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The purpose of this study was to determine the uses, safeness, quality and the
price of this two products. One for household and one for personal care. These are
usually used whenever man needed it especially to personal cares because it was
needed to man’s daily life. The readers commonly used this products, there are no
issues that was heard about this products. It helps to take care of the readers skin, to
take care itself. Not just for personal care but also includes the household, to also make
change inside the house.
One for household and one for personal care. Many people have not tried or
aware using arm &hammer baking soda as alternative, mouthwash or whitening teeth
and lots more. Aside from its affordable prize, it is also safest and natural. Even the
readers are at home, the readers can make lots of usage. While the iwhite aqua
moisturizer whitening vita is also good and safe to use for personal care.
In our society it seems like there are only few in critical age was interested to
things that can help elderlies. The researcher knows that many readers out there still
doesn’t know about the facts that this products can do. It has different uses, point of
view and in here the readers can afford them even if the readers will not think about it
because for sure the products will be useful. Back then, this products may be ignored
because there are only few persons that are interested to what Arm & Hammer baking
soda can do as well as aqua moisturizer whitening vita as a personal care and for
household to every person that searching for their need that will fit on the undecided
explorers. Finding the trusted item to be able to make sure that it’s safe, not just by the
safeness of it but also the uses, quality, and its price. Of course, buying the worth of its
price. This two products does not only have one goal for the people but there are lots of
it. Lots of benefits to many things. If other people choosing the product that was only
popular and just known for todays present, people are choosing the wrong items. There
are so many products out there that has many chemicals that will just ruin people’s
health or the furniture inside people’s house. The product is cheap but as well as its
uses and effectiveness, in short its useless. People needs to choose wisely and before
the people buy other products it must be safe and effective. The researcher will present
two products and will compare its uses, safeness, quality and its price.
 Which of the two products is safer to use?
-iwhite aqua moisturizer whitening vita because aside from its benefits and to
tits ingredients. It seems to be really safe than arm & hammer aqua
moisturizer especially if its preferring to health.
 Which of the two products have the best quality?
- Both products has the best quality because both are imported, tested,
naturally made and safe process, also the trusted brand since products was

 Which of the two products has many uses?

- Between iwhite aqua moisturizer whitening vita and arm & hammer baking
soda, arm & hammer baking soda has many uses which have 101 uses to
different household and other things.
 Which of the two products is the cheapest?
- Between iwhite aqua moisturizer whitening vita and arm & hammer baking
soda, the iwhite aqua moisturizer whitening vita is the cheapest. Even if the
packaging is that small but don’t underestimate it because the quality and
effect may shock the buyers and it is also in a small packaging that’s why its
cheap. And its suitable for those buyers who didn’t know what moisturizer fits
them, so that, the beginners can try it and buy it.
Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
We always heard about the three famous letters which is “DIY” means “Do It
Yourself” and has been described as a “self made-culture.” One of designing, creating,
customizing and repairing items or things, without any special training. DIY has grown to
become a social concept with people sharing ideas, designs and techniques, method
and finished projects.
On this research, using the main ingredients to that is available in our kitchen,
which is the arm & hammer baking soda. We can make lots of things as a beauty
products, as a cleaning material, health and for health issues. Arm & hammer baking
soda is also very economical, not just like other products like Aqua moisturizer
whitening vita. Both has its own usage that is very essential for us.
Baking soda is also known as sodium bicarbonate a chemical compound with the
formula NaHCO₃. It is a salt composed of a sodium cation and a bicarbonate anion.
Sodium bicarbonate is a white solid that is crystalline but often appears as a fine power.
Arm & hammer baking soda is widely used in baking. This is because it has leavening
properties, meaning it causes dough to rise by producing carbon dioxide. Aside from
cooking, arm & hammer baking soda has a variety of additional household uses and
health benefits. Following are the benefits and uses of arm & hammer baking soda:
 Treat heartburn “also known as acid reflux.” Its painful, burning sensation that
arises in the upper region of a person stomach and can spread up into its throat.
o How to use arm & hammer baking soda?
- Dissolve a teaspoon of arm & hammer baking soda in a glass of cold
water and drink the mixture slowly.
 Mouthwash- is a great addition to a good oral hygiene routine.
o How to use arm & hammer baking soda?
- Add ½ teaspoon of arm & hammer baking soda to half a glass of warm
water and then swish as usual.
 Soothe canker sorer- are small, painful ulcers that can form inside a person’s

o How to use arm & hammer baking soda?

