that discord, this thread will finally get good again.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)22:47:19 No.13218439 ▶ >>13218446 >>13218464 >>13219138


>le quirky alcohol bottle near nerd books in a highquality picture

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)22:49:12 No.13218446 ▶


The signs of a pseud.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)22:55:15 No.13218464 ▶ >>13218492


It's a basic big glass and the photo was taken with my phone, I don't know what to tell you

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)23:03:38 No.13218492 ▶ >>13218541


but i know what to tell you: you're a pseud

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)23:04:11 No.13218494 ▶ >>13218541 >>13223658 >>13223698

Hello. Has anyone come up with some approximation for the Reiman Hypothesis?

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)23:15:49 No.13218541 ▶ >>13218570


I try my best


Henlo. Do you have a particular sense in mind?

You could argue that the Weimar Hypothesis gives an improvement of prime distribution laws and, as such, the
previous prime number theorems are approximations to it.

The fact that large segments of the criticial line have been validated is also a sense in which it's approximately

Similar hypothesis over other mathematical structures are proven true.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)23:19:04 No.13218552 ▶



based schwabe

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)23:23:59 No.13218570 ▶ >>13218612


I was thinking multiplication as a form of gaussian symmetry as a means of showing convergence.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)23:31:19 No.13218612 ▶


>gaussian symmetry

I don't follow

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)23:43:11 No.13218653 ▶


There was a thread with different rules after the recent tranny- and avatarnigger-shoa, but the avatarniggers are
niggers as usual and posted their aids rules.

I hate avatarfags so much it's unreal.

>> Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)23:46:41 No.13218665 ▶ >>13218728


>Ma boy Urs

Have you actually met that dude? I legitly never met another man who unironically doesn't give any sort of fucks
and just does what he wants in such a focused manner. I in general do not think that formulating everything in cats
is a good idea, in fact I think it's pretty retarded and will only lead to obfuscation instead of insight, but holy shit the
only reason I have any respect category-insanies and higher-structure-schizos is because of this dude.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)00:07:29 No.13218728 ▶ >>13218799

File: Der Gute.png (460 KB, 1012x628)

only talked to him on nforum and


>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)00:29:35 No.13218799 ▶ >>13218822


I'm honestly a bit baffled why he doesn't have a "proper" professorship yet. I'm starting to suspect that he's either
too based for the normie profs or simply doesn't care.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)00:34:16 No.13218822 ▶


I think it's just a numbers game, there's not many positions and in that general corner, what's seen as mainstream
real math is homotopy theory (and he doesn't even do math as per his own presentation)

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)02:22:39 No.13219138 ▶ >>13219184


That's just a glass

Also most people here I assume are at Uni, do you guys not drink

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)02:42:06 No.13219184 ▶


I don't drink while studying, personally.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)03:30:14 No.13219330 ▶ >>13220252


it seems like every Aussie mathematician is an absolute nutjob

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)07:37:31 No.13220000 ▶ >>13224860

File: file.png (527 KB, 900x1060)

>>13216886 (OP)

>mfw the jock who used to make fun of me and acts as if I don't exist begs me for the Calc 2
homework that might save his gpa but I just left him on read

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)08:19:20 No.13220114 ▶


hello fellow platonist! I tip my hat to you good sir! have this 4chan gold!

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)09:01:13 No.13220252 ▶


who is Aussie of the list?

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)10:00:12 No.13220426 ▶

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whats a website that will show the steps involved in solved partial
derivatives for free?

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)18:31:32 No.13222036 ▶ >>13222068

no post in /mg/ for a half day, really?

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)18:45:46 No.13222068 ▶ >>13222531


Don't you like slow threads? It's better this way than when there were several avatarfags fighting for attention
making 10 posts every hour.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)19:39:26 No.13222248 ▶ >>13224592

>less than 14 days to finish 4 exams

it'll be fine (it won't)

>> Mult 06/01/21(Tue)19:50:45 No.13222275 ▶


>> Mult 06/01/21(Tue)19:51:45 No.13222276 ▶

The topology of tangled headphones? Pseudo knots?

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)21:14:20 No.13222531 ▶


I think 10 posts every hour is more than fine, that would end up in about a new thread ever 2 days.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)22:32:32 No.13222887 ▶ >>13223695

Is there an introduction to p-adic geometry for non-algebro geometers? I work in DG and alggeo-lingo confuses

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)00:03:34 No.13223244 ▶

shout out to DM from cali, I know you browse this shit

>> Mohan 06/02/21(Wed)01:11:22 No.13223454 ▶ >>13223458

>>13216886 (OP)

How can I compute the Airy function?

Should I use exponential for of Cosine or to Ci()?

>> Mohan 06/02/21(Wed)01:12:33 No.13223458 ▶

File: Airy.png (4 KB, 383x39)


Pic in rel

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)01:40:39 No.13223533 ▶

Mathematical symbol shunting seems like such a mechanical thing that I can only be impressed by the ability to
memorize and apply rules.

Is there anything more to math than the encoding of ideas and then shunting along until you find neat things?

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)02:28:03 No.13223658 ▶



Also what the fuck do you mean approximation.

