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Characteristics of Cooperative Education

1. The program is coordinated by a qualified and dedicated teacher-

2. Students are selected based upon their aptitudes, needs and desires,
career goals, and on the availability of suitable training stations.
3. Training stations that are directly related to the student’s career
developmental need or career goal are secured and developed by the
teacher-coordinator to provide on-the-job experiences.
4. Learning experiences at the training station are supervised by a
training sponsor who has been carefully prepared for this role.
5. Related instruction is planned and correlated directly with the student’s
on-the-job experiences and career development needs.
6. Well defined policies have been developed to guide the operation of
7. Proper monitoring of the cooperative plan is achieved through
evaluation activities, accurate and timely periodic activity reports,
training agreements and plans, wage and hour reports, and proof of
age certificates or work permits.
8. An advisory council, including representatives from business, labor,
and education has been established to advise and assist in planning,
developing, and implementing cooperative education.
9. Written training agreements and individual student training plans are
carefully developed and agreed upon by the employer, training
sponsor, student, and coordinator.
10. When applicable, pay is received for on-the-job experience.
11. Credit that may apply toward graduation is awarded to students for
successfully completing on-the-job learning experiences.
12. All state and federal laws relative to employment practices are adhered
to by the training stations.
13. Adequate time is provided for the teacher-coordinator to coordinate
and supervise training station learning activities (a minimum of one-half
hour of coordinator time per student per week is required).
14. An extended contract is provided for teacher-coordinators to develop
training station personnel, develop training plans, update records, and
handle other development activities.
15. Administrative support for CE is sufficient to allow for the flexible
scheduling needed to effectively and efficiently operate the plan.
16. Counselors work closely with the teacher-coordinator in the operation
of the program.
17. The results of follow-up studies are utilized to improve CE.
18. Adequate facilities including a related classroom, office, and telephone
are provided.
Other important elements for a regular cooperative education program

1. The classroom instruction phase which correlates with the training

station learning experiences is preceded by a series of sequential
courses which are designed to assist in the occupational preparation of
the student.
2. The instructional program is periodically aligned by analysis of the
occupations for which the cooperative method is being utilized.
3. Adequate facilities, equipment, and materials are available to provide
instruction related to the student training station learning experiences
and career goals.

Additional important elements for special or contractual CE programs are:

1. Teachers should have a wide range of communication skills in areas of

assertiveness, confrontation, empathy, and motivation.
2. Teachers should have special abilities to deal effectively with crisis
situations in school, at the training station, and in other circumstances.
3. When appropriate, teachers should make use of supportive personnel
in the school—such as school counselors, the school psychologist, or
social workers.
4. When appropriate, teachers should make use of supportive personnel
and services in the community—such as crises and drug abuse
centers, family counseling, youth outreach, and others.

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