- A person can make arm & hammer baking soda mouth wash using the
recipe number 2. The person will rinse mouth with this mixture once a
day until the canker sore heals.
 Whiten the teeth – baking soda is a popular remedy sore whitening teeth.
o Using baking soda as toothpaste is better for whitening teeth and
removing plague. It also has antibacterial and antimicrobial
properties that can help sight harmful bacteria.
 Deodorant- human sweat is odourless. Sweat only gains an odour after it’s
broken down by bacteria in a persons armpits and convert its sweat into
acidic waste products that give sweat its odour.
o Try putting baking soda onto a persons armpits and it may notice a
 Relive itchy- itchy skin and sunburns. To make a baking bath, adda1-2 cups
of arm & hammer baking soda to a lukewarm bath. Make sure the affected
area is soaked thoroughly.
 Neutralize fridge odours- chances are same fools in your fridge have
overstayed their and started spoiling.
o fill a cup with arm & hammer baking soda and place it in the back of
your fridge to neutralize bad odours.
 Air freshener- not all commercial fresheners eliminate bad odours. Some
simple release fragrance molecules that mask bad smells.
 Arm & hammer Baking soda is an excellent and safe alternative
to commercial air freshener. It interacts with odour particles and
neutralizes it rather than masking it.
 To create arm & hammer baking soda air freshener the materials
needed are:
- A small jar
- 1/3 cup arm & hammer baking soda
- 10-15 drops of the persons favourite essential oils.
- A piece of cloth or paper
- String or ribbon
Add the arm & hammer baking soda and essential oils to the jar. Cover
it with cloth or paper, then secure it in place with the string when the scent t=start
to fade. Give the jar a shake.
 May white the laundry- arm & hammer baking soda is an expensive way to
whiten and clean your laundry. Arm & hammer baking soda is an alkali, a soluble
salt that can help remove dirt and stains.
o Add ½ cup of arm & hammer baking soda to regular amount of laundry
 Kitchen cleaner- it can not only remove tough stains but also help eliminate foul
o To use arm & hammer baking soda, make a paste by mixing arm &
hammer baking soda with a small amount of water. Apply the pack to the
desired surface with a sponge or cloth and scrub thoroughly.
 Eliminate garbage odour- garbage bag often have a putrid odour because they
contain a variety of decaying waste products.
o Spreading arm & hammer baking soda at the bottom waste bins without
peeling .
 Clean fruits and vegetables- many people wormy about pesticides on foods.
o Soaking fruits and veggies in a arm & hammer baking soda wash is the
most effective way to venue pesticides without peeling the fruits and
 Polish silverware- arm & hammer baking soda is as handy alternative to
commercial silver polishes.
 For this, it needed:
- Aluminium baking pan with aluminium foil
- 1 cup of boiling water
- 1 tbsp arm & hammer baking soda
- 1/2 cup of white vinegar
Add the arm & hammer baking soda to the aluminium baking pan and slowly pour in
the vinegar. Next, pour in the boiling water and then place the silver in the baking pan.
Then, the tarnish should begin to disappear.
 Homemade weed killer- weeds are pesky plants that can grow in the cracks of
your walkways and driveways people can use arm & hammer baking soda as a
cheaper and safer alternative because it is high in sodium which creates a harsh
environment for weeds.
o Sprinkle a few handfuls of arm & hammer baking soda over weeds that
are growing.
 Shoe deodorizer- having stinky shoes is a common problem that can be quite
o Pour 2 tbsp of cheesecloths or thin pieces of fabric. Secure the cloths with
a rubber band or string and place in each shoe.
o Remove the arm & hammer baking soda bags when the person want to
wear its shoes.
There are 101 uses of arm & hammer baking soda and what mentioned by the
researcher above was only some of its benefits and usage.
Does arm & hammer baking soda go bad?
There’s no precarious about how long the arm & hammer baking soda will last,
although in can lose its potency or effectiveness over time. In this case the baking soda
was in good condition but baking soda might go bad if it has been exposed to acidic
moisture. Maybe be it was left on the counter, and it got wet with water that contained
vinegar, lemon, juice or another acid. Maybe the water is a little acidic, or it picked up
acidic residues from the counter. The readers would probably notice that the box has
gotten wet, and see the results of the bubbling action.
How to test if it is still potent
There are five methods by which how to know if arm & hammer baking soda is
still potent. To find out whether the arm & hammer baking soda has gone bad, there are
some things that the research needs. The acid such as vinegar. Arm & hammer baking
soda reacts with the acidic ingredients in recipes to produce carbon dioxide gas. Those
bubbles of gas are what act to make the dough rise. Yeast and baking powder also
produce carbon dioxide gas to make the dough rise.
 Toss a spoonful of baking soda into a bowl.
 Add a splash of vinegar or lemon juice or other acidic liquid.
 If the mixture fizzes heavily, the baking soda is still good.
 If the researcher don’t get much of fizz, the arm & hammer baking soda has gone
 Use the rest of the box for cleaning, and another box for the researcher baking.
But, however, had many things that can do with arm & hammer baking soda there
are also things that people must be aware of. There are two parts of the baking soda
which are the sodium and bicarbonate which affects he pH (acid level) of body fluids.
Baking soda’s usage was to many things, when it comes to as a beauty products, as a
cleaning material, health and for health issues. Not being aware to how to use this can
harm a person because it can probably poison anyone.
Too much baking soda can cause vomiting and diarrhea which are common as
the body tries to correct the high sodium concentration by pulling more water into the
digestive tract. And too much baking soda as a homemade antacid can cause rapid
formation of gas in the stomach. Better to not use baking soda to treat stomach upset
without asking the person’s personal doctor if it is safe to take baking soda as a
treatment to specific situation. Stomach ruptures can occur with baking soda use after
drinking alcoholic drinks or eating huge amount of meal.
In this case, it is better to use over the counter antacid product such as calcium
carbonate, which work in a similar way but are much safer. No worries about children
about it because, thankfully, arm & hammer baking soda

