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File: 3f5bb1fb75f462ca845198265(...).jpg (101 KB, 460x640)

Why is it so hard to reach 100 years old? Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)13:43:12
No.13221040 ▶ >>13221454 >>13221523 >>13221623 >>13221681 >>13221889 >>13221919 >>13221954

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)15:48:32 No.13221454 ▶

>>13221040 (OP)

Because it’s really easy to die.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)16:05:39 No.13221523 ▶ >>13221640 >>13221681

>>13221040 (OP)

Faulty replication in cells lead to continual degradation.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)16:12:33 No.13221544 ▶ >>13221549 >>13221681

Humies aren't meant to live that long.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)16:13:53 No.13221549 ▶ >>13221663


Only humans are meant to life that long but plebs not.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)16:43:22 No.13221623 ▶ >>13225923

>>13221040 (OP)

Apparently it's quite easy in countries with poor record keeping and generous pension programs.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)16:48:46 No.13221640 ▶ >>13221668 >>13221681 >>13221765 >>13222425


what causes faulty replication in cells?

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)16:56:57 No.13221663 ▶ >>13221774 >>13221840 >>13221917 >>13221951 >>13221964 >>13224540


>hurr if you don't live to 100 you are a pleb

Some of the greatest men in history like Karl Marx or Stalin died before reaching 100, and they are still the
greatest/smartest men to ever live.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)16:58:30 No.13221668 ▶



>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)16:59:52 No.13221681 ▶ >>13221775

>>13221040 (OP)

Transposon activation, telomer degradation and random mutation together, but especially transposon activation
cause aging to be an exponential process.


If that were the only reason, the age at which people die would grow linearly, whereas it grows exponentially. This is
caused by random mutations and changes in chromatinisation allowing previously muted mobile genetic elements to
activate, acting as mutagens.


No one is meant to do anything, shit just happenes. In this case, the shit that happenes, is retroviral elements being
passed on, as they have a shor tearm evolutionary advantage (they kill cells on the bath to becomeing cancerous)
which outweigh their long tearm downsides (age related ilnnesses).


The protein which replicates DNA is not perfect, nor are the DNA repair proteins. Things at a molecular scale are very
stochastic, particles move and vibrate almoust at the speed of sound. Also, there are free radicals and other
mutagens, even cosmic bacground radiation causes mutations.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)17:21:33 No.13221765 ▶ >>13224496


Imperfection in environment

Aka not enough proper food/nutrients/chemicals, viruses, bacterias, free radicals in the universe that cause changes
in chemicals, etc. The body is an extremely complex machine and its self maintaining for the most part. Think of how
much maintenance your car needs. If oil isnt leveld off, if gas isnt put in, if you let it sit there too long, if battery isnt
maintained, etc. Now multiply that complexity by trillion times. Lot of shit breaks in the body all the time, but due to
multiple levels of redundancies, things keep going for a while.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)17:23:21 No.13221774 ▶


>and they are still the greatest/smartest men to ever live


>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)17:23:39 No.13221775 ▶ >>13222105


>If that were the only reason, the age at which people die would grow linearly, whereas it grows exponentially

No, replication issue causes exponential degradation.

1 faulty replication -> 2 faulty replication -> 4 faulty replication etc

Through pure entrophy, you will always get a much higher chance of imperfect result than perfect result.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)17:46:21 No.13221840 ▶ >>13221917

File: mb31yPz3_400x400.jpg (24 KB, 400x400)


>Karl Marx or Stalin

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)17:57:22 No.13221889 ▶ >>13221915 >>13221941

>>13221040 (OP)

speak for yourself, most of my family makes it to their late 90s and plenty end up past 100

i'll be 120 calling your great great grandkids faggots on league of legends while you're a skeleton in your grave

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)18:03:39 No.13221915 ▶


120 years old and still playing League... truly a fate worse than death.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)18:04:32 No.13221917 ▶ >>13221933 >>13221944




stalin has read more than you and he existed before imageboards
>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)18:04:58 No.13221919 ▶

