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1st Sections 1

2nd A
3rd C

NAME: ____________________________SURNAME: ______________________________

Paper 1 “L”
SENIOR SIX FINAL EXAM Time allowed: 2h

SECTION A: Reading Comprehension

Read the text and decide if the sentences are true or false. Circle T (true) or F (false).

I´ll Never Buy Cheap Fashion Again

Everyone loves a bargain and the high streets these days are full of the latest fashions at rock-bottom
prices. Many times, I would buy a dress in the morning, wear it at a party that night and then hardly
ever wear it again. The next week I might do the same again. I never thought about where it came
from, who made it and why it was so cheap. But then I saw an advert in a local newspaper for young
people to take part in a TV documentary. We would be working at a clothes factory in New Delhi, India,
for two weeks to find out how manufacturers could make such cheap clothes. I was studying journalism
at university, so this seemed perfect. And after all, how hard could making T-shirts be?
My first day in the factory began at 7:30 am. As I approached, I was immediately shocked by the dirty,
rundown building. The supervisor showed me the basement where I would be working. It was a huge ,
noisy, boiling hot room where at least a hundred other people were already hard at work. I sat down at
one of the old sewing machines. Today, I was sewing pockets onto shirts and my goal was fifty an
hour, but after 30 minutes, I´d finished just four. My supervisor came over and told me disapprovingly
that if I continued like that, I wouldn´t get paid. I felt like crying.
I worked for 12 hours, with just fifteen minutes for lunch, but at the end of the day the factory owner
handed me 100 rupees- about £1.5! Later, I went to buy some toothpaste, but found it cost more than a
day´s wages. By far the biggest surprise, though, was that just like the other factory workers; I would
be sleeping on the factory floor every night! That evening, I spoke with some of the young girls. “Why
aren´t you angry about the conditions in the factory? I asked one of them. “ I am, but there is no other
work here,” she explained. “It´s the factory or the street and if you say anything, you lose your job” The
other girls nodded in agreement.
For two weeks, I worked 12 hours a day for 6 days a week and slept in the factory. It was the most
exhausting time of my life. I never managed to work fast enough or well enough, so my wages were
lowered and I was moved from sewing shirts to gluing parts of shoes together. The chemicals in the
hot glue make it difficult to breathe and strange rashes appeared on my skin. Eventually, I was
demoted to the lowliest position in the factory – sewing on buttons. The only times I was happy were
when I was talking to my friend Aleya after work. I started teaching her to read. Lack of education is a
major problem here. Who has time for school when 12 hours‘ work can barely buy your family food?
Back home, I refuse to go in cheap high street shops anymore because they make me feel sick. How
can people spend £15 on a T-shirt while Aleya slaves for £9 a week? So I´ve started campaigning for
ethical fashion, I write letters to governments and big stores to complain about sweatshop labour. I still
like fashion, but now I just buy one quality piece of clothing every few months. I hope that when people
see the documentary, they will think twice before grabbing that dirt cheap pair of jeans in the future.
We all need to understand the true cost of cheap clothes.
Adapted from: Prime Time 4

Sweatshop: a small business,factory etc where people work hard in bad conditions for very little money

1. The writer sometimes stopped wearing an item of clothing because she found out where it had been made. T F
2. The writer decided to take part in the documentary because it was a way to earn some extra money T F
3. The writer felt horrified when she first saw the factory. T F
AACI use
4. The writer was soon criticised for her speed of work. T F only

5. The writer suggests that the factory workers she met were too afraid to complain about working conditions. T F 1st
6. According to the writer, her boss asked her to do other jobs because she talked to the other girls. T F
7. The products used in the factory affected the writer´s health. T F 2nd

8. The girls in the factory are poorly educated because there are no schools in New Delhi. T F
9. The writer buys fewer and more expensive items of clothing nowadays. T F
10.The writer wants the public to avoid buying clothes made in places where human beings are exploited. T F
SECTION B: Language in Use
I. Read the passage below. Choose the correct option for each gap and write it in the box.
Comic Relief
Comic Relief is a charitable organization based in London. It was set up (1) ___ comedians in 1985 in response
to the famine in Ethiopia, and uses comedy and laughter to get serious messages across. Since then, over two
thousand celebrities (2) ___ their time and talent to Comic Relief, helping to raise more than £ 250 million to date.
Every two years, Comic Relief organises a nationwide fundraising event (3) ___ “Red Nose Day”. It is usually (4)
___ a Friday in March. On Red Nose Day everyone in the country is encouraged to (5) ___ a red nose and do
something silly to raise money for charity. In an event that unites the country, people (6) ___ come from all walks
of life do their bit for poor and under-privileged people in the UK and Africa.
Every contribution is important, (7) ___it is standing in the street collecting money from (8)___,or taking part in a
(9) ___ event like sitting in a bathtub full of baked beans for twenty-four hours or not talking for a whole day.
The event is televised in the evening and viewers are persuaded to make donations either on their credit cards
over the phone or (10) ___ the Internet
Adapted from First Certificate Masterclass