have a bad taste this might keep most children from eating too much. It is important to
take arm & hammer baking soda ingestion seriously because it will have make a
problem to people.
These is just a warning for the readers to be aware what arm & hammer baking
soda can cause if it is not use properly and controllably. This product brand is a trusted
solution for more than 170 years. Pure and simple. This was valued to as an
alternatives to other products with harsh chemicals or those which harm the
environment. That’s why arm & hammer baking soda is a natural, effective,
environmental-friendly, and economical choice for taking care of every room in the
house. Arm & hammer baking soda has a million and one uses, it is also food grade as
this was said on the it’s box. So, therefore, arm & hammer baking soda is totally safe.
People just have to know how to use it properly. This product have so many uses and it
was a trusted product and brand. Arm & hammer baking soda is for personal care, too.
As arm & hammer baking soda is completely said natural, from the word natural it
also have the best price for the people to be able to buy it. Here, in the Philippine, arm &
hammer baking soda only cost 120 PHP for 454G. The price will depend what the gram
or kilo gram is.
The country Philippines is one of the country that mostly experience high
temperature, high humidity, and abundant rainfall The Philippines also
experiences high relative humidity, the moisture content of the atmosphere. And
Philippines is a tropical country. Many Filipinos are not aware to what will the
climate can do to the Filipinos face even in any parts of the body because it is
mostly dry (sunny day) on this country. Only if there are something heavy rain or
typhoon that’s coming.
The heat of the sun may affect them. The heat of the sun has effects that
most commonly known the ‘pimples.’ Most of Filipinos have it, especially
teenagers but it is normal or teenagers to have pimples or breakouts because it is
normal to the teenagers age. The pores of every person can be very active if the
person doesn’t know how to take care it’s face or itself. As long as to the
teenagers, it is not just about to the heat of the sun because of the climate but
also because some teenagers was so stubborn not to be controlled to what they
want to do. Sleeping late at night or in just early in the morning can cause them
pimples when the teenagers wake-up. that this can also cause breakouts.
Not because the researcher mentioned about the heat of the sun and the
first thing that comes into the readers mind was it’s because of heat it means that
people will sweat, and that’s true. But as the researcher said, only if the person
know how to take care of itself. There are common two types of face, the oily face
or dry face. This are the possible outcomes to the face of every person. Taking
care of such things must also be allowed to itself.

