Romania + Bukovina

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Republic of Romania

The Republic of Romania is a semi-presidential

representative democratic republic, where the prime minister
is the head of the government, while the President represents
the country internationally, approves laws promulgated by
the parliament and nominations as head of state.
The population of Romania is estimated to be around
19.53 million (2018). This number is getting smaller and
smaller, as the annual growth rate is -0.6% (2017). The
fertility rate is about 1.58 children born per woman (2016).
The average life span is 75 years old. More than 10% of
Romania’s population (around 2 million people) is made up of
ethnic minorities. The most significant minorities in Romania
are Hungarians (6.1% - 1.22 million), Romanis (3% - 620k),
Germans (0.17% - 36k), Ukrainians (0.25% - 51k) and many
others – Serbs, Russians, Chinese, Slovaks, Czechs, Turks,
Bulgarians etc. (0.79% - 156k).
The climate of Romania is temperate continental climate
in transition with oceanic climate, influenced by
Scandinavian-Baltic weather, mediterranean climate and
Black Sea weather. In the South, the climate is characterized
by mild winters and stronger rainfalls in autumn. In the
South-East, the Black Sea climate occurs with rare very heavy
rains. In Eastern regions, its continental character is less
pronounced. In the North, the Scandinavian-Baltic is way
more influent, with wetter climate and colder winters. In the
West, we find moderate temperatures and stronger rains. The
Carpathian region has cool mountain climate, with high
humidity throughout the year. The average temperature is
9.5 degrees Celsius.
The anthem of Romania is ‘’Deșteaptă-te, române!’’. It
was written by Andrei Mureșan, during the 1848 revolution,
as ’’Un răsunet’’. It was later renamed to its current name. It
has been National Anthem since 1989, when it replaced the
former (communist era) anthem, ‘’Trei culori’’. For a short
period in the 1990’s, it was also Moldova’s anthem.


There are many things to do or visit in Bukovina. You can

visit the fortified Monastery of Putna, the place where
Stephen the Great is buried. Other touristic sights are: the
Suceava Citadel, the Bukovina Village Museum, the Egg
Museum, many other monasteries, the Shelter of Daniil the
Hermit, the Cacica Salt Mine, Rarău Peak and the Balneary
Station of Vatra Dornei.
In Bukovina there are a lot of traditions for different
holidays. Those include but are not limited to: cleaning up the
house before any holiday, Capra, carolling, Sorcova, the
Christmas, New Years and Easter dinner, the plugușor, etc.

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