Communication Process Project Group Brilliant

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HEART College of Hospitality Services


The Communication Process

(Apply Language and Communication Skill)

Presented To: Mrs. Sadreka Shand Black

Presented By: (Group Brilliant)
Asheba-lee Levy, Shanika Brown,
Ackeelia Bartley, Toshaey Peart, Sheri-lee
Date: November 30, 2020

Group Brilliant would like to thank the HEART College of Hospitality Services for our
college acceptance. We extend a special thank you to our teacher of this cluster, Mrs.
Sadreka Shand Black. We appreciate her courtesy, effort, and patience with us and our
classmates. We also want to congratulate ourselves (Ackeelia Bartley, Asheba-lee
Levy, Shanika Brown, Toshaey Peart, Sheri-lee Campbell) for our hard work and
commitment in completing this project together. To the staff of HEART College of
Hospitality Services, we say big thank you for your hard work and services.

Group Brilliant consists of five (5) members (Asheba-lee Levy, Ackeelia Bartley,
Shanika Brown, Toshaey Peart and Sheri-lee Campbell). Each member read a specific
topic in this project. The purpose of this project is about communication process, in
apply language and communication skill. Our findings are based upon lesson learnt in
classes and google chrome website. The project is made up of meanings to key terms,
communication topics and sub-topics, brief and explanation and advantages and dis-
advantages. Thank you for reading this project and we hope that at the you will gain
knowledge towards it in a full understanding.
Table of contents
Introduction………………………… page 1
What is communication…………… page 2
Types of communication…………. page 3
Brief and explanation………………. page 4
Advantages…………………………. Page 5
Disadvantages……………………… page 6
Question and answer……………… page 7
Conclusion....................................... page 8
Key terms and meanings…………… page 9
A.P.A Format…………………………. page 10
What is communication?

Communication is a two-way process of transmitting and receiving messages between

two or more persons to create a common understanding.
Communication means can be by speaking, writing and other mediums like cell phones
or telephones.
Proper communication includes active listening which is to; focus, show eagerness and
interest towards the other party so that you can understand the message the sender is
Types of communication

There are two types of communication verbal and non-verbal.

Verbal communication is the way of expressing yourself by use of sound or words

specially to contrast using gestures or mannerisms, however the key components of
verbal communication are sounds, words, language, and speaking.

Non-verbal communication is the way a person responds by facial expression, tone of

voice, eye contact, body language, and postures. Your tone of voice refers to its pitch,
quality and strength.
Barriers to communication

Barriers to communication is anything that prevents a message from being distributed.

These incudes:
➢ Language
➢ Cultural differences
➢ Religious differences
➢ Racial differences
➢ Educational levels
➢ Social status
In brief, the communication procedure would begins with the sender who is the person
transmitting the message. Encoding explains the data conversion of the sending
process. The message is the final detail in the contents. Decoding is how the message
has been converted or in other words received. The reciever is the other parties the
sender wants to reach out to are have connected with. Noise is indicating as a barrier to
communicate and can prevents the message from being heard or understood in a
media communication form. The feedback is the final respond and mostly comes from
the receiver stating whether the message has been heard and understood or not.

Promotes understanding
Effective communication is the foundation of positive human interaction. It considers the
emotional impact of the message along with the actual information and factual content.
Good communication seeks clarity in messaging, so ideas aren’t misinterpreted or
convoluted. Communication has both advantages and disadvantages, even when the
message is delivered.
Effective communication removes guesswork from any message. When information or
ideas are effectively communicated, persons do not question the meaning or reasoning.
Emotional cues
People find themselves in stressful situations sometimes. Handling an aggressive
customer is an example of daily interactions that can create stress. Paying attention to
sensory cues and clearly conveying desires and needs may occur naturally, but these
skills can be improved with practice and self-awareness.
Tuning in and being able to read the emotions of others gives you a big advantage in
finding solutions. At the same time, it makes it easier to adjust your message so that it
fits the mood and targets of others.
Build and maintain relationships
Personal relationships can rely on effective communication in every way. Good
communication in relationships reduces conflict, builds trust, and strengthens bonds. A
customer may be impressed by good satisfactory service and goods that a company
have provided and may stick to that organization for that specific type of business and
may even become a shareholder.