On this research, using only one product that can make the skin looks
healthy, and bright again as what it’s like before (baby face). Can be used on dry
or oily face to make sure that the face will look beautiful no matter where the
person is. This was recommended to the person who has dry face that mostly
needs to be moisturizer for the face to not get worst if the face was not
immediately recovered.
iWhite Aqua Moisturizer Whitening Vita is for personal use, not just for the
health of the face but it is also included as a beauty product. iWhite Aqua
Moisturizer Whitening Vita deeply hydrates with water-based formula, a unique
water-based moisturizer that deeply hydrates the skin with its natural and non-
greasy formula. It leaves a cool, oil-free, and refreshing feeling on your skin after
Contains natural active ingredients help
 Prevent premature aging
 Protect skin from cellular damage
 Hydrate, and
 Maintain firmness of skin
Ingredients Explained


Mulberry Root Skin brightening
Panax Ginseng Antioxidant, emollient goodie
Root Extract
Green Tea Leaf Antioxidant, soothing supersta
Extract r
Water solvent
Sodium Skin-identical ingredient, o,o goodie
Hyaluronate moisturizer/humecant
Glycerin Skin-identical ingredient, o,o supersta
moisturizer/humecant r
Dimethiconol emollient, moisturizer/
Cyclomethicon emollient, moisturizer/ o,o
e humectant, solvent, viscosity
Allantoin soothing o,o goodie
Panthenol soothing, moisturizer/ o,o goodie
Aloe soothing, emollient, moisturizer goodie
Barbadensis /humectant
Leaf Extract
Tocopheryl antioxidant o,o
Oryza Sativa
Bran Extract
Imidazolidinyl preservative o,o
Ascorbyl antioxidant o,2 icky
Green Floral
Mulberry Root Extract
 to brighten the skin

