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Watch this trailer and fill in the Linguini: Woa!

blanks with the words below:

Linguini: How did you do that?
understand  luck  humans  restaurants 
French  chef  cook spices  kitchen Linguini: You gotta taste this!

Colette: I hate to be rude but - we're

Remi: Ah, Paris, France, home of the finest ______________________!
_______________ and the greatest chefs in the world.
Linguini: I have a secret. I have a ra...
All my life I've wanted to be one of them. You may
Colette: You have a rash?
think that's a strange dream for a rat, but I have always
believed that with hard work and a little Head Chef: He's toying with my mind. Taunting me
______________, it's only a matter of time before I am with that rat. Daah! Come on! It’s getting away!!!
Cook: RAAAAAH! Linguini: Together, we can be the greatest
Head Chef: Do you know what would happen if ______________ in Paris!
anyone knew we had a RAT in our
____________________? Go! Take it away from here, Dad: Ratatuoille?
Garbage Boy! Remi: You're in Paris now, baby! My town!
Linguini: Don't look at me like that! You're the one
who was getting fancy with the __________________.
I need this job. I've lost so many. I don't know how to
cook, and now I am actually talking to a rat, as if you...
did you nod? You __________________ me? I can't
___________ … but you can, right? Look, don't be so
modest, you're a rat, for Pete's sake. Are you thinking
what I'm thinking? We just need to work out a system
so that I do what you want.

Colette: Stop that!

Linguini: Stop what?

Colette: You're freaking me out!

Remi: I want to make things, dad.

Dad: Stay away from the ______________, it's

dangerous. Now shut up and eat your garbage.

Linguini: Let's do this thing!

Remi: Do you detect that, the oakey nuttiness?

Dad: Oh, I'm detecting nuttiness!

restaurants - luck – kitchen – spices – understand – cook – humans – French - chef

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