Negative acknowledgement
Good communication may not always be enough to make yourself heard. Your
circumstances, as well as other persons and the timing of the message, can all
influence this process.
Additionally, even a clearly delivered message does not prevent a negative
acknowledgement. Think of a customer call for enquiries and about prices of a booking
although the front office agent may state the price and give information clearly the
customer reaction may be thinking of the price and why it is so high.
It leaves you vulnerable
Reading emotional cues may not always work in your favor. If you can read these cues
others can do it too. This can turn against you when you are not in control of your
emotions. Losing your temper towards a customer may put you in a vulnerable situation
and negative feedback towards you.
Not being heard
No matter how strong your communication skills are, you may fail to deliver your
message if the other parties are not listening to what you have to say. It is possible that
one party communicate effectively but is simply not being heard by the other party if a
message is not being accepted, negative consequences often result. Remember
effective communication goes both ways.
When receiving parties are not open to the messaging, even properly communicated
messages fall on deaf ears. This leads to conflict that often cannot be resolved without
a compromise or dissolution of relationship. While this is certainly a disadvantage of
effective communication, it remains a better option than openly communicating feelings,
desires and needs to a partner, friend or even a customer.
Questions and Answers

Q: Name the two types of communication

A: The two types of communication are verbal and non-verba
Q: Differentiate between tone of voice and volume
A: Tone of voice refers to its pitch quality and strength while volume refers to the density
of how loud or soft.

Q: Name the barriers to communication

A: Three barriers to communication are religious differences, language differences, and
educational levels.

Q: Briefly explains the communication process

A: the sender who sends the message, the message which is the content that is being
sent, the receiver who accepts the message, and the feedback from which is a respond
from the receiver.

Q: Give two advantages of communication and explain the meaning

A: Advantages of communication are effective communication which is positiveness and
interaction people shows when communicating, another advantage is it helps to build
and maintain relationships when person interact or communicate with each other it is
the first step of having a relationship with each other over time friendship may develop.

Q: Give two disadvantages of communication and explain the meaning.

A: Advantages if communications are negative acknowledgement which means a
person may critique information that has been clearly explained to them. Not being
heard this is when you have clearly explained information and the other party fail to
listen and respond back to what you are saying.
Key terms and meanings

Communicate- share or exchange information, news, or ideas.

Communication- the imparting or exchange of information by speaking, writing, or using
some other medium.
Contrast- compare in such a way as to emphasize differences.
Content- the material dealt with in a speech, literary work as distinct from its form or
Critiques- judgement in which someone gives an opinion about something, a negative
Decoding- analyses and interpretation (a communication or image.)
Encoding- converted into a coded form.
Feedback- information about reaction to a product, a person performance of a task
Mannerism- a habitual gesture or way of speaking or behaving.
Mediums- a means by which something is communicated or expressed, the intervening
substance through sensory impressions are conveyed or physical forces has been
Message- a verbal, written, or recorded communication sent to or left for a recipient who
cannot be contacted directly.
Noise- unpleasant sound or words to the ear especially ones that causes disturbance.
Receive- to be given, presented, or paid (something.)
Receiver- a person appointed to hold in trust and administer property or information
under litigation.
Relationships- the way in which two or more people or groups regard and behave
towards each other and the state of being associated.
http/ communication process diagram.
Willock, M. (2020) barriers to communicate (power point presentation). Webex platform
Leonard K, (2019 January 22) http/ advantages and disadvantages of
Erdmann, peter; Cho, see young (December 17, 2010)

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