Panax Ginseng Root Extract- Goodie ALSO CALLED: True Ginseng,

Ginseng, Korean Ginseng | WHAT IT DOES: antioxidant, emollient
 A  traditional Korean medicine used for more than 2000 years. Regarding
skin care, its main thing seems to be enhancing skin nutrition and
metabolism as a result of improving blood circulation.
 It also contains biologically active components referred to as ginseng
saponins (ginsenosides) that have potent antioxidant properties. 
Green Tea Leaf Extract – Superstar ALSO CALLED: Green Tea;Camellia
Sinensis Leaf Extract | WHAT-IT-DOES: antioxidant, soothing
 Green tea is one of the most researched natural ingredients
 The active parts are called polyphenols, or more precisely catechins
(EGCG being the most abundant and most active catechin)
 There can be huge quality differences between green tea extracts. The
good ones contain 50-90% catechins (and often make the product brown
and give it a distinctive smell)
 Green tea is proven to be a great antioxidant, UV protectant, anti-
inflammatory, anticarcinogenic and antimicrobial
 Because of these awesome properties green tea is a great choice for anti-
aging and also for skin diseases including rosacea, acne and atopic
Water ALSO CALLED: Aqua | WHAT IT DOES: solvent
 Good old water, aka H2O. The most common skincare ingredient of all. It
can usually find it right in the very first spot of the ingredient list, meaning
it’s the biggest thing out of all the stuff that makes up the product. 
 It’s mainly a solvent for ingredients that do not like to dissolve in oils but
rather in water. 
Sodium Hyaluronate- Goodie WHAT-IT-DOES: skin-identical
ingredient, moisturizer/humectant | IRRITANCY: 0  | COMEDOGENICITY: 0 
 It’s the - sodium form - cousin of the famous NMF, hyaluronic acid (HA). If
HA does not tell to the readers anything the researcher have a super
detailed, geeky explanation about it here.  The TL; DR version of HA is
that it's a huge polymer (big molecule from repeated subunits) found in the
skin that acts as a sponge helping the skin to hold onto water, being
plump and elastic. HA is famous for its crazy water holding capacity as it
can bind up to 1000 times its own weight in water.
 As far as skincare goes, sodium hyaluronate and hyaluronic acid are
pretty much the same and the two names are used interchangeably. As
cosmetic chemist kindofstephen writes on reddit  "sodium hyaluronate
disassociates into hyaluronic acid molecule and a sodium atom in
 In spite of this, if the reader search for "hyaluronic acid vs sodium
hyaluronate" the researcher will find on multiple places that sodium
hyaluronate is smaller and can penetrate the skin better. Chemically, this
is definitely not true, as the two forms are almost the same, both are
polymers and the subunits can be repeated in both forms as much as the
reader like. (The researcher also checked Prospector for sodium
hyaluronate versions actually used in cosmetic products and found that
the most common molecular weight was 1.5-1.8 million Da that absolutely
counts as high molecular weight).
 What seems to be a true difference, though, is that the salt form is more
stable, easier to formulate and cheaper so it pops up more often on the
ingredient lists. 
 If the reader want to become a real HA-and-the-skin expert the reader can
read way more about the topic at hyaluronic acid (including penetration-
questions, differences between high and low molecular weight versions
and a bunch of references to scientific literature).
Glycerin – Superstar ALSO-CALLED: Glycerol | WHAT-IT-DOES: skin-
ingredient, moisturizer/humectant | IRRITANCY: 0  | COMEDOGENICITY: 0 
 A natural moisturizer that’s also in people’s skin.
 A super common, safe, effective and cheap molecule used for more than
50 years.
 Not only a simple moisturizer but knows much more: keeps the skin lipids
between people skin cells in a healthy (liquid crystal) state, protects
against irritation, helps to restore barrier.
 Effective from as low as 3% with even more benefits at higher
concentrations up to 20-40% (around 10% is a good usability-
effectiveness sweet spot).
 High-glycerin moisturizers are awesome for treating severely dry skin.

Dimethiconol WHAT-IT-DOES: emollient, moisturizer/humectant
 A thick, high molecular weight silicone that is usually diluted in another,
lighter silicone fluid (like dimethicone or cyclopentasiloxane).
The dimethiconol containing silicone blends leave a silky smooth, non-
greasy film on the skin.
Cyclomethicone WHAT-IT-
DOES: emollient, moisturizer/humectant, solvent, viscosity
controlling | IRRITANCY: 0  | COMEDOGENICITY: 0 
 Cyclomethicone is not one type of silicone, but a whole mixture of them:
it's a mix of specific chain length (4 to 7) cyclic structured silicone
 There seems to be a confusion on the internet whether Cyclomethicone
and Cyclopentasiloxane are the same. The two are not the same, but
Cyclopentasiloxane is part of the mixture that makes up Cyclomethicone. 
 All the silicones in the Cyclomethicone mixture are volatile, meaning this
ingredient evaporate from the skin or hair rather than stay on it. This
means that Cyclomethicone has a light skin feel with none-to-minimal
after-feel.  It also makes the formulas easy to spread and has nice
emollient properties.
Allantoln – Goodie WHAT-IT-
 Super common soothing ingredient. It can be found naturally in the roots &
leaves of the comfrey plant, but more often than not what's in the
cosmetic products is produced synthetically. 
 It's not only soothing but it' also skin-softening and protecting and
can promote wound healing.
Panthenol – Goodie ALSO-CALLED: Pro-Vitamin B5 | WHAT-IT-
DOES: soothing, moisturizer/humectant | IRRITANCY: 0  | COMEDOGENICITY: 

