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Public Works Project No. Project Name:

1. The Owner of the project is the Department of Administration acting through the Director of Public Works and
the Project Manager. They are in charge of this project for the State of Indiana. The Designer is under contract
to the Director, and the Contractor is under contract to the Director. The using Agency and the Institution are to
be served by what will be built but they are not a part of this construction process and shall not give any direction
to the Contractor. The Institution shall communicate all concerns to the Owner's Site Representative and the
Designer jointly or in that sequence. The Contractor shall not take direction from or contribute work or materials
to the Institution or its staff (3.1.1).

2. Insure that the Project Number and Name appears as indicated above on all documents and correspondence with
the State.

3. The Contractor and Subcontractors shall follow the plans and specifications without deviation (4.5).

4. Shop drawings shall comply with the intent of the contract documents (4.12.3).

5. The Contractor shall keep one set of approved shop drawings at the construction site at all times. Do not use or
hold shop drawings that are not approved by the Designer (4.12.6).

6. The Designer and the Owner shall be available to, and shall render decisions for the Contractor as quickly as
practicable. Shop drawings shall be released by the Designer within fourteen days of submittal (2.2.6, 2.2.10).

7. If there is a discrepancy between the plans and specifications or if the Contractor feels the need to execute work
in a manner differing from the documents, then approval for change shall be secured from the Designer and the
Owner, with all changes documented and justified in writing. If notification and justification is not provided
and/or approvals not secured, then the Owner may reject changes in work without payment.

8. All changes initiated by the Designer are to be discussed between the Designer, the Contractor and the Owner
before Designer and Owner approval and then recorded in writing to the Owner by the Designer. Absent that
process, the Owner may reject the changed work without payment (12.3).

9. Only the Designer, with consent of the Director of Public Works, has the right to direct changes to the work.
Owner's Site Representative is not authorized to make changes. The Owner's Site Representative will notify
Designer and/or Owner's Project Manager of recommended changes (2.2.11 & 12).

10. Within 48 hours after receipt of the Contract for signature, the Contractor shall provide resumes of the
Contractor's proposed job site Superintendent and Project Manager for approval by the Director of Public Works.
The Contractor shall have the same full-time superintendent on the job at all times for the duration of the project
(4.8) and shall not change that superintendent until after Owner approval of replacement superintendent.

11. The Contractor shall set a progress meeting for each month. At that time, the Designer and the Owner's Site
Representative will review the proposed monthly billing with the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide at least
three copies of a rough draft to be reviewed. An acceptable draft will be initialed by the Designer and the Owner's
Site Representative. Final submittal of all pay request documents must be without error. If any changes are
necessary, the billing must be retyped and the signature process repeated (9.2.2)
12. Stored material for which the Contractor will be billing must be on the job site or stored in a warehouse in a
manner previously approved by the Owner and open to review by the Designer and the Owner's Site
Representative (9.3.2).

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13. The Contractor shall update as-built drawings each day, for monthly review by the Designer (4.11).

14. Unless the bid documents establish an Owner provided Scheduler for this work, the Contractor must maintain
a detailed progress schedule and it must be updated for each progress meeting. Catch-up strategies shall be
developed by the Contractor and shown with the updated schedule to recover time lost during the previous month,
in order to attain the original contract completion date (4.10).

15. The Owner expects final punch list at least 30 days prior to the Contract completion date (8.1.1).

16. Requests for time extension shall be made by the Contractor in writing, with a justification statement, within ten
calendar days of the cause for delay. Extensions shall be recommended by the Designer and approved by the
Owner (8.3.2).

17. The Owner fully expects the Contractor and the Designer to employ any and all means necessary to complete the
work in a timely manner. Conduct of the Owner's affairs, such as unforeseen site conditions or delay in signing
change orders shall not be viewed as justification for delaying the project, unless the Owner can be shown to have
breached the contract. Contractor must employ all reasonable means to execute the project in a timely manner
and in conformance with the Contract Documents (8.2.1, 8.2.2) even if the Contractor or the Designer separately
seek legal remedy against the Owner for claim of damage.

Acknowledgment that this document was transmitted to and discussed between the following parties prior to
commencement of construction.

Owner's Project Manager Date

Owner's Site Representative Date

State Agency Representative Date

Institution Representative Date

Architect/Engineer/Designer Date

General Contractor's Representative Date

Mechanical Subcont.'s Representative Date

Electrical Subcont.'s Representative Date

The Owner will be evaluating the performance of the Designer, the General Contractor and major Subcontractors using
prescribed forms. These forms are available from Public Works. Completed evaluations will be provided to each party.

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