Final Draft Essay

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Peron 1

Julie Peron

Mrs. Pritchett

7th grade English

22 April 2021

Do you like swimming? If not, why? Most people that do not enjoy swimming do

not feel comfortable with the environment/activities or feel pressured. By developing a

safe and easy swimming program based on the student and their development, they can

feel more open and comfortable to swim. The base of the whole program is the student

and their development pace. Creating something safe and conferrable that helps

beginners, children, and other people; can encourage them to like and practice more


Some common questions are if beginners and children feel safe while swimming and

how should they start. Professional swimming instructors say that the first thing to be

done is; having a teacher in the pool with the beginner. If they do not know how to

swim, the instructor’s presence will give the security and safety needed to get familiar

with the water. Holding the hand if necessary, diving together, and respecting

everyone’s development will help them. Children and beginners should practice floating

their whole body without any accessories and then start to move around by using their

legs and arms. It is necessary to respect their pace of development and to keep working

on your weaknesses.
Peron 2

Once the student is ready to take the next step, the instructor will present the

introductory swimming styles. The most often are the puppy stroke soon developed to

crawl or the backstroke, without ever forgetting to breathe. To learn it properly, we first

break the movements into parts, improving each one separately. It is essential to

practice the leg movements and arm movements independently to combine them only

afterward, assuring each portion is done correctly and well-integrated.

Being a good swimmer is not about speed; mastering the styles and doing them with

precision is a key that takes you way further in the sport. To help with that, the

instructors say that working on resistance and distance is hugely important. Once we get

tired, our movements tend to get sloppy and, so does our swimming. Beginners and

starters should also be encouraged to keep their own pace, not comparing to others on

speed or for how long they have been swimming. When thinking of developing a

program, understanding that each person has their rhythm of development is substantial.

Concluding, our focus is on creating a program that is enjoyable and encouraging for

all. Taking the pressure off and focusing on each individual with their development

process can make learning how to swim a safe and exciting activity. Considering that

swimming is a complex sport, where we move the whole body, breathing, motor

coordination, and physical conditioning, in the right environment, swimming can

become a healthy element for your life.

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