 An easy-to-formulate, commonly used, nice to have ingredient that’s also
called pro-vitamin B5. As the researcher might guess from the “pro” part,
it’s a precursor to vitamin B5 (whose fancy name is pantothenic acid). 
 Its main job in skincare products is to moisturise the skin. It’s a humectant
meaning that it can help the skin to attract water and then hold onto it.
There is also research showing that panthenol can help the persons skin
to produce more lovely lipids that are important for a strong and healthy
skin barrier. 
 Another great thing about panthenol is that it has anti-inflammatory and
skin protecting abilities. A study shows that it can reduce the irritation
caused by less-nice other ingredients (e.g. fragrance, preservatives or
chemical sunscreens) in the product.
 Research also shows that it might be useful for wound healing as it
promotes fibroblast (nice type of cells in our skin that produce skin-firming
collagen) proliferation. 
 If that wasn’t enough panthenol is also useful in nail and hair care
products. A study shows that a nail treatment liquide with 2% panthenol
could effectively get into the nail and significantly increase the hydration of
 As for the hair the hydration effect is also true there. Panthenol might
make the persons hair softer, more elastic and helps to comb the persons
hair more easily. 
Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract – Goodie ALSO-CALLED: Aloe Leaf
Extract | WHAT-IT-DOES: soothing, emollient, moisturizer/humectant

 The extract coming from the juice containing leaves of the Aloe vera
plant. It's usually a hydroglycolic extract (though  oil extract for the lipid
parts also exists) that has similar moisturizing, emollient and anti-
inflammatory properties as the juice itself. People have written some more
about aloe here.
Tocopheryl Acetate ALSO-CALLED: Vitamin E Acetate | WHAT-IT-
DOES: antioxidant | IRRITANCY: 0  | COMEDOGENICITY: 0 
 It’s the most commonly used version of pure vitamin E in cosmetics. The
reader can read all about the pure form here. This one is the so-called
esterified version. 
 According to famous dermatologist, Leslie Baumann while tocopheryl
acetate is more stable and has a longer shelf life, it’s also more poorly
absorbed by the skin and may not have the same awesome
photoprotective effects as pure Vit E. 

Ascorbyl Palmitate – Icky ALSO-CALLED: Form of Vitamin C | WHAT-IT-

 A form of skincare superstar, vitamin C. Even though we are massive
vitamin C fans,  Ascorbyl Palmitate  (AP) is the people’s least favorite.
(Btw, if the person do not know what the big deal with vitamin C is then the
people are missing out. The reader must go and read the geeky
details about it.) 
 So, AP is one of the attempts by the cosmetics industry to solve the
stability issues with vitamin C while preserving its benefits,  but it seems to
fall short on several things.
 Firstly, it's stability is only similar to that of pure ascorbic acid (AA), which
means it is not really stable. A great study in the Journal of Cosmetic
Dermatology compared a bunch of vitamin C derivatives and this
derivative was the only one where the study said in terms of stability that
it's "similar to AA". Not really that good.
 Second, a study that examined the skin absorption of vitamin C found
that ascorbyl palmitate did not increase the skin levels of AA. This does
not mean that ascorbyl palmitate cannot penetrate the skin (because it
can, it's oil soluble and the skin likes to absorb oil soluble things) but this
means that it's questionable if ascorbyl palmitate can be converted into
pure Vit C in the skin.
 Even if it can be converted, the palmitate part of the molecule is more
than the half of it, so the efficacy will not be good and people have never
seen a serum that contains a decent (and proudly disclosed) amount of
AP.  The researcher is highly skeptical what effect a tiny amount of AP
has in a formula.