>>13221040 (OP)

For the same reason it's hard to be 7 feet tall, most people don't have the genetics for it.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)18:08:04 No.13221933 ▶ >>13223306


only because he died before 4chan. if he were alive today he would browse /pol/ in programmer socks

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)18:09:50 No.13221941 ▶


I don't know anyone in my family that reached 90 before dying. I think my generation is gonna be the first to reach it

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)18:10:36 No.13221944 ▶ >>13222485


>Stalin read 1 million pages of marxist theory

>somehow this made him more intelligent than me

If anything, that makes him dumber, both before and especially after, he read all that bullshit.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)18:12:14 No.13221951 ▶


>Trust fund baby neet

>Hoodrat and literally a glorified accountant

Damn definitely something to aspire to

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)18:12:36 No.13221954 ▶

>>13221040 (OP)

People mined out cadmium.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)18:14:07 No.13221964 ▶


>greatest men in history like Karl Marx or Stalin

Unironically correct, even if bait.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)18:57:02 No.13222105 ▶


>replication issue causes exponential degradation

Why? Please explain the mechanism to me. As far as i understand, as long as the replication error does not occure in
a region important to replication, such as genes coding for proteins that take a part in gene repair or replication, or
parts of the DNA coding for transposon damping, the mutation rate in the cell does not increase.

Cells containing an active PIWI piRNA pathway, do not age, and do not have increasing mutation rates as they
would, if you were right. Look at germline cells, HeLa cells, soamtic cells of hydra etc.

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)20:47:07 No.13222425 ▶ >>13222502 >>13224496


oxygen is a poison, it's a miracle we survive at all [Embed]

>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)21:04:07 No.13222485 ▶



>> Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)21:07:24 No.13222502 ▶


humans are really hardcore

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)00:23:26 No.13223306 ▶


>he died before 4chan

he died beCAUSE 4chan

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)07:51:27 No.13224496 ▶



We need oxygen. People mined out metals, so the repair enzymes are not working. Wounds regenerate even in
mammals, like in dolphins, when the body has enough cadmium. Scars form when the wound healing fails.

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)08:09:29 No.13224540 ▶


bait...but imagine thinking someone responsible for over 40 million deaths is a "great man"

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)16:20:12 No.13225872 ▶ >>13225910

People die because their cells accumulate toxins from the very foods they eat, and this toxic burden overwhelms the
ability for the cells to repair themselves.

Some things associated with significant longevity benefits (10-30%+ increases in lifespan for the factors listed below):


>methionine restriction

>tryptophan restriction

>gelatin supplementation (achieves the same benefits as methionine restriction and tryptophan restriction as the
glycine helps deplete excess methionine which increases glutathione)

>heavy metals restriction

>iron restriction in old age

>living at altitude (increases CO2)

>polyunsaturated fats restriction: these are shown to accumulate in cells with age and be correlated with longevity.
PUFAs are highly unstable and lead to inflammation while saturated fats are very stable

Putting this all together an optimal longevity diet would be something like fruit + milk + beef + gelatin, while living a
peaceful life of a celibate yogi. Fruit and dairy are the foods lowest in heavy metals. has articles where a lot of these ideas are fleshed out, with links to studies.

I also have a lot of studies showing 10-30% longevity benefits but I'm not posting them.

David Sinclair is another longevity guru who focuses on genetics and telomeres while Ray Peat focuses on
metabolism and nutrition. I think David's approach is incorrect as epigenetics are downstream of metabolism and
nutrition, and the Hayflick Limit has been exceeded.


>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)16:28:30 No.13225899 ▶

File: unsaturated fats stability.png (206 KB, 1180x659)

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)16:30:05 No.13225907 ▶

>>13221040 (OP)

the terrifying thing about getting old is the loss of your cognitive abilities. Then again it might be better if you are not
aware of what's happening later in your life.

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)16:30:56 No.13225910 ▶


Thank you very much bro, this information is gold

>> Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)16:38:01 No.13225923 ▶


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