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IES Vigilada





by : Lauren Johnston

Sleep, I love it, you love it, it is amazing whether it is a full nights sleep on a
feather bed or a cheeky nap in a hammock, what is not to love about a rejuvenating

However, one person's four poster bed is another person's bed of nails, therefore
I am about to take you on a whirlwind tour of sleeping Colombian style.

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Taganga Colombia: Fishing can be tough, sitting in the sun and watching the world go
by does not get the recognition it deserves for the amount of energy that it takes,
therefore the crafty people of Taganga use what they have in abundance, unused
fishing boats to catch some much needed sleep. These little wooden fishing boats
left in the shade offer a nice resting place, although due to the noise from the
beach and fruit sellers it is not the quietest of places, also the possibility of
splinters and the faintly fishy smell, I give it 3.5 winks.

Bogota, Colombia: Bogota is a truly crazy, hectic place and therefore the
opportunity of a nice little nap is a luxury, but not impossible for an inventive soul.

Sede Mocoa - Subsede Sibundoy - Extensiones: Valle del Guamuez – Puerto Asís – Colón
Teléfonos: 4296105 - 313 805 2807 – 310 331 0083 Email: Website:
Nit. 800.247.940-1 Código IES 3115 - 3116
The key to a successful Bogota cat nap is to take advantage of anytime that you do
not have to personally move, I am talking of course of transport, as long as you are
not the driver! Do you have a 10 minute bus journey, good, catch 40 winks even
better, if you work as a delivery man, while the driver gets from A to B make
yourself comfortable on the merchandise in the back. I have been reliably informed
that hay and crates are the best for sleeping. However, the downside is that you
wake up with a start and public transport could lead to embarrassing situations,
think drooling and snoring! I give it 2 winks.

La Guijara, Colombia: The world is a wonderful place and to demonstrate this we

have the amazing invention of hammocks. Hammocks can be found throughout
Colombia, but only in La Guajira they are an institution and it is also where the
prettiest hammocks can be found. The swinging of a hammock is the most natural
way to lull somebody to sleep and they also fit to the body perfectly. In a nutshell
hammocks are amazing whether they are for a midday siesta to escape the heat or
to rock you gently for a full night sleep, if you do not believe me tell you friends
you have a hammock instead of a bed and you will be the most exotic and
interesting person they know, wink rating 5.


1. Make a synthesis in Spanish.

R//1= El estilo de vida que temenos los Colombianos, son cantidad de estilos en
este caso de dormir, que es primordial para la salud mas que todo mental, dormir
es vida y aun mas en la forma que nos encanta cuando estamos en casa, de

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vacaciones o salidas con amigos o familia, Podemos descansar y soltar esos sueños
que nos suelen atar de cansancio en una hamaca, en las rocas, en la cama donde
sientamos esa paz y armonia para compartir convivir con uno y los demas.

2. What's your favourite place for a quick snooze? My favorite place for a quick nap
is my bed, it is very comfortable in it I rest perfectly no matter the weather.

3. Can you fall asleep anywhere, or do you need a comfy bed? I am not interested in
the place, as long as I can rest it is more than enough.

4. Have you ever visited or lived somewhere with a different culture? Yes.
5. How multicultural is the place where you live? In my house I consider that each
one of us is so unique and we have different habits but we respect them.

6. Is there more immigration to or emigration from your country? I believe that

there are more immigrants in my country.

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