 Third, another study that the researcher wanted to examine the

antioxidant properties of AP was surprised to find that even though AP
does have nice antioxidant properties; following UVB radiation (the same
one that comes from the sun) it also promotes lipid peroxidation and
cytotoxicity. It was only an in-vitro study meaning that it was done on
cell cultures and not on real people, but still, this also does not support the
use of AP too much. 
 The only good thing, people can write about Ascorbyl Palmitate is that
there is an in-vitro (made in the lab, not on real people) study showing that
it might be able to boost collagen production.
 Regarding the skin-brightening properties of pure vitamin C, this is another
magic property AP does not have, or at least there is no data, not even in-
vitro, about it.
 Overall, Ascorbyl Palmitate is the readers least favorite vitamin C
derivative. It is there in lots of products in tiny amounts (honestly, the
readers do not really understand why), however, the reader do not know
about any vitamin C serum featuring AP in high amounts. That is probably
no coincidence. If people are into vitamin C, the reader can take a look at
more promising derivatives here. 

iWhite Aqua Moisturizer Whitening Vita is refined by bio-nanotechnology

which gives in ingredients increased potency in order to effectively take care of
the skin. The active ingredients are the following:
 Mulberry Root Extract
 Panax Ginseng Root Extract
 Green Tea Leaf Extract
But for the safety of the buyers of iwhite Aqua Moisturizer Whitening Vita,
the buyers must consult its personal dermatologist first. But if the buyer just buy
the product with no consent by the dermatologist or doctor there’s the possibility
that may have irritant warning especially to the ingredients of iWhite Aqua
Moisturizer Whitening Vita, specifically silicones, fragrance, and colorant. If
something occur or happened after applying iWhite Aqua Moisturizer Whitening
Vita, the buyer should immediately wash its face, consult to its personal
dermatologist and will stop using the iWhite Aqua Moisturizer Whitening Vita.
As for the quality of iWhite Aqua Moisturizer Whitening Vita, as mentioned
earlier by the researcher. iWhite Aqua Moisturizer Whitening Vita was made all
the way from Korea (as the buyer will see on its packaging) and a trusted product
worldwide. Also have the ingredient that almost 2000 years its using for cosmetics
or beauty products which is the Panax Ginseng Root Extract. People can afford
iWhite Aqua Moisturizer Whitening Vita and can have a healthy skin and baby
face for just 20 PHP 6ml. The price will depend in its ml.
The researcher gathered informations about the two products which is the
Arm & hammer baking soda and iwhite aqua moisturizer whitening vita to
compare for its usage, safeness, quality and price. The researcher have
discovered that the arm & hammer baking soda has so many uses than what the
researcher expected in the first place because aside from using it for household,
it can also be a personal care like iwhite aqua moisturizer whitening vita.
Arm & hammer baking soda has only two components or elements that are
naturally pure as it is but has many usage than iwhite aqua moisturizer whitening
vita that has some usage but it have many ingredients to consider for the product
to be able to be effective on someone. The researcher finding out what are the
other feedbacks of people in using arm & hammer baking soda and iwhite aqua
moisturizer whitening vita. The effects that will be applied to the users. Reading
and understanding what this two products can do and have.
After reading all the reviews and finished its comparison, the researcher
read it over double check to make it sure that it is all clear.
Table of Result.
Arm & Hammer Baking Iwhite Aqua Moisturizer
Soda Whitening Vita
USAGE 101 6
SAFENESS 95% 97%
QUALITY 100% 100%
PRICE 100% 100%