Also probably not, because if they did and they were right they’d probably be worth a lot of money

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)02:41:43 No.13223695 ▶ >>13223864


>Is there an introduction to p-adic geometry for non-algebro geometers?

Isn't p-adic geometry basically a subfield of algebraic geometry?

>> Mohan 06/02/21(Wed)02:44:54 No.13223698 ▶


for the Riemann Zeta function (and not for the hypothesis, ofc) you could use the Euler alternating formula. there's
also a bunch of other approximations that use gamma function and it's alternated forms.

And for the hypothesis, you could use that brujin function-thing that approximates the hypothesis using it's upper
and lower bound.

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)02:50:40 No.13223716 ▶ >>13223736 >>13225411

Can all math be put in terms of axioms and rules of inference?

>> Mohan 06/02/21(Wed)02:56:56 No.13223736 ▶ >>13223742



But if and only if it was consistent and complete. it's not.

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)03:00:12 No.13223742 ▶ >>13223925


>math is not consistent


>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)03:44:32 No.13223864 ▶ >>13224935 >>13225838


Yeah, and I have trouble with the language used by the algebro-geometers. Maybe there is no simple introduction
to p-adic geometry for people coming from a different field. Or maybe I simply have the wrong picture of what it
could be and my question doesn't even make sense in the first place.

>> Mohan 06/02/21(Wed)04:03:18 No.13223925 ▶ >>13224752


The fact that mathematics is undecidable shows that it also is inconsistent.

For any hypothesis, there could exist two equally "true" statements saying that the hypothesis is true and false, and
both of them can be proven using the same Axioms.

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)08:22:12 No.13224566 ▶ >>13225464



The cope is real. /mg/ has been on a slide through various degrees of shit for the past 2 years and it's had nothing
to do with discord, trannies or some other bogeyman, and everything to do with the fact that /mg/ posters are
fucking stupid

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)08:34:49 No.13224592 ▶


Those incomimg exams are so overwhelming that my body refuses to study

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)09:30:05 No.13224752 ▶


give example

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)09:59:37 No.13224860 ▶


checked and based

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)10:04:05 No.13224871 ▶ >>13224956 >>13225188

File: cool wine aunt gf.png (761 KB, 969x648)

What current research is being done in calculus? It's always been my favourite part of maths
and wonder if there's any ongoing big questions or if it's mostly well understood.

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)10:30:41 No.13224935 ▶


What is your question?

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)10:35:54 No.13224956 ▶ >>13225160


There's a lot of research into differential equations and some pretty big unsolved problems (see for example
Navier-Stokes). There's also lots of unsolved problems in differential geometry, particularly in mathematical

It's kind of a meme field still but there are some pretty big questions to be answered in theoretical machine learning
which essentially are analysis problems.

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)12:05:58 No.13225160 ▶ >>13225314


differential geometry sounds interesting, could you explain how it's related to physics?

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)12:20:34 No.13225188 ▶


me on the left

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)12:26:08 No.13225201 ▶

recommend reading for chaos theory?

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)13:15:35 No.13225314 ▶


I don't really know much about it desu.

Differential geometry is basically essential for physics though and a lot of it comes from physics. General relativity
is defined in differential geometry terms. Spacetime is a four dimensional manifold whose curvature is described by
the Einstein field equations. There's also a relationship between string theory and Calabi-Yau manifolds but I don't
understand it.

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)13:26:05 No.13225334 ▶ >>13225411 >>13225418

Can I do comp science if I've only got a general level math from HS.

I'm not retarded though

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)13:50:09 No.13225411 ▶


That's a bit of a red herring type in that one may consider "math" more than the collection of theorems - because
it's also an activity that we might not want to treat separately, from the aforementioned.


Depends on what you mean by "do", but you can certainly start learning it

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)13:52:45 No.13225418 ▶ >>13225438


>Can I do comp science if I've only got a general level math from HS.

No, please leave Computer Science alone if you plan to be a code monkey elsewhere

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)14:01:21 No.13225438 ▶ >>13225440


I'm really not dumb though. Ive got straight HDs in every subject 94% average and I've still got time to switch to
comp sci from bachelor of IT.

I'm not looking for gatekeeping by kids who got lucky with their class placements the first stay of highschool and
who's mummy and daddy payed for tutoring. I'm asking for people who have done it how realistic are my chances,
how difficult is the math etc

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)14:02:25 No.13225440 ▶ >>13225545



uni will make you take basic math classes, and if you are not a turbo brainlet you will be fine

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)14:03:17 No.13225443 ▶ >>13225913

I cracked open a linear algebra book and fell in love with Math again

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)14:08:30 No.13225464 ▶


/mg/ got a lot better recently though. the stupid people are going to discord.

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)14:33:23 No.13225545 ▶


Aight thanks I'm gonna try switch

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)16:09:44 No.13225838 ▶


That's the thing, I get the impression you're asking something like "Is there an introduction to Galois theory for
people who don't know any algebra" or "is there an intro do differential geometry for people who don't know

>> Mult 06/02/21(Wed)16:32:50 No.13225913 ▶


Tell me, Natalie, how do you make a vector space from a topological space?

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