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COVID-19 was just an illness that had killed less than 50 people, but then it spread.

To every
country in the world. Taking the world by storm it, at the time of writing this, has killed 297 thousand
people worldwide. To try to contain the virus, major air and cruise lines shut down, schools moved to
online school, and shelter in place orders were put in place worldwide. As a student, I moved from
learning at my high school, to doing everything online. At home learning has proved to be a challenge,
there are constant distractions, and all you want to do is crawl back into the warmth of your bed and
sleep. It’s also been a quite fulfilling, because when I was little, I didn't like school, so I thought wouldn't
it be great to be home schooled. The answer to that question is no, no it is not. Keeping in contact these
days is important, mainly to make sure those you care about are healthy. I use Messenger, and plain old
phone calls. I think that keeping in touch with family and friends is an important part of maintaining
some semblance of sanity during this extremely difficult time. The stay at home measures, and social
distancing precaution has influenced quite a few relationships that I have mostly with family but a
couple with friends. I get bored and go to bug my mom and she gets mad, I to my friends a lot and mom
gets mad again. During these couple months I have put on a few pounds, I’ll admit. Me and my family
have watched movies, made bonfires, played with our puppy, painted, listen to music, taken drives to
the country and watched tv together. To Kansans everywhere and USD 259 members, masks should
become the new norm, for cold and pandemics! PLEASE wear them, as they keep bad in and out. COVID
has destroyed lives and I think people will be smarter about being in public and letting friends come over
and going to large crowded areas. Thank you, new generations! <3

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