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Name: - Abebech Ewnetu

Id No: - FMBA/001/20

Department:-Master Of Business Administration

Final exam - Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development

Part one
1- A- Sole rebels fonder is exemplary of imitators entrepreneur in Ethiopia.

B- She needs for achievement, motivated and willing to accept the risk. She has self-
confidence and self-determination women, persuasive, she uses more inputs our local
material so she is resourcefulness.

C. She starts the business because of ‘’push” Influence on Disagreement with previous
employer so, I think She is motivated and desired for independence

D- I think she is creative, because she improves the existing shoes style and she uses
resource locally.

E- She contributes like hires many employees, she generate dollar for her country, she
promotes the country, and she motivates all creative and innovation ideas.

2- Business plan used to evaluates

- Market, Technical, Financial and Social Profitability and assessing the feasibility and viability
of the business or project.
-Setting objectives and budgets.

There are eight common components of business plan they are

1- Executive summary- the projects nature and purpose of goods and services, marketing
strategies entrepreneurs history and sources of finance
2- Business concept- describes the project all necessary information detailed like the nature of
market demand, segmentation type source of finance partners of the business and objective of
the project.
3- Product or services of the project- Inputs type, Cost of raw materials, how to
manufacturing the product and all legal issues answers this section.
4- Market research and analysis – to know the customer type markets trend competitors we
need to make market assessment and analyses the findings well.
5- The market plan –all marketing mix and promotional mix detailed planned
6- Manufacturing or operations plan-like facilities and human resource, operations other
insurance and legal protection
7- Profiles of entrepreneur’s team member. All members of the business including board of
the business profile described
8- Financial document- all income statements cost of goods, operating expense profit and loss
taxes revenue and other financial statements briefly show.

There are three types of finance companies

1- Finance companies
2- consumer finance companies, and
3- commercial finance companies
3- Yes, I agree. b/se there are many entrepreneur but have not good transactions. So I recommended
for commissioner to
- Adjust the entrepreneur finishing production style by providing training
- Give training how to handle the customer and how to retail them.
- Gov’t Promote all entrepreneurs product not only Ethiopia but also out of the country.

4- Succession planning in entrepreneurship is identifying selecting and participating potential

candidates to work with an entrepreneur it uses for

- Continue and transfer the experience and skill of the entrepreneurs ability
- Because of retirement death and other problem it may not stop the business.

Part two
1- Potential entrants
2- Buyers.
3- Substitutes-
4- Suppliers-
5- Other stakeholders /relative power of unions, gov’ts, special interest groups. etc..

1- Potential entrants – the company already start to produce the product so the company must
assess their customers need side by side this is because they can evaluate how to threat of new

2- Buyers- based on Assessment Company knows the type and willing and ability power of

3- Substitutes- the enterpriser knows what if the product can’t produce threat of substitutes of
products or services.
4- Suppliers-inputs or raw materials availability in the market

5- Other stakeholders /relative power of unions, gov’ts, special interest groups. etc..

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