After the researcher already know the differences of arm & hammer baking
soda and iwhite aqua moisturizer whitening vita. The result will be discussed
according to its usage, safeness, quality and price.
 The sodium bicarbonate will react with an acid, giving off carbon dioxide
gas and dough to rise like bread. Aside from household use, it can also be
personal use, oral solutions, health, jewelry and accessories, laundry,
carpets and flooring, bathroom, kitchen, garage, pets, outdoor, and kids
and activities.
 Arm & hammer baking has so many ways while iwhite aqua moisturizer
whitening vita only have six ways. It smoothen the skin, moisturize the skin,
prevent premature aging, protect skin from cellular damage, hydrate, and
maintain firmness of skin.
 In terms of safeness, both products are in good condition and it is good for
use to the buyers and good for health but the only difference is that in
terms of health and safety. iwhite aqua moisturizer whitening vita is more
convenient to use than arm & hammer baking soda. If arm & hammer
baking soda is use for health problems, the buyer or user must consult its
personal doctor first because it may affect personal health and can be
dangerous. As well as iwhite aqua moisturizer whitening vita but it is all
about face so it may be safer than the arm & hammer baking soda.
Although, the buyer can assure the safeness of iwhite aqua moisturizer
whitening vita when its used, its more easier to identify if its effective to the
buyer or not.
 Both product have the best quality, imported, and trusted brands for a long
time. There are many users already since the products was out up until
 People can afford this two products because both are budget friendly or
economical. The price was depending on its grams or ml. But for the lowest
price was 120 PHP for 454G for arm & hammer baking soda and 20 PHP 6ml
for iwhite aqua moisturizer whitening vita.
Both are really useful, same quality, and also economical or budget-friendly
also one of the trusted brands that people may use. It can be seen to its individual
look and the readers first glance. Both are also safe but not that safe as the
researcher saw. There are always conflict that happened every single time if it
doesn’t fit to others. Arm & hammer baking soda can be very good in kitchen and
other stuff while iwhite aqua moisturizer whitening vita will just be applied on the
The Arm & hammer baking soda can be use with or without acidic
ingredients for the arm & hammer baking soda to react because people can use it
dry (as it is) or with liquid that triggers to see the effect on what will happen by
using the Arm & hammer baking soda to other acidic ingredients. While iwhite
aqua moisturizer whitening vita will just need to be applied on the face gently.
Arm & hammer baking soda is a versatile ingredient that has many uses
besides cooking. It shines when it comes to neutralizing odours and cleaning.
This household staple can help remove tough stains, eliminate foul odours, and
clean difficult areas like the oven, microwave, and tile grout. In addition, arm &
hammer baking soda has a variety of health benefits for example, it can help treat
heartburn, soothe canker sores and even whiten the teeth what’s more, Arm &
hammer baking soda is inexpensive and widely available. Reader can grab a
container of Arm & hammer baking soda from the readers local grocery store. The
next time the readers need to remove a tough stain or odour, reach for the Arm &
hammer baking soda. iwhite aqua moisturizer whitening vita only have six benefits
but the effectiveness will really satisfy the buyer if its really fits on the buyers face
without any problem. Both have different abilities and benefits but choosing for
the best and what fits to the buyer will really do a lot for them.
101 USES OF ARM AND HAMMER BAKING SODA by Bobette Bolton - issuu
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Is Arm & Hammer Baking Soda really meant for food? The name and logo doesn’t fit for
baking food. - Quora
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About Us | History of Baking Soda | Arm & Hammer (
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Whitening Vita Aqua Moisturizer (50ml) by iWhite Korea | BeautyMnl
Best Drugstore Moisturizer for Oily Skin? iWhite Aqua Moisturizer Review – The Glow
iWhite Korea Aqua Moisturizer Whitening Vita - Samplestore
"safe ba?" - iWhite Korea - Aqua Moisturizer Whitening Vita - Forum |
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