1 ___ A. for B. by C. with D. through

AACI use
2 ___ A. has given B. gave C. have given D. give only

3 ___ A. known B. named C. called D. described 1st

4 ___ A. on B. in C. at D. up
5 ___ A. kick off B. take off C. try on D. put on 2nd

6 ___ A. who B. which C. whose D. where

7 ___ A. however B. whether C. while D. since
8 ___ A. viewers B. spectators C. passers-by D. observers R

9 ___ A. sponsor B. sponsored C. sponsoring D. sustainer

10 ___ A. up B. in C. at D. on

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Use modals if necessary.

The Rainmaker
In December 1915, Lake Morena was nearly empty and everybody in San Diego (1)_______________
AACI use
(pray) for rain. In desperation, the city council (2)_______________ (contact) Charles Hatfield, the
Rainmaker. Hatfield agreed to fill the lake for US$ 10,000. On January 1 1916, he started work, using

his secret rain-making chemicals. By January 5, the rain started. By January 20, it 2nd

(3)_______________ (rain) non-stop for two weeks. Fearing floods, people started wondering if it (4)

_______________ (stop) soon. On January 26, the level of the lake (5)_______________ (rise) by

two feet per hour when suddenly it stopped – just five inches from the top. Keeping his promise,

Hatfield wanted his money. However, the city council refused to pay saying that the rain was an “act of

God” and no written contract (6)_______________ (sign). Unfortunately, Hatfield (7)_______________

(only / make) a verbal agreement. Calmly, Harfield thought “If I had signed a contract, now I

(8)_______________ (be) a millionaire. Live and learn. I have a great idea: by this time tomorrow I

(9)_______________ (patent) my invention. I´m sure they (10)_______________ (not figure out) my

formula. This won´t be the only time they need me. Sooner or later I will collect all my money.”

Adapted from Success Upper Intermediate

III. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word in brackets. You mustn’t change the word given.
1. The government did not help the survivors of the earthquake. Large numbers of people are homeless today. BE

If the government ______________________________________________________________homeless today.

2 “I´m sorry I haven´t brought the books”. APOLOGISED

Ann _____________________________________________________________________________ the books.

3. Ray wouldn´t allow his mother to search those drawers. LET

Ray refused ___________________________________________________________________those drawers.

4. I’m sure Sally was excited when they decorated her new apartment. HAVE AACI use
Sally ____________________________________________________________________________ decorated.
5. Comedian Jerry Seinfeld´s TV show became an international success in the 90´s. WHOSE

Jerry Seinfeld is ________________________________________ became an international success in the 90´s. 2nd

6. It annoys me when you sing aloud while I’m studying. WISH


I ________________________________________________________________________ while I am studying.

7. “Did you use to read more when you were younger?” the teacher asked Paul. IF

The teacher wanted to know ___________________________________________________________________

8. I thought the film would be better. AS

The film __________________________________________________________________________I expected.

9. When you eat a lot, you get fat. MORE

The ________________________________________________________________________________you get.

10. It´s getting easier for me to get up early. USED

I _________________________________________________________________________________ up early.

SECTION C: Writing
Choose ONE of the following options. You must write between 180 and 230 words.

Option A: You have decided to enter a short story competition. The rules say that the narrative must
begin or end with the following words:
George closed the door and knew at that moment he had made a mistake.
Write your narrative.

Option B: Your teacher has asked you to write an essay giving your opinion on the following statement:
All students should study science subjects in every school year.
Write your essay

Option C: You have received this email from your English-speaking friend, Tom.

It’s really kind of you to let me stay at your flat while you’re on holiday visiting NY. Please could you let
me know how to get the keys? And could you also tell me anything else I need to know about the flat
and whether there’s anywhere near where I can buy food? Besides, if you could recommend things to
do or places to visit, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks, Tom

































_________________________________________________________________________________ AACI use


_________________________________________________________________________________ 1st


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