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Teacher: Lislie Carolina Diana

Classroom Level: B1-B2


1. Listening for gist

Watch the video and answer. Do you believe Emily will

get the job? Why (not)?

2. Listening for specific information:

Watch again and cross out the questions the interviewer did not ask Emily in the video.

a. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

b. What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?

c. The application asks you to bring your references. Could I have those, please?

d. Why do you want to work for Australian Meat Exports?

e. Where did you find out about this position?

f. What skills can you bring to the administration position?

g. Tell me about a mistake you have learned from.

h. Have you ever been employed before? Why are you no longer employed there?

i. Would you describe yourself as a team player?

3. Pair Discussion: (3 min)

List three or more mistakes she made during the interview. Which of them do you think she
should correct in order to succeed?
• ______________________________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________________________

4. Checking for guesses.

A. Watch the video and read along the transcription.
I: Interviewer E: Emily

I: Come in. Hi, you must be Emily. I’m Amanda.

E: Hi, Amanda. Lovely to meet you.
I: Please, sit down. Well, Emily, I’ve got some questions here that I ask all our applicants and I’ll be taking
some notes so I don’t forget their answers. So don’t be nervous if you see me scribbling away. To begin
with, let’s start with you. Tell me a little bit about yourself.
E: Well I Started studying business when I was completing my HSC¹ and I’ve just finished my certificate 3
in Business Administration. I’m now looking for a role where I can put those skills into practice.
I: Ok, great. So Emily, why do you want to work for Australian Meat Exports?
E: Well, I’ve read online that Australian Meat Exports has a great mentoring program that you’re using
across all areas of the business. It seems like an organization where you are really encouraged to learn
and grow. I’d like to reach Management Level one day, and I feel like this is the right organization to
help me achieve those goals.
I: And what skills do you think you can bring to this administration position?
E: Well, I can touch type at 60 words per minute and I can see that you are
looking for someone who is able to quickly and accurately type up
documents. I can operate a switchboard and I am good at dealing with
members of the public, having worked part time in a hardware store.
I: Yes I see you have been working at Smith’s Hardware for the last year.
Why are you leaving?
E: Well, Smith’s has been great and I’ve learned a lot during my time there.
But I’ve spoken to management and they were unable to offer me a position where I can practice the
skills that I have learned at TAFE².
I: In this job, you’ll be interacting regularly with other members of the staff and the public. Would you
describe yourself as a team player?
E: Definitely. At the hardware store we all pitch in when it gets busy to help answer the phones and
sweep the floors. It is great to see what you can accomplish when you work as a member of a team.
I: I see. Great. Well, in the advertisement we asked you to bring in your references. Can I have those,
E: Sure. I’ve also provided you with a copy of my resume just in case you didn’t have one handy.
I: Ok. Great. Thank you. Well, Emily, our advertisement was very comprehensive but do you have any
questions about this role?
E: I read online that Australian Meat Exports is looking to move into other states, and I was just
wondering what this might mean for the business center.
I: I’m very impressed that you know that. This is a very exciting time for our company and will present
some fantastic opportunities for our employees in the near future. Do you have any more questions?
E: No, as you said, the advertisement was very comprehensive.
I: Well, thank you for your time. We’ll be in touch in the next few days to let you know if you’ve been
E: Thank you very much.
Glossary of terms:
1. HSC: High School Certificate
2. TAFE: Technical and Further Education institutions that provide a wide variety of qualifying courses.

5. Group Discussion: (2 min)

a. How different was the second interview in relation to the first one?
b. What differences could you notice?

6. Oral Practices:

a. Controlled Practice
b. Job Fair Dynamic Activity.

1. Read the text bellow and do the following activities:

1. Read the article again and choose the best headline (a, b or c).

a) Complaining about your job could lose you your job

b) Facebook profile 'could damage job prospects'
c) Ambition is key to a successful career
2. According to the article, how can social-networking sites make or break your career?


3. On your notebook, write a short list of things you should not do on your social networking pages.
Make sure to include your own ideas.

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