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Isabela Santos

Mrs. Pritchett

English Writing

9 April, 2021

The Plastic Dilema

Every year, around 8-12 million tons of plastic and garbage are found in the

ocean, and this has tremendously impacted their ecosystem and has not decreased

over the years. Water bottles take up a lot of the plastic that it found in the ocean,

meaning that there must be a solution provided to this disaster. Society is

continueously trying to find new ways to replace a plastic water or juice bottle and put

something more eco friendly instead. Some of the ways found was using thick "paper"

cartons, others were just using reusable water bottles, but one specific idea is

spherification. Using the method of sphereification is very useful because not only

does it not require any plastics or paper, but it is simply just a sphere of water that

pops in the mouth.

Sphereification is a process in which we use 2 chemicals to make an edible

sphere out of liquid. Or, for the exact definition, “Spherification is a process which

allows for the controlled jellification of a liquid – transforming it into a sphere with a

thin gel membrane.” (How to Spherify) Instead of using plastic water bottles, we can

come up with a solution by using this technique. This will help lessen the amount of

plastic in the ocean and certainly improve our world around us.

Plastic bottles play a huge part in harming our environment and the ocean, and

by using less plastic, it could play a huge impact on our planet. “The majority of

plastic is produced using non-renewable fossil fuels such as oil, with an estimated 4%

of the world's petroleum being used to make it. This produces a staggering amount of

carbon dioxide, amplifies the greenhouse effect, and warms our planet even more.”

(Cutterskiphire). And by doing so, we can use sphereification to use less plastic

bottles, and at least decrease the amounts of plastic in the ocean, so even a little bit

less plastic makes a great difference.

Other than just sphereification, there are other ways to solve our problem, and

there are other businesses that focus on that. We’ve created a new model for valuing

water in a world where it’s increasing scarce. We consider the materials we use,

where they come from, and how they can be reused. It’s our mission to create better

options for the things we need in our lives. (Just Water) This business uses eco

friendly bottles that use way less plastic and uses other resources like paper and

cardboard. They also fund lots of charities and help people all over the world.

After looking back at the previous paragraphs, it is possible to make a

conclusion in which states that using less plastic bottles can save our environment,

and that there are many ways to do so. Sphereification, other buisnesses and eco

friendly methods will create a huge impact on our planet and ocean. By following

these steps, society is taking one more march forward towards success.

Work Citied

“Better For Everyone®.” JUST WATER, 

Greatbritishchefs. “How to Spherify.” Great British Chefs, 13 Aug. 2020,\. 

“What Are The Benefits of Reducing Plastic Waste?” Cutters Skips, 30 June



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